
Jun 14, 2021:

8:26 PM TopBNV edited by gdurieux

Jun 9, 2021:

4:13 PM B-L-N-4_UFO.2.zip attached to B-L-SM by WeiLiu
UFO file with automatic active-sterile neutrino mixing
4:11 PM B-L-N_4.fr attached to B-L-SM by WeiLiu
model file with automatic active-sterile neutrino mixing
4:08 PM B-L-4_UFO.zip attached to B-L-SM by WeiLiu
UFO file with neutrino mixing fixed to 0.01
4:07 PM B-L_4.fr attached to B-L-SM by WeiLiu
quantum number warning fixed

Jun 3, 2021:

7:37 PM TopBNV edited by gdurieux
relations between mass and gauge eigenstate bases (diff)
7:30 PM operators-s-t.png attached to TopBNV by gdurieux
7:26 PM operators-relations.png attached to TopBNV by gdurieux
7:26 PM operators-1-5.png attached to TopBNV by gdurieux
7:18 PM TopBNV edited by gdurieux

Jun 2, 2021:

12:21 PM SMEFTatNLO edited by gdurieux
b Yukawa hack can only be used at tree level (instead of LO) (diff)

May 27, 2021:

10:30 AM SLQrules edited by LucSchnell
First Description (diff)
9:42 AM SLQrules created by Benjamin Fuks
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.