
Jan 1, 2021:

6:18 PM SMEFT edited by Ilaria Brivio

Dec 22, 2020:

12:10 AM SMEFT edited by Ilaria Brivio

Dec 18, 2020:

6:37 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Updated model files (diff)
2:31 PM SimpleExtensions edited by Benjamin Fuks
1:55 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
going public! (diff)
1:53 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Updated model files (diff)
1:39 PM sm.fr attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
FR model fille for SM
1:39 PM Massless_5f.rst attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
FR restriction file for nf=5 massless quarks
1:38 PM Massless_4f.rst attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
FR restriction file for nf=4 massless quarks
1:38 PM diagonalCKM.rst attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
FR restriction file for diagonal CKM
1:37 PM smWeinberg_NLO_public.nb attached to SMWeinberg by Richard Ruiz
Mathematica notebook for UFO generation
12:30 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Removed typos (diff)
9:26 AM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
SM Lagrangian update, validation update (diff)
7:31 AM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
7:23 AM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Lagrangian update (diff)

Dec 16, 2020:

3:29 PM SMEFTatNLO edited by gdurieux
2:10 PM SMEFTatNLO_v1.0.1.tar.gz attached to SMEFTatNLO by gdurieux
python3 compatible, BR information in restrictions for easier Madspin …

Dec 15, 2020:

9:04 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
Synopsis edits (diff)
5:02 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
building UFO page. Refs, Past Studies, Validation done. (diff)
4:22 PM SMWeinberg edited by Richard Ruiz
copy from HeavyN (diff)

Dec 7, 2020:

2:52 PM SMWeinberg created by Benjamin Fuks
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.