
Oct 14, 2020:

2:50 AM ScotoSinglet edited by Ankit Beniwal
Added arXiv number. (diff)

Oct 12, 2020:

4:59 PM ScotoSinglet edited by Ankit Beniwal
Added paper title. (diff)

Oct 6, 2020:

2:49 PM ScSM_CalcHEP.zip attached to ScotoSinglet by Ankit Beniwal
CalcHEP model files
2:48 PM ScSM_FeynRules.zip attached to ScotoSinglet by Ankit Beniwal
FeynRules model files
2:48 PM load_ScSM_real.nb attached to ScotoSinglet by Ankit Beniwal
Mathematica notebook
2:47 PM ScotoSinglet edited by Ankit Beniwal
First commit. (diff)
2:29 PM SimpleExtensions edited by Céline Degrande
2:27 PM ScotoSinglet created by Céline Degrande
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.