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26 | StyleBox["Based on: C. Gross, O. Lebedev and T. Toma [arXiv:1708.02253]",
27 | "Subtitle"],
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29 | StyleBox["Author: Ankit Beniwal (CP3, UCLouvain)\nEmail: \
30 | ankit.beniwal@uclouvain.be\nLast modified: Mar, Apr 2019", "Subsection"]
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200 |
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268 | }, Open ]]
269 | }, Open ]]
270 | }, Open ]],
271 |
272 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
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280 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
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289 |
290 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"This model implementation was created by\"\>"], "Print",
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301 |
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305 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
306 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
307 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
308 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
309 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
310 | 3.779710882968795*^9},
311 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
312 | CellID->1966104223,ExpressionUUID->"0ae114b8-c23b-4c4c-9d62-d9605a18296b"],
313 |
314 | Cell[BoxData[
315 | InterpretationBox[
316 | RowBox[{"\<\"Model Version: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"1.0.0\"\>"}],
317 | SequenceForm["Model Version: ", "1.0.0"],
318 | Editable->False]], "Print",
319 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
320 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
321 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
322 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
323 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
324 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
325 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
326 | 3.779710882970207*^9},
327 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
328 | CellID->982799572,ExpressionUUID->"cd04f4fe-ec35-4cad-ab5b-b8db162da841"],
329 |
330 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"For more information, type ModelInformation[].\"\>"], \
331 | "Print",
332 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
333 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
334 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
335 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
336 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
337 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
338 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
339 | 3.779710882971434*^9},
340 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
341 | CellID->1615677527,ExpressionUUID->"0b8d91fe-d33b-4458-b444-f6c0c06fb258"],
342 |
343 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print",
344 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
345 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
346 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
347 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
348 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
349 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
350 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
351 | 3.77971088297261*^9},
352 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
353 | CellID->1908963621,ExpressionUUID->"ab1e3af0-1951-4a6e-a27a-e18df501cd08"],
354 |
355 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Loading particle classes.\"\>"], "Print",
356 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
357 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
358 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
359 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
360 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
361 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
362 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
363 | 3.7797108829739237`*^9},
364 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
365 | CellID->545891967,ExpressionUUID->"72b1a76e-e784-468a-8aed-fe5d87221b1e"],
366 |
367 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Loading gauge group classes.\"\>"], "Print",
368 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
369 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
370 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
371 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
372 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
373 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
374 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
375 | 3.77971088310328*^9},
376 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
377 | CellID->756149385,ExpressionUUID->"22937c3b-a517-44aa-9e73-f37a8b3b7274"],
378 |
379 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Loading parameter classes.\"\>"], "Print",
380 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
381 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
382 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
383 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
384 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
385 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
386 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
387 | 3.7797108831082897`*^9},
388 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
389 | CellID->1941974396,ExpressionUUID->"d1eea055-9e8f-419e-882f-27371711f5b5"],
390 |
391 | Cell[BoxData[
392 | InterpretationBox[
393 | RowBox[{"\<\"\\nModel \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"SM_with_pNG\"\>",
394 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" loaded.\"\>"}],
395 | SequenceForm["\nModel ", "SM_with_pNG", " loaded."],
396 | Editable->False]], "Print",
397 | CellChangeTimes->{3.763441978370428*^9, 3.763444832531658*^9,
398 | 3.763445102128273*^9, 3.7638081713901033`*^9, 3.7638083287495823`*^9,
399 | 3.7638085518411493`*^9, 3.763808775500742*^9, 3.763808853872477*^9,
400 | 3.763902207405286*^9, 3.7639032249328747`*^9, 3.76390355618261*^9,
401 | 3.764329979079928*^9, 3.764330133184156*^9, 3.764330566042296*^9,
402 | 3.764331616103654*^9, 3.7643325598154373`*^9, 3.764393169157153*^9,
403 | 3.764413610549877*^9, 3.7651804273337393`*^9, 3.76526618023358*^9,
404 | 3.7797108831755667`*^9},
405 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[5]:=",
406 | CellID->1307206466,ExpressionUUID->"0ebb2b93-7513-44e5-9707-28b4ccbc9a8e"]
407 | }, Open ]]
408 | }, Open ]],
409 |
410 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
411 |
412 | Cell[TextData[StyleBox["Check values of free/dependent parameters (pNG \
413 | model)", "Subsection"]], "Chapter",
414 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.760953154131637*^9, 3.7609531838119287`*^9}, {
415 | 3.761051430246804*^9, 3.761051434888815*^9}},
416 | CellID->1487958666,ExpressionUUID->"88d87069-0380-4eb3-bf67-4bbdef48ef32"],
417 |
418 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
419 |
420 | Cell[BoxData[
421 | RowBox[{"{",
422 | RowBox[{
423 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "Mh", "]"}], ",", " ",
424 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "Mh2", "]"}], ",",
425 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "vh", "]"}], ",",
426 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "vs", "]"}], ",",
427 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "mX", "]"}], ",",
428 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "theta", "]"}]}], "}"}]], "Input",
429 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.760945597789899*^9, 3.7609455991370907`*^9}, {
430 | 3.76105244933633*^9, 3.761052450118393*^9}, {3.7610567011246967`*^9,
431 | 3.7610567012469187`*^9}, {3.761057538539311*^9, 3.761057538781625*^9}, {
432 | 3.763808175575659*^9, 3.763808178215814*^9}, {3.764393173540064*^9,
433 | 3.764393173695662*^9}},
434 | CellLabel->"In[6]:=",
435 | CellID->474117842,ExpressionUUID->"3bf8b9dd-f4e6-4e28-8586-2a0c2054b2c3"],
436 |
437 | Cell[BoxData[
438 | RowBox[{"{",
439 | RowBox[{
440 | "125.`", ",", "300.`", ",", "246.220569073486`", ",", "300.`", ",", "100.`",
441 | ",", "0.7854`"}], "}"}]], "Output",
442 | CellChangeTimes->{3.765180433394163*^9, 3.7652661877064753`*^9,
443 | 3.7797109003575773`*^9},
444 | CellLabel->"Out[6]=",
445 | CellID->1970017204,ExpressionUUID->"f5fe2ed8-ae85-45c5-8347-c4e3bb5c61e0"]
446 | }, Open ]],
447 |
448 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
449 |
450 | Cell[BoxData[
451 | RowBox[{"{",
452 | RowBox[{
453 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "ct", "]"}], ",",
454 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "st", "]"}], ",",
455 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "lambdaP", "]"}], ",",
456 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "lambdaS", "]"}], ",",
457 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "lambdaPS", "]"}], ",",
458 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "muSpsq", "]"}], ",",
459 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "muPsq", "]"}], ",",
460 | RowBox[{"NumericalValue", "[", "muSsq", "]"}]}], "}"}]], "Input",
461 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.760945606849324*^9, 3.760945606860314*^9}, {
462 | 3.761287596954381*^9, 3.76128760431846*^9}, 3.7615644498062563`*^9, {
463 | 3.76156691544514*^9, 3.761566918804035*^9}, {3.76156829944096*^9,
464 | 3.761568301799968*^9}, {3.763903575314803*^9, 3.7639035825375338`*^9}},
465 | CellLabel->"In[7]:=",
466 | CellID->911236787,ExpressionUUID->"c0f4564d-1f61-4eb9-8fe5-da3865586f21"],
467 |
468 | Cell[BoxData[
469 | RowBox[{"{",
470 | RowBox[{
471 | "0.7071054825112364`", ",", "0.7071080798594735`", ",",
472 | "0.8711424722111247`", ",", "0.5868040378076136`", ",",
473 | "0.5034442646239723`", ",", "10000.`", ",", "98122.6204134723`", ",",
474 | "73333.45477721353`"}], "}"}]], "Output",
475 | CellChangeTimes->{
476 | 3.761386260603848*^9, 3.7613866837091503`*^9, 3.761388061751823*^9,
477 | 3.761388415247198*^9, 3.761389389891644*^9, 3.7614556457000732`*^9,
478 | 3.7615087604080963`*^9, 3.761509408136573*^9, 3.761564451494206*^9,
479 | 3.761566249427019*^9, 3.761566434480953*^9, {3.7615669135722713`*^9,
480 | 3.761566919325116*^9}, 3.761567788150689*^9, 3.76156795949622*^9,
481 | 3.7615683026229*^9, 3.76156874826937*^9, 3.761576363861538*^9,
482 | 3.761576498782077*^9, 3.7615773260930347`*^9, 3.761646402840417*^9,
483 | 3.7616473775965242`*^9, 3.7616484366767187`*^9, 3.761649002137464*^9,
484 | 3.7616495011306953`*^9, 3.761650041892077*^9, 3.761652166291183*^9,
485 | 3.7616522809809237`*^9, 3.761652622255685*^9, 3.7616530925160437`*^9,
486 | 3.761655263536489*^9, 3.762693770475621*^9, 3.7626941979490767`*^9,
487 | 3.76284030486687*^9, 3.7638083358059263`*^9, 3.763902216805521*^9,
488 | 3.763903231104104*^9, {3.7639035607092857`*^9, 3.763903588718774*^9},
489 | 3.764393180917705*^9, 3.7644136335092*^9, 3.765266187748448*^9,
490 | 3.779710908133964*^9},
491 | CellLabel->"Out[7]=",
492 | CellID->339685744,ExpressionUUID->"0025e6db-b654-4913-8ce5-86184f4049e6"]
493 | }, Open ]],
494 |
495 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
496 |
497 | Cell[BoxData[
498 | RowBox[{"WriteParameters", "[", "]"}]], "Input",
499 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761648600360564*^9, 3.761648603163348*^9}},
500 | CellLabel->"In[8]:=",
501 | CellID->1194927059,ExpressionUUID->"233b311f-17a8-417f-8877-4464741d6138"],
502 |
503 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Writing output to SM_with_pNG.pars.\"\>"], "Print",
504 | CellChangeTimes->{3.764393186972455*^9, 3.7644136369856853`*^9,
505 | 3.765266187798452*^9, 3.779710919987247*^9},
506 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[8]:=",
507 | CellID->1111727724,ExpressionUUID->"be802a5d-7fcd-40b4-898c-8cbb7178d242"]
508 | }, Open ]],
509 |
510 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
511 |
512 | Cell["Check consistency of the model Lagrangian", "Section",
513 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.7610547119807367`*^9, 3.761054729972829*^9}, {
514 | 3.7610549292099657`*^9, 3.761054931120467*^9}},
515 | CellID->674230147,ExpressionUUID->"d0229eed-93b9-4734-8f6c-9e96cd9a6740"],
516 |
517 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
518 |
519 | Cell[BoxData["FeynmanGauge"], "Input",
520 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761647179282256*^9, 3.7616471834427233`*^9}, {
521 | 3.761647747556176*^9, 3.7616477484570837`*^9}, 3.761648440044314*^9, {
522 | 3.761649243519326*^9, 3.7616492443476143`*^9}, {3.761649325806226*^9,
523 | 3.761649330661934*^9}, 3.761649510076666*^9, {3.761653322819559*^9,
524 | 3.7616533236698427`*^9}, 3.761655270365419*^9, {3.7616557163827477`*^9,
525 | 3.761655717770639*^9}, {3.761655913238618*^9, 3.761655916080965*^9},
526 | 3.761896800369381*^9},
527 | CellLabel->"In[9]:=",
528 | CellID->1258740756,ExpressionUUID->"b7baa43e-73db-4089-a8e2-acfefb565e30"],
529 |
530 | Cell[BoxData["False"], "Output",
531 | CellChangeTimes->{
532 | 3.761647206760092*^9, 3.7616473802545843`*^9, 3.761647748891255*^9, {
533 | 3.761648440435154*^9, 3.7616484466129923`*^9}, {3.761649015186542*^9,
534 | 3.761649018933405*^9}, 3.761649244663622*^9, {3.761649327027546*^9,
535 | 3.761649330942741*^9}, {3.761649510478189*^9, 3.76164951448193*^9}, {
536 | 3.761650044094614*^9, 3.7616500467735157`*^9}, {3.761652177140581*^9,
537 | 3.761652181123356*^9}, 3.761652287359169*^9, 3.761652626539109*^9, {
538 | 3.761653107538307*^9, 3.761653111301724*^9}, {3.7616533241161537`*^9,
539 | 3.761653331384987*^9}, {3.761655270778551*^9, 3.7616552743445063`*^9}, {
540 | 3.7616557180075903`*^9, 3.761655721100963*^9}, {3.7618968011705933`*^9,
541 | 3.761896819622746*^9}, 3.7619029008628187`*^9, 3.761902951392161*^9,
542 | 3.7619053503266277`*^9, 3.761905973880018*^9, 3.761999287217087*^9,
543 | 3.762693786588008*^9, 3.7626942006403227`*^9, 3.762840313549139*^9,
544 | 3.762855889415707*^9, 3.7628565292167788`*^9, 3.7634420074472303`*^9,
545 | 3.763444836407834*^9, 3.763445107089777*^9, 3.763808417619776*^9,
546 | 3.763808555475409*^9, 3.763808778851039*^9, 3.763808857145591*^9,
547 | 3.7639024924488707`*^9, 3.76390324488008*^9, {3.7639036192888927`*^9,
548 | 3.763903635938676*^9}, 3.764329983260085*^9, {3.764330136791974*^9,
549 | 3.764330139771008*^9}, 3.764330571584619*^9, 3.764331620423396*^9,
550 | 3.764332563652667*^9, 3.764393502327622*^9, 3.764413641800596*^9,
551 | 3.76526618783174*^9, 3.779710925062229*^9},
552 | CellLabel->"Out[9]=",
553 | CellID->185050757,ExpressionUUID->"0e7e9d3b-690a-4ea0-bb49-97673c4aa719"]
554 | }, Open ]],
555 |
556 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
557 |
558 | Cell[BoxData[
559 | RowBox[{"CheckHermiticity", "[",
560 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], "]"}]], "Input",
561 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761054734100574*^9, 3.7610547593801107`*^9}, {
562 | 3.761054957023353*^9, 3.761054960256103*^9}, {3.7613834194125633`*^9,
563 | 3.761383420963297*^9}, 3.761383479906818*^9, {3.7613862650820932`*^9,
564 | 3.761386268653821*^9}, {3.76156333260437*^9, 3.76156335672055*^9}, {
565 | 3.761563440975638*^9, 3.761563441462257*^9}, {3.761566283557073*^9,
566 | 3.7615662849265614`*^9}, {3.7615670503399878`*^9, 3.761567052569703*^9}},
567 | CellLabel->"In[10]:=",
568 | CellID->1662359057,ExpressionUUID->"c91020cd-7d22-4229-8bbb-16026d677d74"],
569 |
570 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Checking for hermiticity by calculating the Feynman rules \
571 | contained in L-HC[L].\"\>"], "Print",
572 | CellChangeTimes->{
573 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
574 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
575 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
576 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
577 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
578 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
579 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
580 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
581 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
582 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
583 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
584 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
585 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
586 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
587 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
588 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
589 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
590 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
591 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
592 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
593 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
594 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
595 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710928467767*^9},
596 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
597 | CellID->1858474869,ExpressionUUID->"cb93f3c2-7957-457a-8662-d12686cc1691"],
598 |
599 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"If the lagrangian is hermitian, then the number of vertices \
600 | should be zero.\"\>"], "Print",
601 | CellChangeTimes->{
602 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
603 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
604 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
605 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
606 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
607 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
608 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
609 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
610 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
611 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
612 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
613 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
614 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
615 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
616 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
617 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
618 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
619 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
620 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
621 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
622 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
623 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
624 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.7797109284751883`*^9},
625 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
626 | CellID->237477668,ExpressionUUID->"47181730-fe17-4d4f-bca5-bd2253a12abe"],
627 |
628 | Cell[BoxData[
629 | StyleBox["\<\"Starting Feynman rule calculation.\"\>",
630 | StripOnInput->False,
631 | LineColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
632 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
633 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
634 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
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636 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]]], "Print",
637 | CellChangeTimes->{
638 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
639 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
640 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
641 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
642 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
643 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
644 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
645 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
646 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
647 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
648 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
649 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
650 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
651 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
652 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
653 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
654 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
655 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
656 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
657 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
658 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
659 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
660 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710944226904*^9},
661 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
662 | CellID->1153855207,ExpressionUUID->"85d27ccf-9778-4b15-b2ea-5596171fc1ed"],
663 |
664 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Expanding the Lagrangian...\"\>"], "Print",
665 | CellChangeTimes->{
666 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
667 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
668 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
669 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
670 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
671 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
672 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
673 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
674 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
675 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
676 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
677 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
678 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
679 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
680 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
681 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
682 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
683 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
684 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
685 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
686 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
687 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
688 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.7797109442284803`*^9},
689 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
690 | CellID->1067131639,ExpressionUUID->"f0a23bf3-2464-4fab-95d2-129b8215961b"],
691 |
692 | Cell[BoxData[
693 | InterpretationBox[
694 | RowBox[{"\<\"Expanding the indices over \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4",
695 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores\"\>"}],
696 | SequenceForm["Expanding the indices over ", 4, " cores"],
697 | Editable->False]], "Print",
698 | CellChangeTimes->{
699 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
700 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
701 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
702 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
703 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
704 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
705 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
706 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
707 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
708 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
709 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
710 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
711 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
712 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
713 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
714 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
715 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
716 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
717 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
718 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
719 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
720 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
721 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710944229651*^9},
722 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
723 | CellID->1645520576,ExpressionUUID->"c6da117a-c763-40a0-89a1-be63146d2eda"],
724 |
725 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Collecting the different structures that enter the \
726 | vertex.\"\>"], "Print",
727 | CellChangeTimes->{
728 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
729 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
730 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
731 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
732 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
733 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
734 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
735 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
736 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
737 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
738 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
739 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
740 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
741 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
742 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
743 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
744 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
745 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
746 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
747 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
748 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
749 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
750 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710945229095*^9},
751 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
752 | CellID->1956591432,ExpressionUUID->"48916f3e-e784-456f-9a0d-48b6b882411f"],
753 |
754 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"No vertices found.\"\>"], "Print",
755 | CellChangeTimes->{
756 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
757 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
758 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
759 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
760 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
761 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
762 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
763 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
764 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
765 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
766 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
767 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
768 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
769 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
770 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
771 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
772 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
773 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
774 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
775 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
776 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
777 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
778 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710945273885*^9},
779 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
780 | CellID->15111113,ExpressionUUID->"13f2d430-3a81-4607-a3bf-1c75e9a9c834"],
781 |
782 | Cell[BoxData[
783 | InterpretationBox[
784 | RowBox[{"0", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices obtained.\"\>"}],
785 | SequenceForm[0, " vertices obtained."],
786 | Editable->False]], "Print",
787 | CellChangeTimes->{
788 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
789 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
790 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
791 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
792 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
793 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
794 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
795 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
796 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
797 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
798 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
799 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
800 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
801 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
802 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
803 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
804 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
805 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
806 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
807 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
808 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
809 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
810 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710945275352*^9},
811 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
812 | CellID->569405845,ExpressionUUID->"d66efcea-2c80-48ce-88e6-fba0b6e339a7"],
813 |
814 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"The lagrangian is hermitian.\"\>"], "Print",
815 | CellChangeTimes->{
816 | 3.761383482448341*^9, 3.7613845465885267`*^9, 3.761384631874687*^9,
817 | 3.761384774054881*^9, 3.761385358926145*^9, 3.761386270791223*^9, {
818 | 3.761386689266787*^9, 3.761386704661427*^9}, 3.761388076091844*^9,
819 | 3.761388423626894*^9, 3.761389706895433*^9, 3.761455654877965*^9,
820 | 3.76150877133786*^9, 3.7615094131706533`*^9, {3.761563335506083*^9,
821 | 3.761563357696949*^9}, 3.761563443975205*^9, {3.7615636896642523`*^9,
822 | 3.761563715208393*^9}, 3.761563923879592*^9, 3.761564469597739*^9,
823 | 3.761566285805978*^9, 3.7615663759342117`*^9, 3.761566412443241*^9,
824 | 3.7615664508984013`*^9, 3.761567055316062*^9, 3.761646968913659*^9,
825 | 3.761647383709326*^9, 3.761647752127029*^9, 3.761648448653368*^9,
826 | 3.7616490206891727`*^9, 3.761649516524778*^9, 3.7616500485437803`*^9,
827 | 3.761652183332971*^9, 3.761652289542741*^9, 3.7616526306337337`*^9,
828 | 3.7616531134088593`*^9, 3.761653333221566*^9, 3.761655276439623*^9,
829 | 3.761655722998839*^9, 3.761896821650465*^9, 3.7619029531645937`*^9,
830 | 3.761905352236924*^9, 3.76190597562061*^9, 3.762693796663116*^9,
831 | 3.762694209472665*^9, 3.762840321999609*^9, 3.7628558928052807`*^9,
832 | 3.762856535637409*^9, 3.763442013926531*^9, 3.763444848288785*^9,
833 | 3.763445113755658*^9, 3.763808424856518*^9, 3.763808558785873*^9,
834 | 3.763808782748797*^9, 3.76380886488389*^9, 3.76390250162859*^9,
835 | 3.763903246725988*^9, {3.7639036233361797`*^9, 3.7639036375087433`*^9},
836 | 3.764329990630907*^9, 3.7643301415197067`*^9, 3.764330573278549*^9,
837 | 3.764331622161376*^9, 3.764332565400124*^9, 3.764393504103426*^9,
838 | 3.764413643587579*^9, 3.765266189545627*^9, 3.779710945276601*^9},
839 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[10]:=",
840 | CellID->816905883,ExpressionUUID->"4cd4838c-730c-4b9a-a932-7c3d7d1f8f21"],
841 |
842 | Cell[BoxData[
843 | RowBox[{"{", "}"}]], "Output",
844 | CellChangeTimes->{
845 | 3.7616526491992188`*^9, 3.761653132120722*^9, 3.7616533474319277`*^9,
846 | 3.761655295765419*^9, 3.761655736526668*^9, 3.761896839808742*^9,
847 | 3.761902965970603*^9, 3.761905365173819*^9, 3.761905989677824*^9,
848 | 3.7626938154982367`*^9, 3.762694223189571*^9, 3.762840343855537*^9,
849 | 3.7628559119349318`*^9, 3.762856548600811*^9, 3.7634420333298883`*^9,
850 | 3.763444863045739*^9, 3.763445126721821*^9, 3.7638084487350407`*^9,
851 | 3.763808577470776*^9, 3.7638088004779053`*^9, 3.763808877855874*^9,
852 | 3.763902514113455*^9, 3.763903260022565*^9, {3.7639036358485823`*^9,
853 | 3.76390365059223*^9}, 3.764330003686466*^9, 3.764330153871986*^9,
854 | 3.7643305861313353`*^9, 3.764331635561331*^9, 3.764332578359757*^9,
855 | 3.764393516880026*^9, 3.76441365731387*^9, 3.765266202520102*^9,
856 | 3.7797109452778807`*^9},
857 | CellLabel->"Out[10]=",
858 | CellID->874220310,ExpressionUUID->"ed206374-7ced-44c3-98a8-be605d300a2f"]
859 | }, Open ]],
860 |
861 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
862 |
863 | Cell[BoxData[
864 | RowBox[{"CheckDiagonalKineticTerms", "[",
865 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], "]"}]], "Input",
866 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761054991582073*^9, 3.761055005985064*^9},
867 | 3.761386296780901*^9, 3.7615636905835323`*^9, 3.761566290083891*^9, {
868 | 3.761567080204935*^9, 3.761567083122097*^9}},
869 | CellLabel->"In[11]:=",
870 | CellID->506423529,ExpressionUUID->"1ba0235f-d1b3-4430-8d3e-328bbb221e7f"],
871 |
872 | Cell[BoxData[
873 | InterpretationBox[
874 | RowBox[{"\<\"Neglecting all terms with more than \"\>",
875 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"2\"\>",
876 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" particles.\"\>"}],
877 | SequenceForm["Neglecting all terms with more than ", "2", " particles."],
878 | Editable->False]], "Print",
879 | CellChangeTimes->{
880 | 3.7610550139794407`*^9, {3.761056177247188*^9, 3.761056185771463*^9},
881 | 3.761056971592476*^9, 3.76128779163736*^9, 3.76138361313025*^9,
882 | 3.7613846835685883`*^9, 3.761384794338574*^9, 3.761386317579575*^9,
883 | 3.761386723180666*^9, 3.7613880959538107`*^9, 3.761388446137732*^9,
884 | 3.761389732379801*^9, 3.761508800579604*^9, 3.761509435908183*^9,
885 | 3.761563741171238*^9, 3.761563942126356*^9, 3.761564489409955*^9,
886 | 3.7615663776851788`*^9, 3.761566453249761*^9, {3.7615670788079157`*^9,
887 | 3.761567091566497*^9}, 3.7616470120176287`*^9, 3.7616474113155603`*^9,
888 | 3.761647771835943*^9, 3.761648474733555*^9, 3.7616490404710827`*^9,
889 | 3.761649543800218*^9, 3.761650067309202*^9, 3.761652213966196*^9,
890 | 3.7616526600532103`*^9, 3.761653140162984*^9, 3.761653353943096*^9,
891 | 3.761655303980753*^9, 3.7616557427319403`*^9, 3.761896847716053*^9,
892 | 3.761902971354694*^9, 3.761905371319126*^9, 3.761905995743095*^9,
893 | 3.7626938234735403`*^9, 3.762694228968528*^9, 3.7628403537506638`*^9,
894 | 3.7628559195601482`*^9, 3.762856554268311*^9, 3.76344204920432*^9,
895 | 3.763444870844419*^9, 3.763445132284449*^9, 3.7638084574933863`*^9,
896 | 3.763808809597142*^9, 3.763808883585926*^9, 3.7639025199844027`*^9,
897 | 3.7639032655172167`*^9, 3.763903656040123*^9, 3.764330009326212*^9,
898 | 3.764330159857983*^9, 3.7643305919007883`*^9, 3.7643316413816338`*^9,
899 | 3.76433258409338*^9, 3.764393522323625*^9, 3.764413663209292*^9,
900 | 3.765266207998945*^9, 3.77971095262844*^9},
901 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[11]:=",
902 | CellID->2085121043,ExpressionUUID->"cb6e7659-1f82-471b-9dcd-9b6e769c706a"],
903 |
904 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"All kinetic terms are diagonal.\"\>"], "Print",
905 | CellChangeTimes->{
906 | 3.7610550139794407`*^9, {3.761056177247188*^9, 3.761056185771463*^9},
907 | 3.761056971592476*^9, 3.76128779163736*^9, 3.76138361313025*^9,
908 | 3.7613846835685883`*^9, 3.761384794338574*^9, 3.761386317579575*^9,
909 | 3.761386723180666*^9, 3.7613880959538107`*^9, 3.761388446137732*^9,
910 | 3.761389732379801*^9, 3.761508800579604*^9, 3.761509435908183*^9,
911 | 3.761563741171238*^9, 3.761563942126356*^9, 3.761564489409955*^9,
912 | 3.7615663776851788`*^9, 3.761566453249761*^9, {3.7615670788079157`*^9,
913 | 3.761567091566497*^9}, 3.7616470120176287`*^9, 3.7616474113155603`*^9,
914 | 3.761647771835943*^9, 3.761648474733555*^9, 3.7616490404710827`*^9,
915 | 3.761649543800218*^9, 3.761650067309202*^9, 3.761652213966196*^9,
916 | 3.7616526600532103`*^9, 3.761653140162984*^9, 3.761653353943096*^9,
917 | 3.761655303980753*^9, 3.7616557427319403`*^9, 3.761896847716053*^9,
918 | 3.761902971354694*^9, 3.761905371319126*^9, 3.761905995743095*^9,
919 | 3.7626938234735403`*^9, 3.762694228968528*^9, 3.7628403537506638`*^9,
920 | 3.7628559195601482`*^9, 3.762856554268311*^9, 3.76344204920432*^9,
921 | 3.763444870844419*^9, 3.763445132284449*^9, 3.7638084574933863`*^9,
922 | 3.763808809597142*^9, 3.763808883585926*^9, 3.7639025199844027`*^9,
923 | 3.7639032655172167`*^9, 3.763903656040123*^9, 3.764330009326212*^9,
924 | 3.764330159857983*^9, 3.7643305919007883`*^9, 3.7643316413816338`*^9,
925 | 3.76433258409338*^9, 3.764393522323625*^9, 3.764413663209292*^9,
926 | 3.765266207998945*^9, 3.779710953124529*^9},
927 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[11]:=",
928 | CellID->1991217955,ExpressionUUID->"4a16809f-97e9-4e2c-88e1-f1d9fdd40f3b"],
929 |
930 | Cell[BoxData["True"], "Output",
931 | CellChangeTimes->{
932 | 3.7610550139813423`*^9, {3.761056177738266*^9, 3.761056185778488*^9},
933 | 3.7610569720722847`*^9, 3.7612877919163513`*^9, 3.761383613412237*^9,
934 | 3.761384683850456*^9, 3.7613847943457603`*^9, 3.761386317841043*^9,
935 | 3.761386723461854*^9, 3.761388096215003*^9, 3.761388446430937*^9,
936 | 3.761389732858708*^9, 3.761508801073023*^9, 3.761509436191061*^9,
937 | 3.7615637416604557`*^9, 3.761563942133465*^9, 3.7615644896937323`*^9,
938 | 3.761566377690221*^9, 3.7615664533632174`*^9, {3.76156707883048*^9,
939 | 3.761567091572934*^9}, 3.761647012023493*^9, 3.761647411829723*^9,
940 | 3.761647771841288*^9, 3.761648475198509*^9, 3.761649040762898*^9,
941 | 3.761649544285507*^9, 3.76165006757892*^9, 3.7616522144788637`*^9,
942 | 3.761652660546879*^9, 3.7616531406954393`*^9, 3.761653353948441*^9,
943 | 3.761655304526507*^9, 3.761655742737483*^9, 3.761896848216773*^9,
944 | 3.76190297161411*^9, 3.761905371608128*^9, 3.76190599603419*^9,
945 | 3.762693823960874*^9, 3.7626942292520447`*^9, 3.762840354359077*^9,
946 | 3.762855920039608*^9, 3.762856554542438*^9, 3.763442049215418*^9,
947 | 3.763444871363121*^9, 3.763445132560185*^9, 3.763808458050899*^9,
948 | 3.763808810064733*^9, 3.7638088838554707`*^9, 3.763902520276352*^9,
949 | 3.763903265785748*^9, 3.7639036563075*^9, 3.764330009603204*^9,
950 | 3.764330160121949*^9, 3.7643305921773577`*^9, 3.764331641662476*^9,
951 | 3.764332584376513*^9, 3.764393522598228*^9, 3.764413663503242*^9,
952 | 3.7652662082721567`*^9, 3.779710953126172*^9},
953 | CellLabel->"Out[11]=",
954 | CellID->15014837,ExpressionUUID->"eb84ff75-26d7-48b1-a05a-d0464916d688"]
955 | }, Open ]],
956 |
957 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
958 |
959 | Cell[BoxData[
960 | RowBox[{"CheckDiagonalMassTerms", "[",
961 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], "]"}]], "Input",
962 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761055021098061*^9, 3.76105503118442*^9},
963 | 3.761386298734084*^9, 3.761563695349894*^9, 3.761566292443959*^9,
964 | 3.761567089716655*^9},
965 | CellLabel->"In[12]:=",
966 | CellID->1711954106,ExpressionUUID->"baa3118f-e43c-48c8-9aa1-cf3ec00bc473"],
967 |
968 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"All mass terms are diagonal.\"\>"], "Print",
969 | CellChangeTimes->{
970 | 3.76138469877291*^9, 3.761384801520822*^9, 3.761386323492378*^9,
971 | 3.761386729622128*^9, 3.761388101907136*^9, 3.761388452166457*^9,
972 | 3.761389740777728*^9, 3.761455675856124*^9, 3.7615088104475822`*^9,
973 | 3.761509443932146*^9, 3.761563749727734*^9, 3.761563947737631*^9,
974 | 3.761564495817079*^9, 3.761566378196258*^9, 3.761566454194818*^9,
975 | 3.761567108774716*^9, 3.761647020290498*^9, 3.7616474203835697`*^9,
976 | 3.761647777830193*^9, 3.761648483509231*^9, 3.7616490470271997`*^9,
977 | 3.761649552394514*^9, 3.7616500735976753`*^9, 3.7616522231087933`*^9, {
978 | 3.761652668959041*^9, 3.761652677125964*^9}, 3.761653148795291*^9,
979 | 3.76165336022689*^9, 3.7616553130283833`*^9, 3.761655748982808*^9,
980 | 3.76189685666463*^9, 3.761902977234311*^9, 3.7619053778172827`*^9,
981 | 3.761906002300269*^9, 3.7626938321371717`*^9, 3.762694235406597*^9,
982 | 3.762840364075384*^9, 3.762855927884989*^9, 3.762856560729293*^9,
983 | 3.763442057661644*^9, 3.763444879668968*^9, 3.763445138771203*^9,
984 | 3.7638084671312838`*^9, 3.763808820786742*^9, 3.763808889480414*^9,
985 | 3.763902526119934*^9, 3.7639032718476553`*^9, 3.7639036618757563`*^9,
986 | 3.76433001563011*^9, 3.76433016614187*^9, 3.764330598013948*^9,
987 | 3.764331647669134*^9, 3.7643325901656*^9, 3.764393528344466*^9,
988 | 3.764413669659336*^9, 3.765266214254353*^9, 3.7797109607441397`*^9},
989 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[12]:=",
990 | CellID->1098778760,ExpressionUUID->"386618f2-d017-4c50-85ec-2505d1d09aef"],
991 |
992 | Cell[BoxData["True"], "Output",
993 | CellChangeTimes->{
994 | 3.761055039296892*^9, 3.761056193921134*^9, 3.761056981480109*^9,
995 | 3.761287798800208*^9, 3.761383620375794*^9, 3.761384698777359*^9,
996 | 3.761384801527549*^9, 3.761386323497965*^9, 3.761386729630143*^9,
997 | 3.761388101915399*^9, 3.761388452174719*^9, 3.761389740787754*^9,
998 | 3.76145567614382*^9, 3.761508810456112*^9, 3.761509443940786*^9,
999 | 3.761563749734742*^9, 3.7615639477443132`*^9, 3.7615644958229437`*^9,
1000 | 3.7615663782018967`*^9, 3.7615664542023563`*^9, 3.76156710878091*^9,
1001 | 3.761647020296344*^9, 3.761647420389123*^9, 3.761647777835375*^9,
1002 | 3.761648483514707*^9, 3.761649047032983*^9, 3.7616495524009457`*^9,
1003 | 3.761650073603754*^9, 3.761652223139683*^9, {3.7616526689643087`*^9,
1004 | 3.7616526771316357`*^9}, 3.761653148801012*^9, 3.761653360232885*^9,
1005 | 3.761655313033291*^9, 3.761655748988165*^9, 3.761896856671331*^9,
1006 | 3.761902977240719*^9, 3.761905377824152*^9, 3.761906002308179*^9,
1007 | 3.762693832143052*^9, 3.762694235412841*^9, 3.762840364080971*^9,
1008 | 3.762855927891984*^9, 3.762856560737239*^9, 3.763442057668119*^9,
1009 | 3.763444879678298*^9, 3.763445138783287*^9, 3.763808467157159*^9,
1010 | 3.7638088207970543`*^9, 3.763808889489212*^9, 3.7639025261289*^9,
1011 | 3.7639032718552723`*^9, 3.763903661887916*^9, 3.764330015643008*^9,
1012 | 3.7643301661492968`*^9, 3.764330598022252*^9, 3.764331647677588*^9,
1013 | 3.7643325901732883`*^9, 3.764393528352482*^9, 3.764413669665851*^9,
1014 | 3.765266214262574*^9, 3.7797109607456493`*^9},
1015 | CellLabel->"Out[12]=",
1016 | CellID->962738767,ExpressionUUID->"b402f6f0-06e4-4c7a-91e7-90947ffa88fe"]
1017 | }, Open ]],
1018 |
1019 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1020 |
1021 | Cell[BoxData[
1022 | RowBox[{"CheckDiagonalQuadraticTerms", "[",
1023 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], "]"}]], "Input",
1024 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.7610550409113207`*^9, 3.761055048785925*^9},
1025 | 3.7613863002345867`*^9, 3.761563698789051*^9, 3.761566294360551*^9,
1026 | 3.761567091281692*^9},
1027 | CellLabel->"In[13]:=",
1028 | CellID->1819434187,ExpressionUUID->"45887bc9-2cd1-4092-a195-491e49cff7ee"],
1029 |
1030 | Cell[BoxData[
1031 | InterpretationBox[
1032 | RowBox[{"\<\"Neglecting all terms with less than \"\>",
1033 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"2\"\>",
1034 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" particles.\"\>"}],
1035 | SequenceForm["Neglecting all terms with less than ", "2", " particles."],
1036 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1037 | CellChangeTimes->{
1038 | 3.761055057114777*^9, {3.7610562020291023`*^9, 3.761056210480133*^9},
1039 | 3.761287808478218*^9, 3.761383629393447*^9, 3.76138470704631*^9,
1040 | 3.761384808815338*^9, 3.761386329115725*^9, 3.761386735726506*^9,
1041 | 3.761388107577655*^9, 3.761388457713578*^9, 3.761389748814158*^9,
1042 | 3.761455683741213*^9, 3.7615088206898317`*^9, 3.7615094513653803`*^9,
1043 | 3.761563757677946*^9, 3.761563953623231*^9, 3.761564501831789*^9,
1044 | 3.7615663787797194`*^9, 3.7615664552547503`*^9, 3.761567118828328*^9,
1045 | 3.761647028285061*^9, 3.761647428750368*^9, 3.7616477837154922`*^9,
1046 | 3.761648491817212*^9, 3.761649053446575*^9, 3.761649560732933*^9,
1047 | 3.7616500796856318`*^9, 3.7616522318581343`*^9, 3.7616526851229753`*^9,
1048 | 3.761653156699602*^9, 3.761653366317794*^9, 3.761655321455843*^9,
1049 | 3.76165575515873*^9, 3.761896864895852*^9, 3.761902983226305*^9,
1050 | 3.761905384057666*^9, 3.7619060088145247`*^9, 3.762693840251545*^9,
1051 | 3.762694241667165*^9, 3.762840373979776*^9, 3.7628559357098618`*^9,
1052 | 3.762856566779523*^9, 3.763442066114687*^9, 3.763444887790929*^9,
1053 | 3.7634451449099407`*^9, 3.763808476107666*^9, 3.7638085850398283`*^9,
1054 | 3.763808830889915*^9, 3.763808895215324*^9, 3.763902531924006*^9,
1055 | 3.76390327802341*^9, 3.763903668081238*^9, 3.764330021692971*^9,
1056 | 3.764330171699224*^9, 3.764330604070074*^9, 3.764331653559317*^9,
1057 | 3.764332596079015*^9, 3.7643935341669893`*^9, 3.7644136760496492`*^9,
1058 | 3.765266220073162*^9, 3.7797109684182577`*^9},
1059 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[13]:=",
1060 | CellID->1728079815,ExpressionUUID->"5b52cf2e-9c0d-4f2e-b6c8-8b35cb65022d"],
1061 |
1062 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"All quadratic terms are diagonal.\"\>"], "Print",
1063 | CellChangeTimes->{
1064 | 3.761055057114777*^9, {3.7610562020291023`*^9, 3.761056210480133*^9},
1065 | 3.761287808478218*^9, 3.761383629393447*^9, 3.76138470704631*^9,
1066 | 3.761384808815338*^9, 3.761386329115725*^9, 3.761386735726506*^9,
1067 | 3.761388107577655*^9, 3.761388457713578*^9, 3.761389748814158*^9,
1068 | 3.761455683741213*^9, 3.7615088206898317`*^9, 3.7615094513653803`*^9,
1069 | 3.761563757677946*^9, 3.761563953623231*^9, 3.761564501831789*^9,
1070 | 3.7615663787797194`*^9, 3.7615664552547503`*^9, 3.761567118828328*^9,
1071 | 3.761647028285061*^9, 3.761647428750368*^9, 3.7616477837154922`*^9,
1072 | 3.761648491817212*^9, 3.761649053446575*^9, 3.761649560732933*^9,
1073 | 3.7616500796856318`*^9, 3.7616522318581343`*^9, 3.7616526851229753`*^9,
1074 | 3.761653156699602*^9, 3.761653366317794*^9, 3.761655321455843*^9,
1075 | 3.76165575515873*^9, 3.761896864895852*^9, 3.761902983226305*^9,
1076 | 3.761905384057666*^9, 3.7619060088145247`*^9, 3.762693840251545*^9,
1077 | 3.762694241667165*^9, 3.762840373979776*^9, 3.7628559357098618`*^9,
1078 | 3.762856566779523*^9, 3.763442066114687*^9, 3.763444887790929*^9,
1079 | 3.7634451449099407`*^9, 3.763808476107666*^9, 3.7638085850398283`*^9,
1080 | 3.763808830889915*^9, 3.763808895215324*^9, 3.763902531924006*^9,
1081 | 3.76390327802341*^9, 3.763903668081238*^9, 3.764330021692971*^9,
1082 | 3.764330171699224*^9, 3.764330604070074*^9, 3.764331653559317*^9,
1083 | 3.764332596079015*^9, 3.7643935341669893`*^9, 3.7644136760496492`*^9,
1084 | 3.765266220073162*^9, 3.779710968537582*^9},
1085 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[13]:=",
1086 | CellID->434644030,ExpressionUUID->"fdff66a5-00a3-4319-8607-5d370d094daf"],
1087 |
1088 | Cell[BoxData["True"], "Output",
1089 | CellChangeTimes->{
1090 | 3.7610550571985893`*^9, {3.761056202121381*^9, 3.76105621049476*^9},
1091 | 3.76128780856994*^9, 3.761383629458984*^9, 3.761384707109125*^9,
1092 | 3.761384808878574*^9, 3.7613863291706963`*^9, 3.761386735795845*^9,
1093 | 3.761388107641246*^9, 3.76138845777667*^9, 3.761389748903466*^9,
1094 | 3.761455683803912*^9, 3.761508820782054*^9, 3.76150945143657*^9,
1095 | 3.76156375776332*^9, 3.7615639536959667`*^9, 3.761564501928249*^9,
1096 | 3.761566379057788*^9, 3.761566455271289*^9, 3.761567118909148*^9,
1097 | 3.7616470283668613`*^9, 3.761647428831696*^9, 3.761647783776265*^9,
1098 | 3.7616484919159718`*^9, 3.761649053510816*^9, 3.761649560818347*^9,
1099 | 3.7616500797478437`*^9, 3.761652232005067*^9, 3.761652685205611*^9,
1100 | 3.76165315678121*^9, 3.761653366380701*^9, 3.76165532154347*^9,
1101 | 3.76165575522059*^9, 3.7618968649836187`*^9, 3.761902983293178*^9,
1102 | 3.7619053841136923`*^9, 3.76190600887951*^9, 3.7626938403367653`*^9,
1103 | 3.76269424172759*^9, 3.76284037407128*^9, 3.762855935796369*^9,
1104 | 3.762856566842101*^9, 3.763442066202038*^9, 3.763444887881296*^9,
1105 | 3.763445144979817*^9, 3.763808476245908*^9, 3.7638085856008863`*^9,
1106 | 3.76380883097814*^9, 3.763808895277052*^9, 3.763902531989822*^9,
1107 | 3.763903278087089*^9, 3.7639036681440983`*^9, 3.764330021806488*^9,
1108 | 3.764330171761979*^9, 3.76433060413279*^9, 3.76433165362327*^9,
1109 | 3.764332596141801*^9, 3.764393534232435*^9, 3.7644136762044*^9,
1110 | 3.765266220133782*^9, 3.779710968538794*^9},
1111 | CellLabel->"Out[13]=",
1112 | CellID->1470328763,ExpressionUUID->"fce2c44c-6f0e-45b6-96ec-2a2c18d0a96d"]
1113 | }, Open ]],
1114 |
1115 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1116 |
1117 | Cell[BoxData[
1118 | RowBox[{"CheckKineticTermNormalisation", "[",
1119 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], "]"}]], "Input",
1120 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761055080715129*^9, 3.761055085467546*^9}, {
1121 | 3.76138630114634*^9, 3.76138630205814*^9}, 3.761563701898076*^9,
1122 | 3.7615662969199533`*^9, 3.761567094540159*^9},
1123 | CellLabel->"In[14]:=",
1124 | CellID->350105501,ExpressionUUID->"d5e8837f-fd26-42a9-b425-92a2e72bfccc"],
1125 |
1126 | Cell[BoxData[
1127 | InterpretationBox[
1128 | RowBox[{"\<\"Neglecting all terms with more than \"\>",
1129 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"2\"\>",
1130 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" particles.\"\>"}],
1131 | SequenceForm["Neglecting all terms with more than ", "2", " particles."],
1132 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1133 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1134 | 1:eJwVxVkow3EcAPCZmxE5JrSyRP6WYiJs6ecaS5FQHkRylTNM8TDHHohSrjBZ
1135 | yRwP7m1ZhNTmemA8SESOTaPfSrEShe/34dMnrKKpoMqBxWKJAbd4aVXtTMlK
1136 | QHbKPFyo0E3jV0cjJYEulOgVp8GZsNDUNouX2fhruOXRVJcFX97rVXienSeV
1137 | wN+/Vhn+9TbIzYZ39PM5tfCQ76ioF14UVw7gZvOS9ww8a7VG4NvrHXW4qrSl
1138 | SAULgpzK8LNETw3OWBVbRjjER/mKCwRbAYcwL1bWiL/vNmtxF0n4J36m1sQf
1139 | wT5jTmnHcL/jZCd+Ix7S4frAvnNctMA3nMC1E7xvfK8zWJfqSknX/sZGGmw4
1140 | MN6lwzFT99EZ8JyIfWtwo6Txws4xwu0JdzUcd0oKHCwsf7jepszDxxmpMM6D
1141 | Eg/mY1QIS7VPGvy2YzrUArP3GAbPj1Tm4z8yobufJyVynawaf8kRT+Dqh1bj
1142 | M5z+wb/Gy8MTvc1wt71mGG/oSXG1wIuv8mM2hxKbpFTFgTerk1+WvSjJNf3+
1143 | JUVR8g8tjOWn
1144 | "],
1145 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[14]:=",
1146 | CellID->223535781,ExpressionUUID->"f5c31b75-cab4-4716-8bfa-45f99d07ed61"],
1147 |
1148 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"All kinetic terms are diagonal.\"\>"], "Print",
1149 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1150 | 1:eJwVxVkow3EcAPC/OeaYRc7QyhL5W4oJsaWfa+yFhPIgkqucYYoH1x6IUq4w
1151 | WckcD+5ZW4TUxnhwPUhEjk2j30qxEiXf78OnT3hFU0GVE8MwUhBUvLymcaVk
1152 | NSAndQEuVOpm8Ovj0ZJAN0oMytOQLFh80TaHl9mF67j16aIuG756MKjxPIdA
1153 | LoN//mwK/Pt9KCgH3jUs5NbCw75jkj54SVo5iFssy/xZeM5mi8R3NjrqcHVp
1154 | S5EaFgW7lOFnSV5anLUp9SY41Ef1hotE+oAjWBCnaMQ/9pq3cTdZxBd+ptEm
1155 | HMM+4y7pZnjAeaoTv5UO63BDYP85LlkUGk/g2knBD77fGaJL41LSfbC5mQ4b
1156 | D033GXDs9ENMJjwv4dwZ3SlpvHTwTHB74n0Nz4OSAicr4w/X21V5+AQrF8d7
1157 | UuLJfo6JYfn2sxa/65gJs8KcfZbF86NU+fivQuzh50VJl05Rjb/mSidxzWOr
1158 | 6QXO+BTe4OURSXwL3OOoGcEbelO5VnjprcvM4VFil5WqefBWdcrrijclybd8
1159 | JiWakn8im+Ov
1160 | "],
1161 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[14]:=",
1162 | CellID->1308204219,ExpressionUUID->"a5704921-29ac-4898-95cf-9761e0acada6"],
1163 |
1164 | Cell[BoxData[
1165 | InterpretationBox[
1166 | RowBox[{"\<\"Warning: Kinetic term for \"\>",
1167 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"{ve, vebar}\"\>",
1168 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" seems not to be correctly normalized.\"\>"}],
1169 | SequenceForm[
1170 | "Warning: Kinetic term for ", "{ve, vebar}",
1171 | " seems not to be correctly normalized."],
1172 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1173 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1174 | 1:eJwVzmkog3EcwPHH3IzIGVpZcjyWYqLY0t819oaE8kIkVznDFC9ce0HUihEm
1175 | K5njhXuWRUhtrheuFxKRY9ND/5ViJUp+vxffPm+/4RVNBVUODMNIoaDixRWd
1176 | MyXLATmpc2Ch0jCFXh+NlAS6UGJUnoZkgeKLthm0zCZcRa1PF3XZ4NWDUYvm
1177 | 2QVyGfjzxynQ7/ehoBxwxziXWwuqfNWSPnBBWjmIWiyL3tPgDMdFottrHXWo
1178 | trSlSAuKgp3K0LNkTz3KcsotMxjqo3lDRaKtgENQEK9oRD92mzdRF1nEF3qm
1179 | 0ycegT6jTunH4IDjRCd6K1UZUGNg/zkqmReaTsDaccEPutcZYkhzpaR7f309
1180 | HTQdmO8zwLjJh9hMcFbCuzO5UdJ4aeebwfak+xq+OyUFDlbGH6y3afLQMVYu
1181 | TvCgxIP9VItB+eazHr3rmAqzgrw9lkXzozT56K9C7O7nSUmXQVGNvuZKx1Hd
1182 | Y6v5Bcz4FN6g5RHJ3hawx14zjDb0prpawYW3rmMenxKbrFTLBzeqU16XvOAz
1183 | eodJiaHkHyN74+A=
1184 | "],
1185 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[14]:=",
1186 | CellID->1346454711,ExpressionUUID->"94123e3b-df91-443d-8a16-7d8928d74f65"],
1187 |
1188 | Cell[BoxData[
1189 | InterpretationBox[
1190 | RowBox[{"\<\"Warning: Kinetic term for \"\>",
1191 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"{vm, vmbar}\"\>",
1192 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" seems not to be correctly normalized.\"\>"}],
1193 | SequenceForm[
1194 | "Warning: Kinetic term for ", "{vm, vmbar}",
1195 | " seems not to be correctly normalized."],
1196 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1197 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1198 | 1:eJwVxVkow3EcAPC/mXtEztDKEvlbijlqtvRzjb2QUB5EcpUzTPHg2oOrlCtM
1199 | VjLHg3tbFiG1uR5cDxKRY9Pot1KsRMn3+/DpE1bWkFfhwDCMFAQWLq1qnChZ
1200 | 8c9Knofzlfpp/PpopCjAmRKD8jQ4AxZdtMziJTbBGm55uqjJhK8eDGo8x86X
1201 | y+CfP6sC/34fDMyCdwzz2dXwkM+opAdelJYP4GbzktcMPGu1RuDb6201uLq4
1202 | qUANC4O4JfhZkocWZ63KLRMc4q16w4XCLf9DmB+rqMc/dht1uLMs/As/02jj
1203 | j2DvMW7qMdznONmO30qH9LghoPcclywIjCdw9QT/B99rD9anuFDSub+xkQob
1204 | D0z3aXDM1EN0Ojwn4dwZXSmpv7TzTHBr4n0Vz42SPAcL4wfX2lQ5+DgrF8W5
1205 | U+LOfo6KYLnuWYvftU2HWmDOHsviuZGqXPxXIXLz9aCkQ6+oxF+zpRO45rHZ
1206 | 9AKnfQpu8NLwJC8z3GWvGsbrupNdLPDiW8cxh0eJTVas5sGbleLXZU9K+hN2
1207 | GHEUJf8kruQI
1208 | "],
1209 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[14]:=",
1210 | CellID->1829139338,ExpressionUUID->"9ffe1bf8-5ae9-4997-b379-26851992f3ec"],
1211 |
1212 | Cell[BoxData[
1213 | InterpretationBox[
1214 | RowBox[{"\<\"Warning: Kinetic term for \"\>",
1215 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"{vt, vtbar}\"\>",
1216 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" seems not to be correctly normalized.\"\>"}],
1217 | SequenceForm[
1218 | "Warning: Kinetic term for ", "{vt, vtbar}",
1219 | " seems not to be correctly normalized."],
1220 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1221 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1222 | 1:eJwVz2kog3EcwPHH3DwWOUMrS+SxFBPFlv6usTcklBciucoZpnjh2guilCtM
1223 | VjLHC/esLUJqc71wvZCIHJtG/5VipSn5/V58+7z+RlQ0FVQ5MQwjhYKLl9c0
1224 | rpSsBuakLoCFSt0MenM8WhLkRolBeRaaBYov2+bQMptwHbU8X9Zlg9ePBjWa
1225 | ZxfIZaDjz6pAfz6GgnPAXcNCbi047Dcm6QOXpJWDqNm8zJ8F56zWKHRno6MO
1226 | VZe2FKlBUYhLGXqe7K1FOatSbwLDfFXvqEikDzwCBfGKRvRzr3kbdZNFfqPn
1227 | Gm3iMeg77pJ+Ag44T3Wid9JhHWoI6r9AJYtC4ylYOylwoPudobo0d0q6DzY3
1228 | 00HjoekhA4ybfozNBOclvHujByWNV3bWBLYnPdSwnpQUOFmYALDepspDJzi5
1229 | OMGLEi/ua0wMyrdftOh9x0y4BeTtcxyaH63KR38VYk9/b0q6dIpq9C1XOolq
1230 | nlpNr2DGl/AWLY9M5pvBHnvNCNrQm+puAZfeu054LCU2WamaBbeqU95WfOAj
1231 | bZdJiaHkHySk5Ag=
1232 | "],
1233 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[14]:=",
1234 | CellID->1116446961,ExpressionUUID->"bae25491-cb14-43b4-afa6-e7fc206a79ed"]
1235 | }, Open ]],
1236 |
1237 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1238 |
1239 | Cell[BoxData[
1240 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "[",
1241 | RowBox[{"CheckMassSpectrum", "[",
1242 | RowBox[{
1243 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], ",",
1244 | RowBox[{"FlavorExpand", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}], "]"}]], "Input",
1245 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761055096143298*^9, 3.761055106885706*^9},
1246 | 3.7613863032398148`*^9, 3.761563704991057*^9, {3.761564044230242*^9,
1247 | 3.7615640475890417`*^9}, {3.761564711533854*^9, 3.761564746752191*^9},
1248 | 3.7615663112102127`*^9, 3.761567095731244*^9, {3.761647315437684*^9,
1249 | 3.761647318171315*^9}},
1250 | CellLabel->"In[15]:=",
1251 | CellID->1348508967,ExpressionUUID->"470158b6-90b9-48e0-ba50-3511a9c89d40"],
1252 |
1253 | Cell[BoxData[
1254 | InterpretationBox[
1255 | RowBox[{"\<\"Neglecting all terms with more than \"\>",
1256 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"2\"\>",
1257 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" particles.\"\>"}],
1258 | SequenceForm["Neglecting all terms with more than ", "2", " particles."],
1259 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1260 | CellChangeTimes->{
1261 | 3.761055114684297*^9, 3.761056232868743*^9, 3.7610570233641*^9,
1262 | 3.761287898612447*^9, 3.761383654039109*^9, 3.761384725325296*^9,
1263 | 3.761384835081208*^9, 3.761386344138378*^9, 3.761386752082531*^9,
1264 | 3.761388123362561*^9, 3.76138847361415*^9, 3.761389770092876*^9,
1265 | 3.7614557069981413`*^9, 3.7615088526931267`*^9, 3.761509468907997*^9,
1266 | 3.761563779837392*^9, 3.761563969023183*^9, 3.761564053331833*^9,
1267 | 3.7615645308799677`*^9, 3.7615646146458063`*^9, {3.7615647227631607`*^9,
1268 | 3.761564743208927*^9}, 3.7615663799867373`*^9, 3.761566456964254*^9,
1269 | 3.7615671442771273`*^9, 3.761647050468947*^9, 3.761647326165859*^9,
1270 | 3.761647451098283*^9, 3.761648513727165*^9, 3.7616490703538513`*^9,
1271 | 3.761649257084671*^9, 3.761649340698421*^9, 3.7616495845267467`*^9,
1272 | 3.761650095852833*^9, 3.7616522557471027`*^9, 3.7616527069634027`*^9,
1273 | 3.761653179360311*^9, 3.76165338268795*^9, 3.7616553433531322`*^9,
1274 | 3.761655771312251*^9, 3.761896887064355*^9, 3.761903000238689*^9,
1275 | 3.761905401115988*^9, 3.7619060259496117`*^9, 3.762693862305703*^9,
1276 | 3.7626942589264097`*^9, 3.7628403998778353`*^9, 3.7628559568892403`*^9,
1277 | 3.7628565831987667`*^9, 3.763442090166279*^9, 3.76344490975675*^9,
1278 | 3.7634451614538517`*^9, 3.7638084936611958`*^9, 3.7638086077764187`*^9,
1279 | 3.7638089109251013`*^9, 3.763902547644603*^9, 3.763903294162451*^9,
1280 | 3.763903684314849*^9, 3.764330037787932*^9, 3.764330186728929*^9,
1281 | 3.764330619880863*^9, 3.7643316692751093`*^9, 3.7643326126748257`*^9,
1282 | 3.7643935502768097`*^9, 3.764413694771717*^9, 3.765266236293106*^9,
1283 | 3.779710989573729*^9},
1284 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[15]:=",
1285 | CellID->190939555,ExpressionUUID->"c704b565-5808-4c22-888e-9f72f48fd6f8"],
1286 |
1287 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"All mass terms are diagonal.\"\>"], "Print",
1288 | CellChangeTimes->{
1289 | 3.761055114684297*^9, 3.761056232868743*^9, 3.7610570233641*^9,
1290 | 3.761287898612447*^9, 3.761383654039109*^9, 3.761384725325296*^9,
1291 | 3.761384835081208*^9, 3.761386344138378*^9, 3.761386752082531*^9,
1292 | 3.761388123362561*^9, 3.76138847361415*^9, 3.761389770092876*^9,
1293 | 3.7614557069981413`*^9, 3.7615088526931267`*^9, 3.761509468907997*^9,
1294 | 3.761563779837392*^9, 3.761563969023183*^9, 3.761564053331833*^9,
1295 | 3.7615645308799677`*^9, 3.7615646146458063`*^9, {3.7615647227631607`*^9,
1296 | 3.761564743208927*^9}, 3.7615663799867373`*^9, 3.761566456964254*^9,
1297 | 3.7615671442771273`*^9, 3.761647050468947*^9, 3.761647326165859*^9,
1298 | 3.761647451098283*^9, 3.761648513727165*^9, 3.7616490703538513`*^9,
1299 | 3.761649257084671*^9, 3.761649340698421*^9, 3.7616495845267467`*^9,
1300 | 3.761650095852833*^9, 3.7616522557471027`*^9, 3.7616527069634027`*^9,
1301 | 3.761653179360311*^9, 3.76165338268795*^9, 3.7616553433531322`*^9,
1302 | 3.761655771312251*^9, 3.761896887064355*^9, 3.761903000238689*^9,
1303 | 3.761905401115988*^9, 3.7619060259496117`*^9, 3.762693862305703*^9,
1304 | 3.7626942589264097`*^9, 3.7628403998778353`*^9, 3.7628559568892403`*^9,
1305 | 3.7628565831987667`*^9, 3.763442090166279*^9, 3.76344490975675*^9,
1306 | 3.7634451614538517`*^9, 3.7638084936611958`*^9, 3.7638086077764187`*^9,
1307 | 3.7638089109251013`*^9, 3.763902547644603*^9, 3.763903294162451*^9,
1308 | 3.763903684314849*^9, 3.764330037787932*^9, 3.764330186728929*^9,
1309 | 3.764330619880863*^9, 3.7643316692751093`*^9, 3.7643326126748257`*^9,
1310 | 3.7643935502768097`*^9, 3.764413694771717*^9, 3.765266236293106*^9,
1311 | 3.779710990149653*^9},
1312 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[15]:=",
1313 | CellID->780532267,ExpressionUUID->"95cce1c5-a8cf-4430-bd85-03ec5b0cf3ec"],
1314 |
1315 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Getting mass spectrum.\"\>"], "Print",
1316 | CellChangeTimes->{
1317 | 3.761055114684297*^9, 3.761056232868743*^9, 3.7610570233641*^9,
1318 | 3.761287898612447*^9, 3.761383654039109*^9, 3.761384725325296*^9,
1319 | 3.761384835081208*^9, 3.761386344138378*^9, 3.761386752082531*^9,
1320 | 3.761388123362561*^9, 3.76138847361415*^9, 3.761389770092876*^9,
1321 | 3.7614557069981413`*^9, 3.7615088526931267`*^9, 3.761509468907997*^9,
1322 | 3.761563779837392*^9, 3.761563969023183*^9, 3.761564053331833*^9,
1323 | 3.7615645308799677`*^9, 3.7615646146458063`*^9, {3.7615647227631607`*^9,
1324 | 3.761564743208927*^9}, 3.7615663799867373`*^9, 3.761566456964254*^9,
1325 | 3.7615671442771273`*^9, 3.761647050468947*^9, 3.761647326165859*^9,
1326 | 3.761647451098283*^9, 3.761648513727165*^9, 3.7616490703538513`*^9,
1327 | 3.761649257084671*^9, 3.761649340698421*^9, 3.7616495845267467`*^9,
1328 | 3.761650095852833*^9, 3.7616522557471027`*^9, 3.7616527069634027`*^9,
1329 | 3.761653179360311*^9, 3.76165338268795*^9, 3.7616553433531322`*^9,
1330 | 3.761655771312251*^9, 3.761896887064355*^9, 3.761903000238689*^9,
1331 | 3.761905401115988*^9, 3.7619060259496117`*^9, 3.762693862305703*^9,
1332 | 3.7626942589264097`*^9, 3.7628403998778353`*^9, 3.7628559568892403`*^9,
1333 | 3.7628565831987667`*^9, 3.763442090166279*^9, 3.76344490975675*^9,
1334 | 3.7634451614538517`*^9, 3.7638084936611958`*^9, 3.7638086077764187`*^9,
1335 | 3.7638089109251013`*^9, 3.763902547644603*^9, 3.763903294162451*^9,
1336 | 3.763903684314849*^9, 3.764330037787932*^9, 3.764330186728929*^9,
1337 | 3.764330619880863*^9, 3.7643316692751093`*^9, 3.7643326126748257`*^9,
1338 | 3.7643935502768097`*^9, 3.764413694771717*^9, 3.765266236293106*^9,
1339 | 3.77971099592489*^9},
1340 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[15]:=",
1341 | CellID->1575695593,ExpressionUUID->"9463549f-0f3a-404d-8467-e90966778f2a"],
1342 |
1343 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Checking for less then 0.1% agreement with model file \
1344 | values.\"\>"], "Print",
1345 | CellChangeTimes->{
1346 | 3.761055114684297*^9, 3.761056232868743*^9, 3.7610570233641*^9,
1347 | 3.761287898612447*^9, 3.761383654039109*^9, 3.761384725325296*^9,
1348 | 3.761384835081208*^9, 3.761386344138378*^9, 3.761386752082531*^9,
1349 | 3.761388123362561*^9, 3.76138847361415*^9, 3.761389770092876*^9,
1350 | 3.7614557069981413`*^9, 3.7615088526931267`*^9, 3.761509468907997*^9,
1351 | 3.761563779837392*^9, 3.761563969023183*^9, 3.761564053331833*^9,
1352 | 3.7615645308799677`*^9, 3.7615646146458063`*^9, {3.7615647227631607`*^9,
1353 | 3.761564743208927*^9}, 3.7615663799867373`*^9, 3.761566456964254*^9,
1354 | 3.7615671442771273`*^9, 3.761647050468947*^9, 3.761647326165859*^9,
1355 | 3.761647451098283*^9, 3.761648513727165*^9, 3.7616490703538513`*^9,
1356 | 3.761649257084671*^9, 3.761649340698421*^9, 3.7616495845267467`*^9,
1357 | 3.761650095852833*^9, 3.7616522557471027`*^9, 3.7616527069634027`*^9,
1358 | 3.761653179360311*^9, 3.76165338268795*^9, 3.7616553433531322`*^9,
1359 | 3.761655771312251*^9, 3.761896887064355*^9, 3.761903000238689*^9,
1360 | 3.761905401115988*^9, 3.7619060259496117`*^9, 3.762693862305703*^9,
1361 | 3.7626942589264097`*^9, 3.7628403998778353`*^9, 3.7628559568892403`*^9,
1362 | 3.7628565831987667`*^9, 3.763442090166279*^9, 3.76344490975675*^9,
1363 | 3.7634451614538517`*^9, 3.7638084936611958`*^9, 3.7638086077764187`*^9,
1364 | 3.7638089109251013`*^9, 3.763902547644603*^9, 3.763903294162451*^9,
1365 | 3.763903684314849*^9, 3.764330037787932*^9, 3.764330186728929*^9,
1366 | 3.764330619880863*^9, 3.7643316692751093`*^9, 3.7643326126748257`*^9,
1367 | 3.7643935502768097`*^9, 3.764413694771717*^9, 3.765266236293106*^9,
1368 | 3.779710995926758*^9},
1369 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[15]:=",
1370 | CellID->2094980394,ExpressionUUID->"34b325e1-b88b-4891-bd2a-526cecac9157"],
1371 |
1372 | Cell[BoxData[
1373 | TagBox[GridBox[{
1374 | {"\<\"Particle\"\>", "\<\"Analytic value\"\>", "\<\"Numerical value\"\>", \
1375 | "\<\"Model-file value\"\>"},
1376 | {"h",
1377 | FractionBox[
1378 | SqrtBox[
1379 | RowBox[{
1380 | RowBox[{
1381 | RowBox[{"-", "4"}], " ",
1382 | RowBox[{"(",
1383 | RowBox[{"Cos", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], " ",
1384 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1385 | RowBox[{"(",
1386 | RowBox[{"Sin", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], " ",
1387 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1388 | SubscriptBox["v", "s"]}], "+",
1389 | RowBox[{
1390 | SuperscriptBox[
1391 | RowBox[{"(",
1392 | RowBox[{"Cos", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], "2"], " ",
1393 | RowBox[{"(",
1394 | RowBox[{
1395 | RowBox[{"-",
1396 | TemplateBox[{SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "\[CapitalPhi]"],"2"},
1397 | "Superscript"]}], "+",
1398 | RowBox[{"3", " ",
1399 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]"], " ",
1400 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}], "+",
1401 | RowBox[{
1402 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1403 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "s", "2"]}]}], ")"}]}], "-",
1404 | RowBox[{
1405 | SuperscriptBox[
1406 | RowBox[{"(",
1407 | RowBox[{"Sin", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], "2"], " ",
1408 | RowBox[{"(",
1409 | RowBox[{
1410 |
1411 | TemplateBox[{
1412 | SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Prime]"}]},
1413 | "Superscript"], "+",
1414 | TemplateBox[{SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],"2"},
1415 | "Superscript"], "-",
1416 | RowBox[{
1417 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1418 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}], "-",
1419 | RowBox[{"3", " ",
1420 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "S"], " ",
1421 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "s", "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}]],
1422 | SqrtBox["2"]], "125.`", "125.`"},
1423 | {"h2",
1424 | FractionBox[
1425 | SqrtBox[
1426 | RowBox[{
1427 | RowBox[{"4", " ",
1428 | RowBox[{"(",
1429 | RowBox[{"Cos", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], " ",
1430 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1431 | RowBox[{"(",
1432 | RowBox[{"Sin", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], " ",
1433 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1434 | SubscriptBox["v", "s"]}], "+",
1435 | RowBox[{
1436 | SuperscriptBox[
1437 | RowBox[{"(",
1438 | RowBox[{"Sin", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], "2"], " ",
1439 | RowBox[{"(",
1440 | RowBox[{
1441 | RowBox[{"-",
1442 | TemplateBox[{SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "\[CapitalPhi]"],"2"},
1443 | "Superscript"]}], "+",
1444 | RowBox[{"3", " ",
1445 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]"], " ",
1446 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}], "+",
1447 | RowBox[{
1448 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1449 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "s", "2"]}]}], ")"}]}], "-",
1450 | RowBox[{
1451 | SuperscriptBox[
1452 | RowBox[{"(",
1453 | RowBox[{"Cos", " ", "\[Theta]"}], ")"}], "2"], " ",
1454 | RowBox[{"(",
1455 | RowBox[{
1456 |
1457 | TemplateBox[{
1458 | SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Prime]"}]},
1459 | "Superscript"], "+",
1460 | TemplateBox[{SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],"2"},
1461 | "Superscript"], "-",
1462 | RowBox[{
1463 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1464 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}], "-",
1465 | RowBox[{"3", " ",
1466 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "S"], " ",
1467 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "s", "2"]}]}], ")"}]}]}]],
1468 | SqrtBox["2"]], "300.00000000000006`", "300.`"},
1469 | {"X",
1470 | FractionBox[
1471 | SqrtBox[
1472 | RowBox[{
1473 | TemplateBox[{
1474 | SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],RowBox[{"2", " ", "\[Prime]"}]},
1475 | "Superscript"], "-",
1476 | TemplateBox[{SubscriptBox["\[Mu]", "S"],"2"},
1477 | "Superscript"], "+",
1478 | RowBox[{
1479 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "\[CapitalPhi]S"], " ",
1480 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}], "+",
1481 | RowBox[{
1482 | SubscriptBox["\[Lambda]", "S"], " ",
1483 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "s", "2"]}]}]],
1484 | SqrtBox["2"]], "100.00000000000006`", "100.`"},
1485 | {"b",
1486 | FractionBox[
1487 | RowBox[{
1488 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1489 | RowBox[{"(",
1490 | RowBox[{
1491 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1492 | RowBox[{"(",
1493 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1494 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1495 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1496 | SubscriptBox[
1497 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1498 | "Superscript"],
1499 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1500 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1501 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "4.700000000000002`", "4.7`"},
1502 | {"d",
1503 | FractionBox[
1504 | RowBox[{
1505 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1506 | RowBox[{"(",
1507 | RowBox[{
1508 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1509 | RowBox[{"(",
1510 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1511 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1512 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1513 | SubscriptBox[
1514 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1515 | "Superscript"],
1516 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1517 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1518 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "0.005040000000000001`", "0.00504`"},
1519 | {"s",
1520 | FractionBox[
1521 | RowBox[{
1522 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1523 | RowBox[{"(",
1524 | RowBox[{
1525 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1526 | RowBox[{"(",
1527 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1528 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1529 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1530 | SubscriptBox[
1531 | TemplateBox[{"y","d"},
1532 | "Superscript"],
1533 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1534 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1535 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "0.10100000000000002`", "0.101`"},
1536 | {"e",
1537 | FractionBox[
1538 | RowBox[{
1539 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1540 | RowBox[{"(",
1541 | RowBox[{
1542 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1543 | RowBox[{"(",
1544 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1545 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1546 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1547 | SubscriptBox[
1548 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1549 | "Superscript"],
1550 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1551 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1552 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "0.0005110000000000001`", "0.000511`"},
1553 | {"mu",
1554 | FractionBox[
1555 | RowBox[{
1556 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1557 | RowBox[{"(",
1558 | RowBox[{
1559 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1560 | RowBox[{"(",
1561 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1562 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1563 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1564 | SubscriptBox[
1565 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1566 | "Superscript"],
1567 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1568 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1569 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "0.10566000000000003`", "0.10566`"},
1570 | {"ta",
1571 | FractionBox[
1572 | RowBox[{
1573 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1574 | RowBox[{"(",
1575 | RowBox[{
1576 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1577 | RowBox[{"(",
1578 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1579 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1580 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1581 | SubscriptBox[
1582 | TemplateBox[{"y","l"},
1583 | "Superscript"],
1584 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1585 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1586 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "1.7770000000000006`", "1.777`"},
1587 | {"c",
1588 | FractionBox[
1589 | RowBox[{
1590 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1591 | RowBox[{"(",
1592 | RowBox[{
1593 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1594 | RowBox[{"(",
1595 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1596 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1597 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1598 | SubscriptBox[
1599 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1600 | "Superscript"],
1601 | RowBox[{"2", ",", "2"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1602 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1603 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "1.2700000000000002`", "1.27`"},
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1605 | FractionBox[
1606 | RowBox[{
1607 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1608 | RowBox[{"(",
1609 | RowBox[{
1610 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1611 | RowBox[{"(",
1612 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1613 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1614 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1615 | SubscriptBox[
1616 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1617 | "Superscript"],
1618 | RowBox[{"3", ",", "3"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1619 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1620 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "172.00000000000003`", "172.`"},
1621 | {"u",
1622 | FractionBox[
1623 | RowBox[{
1624 | SubscriptBox["v", "h"], " ",
1625 | RowBox[{"(",
1626 | RowBox[{
1627 | SubsuperscriptBox[
1628 | RowBox[{"(",
1629 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1630 | "Superscript"], ")"}],
1631 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}], "\<\"*\"\>"], "+",
1632 | SubscriptBox[
1633 | TemplateBox[{"y","u"},
1634 | "Superscript"],
1635 | RowBox[{"1", ",", "1"}]]}], ")"}]}],
1636 | RowBox[{"2", " ",
1637 | SqrtBox["2"]}]], "0.002550000000000001`", "0.00255`"},
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1640 | FractionBox["1", "2"], " ",
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1642 | FractionBox[
1643 | RowBox[{
1644 | SuperscriptBox["e", "2"], " ",
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1646 | SubsuperscriptBox["s", "w", "2"]]]}], "79.82435974619786`",
1647 | "79.82435974619784`"},
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1653 | RowBox[{
1654 | SuperscriptBox["e", "2"], " ",
1655 | SuperscriptBox[
1656 | RowBox[{"(",
1657 | RowBox[{
1658 | SubsuperscriptBox["c", "w", "2"], "+",
1659 | SubsuperscriptBox["s", "w", "2"]}], ")"}], "2"], " ",
1660 | SubsuperscriptBox["v", "h", "2"]}],
1661 | RowBox[{
1662 | SubsuperscriptBox["c", "w", "2"], " ",
1663 | SubsuperscriptBox["s", "w", "2"]}]]]}], "91.18760000000003`",
1664 | "91.1876`"}
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1688 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
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1690 | Cell["Calculate Feynman rules", "Section",
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1694 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
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1696 | Cell[BoxData[
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1698 | RowBox[{"vertices", "=", " ",
1699 | RowBox[{"FeynmanRules", "[",
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1701 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], ",",
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1708 | Cell[BoxData[
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1763 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Collecting the different structures that enter the \
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1778 | Cell[BoxData[
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1781 | "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" possible non-zero vertices have been \
1782 | found -> starting the computation: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
1783 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules, StandardForm],
1784 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
1785 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\".\"\>"}],
1786 | SequenceForm[
1787 | 130, " possible non-zero vertices have been found -> starting the \
1788 | computation: ",
1789 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules], " / ", 130, "."],
1790 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1791 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1792 | 1:eJxTTMoPSmVkYGDQAWKGW9cPL2F942ji634eRDvlLbVfCqQFfJTixNjeOEps
1793 | mqDpCqTtlsZsBtE9MdN/guiWhUFlbkC6QOVoFYiWcvldD6JvV9v7uQNpvUnm
1794 | ch5A+snjU05NQPpXyL1eEC2wtPn4USBdVHPmLYgueBFcdAxI1/3tPgyidzDP
1795 | YDwOpGtcHW1A9JltnY0ngLTcnUk7QPS1CWeugOiotN+nT4L0/5zwF0QvLOM6
1796 | a8/+xlHUMvekE5DeIR73xBlIWyy2s3YB0kV8svePcLxxdBNy5j8KpMvOx1Xx
1797 | cL5xvJI8WVIESK/Q6Q0G0VzexWZGXG8cqz5emWYMpF9oK+8F0W3J56WFud84
1798 | Vrj1ZoDoFYlhM0H08dWzTjHxvHEUYjPZxgOkP2mlvVjDCxT/dIvdSvONIwC+
1799 | GKAO
1800 | "],
1801 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[16]:=",
1802 | CellID->1883562640,ExpressionUUID->"0ac82ace-56dd-432a-8c08-07d3fdfa1b16"],
1803 |
1804 | Cell[BoxData[
1805 | InterpretationBox[
1806 | RowBox[{"103", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices obtained.\"\>"}],
1807 | SequenceForm[103, " vertices obtained."],
1808 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1809 | CellChangeTimes->CompressedData["
1810 | 1:eJxTTMoPSmVkYGDQAWKGW9cPL2F942ji634eRDvlLbVfCqQFfJTixNjeOEps
1811 | mqDpCqTtlsZsBtE9MdN/guiWhUFlbkC6QOVoFYiWcvldD6JvV9v7uQNpvUnm
1812 | ch5A+snjU05NQPpXyL1eEC2wtPn4USBdVHPmLYgueBFcdAxI1/3tPgyidzDP
1813 | YDwOpGtcHW1A9JltnY0ngLTcnUk7QPS1CWeugOiotN+nT4L0/5zwF0QvLOM6
1814 | a8/+xlHUMvekE5DeIR73xBlIWyy2s3YB0kV8svePcLxxdBNy5j8KpMvOx1Xx
1815 | cL5xvJI8WVIESK/Q6Q0G0VzexWZGXG8cqz5emWYMpF9oK+8F0W3J56WFud84
1816 | Vrj1ZoDoFYlhM0H08dWzTjHxvHEUYjPZxgOkP2mlvVjD+8bxiOpsDivNN44A
1817 | tvCfAA==
1818 | "],
1819 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[16]:=",
1820 | CellID->980850053,ExpressionUUID->"c94db32b-e8fc-432d-93f5-f15220b0b6b2"]
1821 | }, Open ]]
1822 | }, Open ]],
1823 |
1824 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1825 |
1826 | Cell["Generate output files (CalcHEP/CompHEP or UFO or FeynArts)", "Section",
1827 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.7610552993454933`*^9, 3.761055306968809*^9}, {
1828 | 3.761056348844407*^9, 3.761056357622654*^9}, {3.7613848771658287`*^9,
1829 | 3.761384878694256*^9}, {3.7619038889576*^9, 3.761903897270966*^9}},
1830 | CellID->116816367,ExpressionUUID->"28612ff9-e185-4763-893b-36ce4ca841e0"],
1831 |
1832 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
1833 |
1834 | Cell[BoxData[
1835 | RowBox[{"WriteCHOutput", "[",
1836 | RowBox[{
1837 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], ",",
1838 | RowBox[{"FlavorExpand", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
1839 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761999330301106*^9, 3.76199934276195*^9}, {
1840 | 3.762000672504694*^9, 3.7620006726632566`*^9}},
1841 | CellLabel->"In[17]:=",
1842 | CellID->2109175560,ExpressionUUID->"8dc78173-e1dd-4be8-981e-fce8c3293986"],
1843 |
1844 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - - - FeynRules interface to CalcHep/CompHEP\"\>"], "Print",
1845 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711090971788*^9},
1846 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1847 | CellID->1546512867,ExpressionUUID->"92186d78-5edc-44e2-9060-2a542abee31f"],
1848 |
1849 | Cell[BoxData[
1850 | InterpretationBox[
1851 | RowBox[{"\<\" - - - \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
1852 | StyleBox["\<\"Authors:\"\>",
1853 | StripOnInput->False,
1854 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1855 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1856 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1857 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1858 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1859 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" N. Christensen, C. Duhr\"\>"}],
1860 | SequenceForm[" - - - ",
1861 | Style["Authors:",
1862 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " N. Christensen, C. Duhr"],
1863 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1864 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711090974123*^9},
1865 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1866 | CellID->1247176028,ExpressionUUID->"b60ea563-308b-48aa-bd54-707c4584b9c0"],
1867 |
1868 | Cell[BoxData[
1869 | InterpretationBox[
1870 | RowBox[{"\<\" - - - \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
1871 | StyleBox["\<\"Please cite:\"\>",
1872 | StripOnInput->False,
1873 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1874 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1875 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1876 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1877 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1878 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" arXiv:0906.2474\"\>"}],
1879 | SequenceForm[" - - - ",
1880 | Style["Please cite:",
1881 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " arXiv:0906.2474"],
1882 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1883 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711090975651*^9},
1884 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1885 | CellID->1847107876,ExpressionUUID->"eeec06b0-953c-4263-b8d4-23077580f1b2"],
1886 |
1887 | Cell[BoxData[
1888 | InterpretationBox[
1889 | RowBox[{
1890 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
1891 | StripOnInput->False,
1892 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1893 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1894 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1895 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1896 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1897 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" files to \
1898 | /Users/ankitbeniwal/Documents/Projects/U1_DM/feynrules-current/Models/U1_\
1899 | model/SM_with_pNG-CH.\"\>"}],
1900 | SequenceForm[
1901 | Style["\nWriting",
1902 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1903 | " files to \
1904 | /Users/ankitbeniwal/Documents/Projects/U1_DM/feynrules-current/Models/U1_\
1905 | model/SM_with_pNG-CH."],
1906 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1907 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091016045*^9},
1908 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1909 | CellID->318470900,ExpressionUUID->"17020eba-08fc-4aa3-a8df-ccae59665f8f"],
1910 |
1911 | Cell[BoxData[
1912 | InterpretationBox[
1913 | RowBox[{
1914 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
1915 | StripOnInput->False,
1916 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1917 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1918 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1919 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1920 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1921 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" particles file 'prtcls1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
1922 | SequenceForm[
1923 | Style["\nWriting",
1924 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " particles file 'prtcls1.mdl'."],
1925 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1926 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091017301*^9},
1927 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1928 | CellID->1011167976,ExpressionUUID->"2d5dd02d-95fd-417b-a9c0-0840603caf3f"],
1929 |
1930 | Cell[BoxData[
1931 | InterpretationBox[
1932 | RowBox[{
1933 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
1934 | StripOnInput->False,
1935 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1936 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1937 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1938 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1939 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1940 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" external parameter file 'vars1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
1941 | SequenceForm[
1942 | Style["\nWriting",
1943 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " external parameter file 'vars1.mdl'."],
1944 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1945 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091058486*^9},
1946 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1947 | CellID->1662073921,ExpressionUUID->"3024111f-1ff5-4e5c-b893-cf760ce745cc"],
1948 |
1949 | Cell[BoxData[
1950 | InterpretationBox[
1951 | RowBox[{
1952 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
1953 | StripOnInput->False,
1954 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1955 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1956 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1957 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1958 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1959 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" internal parameter file 'func1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
1960 | SequenceForm[
1961 | Style["\nWriting",
1962 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " internal parameter file 'func1.mdl'."],
1963 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1964 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091060275*^9},
1965 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1966 | CellID->9110071,ExpressionUUID->"7a98bdb7-93bd-4b98-8482-6f3c8449e510"],
1967 |
1968 | Cell[BoxData[
1969 | InterpretationBox[
1970 | RowBox[{
1971 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
1972 | StripOnInput->False,
1973 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1974 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1975 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1976 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
1977 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
1978 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" external library file 'extlib1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
1979 | SequenceForm[
1980 | Style["\nWriting",
1981 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " external library file 'extlib1.mdl'."],
1982 | Editable->False]], "Print",
1983 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091061849*^9},
1984 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1985 | CellID->641624360,ExpressionUUID->"5a78ee83-9384-4426-b622-6f45d692c067"],
1986 |
1987 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"\"\>"], "Print",
1988 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797110910630083`*^9},
1989 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
1990 | CellID->1265226933,ExpressionUUID->"492c2ef8-2836-47eb-8b58-cb72eca0739d"],
1991 |
1992 | Cell[BoxData[
1993 | StyleBox["\<\"Starting Feynman rule calculation.\"\>",
1994 | StripOnInput->False,
1995 | LineColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
1996 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
1997 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
1998 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
1999 | FontWeight->Bold,
2000 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]]], "Print",
2001 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711091147873*^9},
2002 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2003 | CellID->285990337,ExpressionUUID->"b869d964-651d-468d-98d8-e232d058869b"],
2004 |
2005 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Expanding the Lagrangian...\"\>"], "Print",
2006 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971109114895*^9},
2007 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2008 | CellID->571191973,ExpressionUUID->"aceaa45c-a040-43e6-8916-acc7dfa648de"],
2009 |
2010 | Cell[BoxData[
2011 | InterpretationBox[
2012 | RowBox[{"\<\"Expanding the indices over \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4",
2013 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores\"\>"}],
2014 | SequenceForm["Expanding the indices over ", 4, " cores"],
2015 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2016 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797110911500053`*^9},
2017 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2018 | CellID->771588121,ExpressionUUID->"7d632881-2468-4a20-a0f9-65b919811797"],
2019 |
2020 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Collecting the different structures that enter the \
2021 | vertex.\"\>"], "Print",
2022 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711095887195*^9},
2023 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2024 | CellID->1575289061,ExpressionUUID->"561587a6-b458-474b-b10b-62ec77ed43bb"],
2025 |
2026 | Cell[BoxData[
2027 | InterpretationBox[
2028 | RowBox[{
2029 | "58", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" possible non-zero vertices have been found \
2030 | -> starting the computation: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2031 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules, StandardForm],
2032 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2033 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "58", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\".\"\>"}],
2034 | SequenceForm[
2035 | 58, " possible non-zero vertices have been found -> starting the \
2036 | computation: ",
2037 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules], " / ", 58, "."],
2038 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2039 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711095935286*^9},
2040 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2041 | CellID->1704848011,ExpressionUUID->"1678d9b0-259b-4de6-8f56-c9d73fc59ee7"],
2042 |
2043 | Cell[BoxData[
2044 | InterpretationBox[
2045 | RowBox[{"53", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices obtained.\"\>"}],
2046 | SequenceForm[53, " vertices obtained."],
2047 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2048 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711099263261*^9},
2049 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2050 | CellID->1653702603,ExpressionUUID->"078b2af0-7780-48b8-a641-7f86c09ed3ee"],
2051 |
2052 | Cell[BoxData[
2053 | InterpretationBox[
2054 | RowBox[{"\<\"Flavor expansion of the vertices distributed over \"\>",
2055 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores: \"\>",
2056 | "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2057 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$Count1, StandardForm],
2058 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2059 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "53"}],
2060 | SequenceForm[
2061 | "Flavor expansion of the vertices distributed over ", 4, " cores: ",
2062 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$Count1], " / ", 53],
2063 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2064 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711100429657*^9},
2065 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2066 | CellID->1046289147,ExpressionUUID->"9e167179-b62e-4545-954c-443d42fdd4d2"],
2067 |
2068 | Cell[BoxData[
2069 | InterpretationBox[
2070 | RowBox[{
2071 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nWriting\"\>",
2072 | StripOnInput->False,
2073 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2074 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2075 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2076 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2077 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
2078 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices file 'lgrng1.mdl'\\nand appending \
2079 | variable file 'func1.mdl', particle file 'prtcls1.mdl' and variable file \
2080 | 'vars1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
2081 | SequenceForm[
2082 | Style["\nWriting",
2083 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
2084 | " vertices file 'lgrng1.mdl'\nand appending variable file 'func1.mdl', \
2085 | particle file 'prtcls1.mdl' and variable file 'vars1.mdl'."],
2086 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2087 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797111051845284`*^9},
2088 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2089 | CellID->1385591993,ExpressionUUID->"6e7e6810-ea43-4b0a-8586-f37871a6f203"],
2090 |
2091 | Cell[BoxData[
2092 | InterpretationBox[
2093 | RowBox[{
2094 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nFinishing\"\>",
2095 | StripOnInput->False,
2096 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2097 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2098 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2099 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2100 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
2101 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices file 'lgrng1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
2102 | SequenceForm[
2103 | Style["\nFinishing",
2104 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " vertices file 'lgrng1.mdl'."],
2105 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2106 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797111074308157`*^9},
2107 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2108 | CellID->331958283,ExpressionUUID->"f40d1082-6a0a-42c4-9e46-1e9f6b915cd0"],
2109 |
2110 | Cell[BoxData[
2111 | InterpretationBox[
2112 | RowBox[{
2113 | StyleBox["\<\"Finishing\"\>",
2114 | StripOnInput->False,
2115 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2116 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2117 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2118 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2119 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
2120 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" internal parameter file 'func1.mdl'.\"\>"}],
2121 | SequenceForm[
2122 | Style["Finishing",
2123 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " internal parameter file 'func1.mdl'."],
2124 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2125 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711107471167*^9},
2126 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2127 | CellID->60347475,ExpressionUUID->"aab39683-32c7-4d1d-aeeb-63aa4921f127"],
2128 |
2129 | Cell[BoxData[
2130 | InterpretationBox[
2131 | RowBox[{
2132 | StyleBox["\<\"\\nDone\"\>",
2133 | StripOnInput->False,
2134 | LineColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2135 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2136 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2137 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1],
2138 | FontColor->RGBColor[0, 0, 1]],
2139 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" in 0.28min!\"\>"}],
2140 | SequenceForm[
2141 | Style["\nDone",
2142 | RGBColor[0, 0, 1]], " in 0.28min!"],
2143 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2144 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797111074788513`*^9},
2145 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[17]:=",
2146 | CellID->647730941,ExpressionUUID->"2b4ebe63-9e55-4cdd-aea8-79ace656a57a"]
2147 | }, Open ]],
2148 |
2149 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2150 |
2151 | Cell[BoxData[
2152 | RowBox[{"WriteUFO", "[",
2153 | RowBox[{
2154 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], ",",
2155 | RowBox[{"FlavorExpand", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
2156 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.761056361807794*^9, 3.761056380206089*^9}},
2157 | CellLabel->"In[18]:=",
2158 | CellID->2077815379,ExpressionUUID->"672de9f1-0cfc-4e45-8d49-7822c9c0b6ce"],
2159 |
2160 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" --- Universal FeynRules Output (UFO) v 1.1 ---\"\>"], \
2161 | "Print",
2162 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797114835238657`*^9},
2163 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2164 | CellID->49295002,ExpressionUUID->"2c2bb492-e94b-4c88-b4f6-a4cffc9bd478"],
2165 |
2166 | Cell[BoxData[
2167 | StyleBox["\<\"Starting Feynman rule calculation.\"\>",
2168 | StripOnInput->False,
2169 | LineColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2170 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2171 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2172 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2173 | FontWeight->Bold,
2174 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]]], "Print",
2175 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711483859654*^9},
2176 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2177 | CellID->1719894519,ExpressionUUID->"6a536d19-a0e9-4702-b664-a641d1128db8"],
2178 |
2179 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Expanding the Lagrangian...\"\>"], "Print",
2180 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797114838609324`*^9},
2181 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2182 | CellID->1137292213,ExpressionUUID->"6e8532ce-e6d7-4721-86b8-19d34eb826d6"],
2183 |
2184 | Cell[BoxData[
2185 | InterpretationBox[
2186 | RowBox[{"\<\"Expanding the indices over \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4",
2187 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores\"\>"}],
2188 | SequenceForm["Expanding the indices over ", 4, " cores"],
2189 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2190 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797114838622*^9},
2191 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2192 | CellID->1865765591,ExpressionUUID->"21577fcb-0c1e-4159-b83a-7ad182a5924d"],
2193 |
2194 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Collecting the different structures that enter the \
2195 | vertex.\"\>"], "Print",
2196 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711490874557*^9},
2197 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2198 | CellID->366074443,ExpressionUUID->"7a4449ee-9252-4d66-a2e3-37cabd64a770"],
2199 |
2200 | Cell[BoxData[
2201 | InterpretationBox[
2202 | RowBox[{
2203 | "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" possible non-zero vertices have been \
2204 | found -> starting the computation: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2205 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules, StandardForm],
2206 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2207 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\".\"\>"}],
2208 | SequenceForm[
2209 | 130, " possible non-zero vertices have been found -> starting the \
2210 | computation: ",
2211 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules], " / ", 130, "."],
2212 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2213 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797114909622498`*^9},
2214 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2215 | CellID->72514846,ExpressionUUID->"9cfb82f4-8507-47be-9b3e-bbdbc6704c0c"],
2216 |
2217 | Cell[BoxData[
2218 | InterpretationBox[
2219 | RowBox[{"103", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices obtained.\"\>"}],
2220 | SequenceForm[103, " vertices obtained."],
2221 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2222 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711497084532*^9},
2223 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2224 | CellID->1133788873,ExpressionUUID->"5eed7a4a-703b-46c0-a0ff-7a2437dd9609"],
2225 |
2226 | Cell[BoxData[
2227 | InterpretationBox[
2228 | RowBox[{"\<\"Flavor expansion of the vertices distributed over \"\>",
2229 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores: \"\>",
2230 | "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2231 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$Count1, StandardForm],
2232 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2233 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "103"}],
2234 | SequenceForm[
2235 | "Flavor expansion of the vertices distributed over ", 4, " cores: ",
2236 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$Count1], " / ", 103],
2237 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2238 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711499013178*^9},
2239 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2240 | CellID->967188680,ExpressionUUID->"177e7bdc-0a74-4104-8926-6a4d9b413023"],
2241 |
2242 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Saved vertices in InterfaceRun[ 1 ].\"\>"], "Print",
2243 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115028309813`*^9},
2244 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2245 | CellID->1236420617,ExpressionUUID->"76e4e84d-8e56-4e6c-b137-cd69429930b4"],
2246 |
2247 | Cell[BoxData[
2248 | StyleBox["\<\"Computing the squared matrix elements relevant for the 1->2 \
2249 | decays: \"\>",
2250 | StripOnInput->False,
2251 | LineColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2252 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2253 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2254 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2255 | FontWeight->Bold,
2256 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]]], "Print",
2257 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711502873279*^9},
2258 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2259 | CellID->1469541547,ExpressionUUID->"5c82ecfd-ec11-4ff3-89b8-ebb586682a5d"],
2260 |
2261 | Cell[BoxData[
2262 | InterpretationBox[
2263 | RowBox[{
2264 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[PRIVATE`mycounter, StandardForm],
2265 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2266 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "63"}],
2267 | SequenceForm[
2268 | Dynamic[PRIVATE`mycounter], " / ", 63],
2269 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2270 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711502922612*^9},
2271 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2272 | CellID->375356282,ExpressionUUID->"8b4fe656-f649-4281-ac12-28cb3ed53d01"],
2273 |
2274 | Cell[BoxData[
2275 | InterpretationBox[
2276 | RowBox[{"\<\"Squared matrix elent compute in \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2277 | "2.309497`", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" seconds.\"\>"}],
2278 | SequenceForm["Squared matrix elent compute in ", 2.309497, " seconds."],
2279 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2280 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711509724934*^9},
2281 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2282 | CellID->1453560335,ExpressionUUID->"7d6dfc9f-fc1d-4bdf-a91c-1c001de5d0b6"],
2283 |
2284 | Cell[BoxData[
2285 | InterpretationBox[
2286 | RowBox[{
2287 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[PRIVATE`mycounter, StandardForm],
2288 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2289 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "72"}],
2290 | SequenceForm[
2291 | Dynamic[PRIVATE`mycounter], " / ", 72],
2292 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2293 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711509726947*^9},
2294 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2295 | CellID->214582073,ExpressionUUID->"6728870f-0119-4e6a-a9c2-9d2c6ab8cf39"],
2296 |
2297 | Cell[BoxData[
2298 | InterpretationBox[
2299 | RowBox[{"\<\"Decay widths computed in \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2300 | "0.558356`", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" seconds.\"\>"}],
2301 | SequenceForm["Decay widths computed in ", 0.558356, " seconds."],
2302 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2303 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115106705227`*^9},
2304 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2305 | CellID->855857598,ExpressionUUID->"9615ab0b-9bf1-449e-ba02-470edc1e26bf"],
2306 |
2307 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Preparing Python output.\"\>"], "Print",
2308 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711510671946*^9},
2309 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2310 | CellID->553181980,ExpressionUUID->"230778e9-0059-41d2-a5cf-e8fdc7e58988"],
2311 |
2312 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Splitting vertices into building blocks.\"\>"], \
2313 | "Print",
2314 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115108174973`*^9},
2315 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2316 | CellID->872829997,ExpressionUUID->"4991b19d-e2e4-4b80-8ab7-4825e4cf3961"],
2317 |
2318 | Cell[BoxData[
2319 | InterpretationBox[
2320 | RowBox[{"\<\"Splitting of vertices distributed over \"\>",
2321 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" kernels.\"\>"}],
2322 | SequenceForm["Splitting of vertices distributed over ", 4, " kernels."],
2323 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2324 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711510859573*^9},
2325 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2326 | CellID->192966922,ExpressionUUID->"3240d6ea-9ccb-4afa-a06f-ec8b3f117527"],
2327 |
2328 | Cell[BoxData[
2329 | InterpretationBox[
2330 | RowBox[{"\<\" - Optimizing: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2331 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[PRIVATE`PY$SplitVertexCounter, StandardForm],
2332 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"/\"\>",
2333 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "103", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" .\"\>"}],
2334 | SequenceForm[" - Optimizing: ",
2335 | Dynamic[PRIVATE`PY$SplitVertexCounter], "/", 103, " ."],
2336 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2337 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971151189237*^9},
2338 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2339 | CellID->494751084,ExpressionUUID->"26dde681-7749-4c76-b87c-5b11a6583fab"],
2340 |
2341 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - Writing files.\"\>"], "Print",
2342 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711512037706*^9},
2343 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2344 | CellID->224787604,ExpressionUUID->"f73ec221-67b7-4d92-a988-1bfd6f1ce7b6"],
2345 |
2346 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Done!\"\>"], "Print",
2347 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711512227901*^9},
2348 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[18]:=",
2349 | CellID->581525355,ExpressionUUID->"ecca50c5-8730-47f8-b2d8-7026c5b09cba"]
2350 | }, Open ]],
2351 |
2352 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
2353 |
2354 | Cell[BoxData[
2355 | RowBox[{"WriteFeynArtsOutput", "[",
2356 | RowBox[{
2357 | RowBox[{"LSM", "+", "LpNG"}], ",",
2358 | RowBox[{"FlavorExpand", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}]], "Input",
2359 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.7610553087198668`*^9, 3.761055345745677*^9}, {
2360 | 3.7619038000362453`*^9, 3.761903811298986*^9}},
2361 | CellLabel->"In[19]:=",
2362 | CellID->456746452,ExpressionUUID->"e3f9db62-1e0b-4c39-8c60-ca414ec93ad2"],
2363 |
2364 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" - - - FeynRules interface to FeynArts - - -\"\>"], "Print",
2365 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514445889*^9},
2366 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2367 | CellID->498563988,ExpressionUUID->"01fc50bb-778a-4706-952a-4111b8033fc5"],
2368 |
2369 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" C. Degrande C. Duhr, 2013\"\>"], "Print",
2370 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115144476957`*^9},
2371 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2372 | CellID->2031239369,ExpressionUUID->"ad3338be-a227-49f1-9e0c-b7217c168bca"],
2373 |
2374 | Cell[BoxData["\<\" Counterterms: B. Fuks, 2012\"\>"], "Print",
2375 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514448678*^9},
2376 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2377 | CellID->492538424,ExpressionUUID->"34b97f69-9f15-4b94-8981-7c11058f5267"],
2378 |
2379 | Cell[BoxData[
2380 | InterpretationBox[
2381 | RowBox[{"\<\"Creating output directory: \"\>",
2382 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"SM_with_pNG_FA\"\>"}],
2383 | SequenceForm["Creating output directory: ", "SM_with_pNG_FA"],
2384 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2385 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514449645*^9},
2386 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2387 | CellID->1691316630,ExpressionUUID->"ab4d1659-49c3-4919-aa03-009497df27e0"],
2388 |
2389 | Cell[BoxData[
2390 | InterpretationBox[
2391 | RowBox[{"\<\"Calculating Feynman rules for \"\>",
2392 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"L1\"\>"}],
2393 | SequenceForm["Calculating Feynman rules for ", "L1"],
2394 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2395 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514450613*^9},
2396 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2397 | CellID->1865048718,ExpressionUUID->"bae952d3-fdee-44a3-a0bd-e861a4563223"],
2398 |
2399 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Redefining classes in such a way that each particle is in a \
2400 | separate FeynArts class.\"\>"], "Print",
2401 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115144515553`*^9},
2402 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2403 | CellID->1202491814,ExpressionUUID->"b7628f5c-3b81-430c-a4c3-b1645ff5c4a8"],
2404 |
2405 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"See NewFeynArtsClasses[] for more information on the new \
2406 | classes\"\>"], "Print",
2407 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514452546*^9},
2408 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2409 | CellID->311315981,ExpressionUUID->"8d7cb411-0934-4204-947c-0b6187bdf8d4"],
2410 |
2411 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Restarting Feynman rule calculation, setting FlavorExpand \
2412 | -> True.\"\>"], "Print",
2413 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971151445352*^9},
2414 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2415 | CellID->1017528575,ExpressionUUID->"efff8976-0a34-400d-8914-808101b99003"],
2416 |
2417 | Cell[BoxData[
2418 | InterpretationBox[
2419 | RowBox[{"\<\"Calculating Feynman rules for \"\>",
2420 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"L1\"\>"}],
2421 | SequenceForm["Calculating Feynman rules for ", "L1"],
2422 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2423 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514454504*^9},
2424 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2425 | CellID->1190478964,ExpressionUUID->"fefb74ca-436f-4ad5-b6b2-6ec7a58a1294"],
2426 |
2427 | Cell[BoxData[
2428 | StyleBox["\<\"Starting Feynman rules calculation for L1.\"\>",
2429 | StripOnInput->False,
2430 | LineColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2431 | FrontFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2432 | BackFaceColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2433 | GraphicsColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0],
2434 | FontWeight->Bold,
2435 | FontColor->RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]]], "Print",
2436 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514543572*^9},
2437 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2438 | CellID->274808849,ExpressionUUID->"bc21bed8-c870-406a-8c1b-889a8f263136"],
2439 |
2440 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Expanding the Lagrangian...\"\>"], "Print",
2441 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115145450087`*^9},
2442 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2443 | CellID->1622484093,ExpressionUUID->"9e4e95b3-cd0a-4b4f-8b09-2de1cabaf60b"],
2444 |
2445 | Cell[BoxData[
2446 | InterpretationBox[
2447 | RowBox[{"\<\"Expanding the indices over \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "4",
2448 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" cores\"\>"}],
2449 | SequenceForm["Expanding the indices over ", 4, " cores"],
2450 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2451 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711514546445*^9},
2452 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2453 | CellID->342801445,ExpressionUUID->"e112e94d-ab2b-410a-aaeb-8435bb12401b"],
2454 |
2455 | Cell[BoxData["\<\"Collecting the different structures that enter the \
2456 | vertex.\"\>"], "Print",
2457 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115215419273`*^9},
2458 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2459 | CellID->1912744861,ExpressionUUID->"20f33b74-3b76-45b7-9b22-ab258d5f7ad5"],
2460 |
2461 | Cell[BoxData[
2462 | InterpretationBox[
2463 | RowBox[{
2464 | "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" possible non-zero vertices have been \
2465 | found -> starting the computation: \"\>", "\[InvisibleSpace]",
2466 | DynamicBox[ToBoxes[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules, StandardForm],
2467 | ImageSizeCache->{22., {0., 8.}}], "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" / \"\>",
2468 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "130", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\".\"\>"}],
2469 | SequenceForm[
2470 | 130, " possible non-zero vertices have been found -> starting the \
2471 | computation: ",
2472 | Dynamic[FeynRules`FR$FeynmanRules], " / ", 130, "."],
2473 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2474 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115216195374`*^9},
2475 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2476 | CellID->1820166884,ExpressionUUID->"1db5bd74-b63b-490b-8d0a-f58249491ab0"],
2477 |
2478 | Cell[BoxData[
2479 | InterpretationBox[
2480 | RowBox[{"103", "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\" vertices obtained.\"\>"}],
2481 | SequenceForm[103, " vertices obtained."],
2482 | Editable->False]], "Print",
2483 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711527606604*^9},
2484 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
2485 | CellID->640267873,ExpressionUUID->"c5daecd6-0e66-4e45-afc4-9b29b0d48985"],
2486 |
2487 | Cell[BoxData[
2488 | RowBox[{
2489 | StyleBox[
2490 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2491 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2492 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2493 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2494 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2495 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2496 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711529950382*^9},
2497 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2498 | CellID->2089070041,ExpressionUUID->"25604d61-f23b-4499-8aa2-8eb3b193daa4"],
2499 |
2500 | Cell[BoxData[
2501 | RowBox[{
2502 | StyleBox[
2503 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2504 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2505 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2506 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2507 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2508 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2509 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711529976759*^9},
2510 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2511 | CellID->1790034284,ExpressionUUID->"3a3063f9-93eb-459e-8e81-82d86944ecd3"],
2512 |
2513 | Cell[BoxData[
2514 | RowBox[{
2515 | StyleBox[
2516 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2517 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2518 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2519 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2520 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2521 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2522 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153004797*^9},
2523 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2524 | CellID->1007800365,ExpressionUUID->"45824848-1bee-4cb1-9081-f89eb171e7a3"],
2525 |
2526 | Cell[BoxData[
2527 | RowBox[{
2528 | StyleBox[
2529 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2530 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2531 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2532 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2533 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2534 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2535 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115300740423`*^9},
2536 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2537 | CellID->897210666,ExpressionUUID->"0b00ad92-7d4b-4226-8e1c-ccb66948dc15"],
2538 |
2539 | Cell[BoxData[
2540 | RowBox[{
2541 | StyleBox[
2542 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2543 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2544 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2545 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2546 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2547 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2548 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530145967*^9},
2549 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2550 | CellID->1936977875,ExpressionUUID->"0e429797-6b66-4075-a8be-663a92a7fa91"],
2551 |
2552 | Cell[BoxData[
2553 | RowBox[{
2554 | StyleBox[
2555 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2556 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2557 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2558 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2559 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2560 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2561 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530173499*^9},
2562 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2563 | CellID->1082540252,ExpressionUUID->"c7baf0ec-432d-4187-b36e-c94cfe82aeed"],
2564 |
2565 | Cell[BoxData[
2566 | RowBox[{
2567 | StyleBox[
2568 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2569 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2570 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2571 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2572 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2573 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2574 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115302380457`*^9},
2575 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2576 | CellID->772557980,ExpressionUUID->"e6fa4e72-96e8-42bc-a0d2-ba69ba8240f9"],
2577 |
2578 | Cell[BoxData[
2579 | RowBox[{
2580 | StyleBox[
2581 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2582 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2583 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2584 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2585 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2586 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2587 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530265332*^9},
2588 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2589 | CellID->695840098,ExpressionUUID->"9f9e15ef-fab4-4eed-8a32-23bcba3e531a"],
2590 |
2591 | Cell[BoxData[
2592 | RowBox[{
2593 | StyleBox[
2594 | RowBox[{"General", "::", "stop"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2595 | " ", "\<\"Further output of \\!\\(\\*StyleBox[RowBox[{\\\"Simplify\\\", \\\
2596 | \"::\\\", \\\"time\\\"}], \\\"MessageName\\\"]\\) will be suppressed during \
2597 | this calculation.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2598 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2599 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530331744*^9},
2600 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2601 | CellID->1936069171,ExpressionUUID->"13c44780-ec19-4f80-b191-87c30ad2a8a9"],
2602 |
2603 | Cell[BoxData[
2604 | RowBox[{
2605 | StyleBox[
2606 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2607 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2608 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2609 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2610 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2611 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2612 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530408927*^9},
2613 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2614 | CellID->842337653,ExpressionUUID->"4cd66d50-03da-43dc-a857-ae380aba98b9"],
2615 |
2616 | Cell[BoxData[
2617 | RowBox[{
2618 | StyleBox[
2619 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2620 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2621 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2622 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2623 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2624 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2625 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530478899*^9},
2626 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2627 | CellID->956732947,ExpressionUUID->"513bee28-6199-42ed-8d4c-53ffb6a3bfac"],
2628 |
2629 | Cell[BoxData[
2630 | RowBox[{
2631 | StyleBox[
2632 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2633 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2634 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2635 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2636 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2637 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2638 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530509158*^9},
2639 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2640 | CellID->1600575140,ExpressionUUID->"ab23f203-0427-4f2c-9c1c-10d851bfc7b0"],
2641 |
2642 | Cell[BoxData[
2643 | RowBox[{
2644 | StyleBox[
2645 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2646 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2647 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2648 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2649 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2650 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2651 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115305822773`*^9},
2652 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2653 | CellID->1486215658,ExpressionUUID->"bdffe834-82ff-40d4-9a72-065075f6b2c9"],
2654 |
2655 | Cell[BoxData[
2656 | RowBox[{
2657 | StyleBox[
2658 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2659 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2660 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2661 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2662 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2663 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2664 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530608173*^9},
2665 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2666 | CellID->1444265749,ExpressionUUID->"731ce4c1-641a-47dd-966c-228ce50aae5e"],
2667 |
2668 | Cell[BoxData[
2669 | RowBox[{
2670 | StyleBox[
2671 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2672 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2673 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2674 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2675 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2676 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2677 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530675561*^9},
2678 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2679 | CellID->766781402,ExpressionUUID->"ddade674-7ae8-4f49-ae16-f43310a0e556"],
2680 |
2681 | Cell[BoxData[
2682 | RowBox[{
2683 | StyleBox[
2684 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2685 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2686 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2687 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2688 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2689 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2690 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530701985*^9},
2691 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2692 | CellID->245657767,ExpressionUUID->"b48cc0fd-c1a5-495e-a9f6-e07d9592e847"],
2693 |
2694 | Cell[BoxData[
2695 | RowBox[{
2696 | StyleBox[
2697 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2698 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2699 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2700 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2701 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2702 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2703 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530766633*^9},
2704 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2705 | CellID->1306520435,ExpressionUUID->"6ff5d2e5-5327-452b-b8e2-aafe4105f35d"],
2706 |
2707 | Cell[BoxData[
2708 | RowBox[{
2709 | StyleBox[
2710 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2711 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2712 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2713 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2714 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2715 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2716 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530792206*^9},
2717 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2718 | CellID->668660470,ExpressionUUID->"67ed6279-8bc8-4b52-a475-0bd3d4e505b0"],
2719 |
2720 | Cell[BoxData[
2721 | RowBox[{
2722 | StyleBox[
2723 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2724 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2725 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2726 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2727 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2728 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2729 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530860186*^9},
2730 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2731 | CellID->394594539,ExpressionUUID->"31fbb9eb-4870-4fe3-8510-b8d00a3d6354"],
2732 |
2733 | Cell[BoxData[
2734 | RowBox[{
2735 | StyleBox[
2736 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2737 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2738 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2739 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2740 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2741 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2742 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530885558*^9},
2743 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2744 | CellID->520915037,ExpressionUUID->"f5705068-9ea0-4b10-911b-97216722c6e5"],
2745 |
2746 | Cell[BoxData[
2747 | RowBox[{
2748 | StyleBox[
2749 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2750 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2751 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2752 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2753 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2754 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2755 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530955534*^9},
2756 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2757 | CellID->1875681687,ExpressionUUID->"70d73f29-3243-4afb-996a-280167d5d45c"],
2758 |
2759 | Cell[BoxData[
2760 | RowBox[{
2761 | StyleBox[
2762 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2763 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2764 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2765 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2766 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2767 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2768 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711530981782*^9},
2769 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2770 | CellID->1669659096,ExpressionUUID->"3b97f864-f40a-44b0-8b96-3773a93a9ed2"],
2771 |
2772 | Cell[BoxData[
2773 | RowBox[{
2774 | StyleBox[
2775 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2776 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2777 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2778 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2779 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2780 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2781 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531049109*^9},
2782 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2783 | CellID->791611123,ExpressionUUID->"f8ab4ac2-eb73-473f-aa13-3956a5fe5421"],
2784 |
2785 | Cell[BoxData[
2786 | RowBox[{
2787 | StyleBox[
2788 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2789 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2790 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2791 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2792 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2793 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2794 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115310752068`*^9},
2795 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2796 | CellID->946951096,ExpressionUUID->"6dd5dad4-ff7a-47af-8b85-ddb366c4c411"],
2797 |
2798 | Cell[BoxData[
2799 | RowBox[{
2800 | StyleBox[
2801 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2802 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2803 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2804 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2805 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2806 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2807 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531147237*^9},
2808 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2809 | CellID->405762555,ExpressionUUID->"37111d7f-6431-44fd-9193-c3364e84adff"],
2810 |
2811 | Cell[BoxData[
2812 | RowBox[{
2813 | StyleBox[
2814 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2815 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2816 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2817 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2818 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2819 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2820 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531176528*^9},
2821 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2822 | CellID->1390682660,ExpressionUUID->"c7a434ca-1855-4a89-bf37-8ed92edf1e9c"],
2823 |
2824 | Cell[BoxData[
2825 | RowBox[{
2826 | StyleBox[
2827 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2828 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2829 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2830 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2831 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2832 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2833 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531248672*^9},
2834 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2835 | CellID->2138936319,ExpressionUUID->"3a2012fe-8475-42d8-814f-1c1e899d8e68"],
2836 |
2837 | Cell[BoxData[
2838 | RowBox[{
2839 | StyleBox[
2840 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2841 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2842 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2843 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2844 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2845 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2846 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153127322*^9},
2847 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2848 | CellID->226462653,ExpressionUUID->"6b803092-1818-485a-bb63-0123155c28db"],
2849 |
2850 | Cell[BoxData[
2851 | RowBox[{
2852 | StyleBox[
2853 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2854 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2855 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2856 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2857 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2858 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2859 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531342136*^9},
2860 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2861 | CellID->816786487,ExpressionUUID->"06340baa-3332-4c92-b5cc-12603f48d2ce"],
2862 |
2863 | Cell[BoxData[
2864 | RowBox[{
2865 | StyleBox[
2866 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2867 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2868 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2869 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2870 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2871 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2872 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153141525*^9},
2873 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2874 | CellID->1015015385,ExpressionUUID->"2b46803f-edad-4499-affb-46d603c1def9"],
2875 |
2876 | Cell[BoxData[
2877 | RowBox[{
2878 | StyleBox[
2879 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2880 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2881 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2882 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2883 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2884 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2885 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115314416018`*^9},
2886 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2887 | CellID->1900967574,ExpressionUUID->"32ba9a35-a41c-4b94-b24a-67d30c5cc05b"],
2888 |
2889 | Cell[BoxData[
2890 | RowBox[{
2891 | StyleBox[
2892 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2893 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2894 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2895 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2896 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2897 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2898 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115315093117`*^9},
2899 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2900 | CellID->1447799799,ExpressionUUID->"b5f6bfed-49a9-4b92-ac51-83f214a3f4e2"],
2901 |
2902 | Cell[BoxData[
2903 | RowBox[{
2904 | StyleBox[
2905 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2906 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2907 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2908 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2909 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2910 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2911 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531538165*^9},
2912 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2913 | CellID->34017636,ExpressionUUID->"86f6d7cd-e8b0-4fd1-8575-7d362b1bcac2"],
2914 |
2915 | Cell[BoxData[
2916 | RowBox[{
2917 | StyleBox[
2918 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2919 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2920 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2921 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2922 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2923 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2924 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153160983*^9},
2925 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2926 | CellID->503758150,ExpressionUUID->"2bddb63c-01af-40cd-87c6-2b894500052f"],
2927 |
2928 | Cell[BoxData[
2929 | RowBox[{
2930 | StyleBox[
2931 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2932 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2933 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2934 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2935 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2936 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2937 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531636757*^9},
2938 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2939 | CellID->1282690576,ExpressionUUID->"5fddc6b8-75c8-4e05-b1f2-974fbc0f74d6"],
2940 |
2941 | Cell[BoxData[
2942 | RowBox[{
2943 | StyleBox[
2944 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2945 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2946 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2947 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2948 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2949 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2950 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153170422*^9},
2951 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
2952 | CellID->1739662246,ExpressionUUID->"8f51db69-6372-473e-aa79-8afe441991de"],
2953 |
2954 | Cell[BoxData[
2955 | RowBox[{
2956 | StyleBox[
2957 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2958 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2959 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2960 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2961 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2962 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2963 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531731333*^9},
2964 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
2965 | CellID->513514617,ExpressionUUID->"378b24b6-f3f7-4efa-9833-9691163d1bb1"],
2966 |
2967 | Cell[BoxData[
2968 | RowBox[{
2969 | StyleBox[
2970 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2971 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2972 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2973 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2974 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2975 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2976 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531800796*^9},
2977 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
2978 | CellID->2050874273,ExpressionUUID->"5df7d9c8-81c4-4699-8347-4db4f99298e2"],
2979 |
2980 | Cell[BoxData[
2981 | RowBox[{
2982 | StyleBox[
2983 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2984 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2985 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2986 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
2987 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
2988 | ShowCellLabel->True,
2989 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531827154*^9},
2990 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
2991 | CellID->1931371961,ExpressionUUID->"117a5414-7505-4635-a203-9af42987f00a"],
2992 |
2993 | Cell[BoxData[
2994 | RowBox[{
2995 | StyleBox[
2996 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
2997 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
2998 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
2999 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3000 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3001 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3002 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531893194*^9},
3003 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3004 | CellID->1353224122,ExpressionUUID->"ee9e35dd-11f3-425c-bd0e-6d004f088747"],
3005 |
3006 | Cell[BoxData[
3007 | RowBox[{
3008 | StyleBox[
3009 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3010 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3011 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3012 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3013 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3014 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3015 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711531921596*^9},
3016 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3017 | CellID->1785996724,ExpressionUUID->"e79c45e2-4454-4ced-af7b-05b544b88aee"],
3018 |
3019 | Cell[BoxData[
3020 | RowBox[{
3021 | StyleBox[
3022 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3023 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3024 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3025 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3026 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3027 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3028 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115319923687`*^9},
3029 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3030 | CellID->1868006149,ExpressionUUID->"f9696b81-3623-4abf-a153-de7736c62487"],
3031 |
3032 | Cell[BoxData[
3033 | RowBox[{
3034 | StyleBox[
3035 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3036 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3037 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3038 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3039 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3040 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3041 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115320211163`*^9},
3042 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3043 | CellID->1515910750,ExpressionUUID->"dc470f3a-0043-4f0c-a47b-0204638681a4"],
3044 |
3045 | Cell[BoxData[
3046 | RowBox[{
3047 | StyleBox[
3048 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3049 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3050 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3051 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3052 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3053 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3054 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532101006*^9},
3055 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3056 | CellID->165987242,ExpressionUUID->"7c55b6df-e544-45d4-a1e9-96b1064d23b0"],
3057 |
3058 | Cell[BoxData[
3059 | RowBox[{
3060 | StyleBox[
3061 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3062 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3063 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3064 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3065 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3066 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3067 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532126902*^9},
3068 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3069 | CellID->166318841,ExpressionUUID->"054c2e1c-1a53-4d57-9749-f18ffa8f116b"],
3070 |
3071 | Cell[BoxData[
3072 | RowBox[{
3073 | StyleBox[
3074 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3075 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3076 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3077 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3078 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3079 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3080 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153220759*^9},
3081 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3082 | CellID->1444535940,ExpressionUUID->"dad7f7ff-63e3-43c4-a584-1d2c9691caee"],
3083 |
3084 | Cell[BoxData[
3085 | RowBox[{
3086 | StyleBox[
3087 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3088 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3089 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3090 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3091 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3092 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3093 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115322387447`*^9},
3094 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3095 | CellID->1012914245,ExpressionUUID->"0014cb35-3e91-479a-8803-5728e2af7922"],
3096 |
3097 | Cell[BoxData[
3098 | RowBox[{
3099 | StyleBox[
3100 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3101 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3102 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3103 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3104 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3105 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3106 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115323199263`*^9},
3107 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3108 | CellID->946845946,ExpressionUUID->"ec94006e-fbea-4ddc-a70f-8d5edf814024"],
3109 |
3110 | Cell[BoxData[
3111 | RowBox[{
3112 | StyleBox[
3113 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3114 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3115 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3116 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3117 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3118 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3119 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532356455*^9},
3120 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3121 | CellID->785990152,ExpressionUUID->"68c3e99a-8114-4e24-96b1-cd86a30463e3"],
3122 |
3123 | Cell[BoxData[
3124 | RowBox[{
3125 | StyleBox[
3126 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3127 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3128 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3129 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3130 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3131 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3132 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532425758*^9},
3133 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3134 | CellID->964571967,ExpressionUUID->"550fd119-b13e-4e23-8fa8-28c346ca1dcf"],
3135 |
3136 | Cell[BoxData[
3137 | RowBox[{
3138 | StyleBox[
3139 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3140 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3141 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3142 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3143 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3144 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3145 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532454708*^9},
3146 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3147 | CellID->206998166,ExpressionUUID->"d508e71d-a1ac-4105-b8c7-6a151393dd43"],
3148 |
3149 | Cell[BoxData[
3150 | RowBox[{
3151 | StyleBox[
3152 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3153 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3154 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3155 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3156 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3157 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3158 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532525756*^9},
3159 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3160 | CellID->94667822,ExpressionUUID->"a1c90384-81b7-4306-9665-2cfdd606e3f4"],
3161 |
3162 | Cell[BoxData[
3163 | RowBox[{
3164 | StyleBox[
3165 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3166 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3167 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3168 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3169 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3170 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3171 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532552483*^9},
3172 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3173 | CellID->1944185574,ExpressionUUID->"1db7aaac-17cf-482f-a090-80c1e27519b7"],
3174 |
3175 | Cell[BoxData[
3176 | RowBox[{
3177 | StyleBox[
3178 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3179 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3180 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3181 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3182 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3183 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3184 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532618306*^9},
3185 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3186 | CellID->1963253113,ExpressionUUID->"5f58585e-5bc0-4a8b-99b0-85e4444766b6"],
3187 |
3188 | Cell[BoxData[
3189 | RowBox[{
3190 | StyleBox[
3191 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3192 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3193 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3194 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3195 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3196 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3197 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532644931*^9},
3198 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3199 | CellID->308834036,ExpressionUUID->"05f33399-8e37-47a2-ad19-7811e7205d44"],
3200 |
3201 | Cell[BoxData[
3202 | RowBox[{
3203 | StyleBox[
3204 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3205 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3206 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3207 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3208 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3209 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3210 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532714982*^9},
3211 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3212 | CellID->105668253,ExpressionUUID->"08f193dd-4ff0-47fd-900e-33397f36c311"],
3213 |
3214 | Cell[BoxData[
3215 | RowBox[{
3216 | StyleBox[
3217 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3218 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3219 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3220 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3221 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3222 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3223 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115327416153`*^9},
3224 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3225 | CellID->2144835749,ExpressionUUID->"096efd2a-7f7c-4496-b3ad-5ca103171440"],
3226 |
3227 | Cell[BoxData[
3228 | RowBox[{
3229 | StyleBox[
3230 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3231 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3232 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3233 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3234 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3235 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3236 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532809572*^9},
3237 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3238 | CellID->593934901,ExpressionUUID->"d6b8edc8-5e10-4733-8e92-af88f0d29034"],
3239 |
3240 | Cell[BoxData[
3241 | RowBox[{
3242 | StyleBox[
3243 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3244 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3245 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3246 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3247 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3248 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3249 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115328363867`*^9},
3250 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3251 | CellID->759889851,ExpressionUUID->"141693f9-411c-47fa-adfb-97462094e013"],
3252 |
3253 | Cell[BoxData[
3254 | RowBox[{
3255 | StyleBox[
3256 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3257 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3258 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3259 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3260 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3261 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3262 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532903689*^9},
3263 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3264 | CellID->383477048,ExpressionUUID->"0780590f-cfe8-4277-bf26-efe3daece1e8"],
3265 |
3266 | Cell[BoxData[
3267 | RowBox[{
3268 | StyleBox[
3269 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3270 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3271 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3272 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3273 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3274 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3275 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115329327602`*^9},
3276 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3277 | CellID->500321089,ExpressionUUID->"d376f839-08c5-447d-b838-1a487f73818f"],
3278 |
3279 | Cell[BoxData[
3280 | RowBox[{
3281 | StyleBox[
3282 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3283 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3284 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3285 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3286 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3287 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3288 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711532998267*^9},
3289 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3290 | CellID->1498064818,ExpressionUUID->"c49e9887-4823-4b2b-b662-077453247b96"],
3291 |
3292 | Cell[BoxData[
3293 | RowBox[{
3294 | StyleBox[
3295 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3296 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3297 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3298 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3299 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3300 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3301 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115330243177`*^9},
3302 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3303 | CellID->877118698,ExpressionUUID->"ee375011-9500-4cfe-a896-92f93851e1cd"],
3304 |
3305 | Cell[BoxData[
3306 | RowBox[{
3307 | StyleBox[
3308 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3309 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3310 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3311 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3312 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3313 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3314 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533102771*^9},
3315 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3316 | CellID->1406204278,ExpressionUUID->"eadb7579-a243-4083-b227-f22768462150"],
3317 |
3318 | Cell[BoxData[
3319 | RowBox[{
3320 | StyleBox[
3321 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3322 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3323 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3324 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3325 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3326 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3327 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533132649*^9},
3328 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3329 | CellID->1017765111,ExpressionUUID->"fe3e8728-9356-40c2-aaf1-b9fad010dd59"],
3330 |
3331 | Cell[BoxData[
3332 | RowBox[{
3333 | StyleBox[
3334 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3335 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3336 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3337 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3338 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3339 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3340 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533201509*^9},
3341 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3342 | CellID->870972222,ExpressionUUID->"d489138d-4bbc-4987-819d-c73069246d49"],
3343 |
3344 | Cell[BoxData[
3345 | RowBox[{
3346 | StyleBox[
3347 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3348 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3349 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3350 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3351 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3352 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3353 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533227977*^9},
3354 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3355 | CellID->1181597202,ExpressionUUID->"88a05bdf-bacc-4197-906f-4ba0ae94f81d"],
3356 |
3357 | Cell[BoxData[
3358 | RowBox[{
3359 | StyleBox[
3360 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3361 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3362 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3363 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3364 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3365 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3366 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115332997627`*^9},
3367 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3368 | CellID->1322890205,ExpressionUUID->"b72bfdd5-cde3-4b93-9370-0f6ffe041a4b"],
3369 |
3370 | Cell[BoxData[
3371 | RowBox[{
3372 | StyleBox[
3373 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3374 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3375 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3376 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3377 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3378 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3379 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533326124*^9},
3380 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3381 | CellID->917478044,ExpressionUUID->"5ec2ab99-64f6-4c87-8cfb-a14bfad2a302"],
3382 |
3383 | Cell[BoxData[
3384 | RowBox[{
3385 | StyleBox[
3386 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3387 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3388 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3389 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3390 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3391 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3392 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533394557*^9},
3393 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3394 | CellID->1120900048,ExpressionUUID->"1441ae64-9a12-4838-bef3-3bde90a2d42a"],
3395 |
3396 | Cell[BoxData[
3397 | RowBox[{
3398 | StyleBox[
3399 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3400 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3401 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3402 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3403 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3404 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3405 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533419135*^9},
3406 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3407 | CellID->1240555252,ExpressionUUID->"0b104cc9-9f68-4b2d-9be2-baf9a377b30e"],
3408 |
3409 | Cell[BoxData[
3410 | RowBox[{
3411 | StyleBox[
3412 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3413 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3414 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3415 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3416 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3417 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3418 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533485526*^9},
3419 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3420 | CellID->93391641,ExpressionUUID->"097eaa58-fff1-4607-81e6-07c79046303d"],
3421 |
3422 | Cell[BoxData[
3423 | RowBox[{
3424 | StyleBox[
3425 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3426 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3427 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3428 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3429 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3430 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3431 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533513095*^9},
3432 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3433 | CellID->1970247977,ExpressionUUID->"87f6a680-3ef0-43ff-9858-a1bb452c6a24"],
3434 |
3435 | Cell[BoxData[
3436 | RowBox[{
3437 | StyleBox[
3438 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3439 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3440 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3441 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3442 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3443 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3444 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115335772133`*^9},
3445 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3446 | CellID->1907396346,ExpressionUUID->"fdef274d-527f-4660-9ac9-852f5f3d8cda"],
3447 |
3448 | Cell[BoxData[
3449 | RowBox[{
3450 | StyleBox[
3451 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3452 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3453 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3454 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3455 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3456 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3457 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533603867*^9},
3458 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3459 | CellID->2121988453,ExpressionUUID->"7952c282-e4b9-47f9-a0e4-6a976357c851"],
3460 |
3461 | Cell[BoxData[
3462 | RowBox[{
3463 | StyleBox[
3464 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3465 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3466 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3467 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3468 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3469 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3470 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533669902*^9},
3471 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3472 | CellID->999003842,ExpressionUUID->"4b2aff15-a711-4037-bb3f-0338b7f47d07"],
3473 |
3474 | Cell[BoxData[
3475 | RowBox[{
3476 | StyleBox[
3477 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3478 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3479 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3480 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3481 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3482 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3483 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153369595*^9},
3484 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3485 | CellID->1230420248,ExpressionUUID->"bacf17ee-4b90-4278-8dd6-b46936d01f04"],
3486 |
3487 | Cell[BoxData[
3488 | RowBox[{
3489 | StyleBox[
3490 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3491 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3492 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3493 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3494 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3495 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3496 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533768794*^9},
3497 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3498 | CellID->1553071173,ExpressionUUID->"e97567b9-88a2-4590-8825-079c70675dc2"],
3499 |
3500 | Cell[BoxData[
3501 | RowBox[{
3502 | StyleBox[
3503 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3504 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3505 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3506 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3507 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3508 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3509 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115338059464`*^9},
3510 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3511 | CellID->1950958973,ExpressionUUID->"a5d438be-a5bb-4b6c-8062-aebe91a90d16"],
3512 |
3513 | Cell[BoxData[
3514 | RowBox[{
3515 | StyleBox[
3516 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3517 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3518 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3519 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3520 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3521 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3522 | CellChangeTimes->{3.7797115338775454`*^9},
3523 | CellLabel->"(kernel 2)",
3524 | CellID->1987136815,ExpressionUUID->"2e4b0ebf-3cb7-4c1c-a938-c755dd3ebb0c"],
3525 |
3526 | Cell[BoxData[
3527 | RowBox[{
3528 | StyleBox[
3529 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3530 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3531 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3532 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3533 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3534 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3535 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533903968*^9},
3536 | CellLabel->"(kernel 1)",
3537 | CellID->142771561,ExpressionUUID->"b64d4bea-a368-4d19-8b48-90855f094223"],
3538 |
3539 | Cell[BoxData[
3540 | RowBox[{
3541 | StyleBox[
3542 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3543 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3544 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3545 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3546 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3547 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3548 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711533973319*^9},
3549 | CellLabel->"(kernel 4)",
3550 | CellID->822392028,ExpressionUUID->"6c5fb897-a864-4d71-b131-487de6d99037"],
3551 |
3552 | Cell[BoxData[
3553 | RowBox[{
3554 | StyleBox[
3555 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3556 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3557 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3558 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3559 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3560 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3561 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711534004652*^9},
3562 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
3563 | CellID->738062504,ExpressionUUID->"92181cf7-717c-4dda-93db-eb8bcc38ebbc"],
3564 |
3565 | Cell[BoxData[
3566 | RowBox[{
3567 | StyleBox[
3568 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3569 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3570 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3571 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3572 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3573 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3574 | CellChangeTimes->{3.779711534076654*^9},
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3580 | StyleBox[
3581 | RowBox[{"Simplify", "::", "time"}], "MessageName"], " ", ":",
3582 | " ", "\<\"Time spent on a transformation exceeded \
3583 | \\!\\(\\*RowBox[{\\\"0.01`\\\"}]\\) seconds, and the transformation was \
3584 | aborted. Increasing the value of TimeConstraint option may improve the result \
3585 | of simplification.\"\>"}]], "Message", "MSG",
3586 | ShowCellLabel->True,
3587 | CellChangeTimes->{3.77971153410773*^9},
3588 | CellLabel->"(kernel 3)",
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3591 | Cell[BoxData[
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3597 | Editable->False]], "Print",
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3599 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
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3602 | Cell[BoxData[
3603 | InterpretationBox[
3604 | RowBox[{"\<\"Writing FeynArts generic file on \"\>",
3605 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\"SM_with_pNG_FA.gen\"\>",
3606 | "\[InvisibleSpace]", "\<\".\"\>"}],
3607 | SequenceForm["Writing FeynArts generic file on ", "SM_with_pNG_FA.gen", "."],
3608 | Editable->False]], "Print",
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3610 | CellLabel->"During evaluation of In[19]:=",
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3688 | Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["MUnit`"]; MUnit`PaletteInsertTest[
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3722 | TagBox[
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3724 | PaneBox[
3725 | DynamicBox[
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3727 | "MUnitExpressions", "ConvertSelection"]],
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3729 | Automatic, Automatic}, {-1, Automatic}}],
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3731 | StyleBox[
3732 | DynamicBox[
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3734 | "MUnitStrings", "ConvertSelectiontoTest-Label"]],
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3738 | 0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
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3765 | Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["MUnit`"];
3766 | MUnit`buttonConvertCellGroup[
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3795 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitExpressions", "Run"]],
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3802 | 0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
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3804 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], FontColor ->
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3813 | Dynamic[
3814 | CurrentValue["MouseOver"]], FrameMargins -> 0, ImageSize ->
3815 | Automatic],
3816 | DynamicBox[
3817 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitStrings", "Run-Tooltip"]],
3818 | TooltipDelay -> 0.5], Annotation[#,
3819 | Dynamic[
3820 | RawBoxes[
3821 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitStrings", "Run-Tooltip"]]],
3822 | "Tooltip"]& ], Appearance ->
3823 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitExpressions", "ButtonAppearances"],
3824 | ButtonFunction :>
3825 | Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["MUnit`"]; MUnit`PaletteRun[
3826 | InputNotebook[]]], Evaluator -> Automatic,
3827 | FrameMargins -> {{10, 10}, {0, 0}}, ImageSize -> {Automatic, 28},
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3830 | ButtonBox[
3831 | PaneSelectorBox[{False -> StyleBox[
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3834 | DynamicBox[
3835 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitStrings", "More-Label"],
3836 | ImageSizeCache -> {30., {0., 9.}}],
3837 | "\"\[FilledDownTriangle]\""}}, AutoDelete -> False,
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3839 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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3841 | "Columns" -> {{0.5}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"],
3842 | "ButtonText", StripOnInput -> False], True -> StyleBox[
3843 | TagBox[
3844 | GridBox[{{
3845 | DynamicBox[
3846 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitStrings", "More-Label"]],
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3854 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
3855 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], GraphicsColor ->
3856 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], FontColor ->
3857 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102]]},
3858 | Dynamic[
3859 | CurrentValue["MouseOver"]], FrameMargins -> 0, ImageSize ->
3860 | Automatic], Appearance ->
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3862 | "MUnitExpressions", "ButtonAppearances"], ButtonFunction :> {},
3863 | ContentPadding -> False, Evaluator -> None,
3864 | FrameMargins -> {{10, 10}, {0, 0}}, ImageSize -> {Automatic, 28},
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3866 | GridBox[{{
3867 | PaneBox[
3868 | DynamicBox[
3869 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3870 | "MUnitExpressions", "AssignTestIDs"]],
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3873 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3874 | "MUnitStrings", "AssignTestIDs-Label"]]}}, AutoDelete ->
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3876 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
3877 | GridBoxItemSize -> {
3878 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"] :>
3879 | Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["MUnit`"]; MUnit`PaletteAddTestIDs[
3880 | InputNotebook[]]], TagBox[
3881 | GridBox[{{
3882 | PaneBox[
3883 | DynamicBox[
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3885 | "MUnitExpressions", "SaveAsDotwlt"]],
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3888 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3889 | "MUnitStrings", "SaveAsDotwlt-Label"]]}}, AutoDelete ->
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3893 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"] :>
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3895 | InputNotebook[]]], TagBox[
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3897 | PaneBox[
3898 | DynamicBox[
3899 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitExpressions", "Help"]],
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3902 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource["MUnitStrings", "Help-Label"]]}},
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3907 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"] :>
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3912 | TagBox[
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3916 | PaneBox[
3917 | DynamicBox[
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3919 | "MUnitExpressions", "ClearTestResults-on"],
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3921 | ImageMargins -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {2, Automatic}}],
3922 | StyleBox[
3923 | DynamicBox[
3924 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3925 | "MUnitStrings", "ClearTestResults-Label"],
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3929 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
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3931 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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3933 | "Columns" -> {{0.4}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"],
3934 | True -> TagBox[
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3936 | PaneBox[
3937 | DynamicBox[
3938 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3939 | "MUnitExpressions", "ClearTestResults-on"]],
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3942 | DynamicBox[
3943 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3944 | "MUnitStrings", "ClearTestResults-Label"]], "ButtonText",
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3946 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], FrontFaceColor ->
3947 | RGBColor[
3948 | 0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
3949 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], GraphicsColor ->
3950 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102], FontColor ->
3951 | RGBColor[0.9059, 0.3451, 0.102]]}}, AutoDelete -> False,
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3953 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Center}}},
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3955 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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3957 | "Columns" -> {{0.4}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}], "Grid"]},
3958 | Dynamic[
3959 | CurrentValue["MouseOver"]], FrameMargins -> 0, ImageSize ->
3960 | Automatic],
3961 | DynamicBox[
3962 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3963 | "MUnitStrings", "ClearTestResults-Tooltip"]], TooltipDelay ->
3964 | 0.5], Annotation[#,
3965 | Dynamic[
3966 | RawBoxes[
3967 | FEPrivate`FrontEndResource[
3968 | "MUnitStrings", "ClearTestResults-Tooltip"]]], "Tooltip"]& ],
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3971 | "MUnitExpressions", "ButtonAppearances"], ButtonFunction :>
3972 | Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["MUnit`"]; MUnit`clearTestResults[]],
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3974 | FrontEnd`CurrentValue[
3975 | FrontEnd`ButtonNotebook[], {TaggingRules, "$testsRun"},
3976 | False], True], Evaluator -> Automatic,
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3979 | TagBox[
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3981 | PaneBox[
3982 | DynamicBox[
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3984 | "MUnitExpressions", "ClearTestResults-off"],
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3987 | StyleBox[
3988 | DynamicBox[
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3990 | "MUnitStrings", "ClearTestResults-Label"],
3991 | ImageSizeCache -> {96., {1., 9.}}], "ButtonText",
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3994 | GrayLevel[0.7], $CellContext`BackFaceColor ->
3995 | GrayLevel[0.7], GraphicsColor -> GrayLevel[0.7], FontColor ->
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4000 | "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}},
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4005 | "MUnitExpressions", "ButtonAppearances"], ButtonFunction :> {},
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4007 | FrontEnd`CurrentValue[
4008 | FrontEnd`ButtonNotebook[], {TaggingRules, "$testsRun"},
4009 | False], True], Evaluator -> None,
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4012 | FrontEnd`CurrentValue[
4013 | FrontEnd`ButtonNotebook[], {TaggingRules, "$testsRun"}, False],
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4072 | Cell[7788, 162, 276, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"daf69402-aacb-4b51-b607-dcca52b2aa7c",
4073 | CellID->1185865765],
4074 | Cell[8067, 168, 328, 5, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"36f0c617-fef4-47a7-9cc4-b3a840e8cdb1",
4075 | CellID->50184548],
4076 | Cell[8398, 175, 328, 5, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"45cd1cd5-1f56-4dfe-98a8-a57afaffaa1d",
4077 | CellID->1638108612],
4078 | Cell[8729, 182, 262, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9790132a-01a6-4a22-ba9f-f1b4c6b694e5",
4079 | CellID->951087344],
4080 | Cell[8994, 188, 295, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a77a1444-4764-4067-a487-42c2842535d2",
4081 | CellID->1204205987],
4082 | Cell[9292, 194, 267, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"511e0fe8-1995-4e78-a2f5-d2f4d39d534e",
4083 | CellID->1204134181],
4084 | Cell[9562, 200, 332, 5, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"92de052a-484c-4535-b153-1485a803f0dc",
4085 | CellID->2144774386]
4086 | }, Open ]],
4087 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4088 | Cell[9931, 210, 461, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"349109c7-483d-4f62-a3a6-d148884dad8c",
4089 | CellID->1032924823],
4090 | Cell[10395, 220, 3215, 46, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0371be9b-3c7a-4ea1-bd23-ef1b867748e6",
4091 | CellID->1551130900]
4092 | }, Open ]]
4093 | }, Open ]]
4094 | }, Open ]],
4095 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4096 | Cell[13671, 273, 315, 4, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"9f036dbd-41e3-4e2d-a48e-f00ab04e5051",
4097 | CellID->119441446],
4098 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4099 | Cell[14011, 281, 347, 6, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"9d30463c-132a-4f84-9ddd-39e744da891c",
4100 | CellID->1596089084],
4101 | Cell[14361, 289, 708, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"305c8984-7d36-401a-a499-5bf4c8353a49",
4102 | CellID->990359039],
4103 | Cell[15072, 301, 677, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0ae114b8-c23b-4c4c-9d62-d9605a18296b",
4104 | CellID->1966104223],
4105 | Cell[15752, 313, 816, 14, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cd04f4fe-ec35-4cad-ab5b-b8db162da841",
4106 | CellID->982799572],
4107 | Cell[16571, 329, 715, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0b8d91fe-d33b-4458-b444-f6c0c06fb258",
4108 | CellID->1615677527],
4109 | Cell[17289, 342, 666, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ab1e3af0-1951-4a6e-a27a-e18df501cd08",
4110 | CellID->1908963621],
4111 | Cell[17958, 354, 698, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"72b1a76e-e784-468a-8aed-fe5d87221b1e",
4112 | CellID->545891967],
4113 | Cell[18659, 366, 698, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"22937c3b-a517-44aa-9e73-f37a8b3b7274",
4114 | CellID->756149385],
4115 | Cell[19360, 378, 700, 10, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"d1eea055-9e8f-419e-882f-27371711f5b5",
4116 | CellID->1941974396],
4117 | Cell[20063, 390, 875, 15, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0ebb2b93-7513-44e5-9707-28b4ccbc9a8e",
4118 | CellID->1307206466]
4119 | }, Open ]]
4120 | }, Open ]],
4121 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4122 | Cell[20987, 411, 301, 4, 51, "Chapter",ExpressionUUID->"88d87069-0380-4eb3-bf67-4bbdef48ef32",
4123 | CellID->1487958666],
4124 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4125 | Cell[21313, 419, 790, 15, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"3bf8b9dd-f4e6-4e28-8586-2a0c2054b2c3",
4126 | CellID->474117842],
4127 | Cell[22106, 436, 350, 8, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f5fe2ed8-ae85-45c5-8347-c4e3bb5c61e0",
4128 | CellID->1970017204]
4129 | }, Open ]],
4130 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4131 | Cell[22493, 449, 885, 16, 52, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c0f4564d-1f61-4eb9-8fe5-da3865586f21",
4132 | CellID->911236787],
4133 | Cell[23381, 467, 1423, 24, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0025e6db-b654-4913-8ce5-86184f4049e6",
4134 | CellID->339685744]
4135 | }, Open ]],
4136 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4137 | Cell[24841, 496, 228, 4, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"233b311f-17a8-417f-8877-4464741d6138",
4138 | CellID->1194927059],
4139 | Cell[25072, 502, 302, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"be802a5d-7fcd-40b4-898c-8cbb7178d242",
4140 | CellID->1111727724]
4141 | }, Open ]],
4142 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4143 | Cell[25411, 511, 254, 3, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"d0229eed-93b9-4734-8f6c-9e96cd9a6740",
4144 | CellID->674230147],
4145 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4146 | Cell[25690, 518, 601, 9, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"b7baa43e-73db-4089-a8e2-acfefb565e30",
4147 | CellID->1258740756],
4148 | Cell[26294, 529, 1578, 23, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"0e7e9d3b-690a-4ea0-bb49-97673c4aa719",
4149 | CellID->185050757]
4150 | }, Open ]],
4151 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4152 | Cell[27909, 557, 635, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c91020cd-7d22-4229-8bbb-16026d677d74",
4153 | CellID->1662359057],
4154 | Cell[28547, 569, 1897, 27, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cb93f3c2-7957-457a-8662-d12686cc1691",
4155 | CellID->1858474869],
4156 | Cell[30447, 598, 1894, 27, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"47181730-fe17-4d4f-bca5-bd2253a12abe",
4157 | CellID->237477668],
4158 | Cell[32344, 627, 2088, 34, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"85d27ccf-9778-4b15-b2ea-5596171fc1ed",
4159 | CellID->1153855207],
4160 | Cell[34435, 663, 1845, 26, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f0a23bf3-2464-4fab-95d2-129b8215961b",
4161 | CellID->1067131639],
4162 | Cell[36283, 691, 2025, 31, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c6da117a-c763-40a0-89a1-be63146d2eda",
4163 | CellID->1645520576],
4164 | Cell[38311, 724, 1876, 27, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"48916f3e-e784-456f-9a0d-48b6b882411f",
4165 | CellID->1956591432],
4166 | Cell[40190, 753, 1832, 26, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"13f2d430-3a81-4607-a3bf-1c75e9a9c834",
4167 | CellID->15111113],
4168 | Cell[42025, 781, 1955, 30, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"d66efcea-2c80-48ce-88e6-fba0b6e339a7",
4169 | CellID->569405845],
4170 | Cell[43983, 813, 1843, 26, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4cd4838c-730c-4b9a-a932-7c3d7d1f8f21",
4171 | CellID->816905883],
4172 | Cell[45829, 841, 979, 16, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"ed206374-7ced-44c3-98a8-be605d300a2f",
4173 | CellID->874220310]
4174 | }, Open ]],
4175 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4176 | Cell[46845, 862, 393, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"1ba0235f-d1b3-4430-8d3e-328bbb221e7f",
4177 | CellID->506423529],
4178 | Cell[47241, 871, 1908, 30, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"cb6e7659-1f82-471b-9dcd-9b6e769c706a",
4179 | CellID->2085121043],
4180 | Cell[49152, 903, 1689, 24, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4a16809f-97e9-4e2c-88e1-f1d9fdd40f3b",
4181 | CellID->1991217955],
4182 | Cell[50844, 929, 1620, 24, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"eb84ff75-26d7-48b1-a05a-d0464916d688",
4183 | CellID->15014837]
4184 | }, Open ]],
4185 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4186 | Cell[52501, 958, 364, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"baa3118f-e43c-48c8-9aa1-cf3ec00bc473",
4187 | CellID->1711954106],
4188 | Cell[52868, 967, 1551, 22, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"386618f2-d017-4c50-85ec-2505d1d09aef",
4189 | CellID->1098778760],
4190 | Cell[54422, 991, 1619, 24, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"b402f6f0-06e4-4c7a-91e7-90947ffa88fe",
4191 | CellID->962738767]
4192 | }, Open ]],
4193 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4194 | Cell[56078, 1020, 374, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"45887bc9-2cd1-4092-a195-491e49cff7ee",
4195 | CellID->1819434187],
4196 | Cell[56455, 1029, 1904, 30, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5b52cf2e-9c0d-4f2e-b6c8-8b35cb65022d",
4197 | CellID->1728079815],
4198 | Cell[58362, 1061, 1683, 24, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fdff66a5-00a3-4319-8607-5d370d094daf",
4199 | CellID->434644030],
4200 | Cell[60048, 1087, 1606, 24, 34, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"fce2c44c-6f0e-45b6-96ec-2a2c18d0a96d",
4201 | CellID->1470328763]
4202 | }, Open ]],
4203 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4204 | Cell[61691, 1116, 395, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"d5e8837f-fd26-42a9-b425-92a2e72bfccc",
4205 | CellID->350105501],
4206 | Cell[62089, 1125, 1010, 20, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f5c31b75-cab4-4716-8bfa-45f99d07ed61",
4207 | CellID->223535781],
4208 | Cell[63102, 1147, 791, 14, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"a5704921-29ac-4898-95cf-9761e0acada6",
4209 | CellID->1308204219],
4210 | Cell[63896, 1163, 1076, 22, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"94123e3b-df91-443d-8a16-7d8928d74f65",
4211 | CellID->1346454711],
4212 | Cell[64975, 1187, 1072, 22, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9ffe1bf8-5ae9-4997-b379-26851992f3ec",
4213 | CellID->1829139338],
4214 | Cell[66050, 1211, 1076, 22, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bae25491-cb14-43b4-afa6-e7fc206a79ed",
4215 | CellID->1116446961]
4216 | }, Open ]],
4217 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4218 | Cell[67163, 1238, 618, 12, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"470158b6-90b9-48e0-ba50-3511a9c89d40",
4219 | CellID->1348508967],
4220 | Cell[67784, 1252, 2035, 32, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c704b565-5808-4c22-888e-9f72f48fd6f8",
4221 | CellID->190939555],
4222 | Cell[69822, 1286, 1812, 26, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"95cce1c5-a8cf-4430-bd85-03ec5b0cf3ec",
4223 | CellID->780532267],
4224 | Cell[71637, 1314, 1806, 26, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9463549f-0f3a-404d-8467-e90966778f2a",
4225 | CellID->1575695593],
4226 | Cell[73446, 1342, 1848, 27, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"34b325e1-b88b-4891-bd2a-526cecac9157",
4227 | CellID->2094980394],
4228 | Cell[75297, 1371, 10304, 308, 658, "Output",ExpressionUUID->"f5cb9743-69d7-45e0-b8ae-38f65b50fc2d",
4229 | CellID->193605746]
4230 | }, Open ]]
4231 | }, Open ]],
4232 | Cell[85628, 1683, 143, 2, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"74787f9b-d216-4ecb-849a-35eb875d3b61",
4233 | CellID->967486392],
4234 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4235 | Cell[85796, 1689, 183, 2, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"9b721fac-1f43-4090-bea5-e7e7ac0bc819",
4236 | CellID->366046402],
4237 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4238 | Cell[86004, 1695, 436, 10, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"c0f5fa87-55fd-4dda-894f-439732244ef1",
4239 | CellID->1748713406],
4240 | Cell[86443, 1707, 906, 20, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2bac2e3c-7c3d-45fc-bf22-d92cabbbdaed",
4241 | CellID->1526377920],
4242 | Cell[87352, 1729, 661, 12, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"28f08a91-1d48-45c0-8408-6649f9ca8e47",
4243 | CellID->2141538025],
4244 | Cell[88016, 1743, 843, 17, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"740e8171-eca2-4697-80b2-deaa9657c46b",
4245 | CellID->1003662455],
4246 | Cell[88862, 1762, 693, 13, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e3fea650-4a48-4e8e-b23f-b27863230938",
4247 | CellID->701203447],
4248 | Cell[89558, 1777, 1175, 24, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"0ac82ace-56dd-432a-8c08-07d3fdfa1b16",
4249 | CellID->1883562640],
4250 | Cell[90736, 1803, 777, 16, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c94db32b-e8fc-432d-93f5-f15220b0b6b2",
4251 | CellID->980850053]
4252 | }, Open ]]
4253 | }, Open ]],
4254 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4255 | Cell[91562, 1825, 364, 4, 67, "Section",ExpressionUUID->"28612ff9-e185-4763-893b-36ce4ca841e0",
4256 | CellID->116816367],
4257 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4258 | Cell[91951, 1833, 378, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"8dc78173-e1dd-4be8-981e-fce8c3293986",
4259 | CellID->2109175560],
4260 | Cell[92332, 1843, 242, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"92186d78-5edc-44e2-9060-2a542abee31f",
4261 | CellID->1546512867],
4262 | Cell[92577, 1848, 683, 17, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b60ea563-308b-48aa-bd54-707c4584b9c0",
4263 | CellID->1247176028],
4264 | Cell[93263, 1867, 675, 17, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"eeec06b0-953c-4263-b8d4-23077580f1b2",
4265 | CellID->1847107876],
4266 | Cell[93941, 1886, 806, 22, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"17020eba-08fc-4aa3-a8df-ccae59665f8f",
4267 | CellID->318470900],
4268 | Cell[94750, 1910, 647, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2d5dd02d-95fd-417b-a9c0-0840603caf3f",
4269 | CellID->1011167976],
4270 | Cell[95400, 1929, 661, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3024111f-1ff5-4e5c-b893-cf760ce745cc",
4271 | CellID->1662073921],
4272 | Cell[96064, 1948, 658, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7a98bdb7-93bd-4b98-8482-6f3c8449e510",
4273 | CellID->9110071],
4274 | Cell[96725, 1967, 660, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5a78ee83-9384-4426-b622-6f45d692c067",
4275 | CellID->641624360],
4276 | Cell[97388, 1986, 199, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"492c2ef8-2836-47eb-8b58-cb72eca0739d",
4277 | CellID->1265226933],
4278 | Cell[97590, 1991, 468, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b869d964-651d-468d-98d8-e232d058869b",
4279 | CellID->285990337],
4280 | Cell[98061, 2004, 222, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"aceaa45c-a040-43e6-8916-acc7dfa648de",
4281 | CellID->571191973],
4282 | Cell[98286, 2009, 407, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7d632881-2468-4a20-a0f9-65b919811797",
4283 | CellID->771588121],
4284 | Cell[98696, 2019, 257, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"561587a6-b458-474b-b10b-62ec77ed43bb",
4285 | CellID->1575289061],
4286 | Cell[98956, 2025, 738, 15, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1678d9b0-259b-4de6-8f56-c9d73fc59ee7",
4287 | CellID->1704848011],
4288 | Cell[99697, 2042, 339, 7, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"078b2af0-7780-48b8-a641-7f86c09ed3ee",
4289 | CellID->1653702603],
4290 | Cell[100039, 2051, 693, 14, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9e167179-b62e-4545-954c-443d42fdd4d2",
4291 | CellID->1046289147],
4292 | Cell[100735, 2067, 856, 21, 63, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6e7e6810-ea43-4b0a-8586-f37871a6f203",
4293 | CellID->1385591993],
4294 | Cell[101594, 2090, 648, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f40d1082-6a0a-42c4-9e46-1e9f6b915cd0",
4295 | CellID->331958283],
4296 | Cell[102245, 2109, 658, 17, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"aab39683-32c7-4d1d-aeeb-63aa4921f127",
4297 | CellID->60347475],
4298 | Cell[102906, 2128, 606, 17, 44, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2b4ebe63-9e55-4cdd-aea8-79ace656a57a",
4299 | CellID->647730941]
4300 | }, Open ]],
4301 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4302 | Cell[103549, 2150, 323, 7, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"672de9f1-0cfc-4e45-8d49-7822c9c0b6ce",
4303 | CellID->2077815379],
4304 | Cell[103875, 2159, 246, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"2c2bb492-e94b-4c88-b4f6-a4cffc9bd478",
4305 | CellID->49295002],
4306 | Cell[104124, 2165, 469, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6a536d19-a0e9-4702-b664-a641d1128db8",
4307 | CellID->1719894519],
4308 | Cell[104596, 2178, 226, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6e8532ce-e6d7-4721-86b8-19d34eb826d6",
4309 | CellID->1137292213],
4310 | Cell[104825, 2183, 404, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"21577fcb-0c1e-4159-b83a-7ad182a5924d",
4311 | CellID->1865765591],
4312 | Cell[105232, 2193, 256, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7a4449ee-9252-4d66-a2e3-37cabd64a770",
4313 | CellID->366074443],
4314 | Cell[105491, 2199, 742, 15, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9cfb82f4-8507-47be-9b3e-bbdbc6704c0c",
4315 | CellID->72514846],
4316 | Cell[106236, 2216, 341, 7, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5eed7a4a-703b-46c0-a0ff-7a2437dd9609",
4317 | CellID->1133788873],
4318 | Cell[106580, 2225, 694, 14, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"177e7bdc-0a74-4104-8926-6a4d9b413023",
4319 | CellID->967188680],
4320 | Cell[107277, 2241, 240, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"76e4e84d-8e56-4e6c-b137-cd69429930b4",
4321 | CellID->1236420617],
4322 | Cell[107520, 2246, 505, 12, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"5c82ecfd-ec11-4ff3-89b8-ebb586682a5d",
4323 | CellID->1469541547],
4324 | Cell[108028, 2260, 458, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8b4fe656-f649-4281-ac12-28cb3ed53d01",
4325 | CellID->375356282],
4326 | Cell[108489, 2273, 437, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"7d6dfc9f-fc1d-4bdf-a91c-1c001de5d0b6",
4327 | CellID->1453560335],
4328 | Cell[108929, 2283, 458, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"6728870f-0119-4e6a-a9c2-9d2c6ab8cf39",
4329 | CellID->214582073],
4330 | Cell[109390, 2296, 424, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9615ab0b-9bf1-449e-ba02-470edc1e26bf",
4331 | CellID->855857598],
4332 | Cell[109817, 2306, 220, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"230778e9-0059-41d2-a5cf-e8fdc7e58988",
4333 | CellID->553181980],
4334 | Cell[110040, 2311, 246, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"4991b19d-e2e4-4b80-8ab7-4825e4cf3961",
4335 | CellID->872829997],
4336 | Cell[110289, 2317, 435, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"3240d6ea-9ccb-4afa-a06f-ec8b3f117527",
4337 | CellID->192966922],
4338 | Cell[110727, 2327, 593, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"26dde681-7749-4c76-b87c-5b11a6583fab",
4339 | CellID->494751084],
4340 | Cell[111323, 2340, 216, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"f73ec221-67b7-4d92-a988-1bfd6f1ce7b6",
4341 | CellID->224787604],
4342 | Cell[111542, 2345, 201, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ecca50c5-8730-47f8-b2d8-7026c5b09cba",
4343 | CellID->581525355]
4344 | }, Open ]],
4345 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
4346 | Cell[111780, 2353, 386, 8, 30, "Input",ExpressionUUID->"e3f9db62-1e0b-4c39-8c60-ca414ec93ad2",
4347 | CellID->456746452],
4348 | Cell[112169, 2363, 240, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"01fc50bb-778a-4706-952a-4111b8033fc5",
4349 | CellID->498563988],
4350 | Cell[112412, 2368, 230, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ad3338be-a227-49f1-9e0c-b7217c168bca",
4351 | CellID->2031239369],
4352 | Cell[112645, 2373, 229, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"34b97f69-9f15-4b94-8981-7c11058f5267",
4353 | CellID->492538424],
4354 | Cell[112877, 2378, 393, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"ab4d1659-49c3-4919-aa03-009497df27e0",
4355 | CellID->1691316630],
4356 | Cell[113273, 2388, 375, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bae952d3-fdee-44a3-a0bd-e861a4563223",
4357 | CellID->1865048718],
4358 | Cell[113651, 2398, 285, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"b7628f5c-3b81-430c-a4c3-b1645ff5c4a8",
4359 | CellID->1202491814],
4360 | Cell[113939, 2404, 262, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"8d7cb411-0934-4204-947c-0b6187bdf8d4",
4361 | CellID->311315981],
4362 | Cell[114204, 2410, 264, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"efff8976-0a34-400d-8914-808101b99003",
4363 | CellID->1017528575],
4364 | Cell[114471, 2416, 375, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"fefb74ca-436f-4ad5-b6b2-6ec7a58a1294",
4365 | CellID->1190478964],
4366 | Cell[114849, 2426, 476, 11, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"bc21bed8-c870-406a-8c1b-889a8f263136",
4367 | CellID->274808849],
4368 | Cell[115328, 2439, 226, 3, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"9e4e95b3-cd0a-4b4f-8b09-2de1cabaf60b",
4369 | CellID->1622484093],
4370 | Cell[115557, 2444, 405, 8, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e112e94d-ab2b-410a-aaeb-8435bb12401b",
4371 | CellID->342801445],
4372 | Cell[115965, 2454, 259, 4, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"20f33b74-3b76-45b7-9b22-ab258d5f7ad5",
4373 | CellID->1912744861],
4374 | Cell[116227, 2460, 744, 15, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"1db5bd74-b63b-490b-8d0a-f58249491ab0",
4375 | CellID->1820166884],
4376 | Cell[116974, 2477, 340, 7, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"c5daecd6-0e66-4e45-afc4-9b29b0d48985",
4377 | CellID->640267873],
4378 | Cell[117317, 2486, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"25604d61-f23b-4499-8aa2-8eb3b193daa4",
4379 | CellID->2089070041],
4380 | Cell[117842, 2499, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"3a3063f9-93eb-459e-8e81-82d86944ecd3",
4381 | CellID->1790034284],
4382 | Cell[118367, 2512, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"45824848-1bee-4cb1-9081-f89eb171e7a3",
4383 | CellID->1007800365],
4384 | Cell[118891, 2525, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0b00ad92-7d4b-4226-8e1c-ccb66948dc15",
4385 | CellID->897210666],
4386 | Cell[119417, 2538, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0e429797-6b66-4075-a8be-663a92a7fa91",
4387 | CellID->1936977875],
4388 | Cell[119942, 2551, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"c7baf0ec-432d-4187-b36e-c94cfe82aeed",
4389 | CellID->1082540252],
4390 | Cell[120467, 2564, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"e6fa4e72-96e8-42bc-a0d2-ba69ba8240f9",
4391 | CellID->772557980],
4392 | Cell[120993, 2577, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"9f9e15ef-fab4-4eed-8a32-23bcba3e531a",
4393 | CellID->695840098],
4394 | Cell[121517, 2590, 468, 10, 24, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"13c44780-ec19-4f80-b191-87c30ad2a8a9",
4395 | CellID->1936069171],
4396 | Cell[121988, 2602, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"4cd66d50-03da-43dc-a857-ae380aba98b9",
4397 | CellID->842337653],
4398 | Cell[122512, 2615, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"513bee28-6199-42ed-8d4c-53ffb6a3bfac",
4399 | CellID->956732947],
4400 | Cell[123036, 2628, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ab23f203-0427-4f2c-9c1c-10d851bfc7b0",
4401 | CellID->1600575140],
4402 | Cell[123561, 2641, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"bdffe834-82ff-40d4-9a72-065075f6b2c9",
4403 | CellID->1486215658],
4404 | Cell[124088, 2654, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"731ce4c1-641a-47dd-966c-228ce50aae5e",
4405 | CellID->1444265749],
4406 | Cell[124613, 2667, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ddade674-7ae8-4f49-ae16-f43310a0e556",
4407 | CellID->766781402],
4408 | Cell[125137, 2680, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"b48cc0fd-c1a5-495e-a9f6-e07d9592e847",
4409 | CellID->245657767],
4410 | Cell[125661, 2693, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6ff5d2e5-5327-452b-b8e2-aafe4105f35d",
4411 | CellID->1306520435],
4412 | Cell[126186, 2706, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"67ed6279-8bc8-4b52-a475-0bd3d4e505b0",
4413 | CellID->668660470],
4414 | Cell[126710, 2719, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"31fbb9eb-4870-4fe3-8510-b8d00a3d6354",
4415 | CellID->394594539],
4416 | Cell[127234, 2732, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"f5705068-9ea0-4b10-911b-97216722c6e5",
4417 | CellID->520915037],
4418 | Cell[127758, 2745, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"70d73f29-3243-4afb-996a-280167d5d45c",
4419 | CellID->1875681687],
4420 | Cell[128283, 2758, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"3b97f864-f40a-44b0-8b96-3773a93a9ed2",
4421 | CellID->1669659096],
4422 | Cell[128808, 2771, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"f8ab4ac2-eb73-473f-aa13-3956a5fe5421",
4423 | CellID->791611123],
4424 | Cell[129332, 2784, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6dd5dad4-ff7a-47af-8b85-ddb366c4c411",
4425 | CellID->946951096],
4426 | Cell[129858, 2797, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"37111d7f-6431-44fd-9193-c3364e84adff",
4427 | CellID->405762555],
4428 | Cell[130382, 2810, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"c7a434ca-1855-4a89-bf37-8ed92edf1e9c",
4429 | CellID->1390682660],
4430 | Cell[130907, 2823, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"3a2012fe-8475-42d8-814f-1c1e899d8e68",
4431 | CellID->2138936319],
4432 | Cell[131432, 2836, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6b803092-1818-485a-bb63-0123155c28db",
4433 | CellID->226462653],
4434 | Cell[131955, 2849, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"06340baa-3332-4c92-b5cc-12603f48d2ce",
4435 | CellID->816786487],
4436 | Cell[132479, 2862, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"2b46803f-edad-4499-affb-46d603c1def9",
4437 | CellID->1015015385],
4438 | Cell[133003, 2875, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"32ba9a35-a41c-4b94-b24a-67d30c5cc05b",
4439 | CellID->1900967574],
4440 | Cell[133530, 2888, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"b5f6bfed-49a9-4b92-ac51-83f214a3f4e2",
4441 | CellID->1447799799],
4442 | Cell[134057, 2901, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"86f6d7cd-e8b0-4fd1-8575-7d362b1bcac2",
4443 | CellID->34017636],
4444 | Cell[134580, 2914, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"2bddb63c-01af-40cd-87c6-2b894500052f",
4445 | CellID->503758150],
4446 | Cell[135103, 2927, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"5fddc6b8-75c8-4e05-b1f2-974fbc0f74d6",
4447 | CellID->1282690576],
4448 | Cell[135628, 2940, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"8f51db69-6372-473e-aa79-8afe441991de",
4449 | CellID->1739662246],
4450 | Cell[136152, 2953, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"378b24b6-f3f7-4efa-9833-9691163d1bb1",
4451 | CellID->513514617],
4452 | Cell[136676, 2966, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"5df7d9c8-81c4-4699-8347-4db4f99298e2",
4453 | CellID->2050874273],
4454 | Cell[137201, 2979, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"117a5414-7505-4635-a203-9af42987f00a",
4455 | CellID->1931371961],
4456 | Cell[137726, 2992, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ee9e35dd-11f3-425c-bd0e-6d004f088747",
4457 | CellID->1353224122],
4458 | Cell[138251, 3005, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"e79c45e2-4454-4ced-af7b-05b544b88aee",
4459 | CellID->1785996724],
4460 | Cell[138776, 3018, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"f9696b81-3623-4abf-a153-de7736c62487",
4461 | CellID->1868006149],
4462 | Cell[139303, 3031, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"dc470f3a-0043-4f0c-a47b-0204638681a4",
4463 | CellID->1515910750],
4464 | Cell[139830, 3044, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"7c55b6df-e544-45d4-a1e9-96b1064d23b0",
4465 | CellID->165987242],
4466 | Cell[140354, 3057, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"054c2e1c-1a53-4d57-9749-f18ffa8f116b",
4467 | CellID->166318841],
4468 | Cell[140878, 3070, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"dad7f7ff-63e3-43c4-a584-1d2c9691caee",
4469 | CellID->1444535940],
4470 | Cell[141402, 3083, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0014cb35-3e91-479a-8803-5728e2af7922",
4471 | CellID->1012914245],
4472 | Cell[141929, 3096, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ec94006e-fbea-4ddc-a70f-8d5edf814024",
4473 | CellID->946845946],
4474 | Cell[142455, 3109, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"68c3e99a-8114-4e24-96b1-cd86a30463e3",
4475 | CellID->785990152],
4476 | Cell[142979, 3122, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"550fd119-b13e-4e23-8fa8-28c346ca1dcf",
4477 | CellID->964571967],
4478 | Cell[143503, 3135, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"d508e71d-a1ac-4105-b8c7-6a151393dd43",
4479 | CellID->206998166],
4480 | Cell[144027, 3148, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"a1c90384-81b7-4306-9665-2cfdd606e3f4",
4481 | CellID->94667822],
4482 | Cell[144550, 3161, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"1db7aaac-17cf-482f-a090-80c1e27519b7",
4483 | CellID->1944185574],
4484 | Cell[145075, 3174, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"5f58585e-5bc0-4a8b-99b0-85e4444766b6",
4485 | CellID->1963253113],
4486 | Cell[145600, 3187, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"05f33399-8e37-47a2-ad19-7811e7205d44",
4487 | CellID->308834036],
4488 | Cell[146124, 3200, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"08f193dd-4ff0-47fd-900e-33397f36c311",
4489 | CellID->105668253],
4490 | Cell[146648, 3213, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"096efd2a-7f7c-4496-b3ad-5ca103171440",
4491 | CellID->2144835749],
4492 | Cell[147175, 3226, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"d6b8edc8-5e10-4733-8e92-af88f0d29034",
4493 | CellID->593934901],
4494 | Cell[147699, 3239, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"141693f9-411c-47fa-adfb-97462094e013",
4495 | CellID->759889851],
4496 | Cell[148225, 3252, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0780590f-cfe8-4277-bf26-efe3daece1e8",
4497 | CellID->383477048],
4498 | Cell[148749, 3265, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"d376f839-08c5-447d-b838-1a487f73818f",
4499 | CellID->500321089],
4500 | Cell[149275, 3278, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"c49e9887-4823-4b2b-b662-077453247b96",
4501 | CellID->1498064818],
4502 | Cell[149800, 3291, 523, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"ee375011-9500-4cfe-a896-92f93851e1cd",
4503 | CellID->877118698],
4504 | Cell[150326, 3304, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"eadb7579-a243-4083-b227-f22768462150",
4505 | CellID->1406204278],
4506 | Cell[150851, 3317, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"fe3e8728-9356-40c2-aaf1-b9fad010dd59",
4507 | CellID->1017765111],
4508 | Cell[151376, 3330, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"d489138d-4bbc-4987-819d-c73069246d49",
4509 | CellID->870972222],
4510 | Cell[151900, 3343, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"88a05bdf-bacc-4197-906f-4ba0ae94f81d",
4511 | CellID->1181597202],
4512 | Cell[152425, 3356, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"b72bfdd5-cde3-4b93-9370-0f6ffe041a4b",
4513 | CellID->1322890205],
4514 | Cell[152952, 3369, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"5ec2ab99-64f6-4c87-8cfb-a14bfad2a302",
4515 | CellID->917478044],
4516 | Cell[153476, 3382, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"1441ae64-9a12-4838-bef3-3bde90a2d42a",
4517 | CellID->1120900048],
4518 | Cell[154001, 3395, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"0b104cc9-9f68-4b2d-9be2-baf9a377b30e",
4519 | CellID->1240555252],
4520 | Cell[154526, 3408, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"097eaa58-fff1-4607-81e6-07c79046303d",
4521 | CellID->93391641],
4522 | Cell[155049, 3421, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"87f6a680-3ef0-43ff-9858-a1bb452c6a24",
4523 | CellID->1970247977],
4524 | Cell[155574, 3434, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"fdef274d-527f-4660-9ac9-852f5f3d8cda",
4525 | CellID->1907396346],
4526 | Cell[156101, 3447, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"7952c282-e4b9-47f9-a0e4-6a976357c851",
4527 | CellID->2121988453],
4528 | Cell[156626, 3460, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"4b2aff15-a711-4037-bb3f-0338b7f47d07",
4529 | CellID->999003842],
4530 | Cell[157150, 3473, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"bacf17ee-4b90-4278-8dd6-b46936d01f04",
4531 | CellID->1230420248],
4532 | Cell[157674, 3486, 522, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"e97567b9-88a2-4590-8825-079c70675dc2",
4533 | CellID->1553071173],
4534 | Cell[158199, 3499, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"a5d438be-a5bb-4b6c-8062-aebe91a90d16",
4535 | CellID->1950958973],
4536 | Cell[158726, 3512, 524, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"2e4b0ebf-3cb7-4c1c-a938-c755dd3ebb0c",
4537 | CellID->1987136815],
4538 | Cell[159253, 3525, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"b64d4bea-a368-4d19-8b48-90855f094223",
4539 | CellID->142771561],
4540 | Cell[159777, 3538, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6c5fb897-a864-4d71-b131-487de6d99037",
4541 | CellID->822392028],
4542 | Cell[160301, 3551, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"92181cf7-717c-4dda-93db-eb8bcc38ebbc",
4543 | CellID->738062504],
4544 | Cell[160825, 3564, 521, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"6d726126-87c5-4afe-87a2-351aaa5ca1ad",
4545 | CellID->750959656],
4546 | Cell[161349, 3577, 520, 11, 39, "Message",ExpressionUUID->"97f3a1bc-9f7b-4c3f-9c3c-632db37e2087",
4547 | CellID->617544973],
4548 | Cell[161872, 3590, 429, 9, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"e01a19ac-8a89-438d-a534-ad099c733623",
4549 | CellID->289895260],
4550 | Cell[162304, 3601, 458, 9, 24, "Print",ExpressionUUID->"11caf163-1156-4fd2-9fd9-acf76b5eff4e",
4551 | CellID->1776723424]
4552 | }, Open ]]
4553 | }, Open ]]
4554 | }, Open ]]
4555 | }
4556 | ]
4557 | *)
4558 |