1 | (****** This is the FeynRules model file for the Leptoquark model : SM + LLQ ******)
2 | (****** ******)
3 | (****** Authors: J. Roy ******)
4 | (****** Choose whether Feynman gauge is desired. ******)
5 | (****** If set to False, unitary gauge is assumed. ****)
6 | (****** Feynman gauge is especially useful for CalcHEP/CompHEP where the calculation is 10-100 times faster.***)
7 | (****** Feynman gauge is not supported in MadGraph and Sherpa. ****)
8 |
9 | (* ************************** *)
10 | (* ***** Information ***** *)
11 | (* ************************** *)
12 | M$ModelName = "1.5 TeV Leptoquark Model";
13 |
14 | M$Information = {Authors -> {"J. Roy"},
15 | Version -> "1.0",
16 | Date -> "07. 15. 2017",
17 | Institutions -> {"Institute of Thoeretical Physics, Beijing"},
18 | Emails -> {"jdroy@itp.ac.cn","joyroy.phy@gmail.com"}
19 | };
20 |
21 | FeynmanGauge = False;
22 |
23 |
24 | (***** Setting for interaction order (as e.g. used by MadGraph 5) ******)
25 |
26 | M$InteractionOrderHierarchy = {{QCD, 1},{QED, 2},{NP,2}};
27 |
28 | M$InteractionOrderLimit = { {QCD, 99}, {QED, 99} , {NP,3}};
29 |
30 | (**************** Parameters *************)
31 |
32 | M$Parameters = {
33 |
34 | (* External Parameters *)
35 |
36 |
37 | CLQ == {
38 | ParameterType -> External,
39 | ParameterName -> "CLQ",
40 | ComplexParameter -> False,
41 | Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
42 | TeX -> Subscript[C,LQ],
43 | Value-> {
44 | CLQ[1,1]->0., CLQ[1,2]->0., CLQ[1,3]->0.,
45 | CLQ[2,1]->0., CLQ[2,2]->0., CLQ[2,3]->0.,
46 | CLQ[3,1]->0., CLQ[3,2]->0., CLQ[3,3]->1. },
47 | InteractionOrder -> {NP, 1},
48 | Description -> "Left-handed Leptoquark Coupling parameter"
49 | }
50 |
51 | };
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | (* ************************** *)
56 | (* **** Fields **** *)
57 | (* ************************** *)
58 |
59 |
60 | M$ClassesDescription = {
61 |
62 | (* Additional Leptoquark field: Physical vector fields *)
63 |
64 |
65 | V[110] == {
66 | ClassName -> LtQk,
67 | SelfConjugate -> False,
68 | Mass -> {MLQ, 1500.0},
69 | Width -> {WLQ, 2.},
70 | ParticleName -> "LtQk",
71 | AntiParticleName -> "LtQk~",
72 | Indices -> {Index[Colour]},
73 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 2/3, LeptonNumber -> -1}}
74 | (*FullName -> "Leptoquark"*)
75 |
76 | };
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 |
82 | (* New Lagrangian interaction terms *)
83 |
84 | LLQ := Block[{sp1,sp2,sp3,ff1,ff2,aa,lag},
85 | lag = CLQ[ff1,ff2].(uqbar[sp1,ff1,aa].Ga[mu,sp1,sp3].ProjM[sp3,sp2].vl[sp2,ff2] +
86 | dqbar[sp1,ff1,aa].Ga[mu,sp1,sp3].ProjM[sp3,sp2].l[sp2,ff2]).LtQk[mu,aa];
87 | Return[lag + HC[lag]];
88 | ];
89 |
90 | LLQqcd := Block[{mu,nu,aa,bb,cc1,cc2,lagqcd},
91 | lagqcd = 1/2 (DC[LtQkbar[nu,aa],mu] - DC[LtQkbar[mu,aa],nu])(DC[LtQk[nu,aa],mu] - DC[LtQk[mu,aa],nu]) + MLQ^2 LtQkbar[mu,aa].LtQk[mu,aa] - I gs LtQkbar[mu,cc1].FS[G,mu,nu,aa].T[aa,cc1,cc2].LtQk[nu,cc2] ;
92 | Return[lagqcd];
93 | ];
94 | (* Since 'LtQk' is defined as "SelfConjugate-> False", need to use 'LtQkbar' specifically to conserve the quantum numbers at all vertices *)
95 |
96 | (*********Final Lagrangian*******)
97 |
98 | LTotal := LSM + LLQ + LLQqcd ;