SMEFTatNLO: tree-loop_instructions.txt

File tree-loop_instructions.txt, 7.9 KB (added by Ken Mimasu, 3 years ago)

Instructions for computing SMEFT dependence from mixed tree/loop processes

1* Tree-loop interference *
3The new lorentz structures present in the higher dimensional operators of the
4SMEFT can mediate processes at tree-level that only arise at loop-level in the
5SM. The most well know example of these are the H^2 X^\mu\nu X_\mu\nu
6operators, with X being a SM gauge field strength tensor, which mediate several
7Higgs production processes via gluon fusion and/or Higgs decays into SM gauge
8bosons. The mixture of tree/loop level SMEFT contributions with loop-level SM
9diagrams makes extracting the EFT dependence of certain processes more involved
10than usual. The main reason for this is the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO (MG5) has a
11special running mode to compute loop-induced (LI) processes that is only
12launched when no tree-level diagrams are found.
14From now, we take the gluon-fusion production of Higgs+1 jet as an example,
15with the goal of obtaining the complete lowest-order SMEFT dependence of the
16(differential) cross section.
18>> generate p p > h j ...
20The operator coefficient cpG induces this process
21at tree-level, while all other SM/SMEFT contributions come from the usual
22diagrams involving a top quark loop. We therefore have 3 types of contributions
23to the amplitude:
25a) A(loop)_SM: LI SM
26b) A(loop)_EFT: LI SMEFT (cpd, cpDC, ctG, ctp, cG)
27c) A(tree)_EFT: tree-level SMEFT (cpG)
29From which we would like to extract the quadratic polynomial of the SMEFT
321) SM contributions: |A(loop)_SM|^2
332) linear loop EFT contributions: A(loop)_SM*A(loop)_EFT
343) linear tree EFT contributions: A(loop)_SM*A(tree)_EFT
354) quadratic loop EFT contributions: |A(loop)_EFT|^2
365) quadratic tree EFT contributions:|A(tree)_EFT|^2
376) quadratic tree-loop EFT contributions: A(loop)_EFT*A(tree)_EFT
39Although there is a mixture of tree and loop-level contributions, they are all
40strictly speaking Leading Order (LO), since no contributions exist at a lower
41order for a given operator/the SM. One therefore should not use the full NLO
42capabilities of MG5 as these would generally include further, O(gs^2)
43corrections to the LO numbers. Therefore, a combination of tree-level and LI
44modes is needed to obtain the required numbers.
46Pure tree-level (5) and loop-level contributions (1, 2 & 4) can be obtained by
47running the respective LO and LI modes of MG5, as usual.
49As previously mentioned, in order to obtain the LI diagrams, MG5 must not find
50any tree-level ones. This can be achieved by restricting out the cpG
51coefficient. In this example, we will assume the existence of two restriction
52cards in the UFO:
57with cpG set to non-zero and zero values, respectively.
59Loading the first model and generating the default command, requesting some EFT
60contributions (NP=2) will generate only the tree-level cpG diagrams, and can be
61used to compute contribution 5).
63>> import model SMEFTatNLO-with_cpg
64>> generate p p > h j NP=2
66Loading the second model will launch LI mode and generate the loop diagrams,
67since no tree-level contribution is now possible. This can be used to compute
68contributions 1, 2 & 4 (see different possible commands controlling the NP
69order below).
71>> import model SMEFTatNLO-without_cpg
72>> generate p p > h j NP=0 QCD=1 QED=1 [QCD] # 1) SM only
73>> generate p p > h j NP=2 QCD=1 QED=1 [QCD] # 1) + 2) + 4) SM & EFT
74>> generate p p > h j NP^2==2 QCD=1 QED=1 [QCD] # 2) EFT interference only
75>> generate p p > h j NP^2==4 QCD=1 QED=1 [QCD] # 4) EFT squared only
77Contributions 3) & 6) however, involve the interference of a tree & loop-level
78diagrams, which is not possible "out of the box" using MG5. The best known
79method to extract these numbers is via the reweighting feature of
80MG5 ( First, a
81single (somewhat arbitrary) baseline sample is generated and new weights are
82computed for each event corresponding to a matrix-element according to a
83user-specified MG5 generation command. The process is steered by the
84reweight_card.dat file in the Cards/ directory. I this example, we will
85generate a baseline sample with cpG=1 as it is the fastest to generate.
86For the baseline sample, we proceed as above & generate some events:
88>> import model SMEFTatNLO-with_cpg
89>> generate p p > h j NP=2
90>> output hj_reweight_tutorial
91>> launch hj_reweight
93Then depending on the desired contribution, the reweight_card.dat can be
94modified as follows:
96Contribution 3), SM loop x cpG interference:
97# specify new matrix element command
98>> change process p p > h j NP=2 QCD=1 QED=1 QCD^2==4 NP^2==2 [virt=QCD] # SM x cphiG
99# launch reweighting
100>> launch --rwgt_name=SMxcpG
101# set parameters
102>> set cpG 1. # set relevant operator to 1
103>> set ctp 0. # set other operators to 0
104>> set ctG 0.
107In the change process command, note the very specific coupling order
108specifications that select the tree-level SMEFT and loop-level SM as well as
109the the [virt = QCD], which forces only the finite part of loops to be
110computed. The events can then be reweighted by launching bin/madevent and
111running the command
113>> reweight hj_reweight
115Contribution 6), EFT loop x cpG interference:
116>> change process p p > h j NP=2 QCD=1 QED=1 QCD^2==4 NP^2==4 [virt=QCD] # EFT x cphiG including square
118# compute one quadratic EFT tree-loop interference contribution
119>> launch --rwgt_name=cpGxctG
120>> set cpG 1. # set first relevant operator to 1
121>> set ctG 1. # set second relevant operator to 1
122>> set ctp 0. # set other operators to 0
125# compute another
126>> launch --rwgt_name=cpGxctp
127>> set cpG 1. # set first relevant operator to 1
128>> set ctp 1. # set second relevant operator to 1
129>> set ctG 0. # set other operators to 0
132This particular matrix element command unavoidably includes quadratic
133contributions from cpG that you don’t want. These must be removed a posteriori
134by generating an additional reweighting with cpG = 1 and all others = 0. The
135weight computed here must be subtracted from all other weights in this run to
136to extract the pure interference between cpG and other coefficients.
138# compute pure cpG weight to subtract from all others
139>> launch --rwgt_name=cpG_SUB
140>> set cpG 1. # set cpG to 1
141>> set ctp 0. # set all others to zero
144Tips & comments:
1450) Always specify coupling orders as much as possible & use "display diagrams"
146to verify that MG5 has produced the expected output!
1481) Reweighting has a well known limitation that the phase-space population of
149the event sample is tied to the baseline run. A judicious choice can be made to
150avoid reweighting to parameter points that populate significantly different
151regions, to avoid inducing large MC uncertainties from a large spread of
152weights in the reweighted sample. Using a tree-level cpG baseline, for example,
153may not be ideal for certain processes such as p p > h h as the cross section
154falls to zero around the threshold much faster than the SM prediction.
1562) Each 'change X' command can only be used once in the reweight_card.dat. If
157multiple such commands are needed, they must be split into separate reweighting
1603) In principle, reweighting can be used to evaluate all components of the
161quadratic polynomial EFT dependence. In order to obtain the pure loop
162contributions, one should additionally specify:
164>> change model restrict_without_cpg
165>> change process p p > h j ...
167to swap to the model without cpG and only generate the LI contributions by
168default. The commands for computing contributions 1), 2) & 4) can then be used
169as shown above (bear in mind point 2)).
1714) In principle, this procedure can be combined with jet merging algorithms to
172obtain samples with different jet multiplicities. However, we have not testing
173this feature and therefore cannot provide explicit support.
1755) Other reweight command examples for extracting SM x cpG interferences:
176Higgs + 0j:
177>> change process p p > h NP=2 QCD=0 QED=1 QCD^2==2 NP^2==2 [virt=QCD]
178Higgs + 2j
179>> change process p p > h j j NP=2 QCD=2 QED=1 QCD^2==6 NP^2==2 [virt=QCD]
181>> change process p p > h h NP=2 QCD=0 QED=2 QCD^2==2 NP^2==2 [virt=QCD]