1 | (***************************************************************************************************************)
2 | (****** This is the FeynRules mod-file for the Large Extra Dimensions ******)
3 | (****** ******)
4 | (****** Author: Priscila de Aquino ******)
5 | (****** ******)
6 | (****** Choose whether Feynman gauge is desired. ******)
7 | (****** If set to False, unitary gauge is assumed. ****)
8 | (****** Feynman gauge is especially useful for CalcHEP/CompHEP where the calculation is 10-100 times faster. ***)
9 | (****** Feynman gauge is not supported in MadGraph and Sherpa. ****)
10 | (***************************************************************************************************************)
11 |
12 | M$ModelName = "RS";
13 |
14 | M$Information = {Authors -> {"Priscila de Aquino"},
15 | Date -> "22.11.2011",
16 | Institute -> {"Katholieke Universiteit Leuven & Universite Catholique Louvain - CP3"},
17 | Emails -> {"priscila@itf.kuleuven.be"},
18 | Version -> "2.1"};
19 |
20 | FeynmanGauge = False;
21 |
22 |
23 | (*****************************************************************************************)
24 | (****************************** Index definitions ****************************************)
25 | (*****************************************************************************************)
26 |
27 | IndexRange[ Index[Generation] ] = Range[3]
28 |
29 | IndexRange[ Index[Colour] ] = NoUnfold[Range[3]]
30 |
31 | IndexRange[ Index[Gluon] ] = NoUnfold[Range[8]]
32 |
33 | IndexRange[Index[SU2W]] = Unfold[Range[3]]
34 |
35 | IndexStyle[Colour, i]
36 |
37 | IndexStyle[Generation, f]
38 |
39 | IndexStyle[Gluon ,a]
40 |
41 | IndexStyle[SU2W ,k]
42 |
43 | (*****************************************************************************************)
44 | (************************************* Parameters ***************************************)
45 | (*****************************************************************************************)
46 |
47 | M$Parameters = {
48 |
49 | (* External parameters *)
50 |
51 | \[Alpha]EWM1== {
52 | ParameterType -> External,
53 | BlockName -> SMINPUTS,
54 | ParameterName -> aEWM1,
55 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, -2},
56 | Value -> 127.9,
57 | Description -> "Inverse of the electroweak coupling constant"},
58 |
59 | Gf == {
60 | ParameterType -> External,
61 | BlockName -> SMINPUTS,
62 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
63 | Value -> 1.166 * 10^(-5),
64 | Description -> "Fermi constant"},
65 |
66 | \[Alpha]S == {
67 | ParameterType -> External,
68 | BlockName -> SMINPUTS,
69 | ParameterName -> aS,
70 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 2},
71 | Value -> 0.118,
72 | Description -> "Strong coupling constant at the Z pole."},
73 |
74 | ymc == {
75 | ParameterType -> External,
76 | BlockName -> YUKAWA,
77 | Value -> 1.42,
78 | OrderBlock -> {4},
79 | Description -> "Charm Yukawa mass"},
80 |
81 | ymb == {
82 | ParameterType -> External,
83 | BlockName -> YUKAWA,
84 | Value -> 4.2,
85 | OrderBlock -> {5},
86 | Description -> "Bottom Yukawa mass"},
87 |
88 | ymt == {
89 | ParameterType -> External,
90 | BlockName -> YUKAWA,
91 | Value -> 174.3,
92 | OrderBlock -> {6},
93 | Description -> "Top Yukawa mass"},
94 |
95 | ymtau == {
96 | ParameterType -> External,
97 | BlockName -> YUKAWA,
98 | Value -> 1.777,
99 | OrderBlock -> {15},
100 | Description -> "Tau Yukawa mass"},
101 |
102 | LRS == {
103 | ParameterType -> External,
104 | Value -> 3000,
105 | Description -> "Cutoff of the theory"},
106 |
107 | (* Internal Parameters *)
108 |
109 | \[Alpha]EW == {
110 | ParameterType -> Internal,
111 | Value -> 1/\[Alpha]EWM1,
112 | ParameterName -> aEW,
113 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
114 | Description -> "Electroweak coupling contant"},
115 |
116 | sw2 == {
117 | ParameterType -> External,
118 | (* Value -> 1-(MW/MZ)^2, *)
119 | Value -> 0.2312,
120 | Description -> "Squared Sin of the Weinberg angle"},
121 |
122 | ee == {
123 | TeX -> e,
124 | ParameterType -> Internal,
125 | Value -> Sqrt[4 Pi \[Alpha]EW],
126 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
127 | Description -> "Electric coupling constant"},
128 |
129 | cw == {
130 | TeX -> Subscript[c, w],
131 | ParameterType -> Internal,
132 | Value -> Sqrt[1 - sw2],
133 | Description -> "Cos of the Weinberg angle"},
134 |
135 | sw == {
136 | TeX -> Subscript[s, w],
137 | ParameterType -> Internal,
138 | Value -> Sqrt[sw2],
139 | Description -> "Sin of the Weinberg angle"},
140 |
141 | gw == {
142 | TeX -> Subscript[g, w],
143 | ParameterType -> Internal,
144 | Value -> ee / sw,
145 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
146 | Description -> "Weak coupling constant"},
147 |
148 | g1 == {
149 | TeX -> Subscript[g, 1],
150 | ParameterType -> Internal,
151 | Value -> ee / cw,
152 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
153 | Description -> "U(1)Y coupling constant"},
154 |
155 | gs == {
156 | TeX -> Subscript[g, s],
157 | ParameterType -> Internal,
158 | Value -> Sqrt[4 Pi \[Alpha]S],
159 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
160 | ParameterName -> G,
161 | Description -> "Strong coupling constant"},
162 |
163 | v == {
164 | ParameterType -> Internal,
165 | Value -> 2*MW*sw/ee,
166 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, -1},
167 | Description -> "Higgs VEV"},
168 |
169 | \[Lambda] == {
170 | ParameterType -> Internal,
171 | Value -> MH^2/(2*v^2),
172 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 2},
173 | ParameterName -> lam,
174 | Description -> "Higgs quartic coupling"},
175 |
176 | muH == {
177 | ParameterType -> Internal,
178 | Value -> Sqrt[v^2 \[Lambda]],
179 | TeX -> \[Mu],
180 | Description -> "Coefficient of the quadratic piece of the Higgs potential"},
181 |
182 |
183 | yl == {
184 | Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
185 | AllowSummation -> True,
186 | ParameterType -> Internal,
187 | Value -> {yl[1] -> 0, yl[2] -> 0, yl[3] -> Sqrt[2] ymtau / v},
188 | ParameterName -> {yl[1] -> ye, yl[2] -> ym, yl[3] -> ytau},
189 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
190 | ComplexParameter -> False,
191 | Description -> "Lepton Yukawa coupling"},
192 |
193 | yu == {
194 | Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
195 | AllowSummation -> True,
196 | ParameterType -> Internal,
197 | Value -> {yu[1] -> 0, yu[2] -> Sqrt[2] ymc / v, yu[3] -> Sqrt[2] ymt / v},
198 | ParameterName -> {yu[1] -> yu, yu[2] -> yc, yu[3] -> yt},
199 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
200 | ComplexParameter -> False,
201 | Description -> "U-quark Yukawa coupling"},
202 |
203 | yd == {
204 | Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
205 | AllowSummation -> True,
206 | ParameterType -> Internal,
207 | Value -> {yd[1] -> 0, yd[2] -> 0, yd[3] -> Sqrt[2] ymb / v},
208 | ParameterName -> {yd[1] -> yd, yd[2] -> ys, yd[3] -> yb},
209 | InteractionOrder -> {QED, 1},
210 | ComplexParameter -> False,
211 | Description -> "D-quark Yukawa coupling"},
212 |
213 | cabi == {
214 | TeX -> Subscript[\[Theta], c],
215 | ParameterType -> External,
216 | BlockName -> CKMBLOCK,
217 | OrderBlock -> {1},
218 | Value -> 0.488,
219 | Description -> "Cabibbo angle"},
220 |
221 | CKM == {
222 | Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
223 | TensorClass -> CKM,
224 | Unitary -> True,
225 | Value -> {CKM[1,1] -> 1,
226 | CKM[1,2] -> 0,
227 | CKM[2,1] -> 0,
228 | CKM[2,2] -> 1,
229 | CKM[1,3] -> 0,
230 | CKM[3,1] -> 0,
231 | CKM[2,3] -> 0,
232 | CKM[3,2] -> 0,
233 | CKM[3,3] -> 1},
234 | Description -> "CKM-Matrix"},
235 |
236 | kappa == {
237 | TeX -> \[Kappa]_F,
238 | ParameterType -> Internal,
239 | (* Value -> Sqrt[16 Pi GN] *)
240 | InteractionOrder -> {QTD, 1},
241 | Value -> 2/LRS}
242 | }
243 |
244 | TeXFormat[mphi, Subscript[m, phi]]
245 | TeXFormat[mpsi, Subscript[m, psi]]
246 | TeXFormat[mG, Subscript[m, G]]
247 |
248 | (*****************************************************************************************)
249 | (********************************* Gauge Groups ******************************************)
250 | (*****************************************************************************************)
251 |
252 | M$GaugeGroups = {
253 |
254 | U1Y == {
255 | Abelian -> True,
256 | GaugeBoson -> B,
257 | Charge -> Y,
258 | CouplingConstant -> g1},
259 |
260 | SU2L == {
261 | Abelian -> False,
262 | GaugeBoson -> Wi,
263 | StructureConstant -> Eps,
264 | CouplingConstant -> gw},
265 |
266 | SU3C == {
267 | Abelian -> False,
268 | GaugeBoson -> G,
269 | StructureConstant -> f,
270 | SymmetricTensor -> dSUN,
271 | Representations -> {T, Colour},
272 | CouplingConstant -> gs}
273 | }
274 | (*****************************************************************************************)
275 | (******************************* Particle Classes ****************************************)
276 | (*****************************************************************************************)
277 |
278 | M$ClassesDescription = {
279 |
280 | (************************************ Fermions *******************************************)
281 |
282 | (* Leptons (neutrino): I_3 = +1/2, Q = 0 *)
283 | F[1] == {
284 | ClassName -> vl,
285 | ClassMembers -> {ve,vm,vt},
286 | FlavorIndex -> Generation,
287 | SelfConjugate -> False,
288 | Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
289 | Mass -> 0,
290 | Width -> 0,
291 | QuantumNumbers -> {LeptonNumber -> 1},
292 | PropagatorLabel -> {"v", "ve", "vm", "vt"} ,
293 | PropagatorType -> S,
294 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward,
295 | PDG -> {12,14,16},
296 | FullName -> {"Electron-neutrino", "Mu-neutrino", "Tau-neutrino"} },
297 |
298 | (* Leptons (electron): I_3 = -1/2, Q = -1 *)
299 | F[2] == {
300 | ClassName -> l,
301 | ClassMembers -> {e, m, tt},
302 | FlavorIndex -> Generation,
303 | SelfConjugate -> False,
304 | Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
305 | Mass -> {Ml, {ME, 0}, {MM, 0}, {MTA, 1.777}},
306 | Width -> 0,
307 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> -1, LeptonNumber -> 1},
308 | PropagatorLabel -> {"l", "e", "m", "tt"},
309 | PropagatorType -> Straight,
310 | ParticleName -> {"e-", "m-", "tt-"},
311 | AntiParticleName -> {"e+", "m+", "tt+"},
312 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward,
313 | PDG -> {11, 13, 15},
314 | FullName -> {"Electron", "Muon", "Tau"} },
315 |
316 | (* Quarks (u): I_3 = +1/2, Q = +2/3 *)
317 | F[3] == {
318 | ClassMembers -> {u, c, t},
319 | ClassName -> uq,
320 | FlavorIndex -> Generation,
321 | SelfConjugate -> False,
322 | Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Colour]},
323 | Mass -> {Mu, {MU, 0}, {MC, 1.42}, {MT, 174.3}},
324 | Width -> {0, 0, {WT, 1.51013490}},
325 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 2/3},
326 | PropagatorLabel -> {"uq", "u", "c", "t"},
327 | PropagatorType -> Straight,
328 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward,
329 | PDG -> {2, 4, 6},
330 | FullName -> {"u-quark", "c-quark", "t-quark"}},
331 |
332 | (* Quarks (d): I_3 = -1/2, Q = -1/3 *)
333 | F[4] == {
334 | ClassMembers -> {d, s, b},
335 | ClassName -> dq,
336 | FlavorIndex -> Generation,
337 | SelfConjugate -> False,
338 | Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Colour]},
339 | Mass -> {Md, {MD, 0}, {MS, 0}, {MB, 4.2}},
340 | Width -> 0,
341 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> -1/3},
342 | PropagatorLabel -> {"dq", "d", "s", "b"},
343 | PropagatorType -> Straight,
344 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward,
345 | PDG -> {1,3,5},
346 | FullName -> {"d-quark", "s-quark", "b-quark"} },
347 |
348 | (************************************ Gauge Bosons ***************************************)
349 |
350 | (* Gauge bosons: Q = 0 *)
351 | V[1] == {
352 | ClassName -> A,
353 | SelfConjugate -> True,
354 | Indices -> {},
355 | Mass -> 0,
356 | Width -> 0,
357 | PropagatorLabel -> "a",
358 | PropagatorType -> W,
359 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
360 | PDG -> 22,
361 | FullName -> "Photon" },
362 |
363 | V[2] == {
364 | ClassName -> Z,
365 | SelfConjugate -> True,
366 | Indices -> {},
367 | Mass -> {MZ, 91.5445000},
368 | Width -> {WZ, 2.44639985},
369 | PropagatorLabel -> "Z",
370 | PropagatorType -> Sine,
371 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
372 | PDG -> 23,
373 | FullName -> "Z" },
374 |
375 | (* Gauge bosons: Q = -1 *)
376 | V[3] == {
377 | ClassName -> W,
378 | SelfConjugate -> False,
379 | Indices -> {},
380 | Mass -> {MW, 80.2673592},
381 | Width -> {WW, 2.03535570},
382 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1},
383 | PropagatorLabel -> "W",
384 | PropagatorType -> Sine,
385 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward,
386 | ParticleName ->"W+",
387 | AntiParticleName ->"W-",
388 | PDG -> 24,
389 | FullName -> "W" },
390 |
391 | V[4] == {
392 | ClassName -> G,
393 | SelfConjugate -> True,
394 | Indices -> {Index[Gluon]},
395 | Mass -> {mG,0},
396 | Width -> 0,
397 | PropagatorLabel -> G,
398 | PropagatorType -> C,
399 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
400 | PDG -> 21,
401 | FullName -> "G" },
402 |
403 | V[5] == {
404 | ClassName -> Wi,
405 | Unphysical -> True,
406 | Definitions -> {Wi[mu_, 1] -> (W[mu] + Wbar[mu])/Sqrt[2],
407 | Wi[mu_, 2] -> (Wbar[mu] - W[mu])/Sqrt[2]/I,
408 | Wi[mu_, 3] -> cw Z[mu] + sw A[mu]},
409 | SelfConjugate -> True,
410 | Indices -> {Index[SU2W]},
411 | FlavorIndex -> SU2W,
412 | Mass -> 0,
413 | PDG -> {1,2,3}},
414 |
415 | V[6] == {
416 | ClassName -> B,
417 | SelfConjugate -> True,
418 | Definitions -> {B[mu_] -> -sw Z[mu] + cw A[mu]},
419 | Indices -> {},
420 | Mass -> 0,
421 | Unphysical -> True},
422 |
423 | (********** Ghosts **********)
424 | U[1] == {
425 | ClassName -> ghA,
426 | SelfConjugate -> False,
427 | Indices -> {},
428 | Ghost -> A,
429 | Mass -> 0,
430 | QuantumNumbers -> {GhostNumber -> 1},
431 | PropagatorLabel -> uA,
432 | PropagatorType -> GhostDash,
433 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward},
434 |
435 | U[2] == {
436 | ClassName -> ghZ,
437 | SelfConjugate -> False,
438 | Indices -> {},
439 | Mass -> {MZ, 91.188},
440 | Ghost -> Z,
441 | QuantumNumbers -> {GhostNumber -> 1},
442 | PropagatorLabel -> uZ,
443 | PropagatorType -> GhostDash,
444 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward},
445 |
446 | U[31] == {
447 | ClassName -> ghWp,
448 | SelfConjugate -> False,
449 | Indices -> {},
450 | Mass -> {MW, 80.2673592},
451 | Ghost -> W,
452 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q-> 1, GhostNumber -> 1},
453 | PropagatorLabel -> uWp,
454 | PropagatorType -> GhostDash,
455 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward},
456 |
457 | U[32] == {
458 | ClassName -> ghWm,
459 | SelfConjugate -> False,
460 | Indices -> {},
461 | Mass -> {MW, 80.2673592},
462 | Ghost -> Wbar,
463 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q-> -1, GhostNumber -> 1},
464 | PropagatorLabel -> uWm,
465 | PropagatorType -> GhostDash,
466 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward},
467 |
468 | U[4] == {
469 | ClassName -> ghG,
470 | SelfConjugate -> False,
471 | Indices -> {Index[Gluon]},
472 | Ghost -> G,
473 | Mass -> 0,
474 | QuantumNumbers -> {GhostNumber -> 1},
475 | PropagatorLabel -> uG,
476 | PropagatorType -> GhostDash,
477 | PropagatorArrow -> Forward},
478 |
479 | U[5] == {
480 | ClassName -> ghWi,
481 | Unphysical -> True,
482 | Definitions -> {ghWi[1] -> (ghWp + ghWm)/Sqrt[2],
483 | ghWi[2] -> (ghWm - ghWp)/Sqrt[2]/I,
484 | ghWi[3] -> cw ghZ + sw ghA},
485 | SelfConjugate -> False,
486 | Ghost -> Wi,
487 | Indices -> {Index[SU2W]},
488 | FlavorIndex -> SU2W},
489 |
490 | U[6] == {
491 | ClassName -> ghB,
492 | SelfConjugate -> False,
493 | Definitions -> {ghB -> -sw ghZ + cw ghA},
494 | Indices -> {},
495 | Ghost -> B,
496 | Unphysical -> True},
497 |
498 | (****************************** Scalar Fields *********************************************)
499 |
500 | (* physical Higgs: Q = 0 *)
501 | S[1] == {
502 | ClassName -> H,
503 | SelfConjugate -> True,
504 | Mass -> {MH, 100},
505 | Width -> {WH, 0.004276087},
506 | PropagatorLabel -> "H",
507 | PropagatorType -> D,
508 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
509 | PDG -> 25,
510 | TeXParticleName -> "\\phi",
511 | TeXClassName -> "\\phi",
512 | FullName -> "H" },
513 |
514 | S[2] == {
515 | ClassName -> phi,
516 | SelfConjugate -> True,
517 | Mass -> {MZ, 91.188},
518 | Width -> Wphi,
519 | PropagatorLabel -> "Phi",
520 | PropagatorType -> D,
521 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
522 | ParticleName ->"phi0",
523 | PDG -> 250,
524 | FullName -> "Phi",
525 | Goldstone -> Z },
526 |
527 | S[3] == {
528 | ClassName -> phi2,
529 | SelfConjugate -> False,
530 | Mass -> {MW, 80.2673592},
531 | Width -> Wphi2,
532 | PropagatorLabel -> "Phi2",
533 | PropagatorType -> D,
534 | PropagatorArrow -> None,
535 | ParticleName ->"phi+",
536 | AntiParticleName ->"phi-",
537 | PDG -> 251,
538 | FullName -> "Phi2",
539 | TeXClassName -> "\\phi^+",
540 | TeXParticleName -> "\\phi^+",
541 | TeXAntiParticleName -> "\\phi^-",
542 | Goldstone -> W,
543 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1}},
544 |
545 | (******************************* Spin 2 particles: graviton *****************************)
546 |
547 | T[1] == {
548 | ClassName -> Gr,
549 | SelfConjugate -> True,
550 | ParticleName ->"y",
551 | PDG -> 39,
552 | Symmetric -> True,
553 | Mass -> {MGr, 1000},
554 | Width -> {WGr,10.6689}}
555 |
556 | }
557 |
558 | (*****************************************************************************************)
559 | (* *)
560 | (* The Lagrangian *)
561 | (* *)
562 | (*****************************************************************************************)
563 |
564 | (* Some shorthands (for nicer printing) *)
565 |
566 | Format[mu, TraditionalForm] = \[Mu];
567 | Format[nu, TraditionalForm] = \[Nu];
568 | Format[lam, TraditionalForm] = \[Lambda];
569 | Format[rho, TraditionalForm] = \[Rho];
570 |
571 | psi = \[Psi];
572 | psibar = \[Psi]bar;
573 | phi = \[Phi];
574 | phibar = \[Phi]bar;
575 | phiK = \[Sigma];
576 |
577 | (******************** SM Lagrangian *************************************)
578 |
579 | (******************** Gauge F^2 Lagrangian terms*************************)
580 | (*Sign convention from Lagrangian in between Eq. (A.9) and Eq. (A.10) of Peskin & Schroeder.*)
581 | LGauge = -1/4 (del[Wi[nu, i1], mu] - del[Wi[mu, i1], nu] + gw Eps[i1, i2, i3] Wi[mu, i2] Wi[nu, i3])*
582 | (del[Wi[nu, i1], mu] - del[Wi[mu, i1], nu] + gw Eps[i1, i4, i5] Wi[mu, i4] Wi[nu, i5]) -
583 |
584 | 1/4 (del[B[nu], mu] - del[B[mu], nu])^2 -
585 |
586 | 1/4 (del[G[nu, a1], mu] - del[G[mu, a1], nu] + gs f[a1, a2, a3] G[mu, a2] G[nu, a3])*
587 | (del[G[nu, a1], mu] - del[G[mu, a1], nu] + gs f[a1, a4, a5] G[mu, a4] G[nu, a5]);
588 |
589 |
590 | (********************* Fermion Lagrangian terms*************************)
591 | (*Sign convention from Lagrangian in between Eq. (A.9) and Eq. (A.10) of Peskin & Schroeder.*)
592 | LFermions = Module[{Lkin, LQCD, LEWleft, LEWright},
593 |
594 | Lkin = I uqbar.Ga[mu].del[uq, mu] +
595 | I dqbar.Ga[mu].del[dq, mu] +
596 | I lbar.Ga[mu].del[l, mu] +
597 | I vlbar.Ga[mu].del[vl, mu];
598 |
599 | LQCD = gs (uqbar.Ga[mu].T[a].uq +
600 | dqbar.Ga[mu].T[a].dq)G[mu, a];
601 |
602 | LBright =
603 | -2ee/cw B[mu]/2 lbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.l + (*Y_lR=-2*)
604 | 4ee/3/cw B[mu]/2 uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.uq - (*Y_uR=4/3*)
605 | 2ee/3/cw B[mu]/2 dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.dq; (*Y_dR=-2/3*)
606 |
607 | LBleft =
608 | -ee/cw B[mu]/2 vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.vl - (*Y_LL=-1*)
609 | ee/cw B[mu]/2 lbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.l + (*Y_LL=-1*)
610 | ee/3/cw B[mu]/2 uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.uq + (*Y_QL=1/3*)
611 | ee/3/cw B[mu]/2 dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.dq ; (*Y_QL=1/3*)
612 |
613 | LWleft = ee/sw/2(
614 | vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.vl Wi[mu, 3] - (*sigma3 = ( 1 0 )*)
615 | lbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.l Wi[mu, 3] + (* ( 0 -1 )*)
616 |
617 | Sqrt[2] vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.l W[mu] +
618 | Sqrt[2] lbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.vl Wbar[mu]+
619 |
620 | uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.uq Wi[mu, 3] - (*sigma3 = ( 1 0 )*)
621 | dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.dq Wi[mu, 3] + (* ( 0 -1 )*)
622 |
623 | Sqrt[2] uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.CKM.dq W[mu] +
624 | Sqrt[2] dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.HC[CKM].uq Wbar[mu]
625 | );
626 |
627 | Lkin + LQCD + LBright + LBleft + LWleft];
628 |
629 | (******************** Higgs Lagrangian terms****************************)
630 | Phi := If[FeynmanGauge, {-I phi2, (v + H + I phi)/Sqrt[2]}, {0, (v + H)/Sqrt[2]}];
631 | Phibar := If[FeynmanGauge, {I phi2bar, (v + H - I phi)/Sqrt[2]} ,{0, (v + H)/Sqrt[2]}];
632 |
633 |
634 |
635 | LHiggs := Block[{PMVec, WVec, Dc, Dcbar, Vphi},
636 |
637 | PMVec = Table[PauliSigma[i], {i, 3}];
638 | Wvec[mu_] := {Wi[mu, 1], Wi[mu, 2], Wi[mu, 3]};
639 |
640 | (*Y_phi=1*)
641 | Dc[f_, mu_] := I del[f, mu] + ee/cw B[mu]/2 f + ee/sw/2 (Wvec[mu].PMVec).f;
642 | Dcbar[f_, mu_] := -I del[f, mu] + ee/cw B[mu]/2 f + ee/sw/2 f.(Wvec[mu].PMVec);
643 |
644 | Vphi[Phi_, Phibar_] := -muH^2 Phibar.Phi + \[Lambda] (Phibar.Phi)^2;
645 |
646 | (Dcbar[Phibar, mu]).Dc[Phi, mu] - Vphi[Phi, Phibar]];
647 |
648 |
649 | (*************** Yukawa Lagrangian***********************)
650 | LYuk := If[FeynmanGauge,
651 |
652 | Module[{s,r,n,m,i}, -
653 | yd[m] CKM[n,m] uqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].dq[r,m,i] (-I phi2) -
654 | yd[n] dqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].dq[r,n,i] (v+H +I phi)/Sqrt[2] -
655 |
656 | yu[n] uqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].uq[r,n,i] (v+H -I phi)/Sqrt[2] + (*This sign from eps matrix*)
657 | yu[m] Conjugate[CKM[m,n]] dqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].uq[r,m,i] ( I phi2bar) -
658 |
659 | yl[n] vlbar[s,n].ProjP[s,r].l[r,n] (-I phi2) -
660 | yl[n] lbar[s,n].ProjP[s,r].l[r,n] (v+H +I phi)/Sqrt[2]
661 | ],
662 |
663 | Module[{s,r,n,m,i}, -
664 | yd[n] dqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].dq[r,n,i] (v+H)/Sqrt[2] -
665 | yu[n] uqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].uq[r,n,i] (v+H)/Sqrt[2] -
666 | yl[n] lbar[s,n].ProjP[s,r].l[r,n] (v+H)/Sqrt[2]
667 | ]
668 | ];
669 |
670 | LYukawa := LYuk + HC[LYuk];
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 | (**************Ghost terms**************************)
675 | (* Now we need the ghost terms which are of the form: *)
676 | (* - g * antighost * d_BRST G *)
677 | (* where d_BRST G is BRST transform of the gauge fixing function. *)
678 |
679 | LGhost := If[FeynmanGauge,
680 | Block[{dBRSTG,LGhostG,dBRSTWi,LGhostWi,dBRSTB,LGhostB},
681 |
682 | (***********First the pure gauge piece.**********************)
683 | dBRSTG[mu_,a_] := 1/gs Module[{a2, a3}, del[ghG[a], mu] + gs f[a,a2,a3] G[mu,a2] ghG[a3]];
684 | LGhostG := - gs ghGbar[a].del[dBRSTG[mu,a],mu];
685 |
686 | dBRSTWi[mu_,i_] := sw/ee Module[{i2, i3}, del[ghWi[i], mu] + ee/sw Eps[i,i2,i3] Wi[mu,i2] ghWi[i3] ];
687 | LGhostWi := - ee/sw ghWibar[a].del[dBRSTWi[mu,a],mu];
688 |
689 | dBRSTB[mu_] := cw/ee del[ghB, mu];
690 | LGhostB := - ee/cw ghBbar.del[dBRSTB[mu],mu];
691 |
692 | (***********Next the piece from the scalar field.************)
693 | LGhostphi := - ee/(2*sw*cw) MW ( - I phi2 ( (cw^2-sw^2)ghWpbar.ghZ + 2sw*cw ghWpbar.ghA ) +
694 | I phi2bar ( (cw^2-sw^2)ghWmbar.ghZ + 2sw*cw ghWmbar.ghA ) ) -
695 | ee/(2*sw) MW ( ( (v+H) + I phi) ghWpbar.ghWp + ( (v+H) - I phi) ghWmbar.ghWm ) -
696 | I ee/(2*sw) MZ ( - phi2bar ghZbar.ghWp + phi2 ghZbar.ghWm ) -
697 | ee/(2*sw*cw) MZ (v+H) ghZbar.ghZ ;
698 |
699 |
700 | (***********Now add the pieces together.********************)
701 | LGhostG + LGhostWi + LGhostB + LGhostphi]
702 |
703 | , 0];
704 |
705 | (*********Total SM Lagrangian*******)
706 | LSM := LGauge + LHiggs + LFermions + LYukawa + LGhost;
707 |
708 |
709 | (********************** Gravitational Coupling ******************************************)
710 |
711 | (*****************************************************************************************)
712 | (********************** Defining the cov derivatives *************************************)
713 | (*****************************************************************************************)
714 |
715 | covdelU[field_, mu_] :=
716 | Module[{j, a}, del[field, mu] - I gs G[mu, a] T[a].field
717 | - I ee/cw 4/3 B[mu]/2 ProjP.field - I ee/cw/3 B[mu]/2 ProjM.field - I ee/sw/2 ProjM.field Wi[mu,3]];
718 |
719 | covdelD[field_, mu_] :=
720 | Module[{j, a}, del[field, mu] - I gs G[mu, a] T[a].field
721 | + I ee/cw 2/3 B[mu]/2 ProjP.field - I ee/cw/3 B[mu]/2 ProjM.field + I ee/sw/2 ProjM.field Wi[mu,3]];
722 |
723 | covdelE[field_, mu_] :=
724 | Module[{j, a}, del[field, mu]
725 | + I ee/cw 2 B[mu]/2 ProjP.field + I ee/cw B[mu]/2 ProjM.field + I ee/sw/2 ProjM.field Wi[mu,3]];
726 |
727 | (* Version 2.0 => fixed a sign problem and a factor 2 missing in the above derivative *)
728 |
729 | covdelN[field_, mu_] :=
730 | Module[{j, a}, del[field, mu] + I ee/cw B[mu]/2 ProjM.field - I ee/sw/2 ProjM.field Wi[mu,3]];
731 |
732 | (*****************************************************************************************)
733 | (******************** Defining the field strenght tensors:********************************)
734 | (*****************************************************************************************)
735 |
736 | FG[mu_,nu_,a1_,a2_,a3_] := del[G[nu, a1], mu] - del[G[mu, a1], nu] + gs f[a1, a2, a3] G[mu, a2] G[nu, a3];
737 |
738 | FA[mu_,nu_] := del[B[nu], mu] - del[B[mu], nu];
739 |
740 | FW[mu_,nu_,i1_,i2_,i3_] := del[Wi[nu, i1], mu] - del[Wi[mu, i1], nu] + ee/sw Eps[i1, i2, i3] Wi[mu, i2] Wi[nu, i3];
741 |
742 |
743 |
744 | (*****************************************************************************************)
745 | (******************* Defining the energy-momentum tensor T[mu,nu] ************************)
746 | (*****************************************************************************************)
747 |
748 | (* Gauge bosons *)
749 |
750 | TG[mu_,nu_]:= ( -ME[mu,nu]. (-1/4 FA[rho, sig] FA[rho,sig] - 1/4 FW[rho,sig,i1,i2,i3] FW[rho,sig, i1,i4,i5] - 1/4 FG[rho,sig,a1,a2,a3] FG[rho,sig, a1,a4,a5])
751 | -FA[mu,rho] FA[nu,rho] - FW[mu,rho,i1,i2,i3] FW[nu,rho, i1,i4,i5] - FG[mu,rho,a1,a2,a3] FG[nu,rho, a1,a2,a3]);
752 |
753 | (* Fermions *)
754 |
755 | TF[mu_,nu_] := (-ME[mu,nu] (I uqbar.(Ga[rho].covdelU[uq, rho]) -1/2 del[I uqbar.Ga[rho].uq, rho]
756 | + I dqbar.(Ga[rho].covdelD[dq, rho]) -1/2 del[I dqbar.Ga[rho].dq, rho]
757 | + I vlbar.(Ga[rho].covdelN[vl, rho]) -1/2 del[I vlbar.Ga[rho].vl, rho]
758 | + I lbar.(Ga[rho].covdelE[l, rho] ) -1/2 del[I lbar.Ga[rho].l, rho]
759 |
760 | + ee/sw/Sqrt[2] (uqbar.Ga[rho].ProjM.CKM.dq W[rho] + dqbar.Ga[rho].ProjM.HC[CKM].uq Wbar[rho]
761 | + vlbar.Ga[rho].ProjM.l W[rho] + lbar.Ga[rho].ProjM.vl Wbar[rho]) )
762 | + ( I/2 uqbar.Ga[mu].covdelU[uq, nu] - 1/4 I del[uqbar.Ga[nu].uq, mu]
763 | + I/2 uqbar.Ga[nu].covdelU[uq, mu] - 1/4 I del[uqbar.Ga[mu].uq, nu]
764 | + I/2 dqbar.Ga[mu].covdelD[dq, nu] - 1/4 I del[dqbar.Ga[nu].dq, mu]
765 | + I/2 dqbar.Ga[nu].covdelD[dq, mu] - 1/4 I del[dqbar.Ga[mu].dq, nu]
766 | + I/2 vlbar.Ga[mu].covdelN[vl, nu] - 1/4 I del[vlbar.Ga[nu].vl, mu]
767 | + I/2 vlbar.Ga[nu].covdelN[vl, mu] - 1/4 I del[vlbar.Ga[mu].vl, nu]
768 | + I/2 lbar.Ga[mu].covdelE[l, nu] - 1/4 I del[lbar.Ga[nu].l, mu]
769 | + I/2 lbar.Ga[nu].covdelE[l, mu] - 1/4 I del[lbar.Ga[mu].l, nu] )
770 |
771 | + ee/sw/2/Sqrt[2] (uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.CKM.dq W[nu] + dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.HC[CKM].uq Wbar[nu]
772 | + uqbar.Ga[nu].ProjM.CKM.dq W[mu] + dqbar.Ga[nu].ProjM.HC[CKM].uq Wbar[mu]
773 | + vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.l W[nu] + lbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.vl Wbar[nu]
774 | + vlbar.Ga[nu].ProjM.l W[mu] + lbar.Ga[nu].ProjM.vl Wbar[mu]));
775 |
776 | (* Definitions for Higgs and Yukawa *)
777 |
778 | Phi := If[FeynmanGauge, {-I phi2, (v + H + I phi)/Sqrt[2]}, {0, (v + H)/Sqrt[2]}];
779 | Phibar := If[FeynmanGauge, {I phi2bar, (v + H - I phi)/Sqrt[2]} ,{0, (v + H)/Sqrt[2]}];
780 |
781 | PMVec = Table[PauliSigma[i], {i, 3}];
782 | Wvec[mu_] := {Wi[mu, 1], Wi[mu, 2], Wi[mu, 3]};
783 |
784 | Dc[f_, mu_] := I del[f, mu] + ee/cw B[mu]/2 f + ee/sw/2 (Wvec[mu].PMVec).f;
785 | Dcbar[f_, mu_] := -I del[f, mu] + ee/cw B[mu]/2 f + ee/sw/2 f.(Wvec[mu].PMVec);
786 |
787 | Vphi[Phi_, Phibar_] := -muH^2 Phibar.Phi + \[Lambda] (Phibar.Phi)^2;
788 |
789 |
790 | (* Higgs *)
791 |
792 | TH[mu_, nu_] := (-ME[mu,nu].(Dcbar[Phibar, rho]).Dc[Phi, rho] + ME[mu,nu] Vphi[Phi, Phibar] +
793 | (Dcbar[Phibar, mu]).Dc[Phi, nu] + (Dcbar[Phibar, nu]).Dc[Phi, mu] );
794 |
795 | (* Yukawa *)
796 |
797 | TYuk:= Module[{s,r,n,m,i}, -
798 | yd[n] dqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].dq[r,n,i] (v+H)/Sqrt[2] -
799 | yu[n] uqbar[s,n,i].ProjP[s,r].uq[r,n,i] (v+H)/Sqrt[2] -
800 | yl[n] lbar[s,n].ProjP[s,r].l[r,n] (v+H)/Sqrt[2]];
801 |
802 | TY[mu_,nu_] := -ME[mu,nu](TYuk + HC[TYuk]);
803 |
804 |
805 | (* Gauge fixing term is here because Madgraph takes the Feynman gauge for massless gauge boson propagators and unitary gauge for massive gauge boson propagators. *)
806 |
807 | TGF[mu_, nu_]:= (-ME[mu,nu].(del[del[G[sig, a1], sig], rho].G[rho, a1] + del[del[A[sig], sig], rho].A[rho] +
808 | 1/2 del[G[rho, a1], rho].del[G[rho, a1], rho] + 1/2 del[A[rho], rho].del[A[rho], rho])
809 | + (del[del[G[rho, a1], rho], mu].G[nu, a1] + del[del[A[rho], rho], mu].A[nu] +
810 | del[del[G[rho, a1], rho], nu].G[mu, a1] + del[del[A[rho], rho], nu].A[mu] ));
811 |
812 | (*****************************************************************************************)
813 | (******************************* Writing the lagrangian *********************************)
814 | (*****************************************************************************************)
815 |
816 | LagH := -kappa/2 (Gr[mu,nu] TH[mu,nu]);
817 |
818 | LagG := -kappa/2 (Gr[mu,nu] (TG[mu,nu] + TGF[mu,nu]));
819 |
820 | LagF := -kappa/2 (Gr[mu,nu] TF[mu,nu]);
821 |
822 | LagY := -kappa/2 (Gr[mu,nu] TY[mu,nu]);
823 |
824 | LagRS := LagH + LagG + LagF + LagY;
825 |
826 | LagTot := LagRS + LSM;
827 |
828 | (*****************************************************************************************)
829 |