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23 | Cell["Setup", "Section"],
24 |
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26 | RowBox[{
27 | RowBox[{"$OldDir", "=",
28 | RowBox[{"Directory", "[", "]"}]}], ";"}], "\n",
29 | RowBox[{
30 | RowBox[{"$FeynRulesPath", "=",
31 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "\"\<<path to FeynRules>\>\"", "]"}]}],
32 | ";"}], "\n",
33 | RowBox[{"<<", "FeynRules`"}], "\n",
34 | RowBox[{
35 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\n",
36 | RowBox[{
37 | RowBox[{"LoadModel", "[", "\"\<nmssm.fr\>\"", "]"}], ";"}], "\n",
38 | RowBox[{
39 | RowBox[{"$CalcLag", "=", "False"}], ";"}]}], "Input",
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43 | }, Open ]],
44 |
45 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
46 |
47 | Cell["Lagrangian computation and update of the parameters", "Section",
48 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.4912194701600723`*^9, 3.4912194715325117`*^9}, {
49 | 3.50686100488665*^9, 3.506861008141419*^9}, {3.506866546045188*^9,
50 | 3.50686654675209*^9}, 3.510511732200982*^9}],
51 |
52 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
53 |
54 | Cell["\<\
55 | Calculation of the Lagrangian itself. This can take ~10 minutes. Therefore, \
56 | it is saved in a file which can be read each time it is necessary.\
57 | \>", "Subsubsection",
58 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.510511740551598*^9, 3.510511755990991*^9}}],
59 |
60 | Cell[BoxData[
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62 | RowBox[{"If", "[",
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64 | RowBox[{
65 | RowBox[{"lagr", "=", "Lag"}], ";", "\[IndentingNewLine]",
66 | RowBox[{
67 | RowBox[{"Definition", "[", "lagr", "]"}], ">>", "lagrangian.dat"}]}],
68 | ",",
69 | RowBox[{"<<", "lagrangian.dat"}]}], "]"}], ";"}]], "Input"]
70 | }, Open ]],
71 |
72 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
73 |
74 | Cell["Access to the different pieces of the Lagrangian", "Subsubsection",
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76 |
77 | Cell[BoxData[{
78 | RowBox[{
79 | RowBox[{"LVec", "=", "LVector"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
80 | RowBox[{
81 | RowBox[{"LC", "=", "LChiral"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
82 | RowBox[{
83 | RowBox[{"LW", "=", "LSuperW"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
84 | RowBox[{
85 | RowBox[{"LSUSYBr", "=", "LSoft"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
86 | RowBox[{
87 | RowBox[{"LGaugeFixing", "=", "LFeynmanGFix"}], ";"}]}], "Input",
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92 | }, Open ]],
93 |
94 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
95 |
96 | Cell["\<\
97 | Unitarity gauge (no ghosts and Goldstones, if the flag $FeynmanGauge was not \
98 | set correctly)\
99 | \>", "Subsubsection",
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101 | 3.510511936427951*^9, 3.510511947862441*^9}}],
102 |
103 | Cell[BoxData[
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105 | RowBox[{"LagFeynman", "=",
106 | RowBox[{"lagr", "/.",
107 | RowBox[{"{",
108 | RowBox[{
109 | RowBox[{
110 | RowBox[{"ghG", "[", "__", "]"}], "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", " ",
111 | RowBox[{
112 | RowBox[{"ghGbar", "[", "__", "]"}], "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
113 | RowBox[{"ghWp", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
114 | RowBox[{"ghWpbar", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
115 | RowBox[{"ghWmbar", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
116 | RowBox[{"ghWm", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
117 | RowBox[{"ghZ", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
118 | RowBox[{"ghZbar", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
119 | RowBox[{"ghA", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
120 | RowBox[{"ghAbar", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",", " ",
121 | RowBox[{"G0", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
122 | RowBox[{"GP", "\[Rule]", "0"}], ",",
123 | RowBox[{"GPbar", "\[Rule]", "0"}]}], "}"}]}]}], ";"}]], "Input",
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125 | 3.507310603266782*^9}]
126 | }, Open ]],
127 |
128 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
129 |
130 | Cell["\<\
131 | Update of the parameters (not compatible with the Whizard interface, but \
132 | compatible with the CalcHep interface)\
133 | \>", "Subsubsection",
134 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.508650840502183*^9, 3.508650841544434*^9}, {
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138 | Cell[BoxData[{
139 | RowBox[{
140 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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142 | RowBox[{"ReadLHAFile", "[",
143 | RowBox[{"Input", "\[Rule]", "\"\<p1.dat\>\""}], "]"}], ";"}]}], "Input",
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147 | 3.511520173343334*^9}}]
148 | }, Open ]],
149 |
150 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
151 |
152 | Cell["\<\
153 | Update of the parameters (compatible the Whizard interface, but not \
154 | compatible with the Calchep interface)\
155 | \>", "Subsubsection",
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173 |
174 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
175 |
176 | Cell["Feynman rules calculation", "Section",
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178 |
179 | Cell[BoxData[
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181 | RowBox[{"rules", "=",
182 | RowBox[{"FeynmanRules", "[",
183 | RowBox[{"lagr", ",",
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186 | ";"}]], "Input",
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215 |
216 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
217 |
218 | Cell["Generating MC model files with optimized restrictions", "Section",
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220 |
221 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
222 |
223 | Cell["Optimization", "Subsubsection",
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225 |
226 | Cell[BoxData[
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231 |
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235 |
236 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
237 |
238 | Cell["UFO interface", "Subsubsection",
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241 | Cell[BoxData[{
242 | RowBox[{
243 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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245 | RowBox[{"WriteUFO", "[",
246 | RowBox[{"LagFeynman", ",", " ",
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248 |
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254 |
255 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
256 |
257 | Cell["CalcHEP model files", "Subsubsection",
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272 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
273 |
274 | Cell["MadGraph model files", "Subsubsection",
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280 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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282 | RowBox[{"WriteMGOutput", "[",
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285 |
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290 |
291 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
292 |
293 | Cell["Whizard model files", "Subsubsection",
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297 |
298 | Cell[BoxData[{
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300 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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302 | RowBox[{"WriteWOOutput", "[",
303 | RowBox[{"lagr", ",", " ",
304 | RowBox[{"Exclude4Scalars", "\[Rule]", "True"}]}], "]"}], ";"}]}], "Input",\
305 |
306 | CellChangeTimes->{{3.5105120994316807`*^9, 3.510512105814425*^9}, {
307 | 3.5105127146047497`*^9, 3.510512717826407*^9}, {3.510513952348884*^9,
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311 | Cell[CellGroupData[{
312 |
313 | Cell["FeynArts model files", "Subsubsection",
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315 | 3.510513948444434*^9, 3.510513949301979*^9}, {3.510514890712902*^9,
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320 | RowBox[{"SetDirectory", "[", "$OldDir", "]"}], ";"}], "\[IndentingNewLine]",
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322 | RowBox[{"WriteFeynArtsOutput", "[", "lagr", "]"}], ";"}]}], "Input",
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325 | 3.510513955605171*^9}, {3.510514894507822*^9, 3.510514894666054*^9}, {
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