
File, 4.7 KB (added by Benjamin Fuks, 10 years ago)

FeynRules model file for the sgluon model

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3(* ***** FeynRules model file: SM + colored scalars ***** *)
4(* ***** Author: B. Fuks ***** *)
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9(* ***** Information ***** *)
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11M$ModelName = "ColoredScalars";
12M$Information = {
13 Authors -> {"Benjamin Fuks"},
14 Emails -> {""},
15 Institutions -> {"IPHC Strasbourg / University of Strasbourg"},
16 Date -> "11.07.14",
17 Version -> "1.0",
18 References -> "C. Degrande, B. Fuks, V. Hirschi, J. Proudom and H.S. Shao, arXiv:1412.XXXX [hep-ph]"};
20(* Change log *)
21(* 11.07.2014 - v1.0 - version 1 of the model *)
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25(* ***** Orders ***** *)
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27M$InteractionOrderHierarchy = { {QCD, 1}, {QED, 2}, {NP,1} };
28M$InteractionOrderLimit = { {QCD, 99}, {QED, 99}, {NP,1} };
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31(* ***** Fields ***** *)
32(* ************************** *)
33M$ClassesDescription = {
34 S[4] == {
35 ClassName -> sig8,
36 SelfConjugate -> True,
37 Indices -> {Index[Gluon]},
38 Mass -> {m8,400},
39 Width -> {w8,10},
40 ParticleName -> "sig8",
41 PDG -> 9000001,
42 PropagatorLabel -> "sig8",
43 PropagatorType -> ScalarDash,
44 PropagatorArrow -> Forward
45 }
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49(* ***** Parameters ***** *)
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51M$Parameters = {
52 g8Lu == {
53 TeX -> Subsuperscript[g,"8u",L],
54 ComplexParameter -> False,
55 ParameterType -> External,
56 Indices -> {Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
57 BlockName -> NPG8LU,
58 Value -> {
59 g8Lu[1,1] -> 0.001, g8Lu[1,2] -> 0.001, g8Lu[1,3] -> 0.001,
60 g8Lu[2,1] -> 0.001, g8Lu[2,2] -> 0.001, g8Lu[2,3] -> 0.001,
61 g8Lu[3,1] -> 0.001, g8Lu[3,2] -> 0.001, g8Lu[3,3] -> 0.001},
62 InteractionOrder -> {{NP,1},{QCD,3}},
63 Description -> "Sgluon coupling to left-handed up-type quarks"
64 },
65 g8Ru == {
66 TeX -> Subsuperscript[g,"8u",R],
67 ComplexParameter -> False,
68 ParameterType -> External,
69 Indices -> {Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
70 BlockName -> NPG8RU,
71 Value -> {
72 g8Ru[1,1] -> 0.001, g8Ru[1,2] -> 0.001, g8Ru[1,3] -> 0.001,
73 g8Ru[2,1] -> 0.001, g8Ru[2,2] -> 0.001, g8Ru[2,3] -> 0.001,
74 g8Ru[3,1] -> 0.001, g8Ru[3,2] -> 0.001, g8Ru[3,3] -> 0.001},
75 InteractionOrder -> {{NP,1},{QCD,3}},
76 Description -> "Sgluon coupling to right-handed up-type quarks"
77 },
78 g8Ld == {
79 TeX -> Subsuperscript[g,"8d",L],
80 ComplexParameter -> False,
81 ParameterType -> External,
82 Indices -> {Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
83 BlockName -> NPG8LD,
84 Value -> {
85 g8Ld[1,1] -> 0.001, g8Ld[1,2] -> 0.001, g8Ld[1,3] -> 0.001,
86 g8Ld[2,1] -> 0.001, g8Ld[2,2] -> 0.001, g8Ld[2,3] -> 0.001,
87 g8Ld[3,1] -> 0.001, g8Ld[3,2] -> 0.001, g8Ld[3,3] -> 0.001},
88 InteractionOrder -> {{NP,1},{QCD,3}},
89 Description -> "Sgluon coupling to left-handed down-type quarks"
90 },
91 g8Rd == {
92 TeX -> Subsuperscript[g,"8d",R],
93 ComplexParameter -> False,
94 ParameterType -> External,
95 Indices -> {Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
96 BlockName -> NPG8RD,
97 Value -> {
98 g8Rd[1,1] -> 0.001, g8Rd[1,2] -> 0.001, g8Rd[1,3] -> 0.001,
99 g8Rd[2,1] -> 0.001, g8Rd[2,2] -> 0.001, g8Rd[2,3] -> 0.001,
100 g8Rd[3,1] -> 0.001, g8Rd[3,2] -> 0.001, g8Rd[3,3] -> 0.001},
101 InteractionOrder -> {{NP,1},{QCD,3}},
102 Description -> "Sgluon coupling to right-handed down-type quarks"
103 },
105 g8g == {
106 TeX -> Subscript[g,"8g"],
107 ParameterType -> External,
108 ComplexParameter -> False,
109 BlockName -> NPG8G,
110 Value -> 1.0*^-6,
111 InteractionOrder -> {{NP,1},{QCD,3}},
112 Description -> "Sgluon coupling to gluons divided by lambda"}
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116(* ***** Lagrangian ***** *)
117(* ************************** *)
118L1 := 1/2 DC[sig8[aa],mu] DC[sig8[aa],mu] - 1/2 m8^2 sig8[aa] sig8[aa];
120L2a := sig8[a] T[a,m,n] (g8Ld[ff,gg] ProjM[sp,sp2] + g8Rd[ff,gg] ProjP[sp,sp2]) dqbar[sp,ff,m].dq[sp2,gg,n] +
121 sig8[a] T[a,m,n] (g8Lu[ff,gg] ProjM[sp,sp2] + g8Ru[ff,gg] ProjP[sp,sp2]) uqbar[sp,ff,m].uq[sp2,gg,n];
123L2b = g8g dSUN[a,b,c] sig8[a] FS[G,mu,nu,b] FS[G,mu,nu,c];
125LagNP := L1 + L2a + HC[L2a] + L2b;