EffLRSM: effLRSM.fr

File effLRSM.fr, 8.0 KB (added by Richard Ruiz, 8 years ago)

Main Effective LRSM model file. Relies on sm.fr (default FR model file) being declared elsewhere.

1(* **************************************************************************** *)
2(* FeynRules Model file for a effective left-right symmetryic extension *)
3(* of the Standard Model. Contains WR^+/- and ZR gauge bosons as well as *)
4(* three massive Majorana neutrinos that couples to all SM leptons. *)
5(* SM Lagrangian is written in the Feynman Gauge. *)
6(* LRSM Extension is written in Unitary gauge *)
7(* *)
8(* Contact author: R. Ruiz [richard.ruiz [at] durham.ac.uk] *)
9(* *)
10(* The LRSM Lagrangian implemented is described in O. Mattelaer, et. al, *)
11(* [arXiv:1610.XXXXX]. *)
12(* The model is an extension of the default FeynRules SM model file. *)
13(* Please cite accordingly. *)
14(* *)
15(* Please note that the scalar sector of the full LRSM is been decoupled. *)
16(* This means that some diboson and VBF processes involving WR and ZR, which *)
17(* rely on Goldstone couplings are not correctly modeled. *)
18(* *)
19(* 2014 Monte Carlo Particle ID Scheme is adopted: *)
20(* http://pdg.lbl.gov/2014/reviews/rpp2014-rev-monte-carlo-numbering.pdf *)
21(* Default mass and widths correspond to [arXiv:1610.XXXXX]. *)
22(* Presently Right-handed CKM and Lepton mixing are taken to be real. *)
23(* **************************************************************************** *)
25(* ************************** *)
26(* ***** Information ***** *)
27(* ************************** *)
29M$ModelName = "EffLRSM"
30M$Information = {
31 Authors ->{"R. Ruiz"},
32 Version -> "1.0",
33 Date -> "31 October 2016",
34 Institutions -> {"IPPP / University of Durham"},
35 Emails -> {"richard.ruiz@durham.ac.uk"},
36 References -> {"O. Mattelaer, et. al., [arXiv:1610.XXXXX]"},
37 URLs -> {"https://feynrules.irmp.ucl.ac.be/wiki/EffLRSM"}
40(* ************************ *)
41(* ***** New Fields ***** *)
42(* ************************ *)
45(* Physical vector boson fields *)
46M$ClassesDescription = {
47 V[32] == {
48 ClassName -> ZR,
49 SelfConjugate -> True,
50 Mass -> {MZR, 5070.0},
51 Width -> {WZR, 114.0},
52 ParticleName -> "ZR",
53 PDG -> 32,
54 PropagatorLabel -> "ZR",
55 PropagatorType -> Sine,
56 PropagatorArrow -> None,
57 FullName -> "ZR"
58 },
59 V[34] == {
60 ClassName -> WR,
61 SelfConjugate -> False,
62 Mass -> {MWR, 3000.0},
63 Width -> {WWR, 84.3},
64 ParticleName -> "WR+",
65 AntiParticleName-> "WR-",
66 QuantumNumbers -> {Q->1},
67 PDG -> 34,
68 PropagatorLabel -> "WR",
69 PropagatorType -> Sine,
70 PropagatorArrow -> Forward
71 FullName -> "WR"
72 },
74(* Physical fermion fields *)
75 F[31] == {
76 ClassName -> Nl,
77 ClassMembers -> {N1,N2,N3},
78 Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
79 FlavorIndex -> Generation,
80 SelfConjugate -> True,
81 Mass -> {mN, {mN1,173.3}, {mN2, 1*^12}, {mN3, 1*^14}},
82 Width -> { {WN1,2.12*^-8}, {WN2, 100}, {WN3, 100}},
83 PropagatorLabel -> {"N", "N1", "N2", "N3"},
84 PropagatorType -> Straight,
85 PropagatorArrow -> None,
86 PDG -> {9900012,9900014,9900016},
87 FullName -> {"Heavy N1", "Heavy N2", "Heavy N3"}
88 }
96(* ************************** *)
97(* ***** Parameters ***** *)
98(* ************************** *)
99M$Parameters = {
101 kRq == { ParameterType -> External,
102 Value -> 1.0,
103 BlockName->VRCOUP,
104 OrderBlock->1,
105 TeX -> Subsuperscript[k,R,q],
106 Description -> "WR/ZR quark coupling scale: gRq = kRq*gSM = kRq*ee/sW"},
108 kRl == { ParameterType -> External,
109 Value -> 1.0,
110 BlockName->VRCOUP,
111 OrderBlock->2,
112 TeX -> Subsuperscript[k,R,l],
113 Description -> "WR/ZR lepton coupling scale: gRl = kRl*gSM = kRl*ee/sW"},
115 VCKMR == { ParameterType->External,
116 ComplexParameter->False,
117 Indices->{Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
118 BlockName->QuarkMixingVCKMR,
119 Value-> {
120 VCKMR[1,1]->1.0, VCKMR[1,2]->0.0, VCKMR[1,3]->0.0,
121 VCKMR[2,1]->0.0, VCKMR[2,2]->1.0, VCKMR[2,3]->0.0,
122 VCKMR[3,1]->0.0, VCKMR[3,2]->0.0, VCKMR[3,3]->1.0 },
123 TeX->Subsuperscript[V,ij,R],
124 Description->"Right-handed CKM Quark Mixing Matrix"
125 },
127 YlN == { ParameterType->External,
128 ComplexParameter->False,
129 Indices->{Index[Generation],Index[Generation]},
130 BlockName->LeptonMixingYlN,
131 Value-> {
132 YlN[1,1]->1.0, YlN[1,2]->0.0, YlN[1,3]->0.0,
133 YlN[2,1]->0.0, YlN[2,2]->1.0, YlN[2,3]->0.0,
134 YlN[3,1]->0.0, YlN[3,2]->0.0, YlN[3,3]->1.0 },
135 TeX->Subscript[Y,lN],
136 Description->"Right-handed Lepton Mixing Matrix"
137 },
140 tw2 == {
141 ParameterType -> Internal,
142 Value -> sw2/(1-sw2),
143 Description -> "Squared Tan of the Weinberg angle"
144 },
145 kRq2 == {
146 ParameterType -> Internal,
147 Value -> kRq*kRq,
148 Description -> "Square of kRq = gRQuarks/gSM"
149 },
150 kRl2 == {
151 ParameterType -> Internal,
152 Value -> kRl*kRl,
153 Description -> "Square of kRq = gRLeptons/gSM"
154 },
157(* ZR coupling to RH fermions: gZR,f_R = TR3 - Qf*tw2/kR2 *)
158(* ZR coupling to LH fermions: gZR,f_L = (TL3 - Qf)*tw2/kR2 *)
160 gZRuR == {
161 ParameterType -> Internal,
162 Value -> (1/2) - (2/3)*tw2/kRq2,
163 Description -> "Right-handed ZR-u-uBar Coupling"
164 },
165 gZRuL == {
166 ParameterType -> Internal,
167 Value -> ((1/2) - (2/3))*tw2/kRq2,
168 Description -> "Left-handed ZR-u-uBar Coupling"
169 },
170 gZRdR == {
171 ParameterType -> Internal,
172 Value -> (-1/2) - (-1/3)*tw2/kRq2,
173 Description -> "Right-handed ZR-d-dBar Coupling"
174 },
175 gZRdL == {
176 ParameterType -> Internal,
177 Value -> ((-1/2) - (-1/3))*tw2/kRq2,
178 Description -> "Left-handed ZR-d-dBar Coupling"
179 },
180 gZRNR == {
181 ParameterType -> Internal,
182 Value -> (1/2) - (0)*tw2/kRl2,
183 Description -> "Right-handed ZR-NR-NRBar Coupling"
184 },
185 gZRNL == {
186 ParameterType -> Internal,
187 Value -> (0 - 0)*tw2/kRl2,
188 Description -> "Left-handed ZR-NR-NRBar Coupling"
189 },
190 gZRvR == {
191 ParameterType -> Internal,
192 Value -> (0) - (0)*tw2/kRl2,
193 Description -> "Right-handed ZR-vL-vLBar Coupling"
194 },
195 gZRvL == {
196 ParameterType -> Internal,
197 Value -> ((1/2) - (0))*tw2/kRl2,
198 Description -> "Left-handed ZR-vL-vLBar Coupling"
199 },
200 gZReR == {
201 ParameterType -> Internal,
202 Value -> (-1/2) - (-1)*tw2/kRl2,
203 Description -> "Right-handed ZR-e-eBar Coupling"
204 },
205 gZReL == {
206 ParameterType -> Internal,
207 Value -> ((-1/2) - (-1))*tw2/kRl2,
208 Description -> "Left-handed ZR-e-eBar Coupling"
209 }
213(* ************************** *)
214(* *** Kinetic+Mass Terms *** *)
215(* ************************** *)
216LNKin := I/2 N1bar[s1].Ga[v,s1,s2].del[N1[s2],v] - 1/2 mN1 N1bar[s1]N1[s1] \
217 + I/2 N2bar[s1].Ga[v,s1,s2].del[N2[s2],v] - 1/2 mN2 N2bar[s1]N2[s1] \
218 + I/2 N3bar[s1].Ga[v,s1,s2].del[N3[s2],v] - 1/2 mN3 N3bar[s1]N3[s1];
221(* ************************* *)
222(* *** Interaction Terms *** *)
223(* ************************* *)
224(* WR Currents *)
225LWRTmp := ee/sw/Sqrt[2]*WR[mu]*( kRq*uqbar.VCKMR.Ga[mu].ProjP.dq \
226 + kRl*Nlbar.YlN.Ga[mu].ProjP.l );
228(* ZR Currents *)
229LZRTmpU := kRq*ee/sw/Sqrt[1-tw2/kRq2]*ZR[mu]*(gZRuR* uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.uq \
230 + gZRuL* uqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.uq );
231LZRTmpD := kRq*ee/sw/Sqrt[1-tw2/kRq2]*ZR[mu]*(gZRdR* dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.dq \
232 + gZRdL* dqbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.dq );
233LZRTmpN := kRl*ee/sw/Sqrt[1-tw2/kRl2]*ZR[mu]*(gZRNR* Nlbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.Nl \
234 + gZRNL* Nlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.Nl );
235LZRTmpV := kRl*ee/sw/Sqrt[1-tw2/kRl2]*ZR[mu]*(gZRvR* vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.vl \
236 + gZRvL* vlbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.vl );
237LZRTmpE := kRl*ee/sw/Sqrt[1-tw2/kRl2]*ZR[mu]*(gZReR* lbar.Ga[mu].ProjP.l \
238 + gZReL* lbar.Ga[mu].ProjM.l );
239LZRTmp := LZRTmpU + LZRTmpD + LZRTmpN + LZRTmpV + LZRTmpE;
242(* Combine everything *)
243LagLRSM := LNKin + LWRTmp + LZRTmp + HC[LWRTmp];
244LagFull := LSM + LagLRSM;