
File, 8.6 KB (added by Chiara Arina, 4 years ago)

FeynRules model (goes with same SM model file above)

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3(* ***** FeynRules model file: Simplified DM models ***** *)
4(* ***** ***** *)
5(* ***** t-channel with non-coloured mediator ***** *)
6(* ***** coupling to leptons ***** *)
7(* ***** ***** *)
8(* ***** Author: Chiara Arina ***** *)
9(* ***** ***** *)
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13(* ***** Information ***** *)
14(* ************************** *)
15M$ModelName = "DMsimp_t_leptons";
17M$Information = { Authors->{"Chiara Arina"}, Emails->{""},
18 Institutions->{"UCLouvain"},
19 Date->"31.01.2020", Version->"1.0",
20 URLs->""};
22(* ************************** *)
23(* ***** Change log ***** *)
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26(* 2020.01.31 v1.0 - First version *)
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29(* *** Interaction orders *** *)
30(* ************************** *)
31M$InteractionOrderLimit = { {DMT, 2} };
32M$InteractionOrderHierarchy = { {DMT, 2}, {QED, 2} };
34(* ************************** *)
35(* ***** Fields ***** *)
36(* ************************** *)
37M$ClassesDescription = {
38 (* Dark matter *)
39 F[100] == { ClassName -> Xm, SelfConjugate -> True,
40 Mass -> {MXm, 10.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 52},
41 F[101] == { ClassName -> Xd, SelfConjugate -> False,
42 Mass -> {MXd, 13.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 57},
43 S[100] == { ClassName -> Xs, SelfConjugate -> True,
44 Mass -> {MXs, 11.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 51},
45 S[101] == { ClassName -> Xc, SelfConjugate -> False,
46 Mass -> {MXc, 14.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 56},
47 V[100] == { ClassName -> Xv, SelfConjugate -> True,
48 Mass -> {MXv, 12.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 53},
49 V[101] == { ClassName -> Xw, SelfConjugate -> False,
50 Mass -> {MXw, 15.}, Width -> 0, PDG -> 58},
52 (* Mediators *)
54 S[200] == { ClassName -> YS3L, Unphysical -> True, SelfConjugate -> False,
55 Indices -> {Index[SU2D],Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> SU2D,
56 QuantumNumbers -> {Y->-1/2},
57 Definitions -> {YS3L[1,ff_]->YS3Ln[ff], YS3L[2,ff_]->YS3Le[ff]}},
58 S[201] == { ClassName -> YS3Le, SelfConjugate -> False,
59 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
60 ClassMembers -> {YS3Le1, YS3Le2, YS3Le3},
61 QuantumNumbers -> {Q->-1}, PDG -> {5930012,5930014,5930016},
62 Mass -> {MYS3Le, {MYS3Le1, 1000.}, {MYS3Le2, 1001.}, {MYS3Le3, 1002.}},
63 Width -> {WYS3Le, {WYS3Le1, 10. }, {WYS3Le2, 11. }, {WYS3Le3, 12. }}},
64 S[202] == { ClassName -> YS3Ln, SelfConjugate -> False,
65 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
66 ClassMembers -> {YS3Ln1, YS3Ln2, YS3Ln3},
67 QuantumNumbers -> {Q->0}, PDG -> {5930011,5930013,5930015},
68 Mass -> {MYS3Ln, {MYS3Ln1, 1003.}, {MYS3Ln2, 1004.}, {MYS3Ln3, 1005.}},
69 Width -> {WYS3Ln, {WYS3Ln1, 13. }, {WYS3Ln2, 14. }, {WYS3Ln3, 15. }}},
70 S[203] == { ClassName -> YS3e, SelfConjugate -> False,
71 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
72 ClassMembers -> {YS3e1, YS3e2, YS3e3},
73 QuantumNumbers -> {Y->-1, Q->-1}, PDG -> {5940011,5940013,5940015},
74 Mass -> {MYS3e, {MYS3e1, 2003.}, {MYS3e2, 2004.}, {MYS3e3, 2005.}},
75 Width -> {WYS3e, {WYS3e1, 23. }, {WYS3e2, 24. }, {WYS3e3, 25. }}},
76 F[200] == { ClassName -> YF3L, Unphysical -> True, SelfConjugate -> False,
77 Indices -> {Index[SU2D],Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> SU2D,
78 QuantumNumbers -> {Y->-1/2},
79 Definitions -> {YF3L[sp_,1,ff_]->YF3Ln[sp,ff], YF3L[sp_,2,ff_]->YF3Le[sp,ff]}},
80 F[201] == { ClassName -> YF3Le, SelfConjugate -> False,
81 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
82 ClassMembers -> {YF3Le1, YF3Le2, YF3Le3},
83 QuantumNumbers -> {Q->-1}, PDG -> {5910012,5910014,5910016},
84 Mass -> {MYF3Le, {MYF3Le1, 3000.}, {MYF3Le2, 3001.}, {MYF3Le3, 3002.}},
85 Width -> {WYF3Le, {WYF3Le1, 30. }, {WYF3Le2, 31. }, {WYF3Le3, 32. }}},
86 F[202] == { ClassName -> YF3Ln, SelfConjugate -> False,
87 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
88 ClassMembers -> {YF3Ln1, YF3Ln2, YF3Ln3},
89 QuantumNumbers -> {Q->0}, PDG -> {5910011,5910013,5910015},
90 Mass -> {MYF3Ln, {MYF3Ln1, 3003.}, {MYF3Ln2, 3004.}, {MYF3Ln3, 3005.}},
91 Width -> {WYF3Ln, {WYF3Ln1, 33. }, {WYF3Ln2, 34. }, {WYF3Ln3, 35. }}},
92 F[203] == { ClassName -> YF3e, SelfConjugate -> False,
93 Indices -> {Index[Generation]}, FlavorIndex -> Generation,
94 ClassMembers -> {YF3e1, YF3e2, YF3e3},
95 QuantumNumbers -> {Y->-1, Q->-1}, PDG -> {5920011,5920013,5920015},
96 Mass -> {MYF3e, {MYF3e1, 4003.}, {MYF3e2, 4004.}, {MYF3e3, 4005.}},
97 Width -> {WYF3e, {WYF3e1, 43. }, {WYF3e2, 44. }, {WYF3e3, 45. }}}
101(* ************************** *)
102(* ***** Parameters ***** *)
103(* ************************** *)
104M$Parameters = {
106 lamS3L == { ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False,
107 TeX -> Subscript[\[Lambda],L], BlockName -> DMS3L,
108 Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
109 InteractionOrder -> {DMT,1},
110 Definitions -> {lamS3L[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i=!=j)},
111 Value -> {lamS3L[1,1] -> 0.10, lamS3L[2,2] -> 0.11, lamS3L[3,3] -> 0.12}},
112 lamS3e == { ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False,
113 TeX -> Subscript[\[Lambda],e], BlockName -> DMS3E,
114 Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
115 InteractionOrder -> {DMT,1},
116 Definitions -> {lamS3e[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i=!=j)},
117 Value -> {lamS3e[1,1] -> 0.13, lamS3e[2,2] -> 0.14, lamS3e[3,3] -> 0.15}},
118 lamF3L == { ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False,
119 TeX -> Subscript[OverHat[\[Lambda]],L], BlockName -> DMF3L,
120 Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
121 InteractionOrder -> {DMT,1},
122 Definitions -> {lamF3L[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i=!=j)},
123 Value -> {lamF3L[1,1] -> 0.20, lamF3L[2,2] -> 0.21, lamF3L[3,3] -> 0.22}},
124 lamF3e == { ParameterType -> External, ComplexParameter -> False,
125 TeX -> Subscript[OverHat[\[Lambda]],e], BlockName -> DMF3E,
126 Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
127 InteractionOrder -> {DMT,1},
128 Definitions -> {lamF3e[i_?NumericQ, j_?NumericQ] :> 0 /; (i=!=j)},
129 Value -> {lamF3e[1,1] -> 0.23, lamF3e[2,2] -> 0.24, lamF3e[3,3] -> 0.25}}
132(* ************************** *)
133(* ***** Lagrangian ***** *)
134(* ************************** *)
136LDMSIMPt := Block[{LKinDM, LKinS3, LKinF3, LIntS3, LIntF3, ii,ff,ffp,mu,nu,sp,sp2},
137 LKinDM := \
138 1/2 del[Xs,mu]^2 - 1/2 MXs^2 Xs^2 \
139 + del[Xc,mu] del[Xcbar,mu] - MXc^2 Xc Xcbar \
140 + I/2*Xmbar.Ga[mu].DC[Xm,mu] - 1/2 MXm Xmbar.Xm \
141 + I*Xdbar.Ga[mu].DC[Xd,mu] - MXd Xdbar.Xd \
142 - 1/4 FS[Xv,mu,nu]^2 + 1/2 MXv^2 Xv[mu]^2 \
143 - 1/2 FS[Xw,mu,nu] FS[Xwbar,mu,nu] + MXw^2 Xw[mu] Xwbar[mu];
145 LKinS3 := \
146 Plus @@ (DC[anti[#],mu] DC[#,mu] &/@ { YS3L[ii,ff], YS3ebar[ff]}) \
147 - MYS3Ln[ff]^2 YS3Lnbar[ff] YS3Ln[ff] - MYS3Le[ff]^2 YS3Lebar[ff] YS3Le[ff] \
148 - MYS3e[ff]^2 YS3ebar[ff] YS3e[ff];
150 LKinF3 := \
151 Plus @@ (I anti[#].Ga[mu].DC[#,mu] &/@ { YF3L, YF3e } ) \
152 - MYF3Ln[ff] YF3Lnbar[sp,ff].YF3Ln[sp,ff] - MYF3Le[ff] YF3Lebar[sp,ff].YF3Le[sp,ff] \
153 - MYF3e[ff] YF3ebar[sp,ff].YF3e[sp,ff];
155 LIntS3 := \
156 lamS3L[ff,ffp] Xmbar[sp].LL[sp,ii,ff] YS3Lbar[ii,ffp] \
157 + lamS3e[ff,ffp] Xmbar[sp].lR[sp,ff] YS3ebar[ffp] \
158 + lamS3L[ff,ffp] Xdbar[sp].LL[sp,ii,ff] YS3Lbar[ii,ffp] \
159 + lamS3e[ff,ffp] Xdbar[sp].lR[sp,ff] YS3ebar[ffp];
161 LIntF3 := \
162 lamF3L[ff,ffp] YF3Lbar[sp,ii,ffp].LL[sp2,ii,ff] (Xs IndexDelta[sp,sp2] + Xc IndexDelta[sp,sp2] + Xv[mu] Ga[mu,sp,sp2] + Xw[mu] Ga[mu,sp,sp2]) \
163 + lamF3e[ff,ffp] YF3ebar[sp,ffp].lR[sp2,ff] (Xs IndexDelta[sp,sp2] + Xc IndexDelta[sp,sp2] + Xv[mu] Ga[mu,sp,sp2] + Xw[mu] Ga[mu,sp,sp2]);
165LKinDM + LKinS3 + LKinF3 + LIntS3 + LIntF3 + HC[LIntS3] +HC[LIntF3]];