1 |
2 | M$ModelName = "368_sextets";
3 |
4 | (*
5 |
6 | The convention and notations follow 0909.2666 and the models "Sextet diquarks" and "Triplet diquarks" available on the FeynRules Model Database.
7 |
8 | The new particles and quantum numbers are
9 |
10 | sFu = (6, 1, -2/3)
11 | sFd = (6, 1, 1/3)
12 | sSu = (6, 1, 1/3) (Lepton number -1)
13 | sSd = (6, 1, 4/3) (Lepton number -1)
14 |
15 | *)
16 |
17 | M$Information = {Authors -> {"T. Murphy"},
18 | Version -> "1.0",
19 | Date -> "10. 09. 2021",
20 | Institutions -> {"The Ohio State University"},
21 | Emails -> {"murphy.1573@osu.edu"}};
22 |
23 | IndexRange[Index[Sextet]] = Range[6];
24 | IndexStyle[ Sextet, u];
25 |
26 | AddGaugeRepresentation[SU3C -> {T6, Sextet}];
27 |
28 | (* CGC matrices for 3 * 3 ~ 6 (K6/K6bar) are symmetric *)
29 |
30 | (*
31 |
32 | SetAttributes[CFu, Orderless];
33 | SetAttributes[CFd, Orderless];
34 | SetAttributes[CSu, Orderless];
35 | SetAttributes[CSd, Orderless];
36 | SetAttributes[CFBu, Orderless];
37 | SetAttributes[CFBd, Orderless];
38 |
39 | *)
40 |
41 | M$Parameters = {
42 |
43 | (* External parameters *)
44 |
45 | CFBuR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
46 | ParameterType -> External,
47 | BlockName -> SFBUR,
48 | Value -> {CFBuR[_] -> 0.1},
49 | ComplexParameter -> False,
50 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1}
51 | },
52 |
53 | CFBuI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
54 | ParameterType -> External,
55 | BlockName -> SFBUI,
56 | Value -> {CFBuI[_] -> 0},
57 | ComplexParameter -> False,
58 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1}
59 | },
60 |
61 | CFBdR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
62 | ParameterType -> External,
63 | BlockName -> SFBDR,
64 | Value -> {CFBdR[_] -> 0.1},
65 | ComplexParameter -> False,
66 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1}
67 | },
68 |
69 | CFBdI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
70 | ParameterType -> External,
71 | BlockName -> SFBDI,
72 | Value -> {CFBdI[_] -> 0},
73 | ComplexParameter -> False,
74 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1}
75 | },
76 |
77 |
78 | CFuR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
79 | BlockName -> SFUPR,
80 | Value -> {CFuR[_] -> 0.1},
81 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
82 | ParameterType -> External,
83 | ComplexParameter -> False
84 | },
85 |
86 | CFuI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
87 | BlockName -> SFUPI,
88 | Value -> {CFuI[_] -> 0},
89 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
90 | ParameterType -> External,
91 | ComplexParameter -> False
92 | },
93 |
94 | CFdR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
95 | BlockName -> SFDOWNR,
96 | Value -> {CFdR[_] -> 0.1},
97 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
98 | ParameterType -> External,
99 | ComplexParameter -> False
100 | },
101 |
102 | CFdI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
103 | BlockName -> SFDOWNI,
104 | Value -> {CFdI[_] -> 0},
105 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
106 | ParameterType -> External,
107 | ComplexParameter -> False
108 | },
109 |
110 | CSuR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
111 | BlockName -> SSUPR,
112 | Value -> {CSuR[_,_] -> 0.1},
113 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
114 | ParameterType -> External,
115 | ComplexParameter -> False
116 | },
117 |
118 | CSuI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
119 | BlockName -> SSUPI,
120 | Value -> {CSuI[_,_] -> 0},
121 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
122 | ParameterType -> External,
123 | ComplexParameter -> False
124 | },
125 |
126 | CSdR == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
127 | BlockName -> SSDOWNR,
128 | Value -> {CSdR[_,_] -> 0.1},
129 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
130 | ParameterType -> External,
131 | ComplexParameter -> False
132 | },
133 |
134 | CSdI == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
135 | BlockName -> SSDOWNI,
136 | Value -> {CSdI[_,_] -> 0},
137 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
138 | ParameterType -> External,
139 | ComplexParameter -> False
140 | },
141 |
142 | (* Internal parameters *)
143 |
144 | CFBu == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
145 | Value -> {CFBu[i_] :> CFBuR[i] + I CFBuI[i]},
146 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
147 | ComplexParameter -> True,
148 | Description -> "Sextet fermion coupling to up-type quarks and B boson"
149 | },
150 |
151 | CFBd == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
152 | Value -> {CFBd[i_] :> CFBdR[i] + I CFBdI[i]},
153 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
154 | ComplexParameter -> True,
155 | Description -> "Sextet fermion coupling to down-type quarks and B boson"
156 | },
157 |
158 | CFu == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
159 | Value -> {CFu[i_] :> CFuR[i] + I CFuI[i]},
160 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
161 | ComplexParameter -> True,
162 | Description -> "Sextet fermion coupling to up-type quarks"
163 | },
164 |
165 | CFd == {Indices -> {Index[Generation]},
166 | Value -> {CFd[i_] :> CFdR[i] + I CFdI[i]},
167 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
168 | ComplexParameter -> True,
169 | Description -> "Sextet fermion coupling to down-type quarks"
170 | },
171 |
172 | CSu == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
173 | Value -> {CSu[i_,j_] :> CSuR[i,j] + I CSuI[i,j]},
174 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
175 | ComplexParameter -> True,
176 | Description -> "Sextet scalar coupling to up-type quarks"
177 | },
178 |
179 | CSd == {Indices -> {Index[Generation], Index[Generation]},
180 | Value -> {CSd[i_,j_] :> CSdR[i,j] + I CSdI[i,j]},
181 | InteractionOrder -> {QCD, 1},
182 | ComplexParameter -> True,
183 | Description -> "Sextet scalar coupling to down-type quarks"
184 | }
185 |
186 | };
187 |
188 | M$ClassesDescription = {
189 |
190 | F[100] == {
191 | ClassName -> sFu,
192 | SelfConjugate -> False,
193 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
194 | Mass -> {MFu, 500},
195 | Width -> {WFu, 4.7740},
196 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> -2/3}
197 | },
198 |
199 | F[200] == {
200 | ClassName -> sFd,
201 | SelfConjugate -> False,
202 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
203 | Mass -> {MFd, 500},
204 | Width -> {WFd, 4.7740},
205 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1/3}
206 | },
207 |
208 | S[100] == {
209 | ClassName -> sSu,
210 | SelfConjugate -> False,
211 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
212 | Mass -> {MSu, 500},
213 | Width -> {WSu, 4.4108},
214 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 1/3, LeptonNumber -> -1}
215 | },
216 |
217 | S[200] == {
218 | ClassName -> sSd,
219 | SelfConjugate -> False,
220 | Indices -> {Index[Sextet]},
221 | Mass -> {MSd, 500},
222 | Width -> {WSd, 4.0647},
223 | QuantumNumbers -> {Q -> 4/3, LeptonNumber -> -1}
224 | }
225 |
226 | };
227 |
228 |
229 | (* the Lagrangian *)
230 | (* Hermitian conjugates are written semi-manually so MG5_aMC understands triplet/antitriplet color flow *)
231 |
232 |
233 | LSextetKin := sFubar[ss,kk].(I Ga[mu,ss,rr].DC[sFu[rr,kk],mu] - MFu sFu[ss,kk]) +
234 | + sFdbar[ss,kk].(I Ga[mu,ss,rr].DC[sFd[rr,kk],mu] - MFd sFd[ss,kk]) +
235 | + DC[sSubar[kk], mu]DC[sSu[kk],mu] - MSu^2 sSubar[kk]sSu[kk] +
236 | + DC[sSdbar[kk], mu]DC[sSd[kk],mu] - MSd^2 sSdbar[kk]sSd[kk];
237 |
238 | LFu := CFu[mm] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sFubar[ss,kk].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[uR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
239 | + HC[CFu[mm]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sFubar[ss,kk].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[uR][tt,mm,ii]] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
240 | + CFBu[mm] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sFubar[ss,kk].CC[uR][ss,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] FS[B,mu,nu] +
241 | + HC[CFBu[mm]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sFubar[ss,kk].CC[uR][ss,mm,ii]] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] FS[B,mu,nu];
242 |
243 | LFd := CFd[mm] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sFdbar[ss,kk].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[dR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
244 | + HC[CFd[mm]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sFdbar[ss,kk].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[dR][tt,mm,ii]] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
245 | + CFBd[mm] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sFdbar[ss,kk].CC[dR][ss,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] FS[B,mu,nu] +
246 | + HC[CFBd[mm]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sFdbar[ss,kk].CC[dR][ss,mm,ii]] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] FS[B,mu,nu];
247 |
248 | LSu := CSu[mm,ll] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sSubar[kk] lRbar[ss,ll].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[uR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
249 | + HC[CSu[mm,ll]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sSubar[kk] lRbar[ss,ll].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[uR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa]];
250 |
251 | LSd := CSd[mm,ll] I Sqrt[2] K6[kk,yy,zz] T[aa,zz,xx] K3bar[ii,xx,yy] sSdbar[kk] lRbar[ss,ll].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[dR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa] +
252 | + HC[CSd[mm,ll]] (-I Sqrt[2]) K3[ii,xx,yy] T[aa,xx,zz] K6bar[kk,zz,yy] HC[sSdbar[kk] lRbar[ss,ll].(I/2)(Ga[mu,ss,rr].Ga[nu,rr,tt]-Ga[nu,ss,rr].Ga[mu,rr,tt]).CC[dR][tt,mm,ii] FS[G,mu,nu,aa]];
253 |
254 | LSextet := LSextetKin + LFu + LFd + LSu + LSd;