2HDM: CPconserving.rst

File CPconserving.rst, 842 bytes (added by Céline Degrande, 10 years ago)

(**************************************************************) (* Restriction file for 2HDM.fr ) ( ) ( CP symmetry ) (*****************************************************************)

M$Restrictions = {
mixh2 -> 0, mixh3 -> 0, l7I -> 0, TH[1,3]->0, TH[2,3]->0, TH[3,1]->0, TH[3,2]->0, Conjugate[l7]->l7, Conjugate[l5]->l5, Conjugate[l6]->l6,
(* G(L,D,U) have to be hermitian, together with the flavor symmetry, this reduce to : *)

GLI[i_, i_] :> 0, GDI[i_, i_] :> 0, GUI[i_, i_] :> 0



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