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Comments on the installation of CalcHEP on Cygwin

   Do you want to generate physical events with
   CalcHEP on your Cygwin installation ?

What Is CalcHEP?

CalcHEP is a package for automatic calculations of elementary particle decay and collision properties in the lowest level of the perturbation theory (tree-level).

CalcHEP is a next development of the CompHEP package. The main idea prescribed into the CalcHEP is to make available passing on from the Lagrangian to the final distributions effectively with a high level of automation. Since version 2.3.6, CalcHEP includes the energy spectrum of photons emitted by protons (thanks to Muriel Vander Donckt).

How may I install CalcHEP on my Cygwin ?

The installation is almost straightforward, as I modified the makefile in order to make CalcHEP compiliant with Cygwin. However these changes are not yet included in CalcHEP 2.3.7. So one should slightly modify the script files and then compile the program with these scripts. The installation process last less than 5 minutes.


  1. You will only need C and fortran compilers, by default on your cygwin installation.
  2. Download the latest version (here : 2.3.7) into the desired folder.
  3. Unpack it and jump into the folder :

    tar zxf calchep_2.3.7.tar.gz
    cd calchep_2.3.7

  4. Download this makeCC file and replace yours (it should be in CalcHEP main directory)
  5. Now, everything is ready for the compilation of CalcHEP. Run mk_all and wait. It should last only 5 minutes or less.


  6. Then create the working directory for the user .

    mkUsrDir MyWorkDir

  7. Run CalcHEP

    cd MyWorkDir

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