Package madgraph :: Package iolibs :: Module import_v4
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Module import_v4

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Classes [hide private]
A class to carch the error
A specific class error for wrong V4 proc_card
read a proc_card.dat in the mg4 format and creates the equivalent routine for mg5
This is the basic object for storing process information
Functions [hide private]
import_model(model_path, mgme_dir='/Users/alwall/MadGraph/madgraph5/MadGraph5_v1_4_8')
create a model from a MG4 model directory.
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find_model_path(model_path, mgme_dir)
Find the path to the model, starting with path model_path.
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Read a list of particle from stream fsock, using the old v4 format
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read_interactions_v4(fsock, ref_part_list)
Read a list of interactions from stream fsock, using the old v4 format.
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A simple function reading the files in fsock and returning a ProcCardv4Reader object.
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Variables [hide private]
  logger = logging.getLogger('madgraph.import_v4')
  __package__ = 'madgraph.iolibs'
Function Details [hide private]

read_interactions_v4(fsock, ref_part_list)

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Read a list of interactions from stream fsock, using the old v4 format. Requires a ParticleList object as an input to recognize particle names.


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A simple function reading the files in fsock and returning a ProcCardv4Reader object. This function authorize to have the same syntax as for the other files treatment