Package madgraph :: Package iolibs :: Module export_v4 :: Class ProcessExporterFortranME
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Class ProcessExporterFortranME

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            object --+    
ProcessExporterFortran --+
Known Subclasses:

Class to take care of exporting a set of matrix elements to MadEvent format.

Instance Methods [hide private]
copy_v4template(self, modelname)
Additional actions needed for setup of Template
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copy the python file require for the Template
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export_model_files(self, model_path)
export the model dependent files
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generate_subprocess_directory_v4(self, matrix_element, fortran_model, me_number)
Generate the Pxxxxx directory for a subprocess in MG4 madevent, including the necessary matrix.f and various helper files
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finalize_v4_directory(self, matrix_elements, history, makejpg=False, online=False, compiler='g77')
Finalize ME v4 directory by creating jpeg diagrams, html pages,proc_card_mg5.dat and madevent.tar.gz.
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write_matrix_element_v4(self, writer, matrix_element, fortran_model, proc_id='', config_map=[])
Export a matrix element to a matrix.f file in MG4 madevent format
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write_auto_dsig_file(self, writer, matrix_element, proc_id='')
Write the auto_dsig.f file for the differential cross section calculation, includes pdf call information
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write_coloramps_file(self, writer, mapconfigs, matrix_element)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_colors_file(self, writer, matrix_elements)
Write the get_color.f file for MadEvent, which returns color for all particles used in the matrix element.
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write_maxconfigs_file(self, writer, matrix_elements)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_maxparticles_file(self, writer, matrix_elements)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_configs_file(self, writer, matrix_element)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_run_config_file(self, writer)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_configs_file_from_diagrams(self, writer, configs, mapconfigs, nexternal, ninitial, model)
Write the actual file.
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write_config_subproc_map_file(self, writer, s_and_t_channels)
Write a dummy file for MadEvent
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write_decayBW_file(self, writer, s_and_t_channels)
Write the file for MadEvent
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write_dname_file(self, writer, dir_name)
Write the file for MG4
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write_driver(self, writer, v5=True)
Write the SubProcess/driver.f file for MG4
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write_combine_events(self, writer)
Write the SubProcess/driver.f file for MG4
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write_symmetry(self, writer, v5=True)
Write the SubProcess/driver.f file for ME
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write_iproc_file(self, writer, me_number)
Write the iproc.dat file for MG4
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write_leshouche_file(self, writer, matrix_element)
Write the file for MG4
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get_leshouche_lines(self, matrix_element, numproc)
Write the file for MG4
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write_maxamps_file(self, writer, maxamps, maxflows, maxproc, maxsproc)
Write the file for MG4.
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write_mg_sym_file(self, writer, matrix_element)
Write the mg.sym file for MadEvent.
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write_default_mg_sym_file(self, writer)
Write the mg.sym file for MadEvent.
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write_ncombs_file(self, writer, nexternal)
Write the file for MadEvent.
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write_props_file(self, writer, matrix_element, s_and_t_channels)
Write the file for MadEvent.
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write_processes_file(self, writer, subproc_group)
Write the processes.dat file with info about the subprocesses in this group.
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write_symswap_file(self, writer, ident_perms)
Write the file for MG4 by comparing diagrams using the internal matrix element value functionality.
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write_symfact_file(self, writer, symmetry)
Write the files symfact.dat for MG4 by comparing diagrams using the internal matrix element value functionality.
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write_symperms_file(self, writer, perms)
Write the file for subprocess group, used for symmetric configurations
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write_subproc(self, writer, subprocdir)
Append this subprocess to the file for MG4
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Inherited from ProcessExporterFortran: __init__, coeff, convert_model_to_mg4, export_helas, get_JAMP_lines, get_amp2_lines, get_color_data_lines, get_den_factor_line, get_helicity_lines, get_ic_line, get_icolamp_lines, get_mg5_info_lines, get_pdf_lines, get_process_info_lines, make_model_symbolic_link, replace_make_opt_compiler, set_compiler, write_nexternal_file, write_ngraphs_file, write_pmass_file, write_procdef_mg5, write_source_makefile

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  matrix_file = ''
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

copy_v4template(self, modelname)

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Additional actions needed for setup of Template

Overrides: ProcessExporterFortran.copy_v4template

export_model_files(self, model_path)

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export the model dependent files

Overrides: ProcessExporterFortran.export_model_files

generate_subprocess_directory_v4(self, matrix_element, fortran_model, me_number)

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Generate the Pxxxxx directory for a subprocess in MG4 madevent, including the necessary matrix.f and various helper files

Overrides: ProcessExporterFortran.generate_subprocess_directory_v4

finalize_v4_directory(self, matrix_elements, history, makejpg=False, online=False, compiler='g77')

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Finalize ME v4 directory by creating jpeg diagrams, html pages,proc_card_mg5.dat and madevent.tar.gz.

Overrides: ProcessExporterFortran.finalize_v4_directory

write_matrix_element_v4(self, writer, matrix_element, fortran_model, proc_id='', config_map=[])

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Export a matrix element to a matrix.f file in MG4 madevent format

Overrides: ProcessExporterFortran.write_matrix_element_v4

write_configs_file_from_diagrams(self, writer, configs, mapconfigs, nexternal, ninitial, model)

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Write the actual file.

configs is the diagrams corresponding to configs (each diagrams is a list of corresponding diagrams for all subprocesses, with None if there is no corresponding diagrams for a given process). mapconfigs gives the diagram number for each config.

For s-channels, we need to output one PDG for each subprocess in the subprocess group, in order to be able to pick the right one for multiprocesses.

write_props_file(self, writer, matrix_element, s_and_t_channels)

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Write the file for MadEvent. Needs input from write_configs_file.