Package madgraph :: Package iolibs :: Module drawing_eps :: Class EpsDiagramDrawer
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[frames] | no frames]

Class EpsDiagramDrawer

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                object --+    
core.drawing.DiagramDrawer --+
Known Subclasses:

Class to write a EPS file containing the asked diagram This class follows the DrawDiagram Frameworks.

The main routine to draw a diagram is 'draw' which call 1) initialize: setup things for the diagram (usually open a file) 2) convert_diagram : Update the diagram in the correct format if needed 3) draw_diagram : Perform diagram dependent operation 4) conclude : finish the operation.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from core.drawing.DiagramDrawer: DrawDiagramError

Instance Methods [hide private]
Operation done before starting to create diagram specific EPS content First open the file in write mode then write in it the header and the library of particle type.
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Operation to perform when all code related to a specific diagram are finish.
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rescale(self, x, y)
All coordinates belongs to [0,1].
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line_format(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, name)
Specify the text format of a specific Particles.
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draw_vertex(self, vertex, bypass=['QED', 'QCD'])
Add blob in case on non QED-QCD information
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draw_straight(self, line)
ADD the EPS code for this fermion line.
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draw_dashed(self, line)
ADD the EPS code for this Higgs line.
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draw_wavy(self, line, opt=0, type='d')
ADD the EPS code for this photon line.
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draw_curly(self, line, type='')
ADD the EPS code for this gluon line.
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draw_scurly(self, line)
ADD the EPS code for this gluino line.
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draw_swavy(self, line)
ADD the EPS code for this neutralino line.
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draw_double(self, line, type='r')
ADD the EPS code for this neutralino line.
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put_diagram_number(self, number=0)
ADD the comment 'diagram [number]' just below the diagram.
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associate_number(self, line, number)
Write in the EPS figure the MadGraph number associate to the line.
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associate_name(self, line, name)
ADD the EPS code associate to the name of the particle.
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Inherited from core.drawing.DiagramDrawer: __init__, convert_diagram, draw, draw_diagram, draw_line

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  width = 450
  height = 450
  npage = 1
  x_min = 150
  y_min = 450
  x_max = 450
  y_max = 750
  blob_size = 1.5
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Operation done before starting to create diagram specific EPS content First open the file in write mode then write in it the header and the library of particle type.

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.initialize


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Operation to perform when all code related to a specific diagram are
finish. Operation :
- Add the 'end of page' code
- write unwritten text and close the file. [DrawDiagram.conclude]

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.conclude

rescale(self, x, y)

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All coordinates belongs to [0,1]. So that in order to have a visible graph we need to re-scale the graph. This method distort the square in a oblong. Deformation are linear.

line_format(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, name)

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Specify the text format of a specific Particles. EPS format for Particle is either [X Y X Y NAME] or [X Y X Y NUM NAME]. In this routine we will consider only the first format. The second can be matched by redefining name in [NUM NAME].

draw_vertex(self, vertex, bypass=['QED', 'QCD'])

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Add blob in case on non QED-QCD information

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.draw_vertex

draw_straight(self, line)

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ADD the EPS code for this fermion line.

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.draw_straight

associate_number(self, line, number)

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Write in the EPS figure the MadGraph number associate to the line. Note that this routine is called only for external particle.

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.associate_number

associate_name(self, line, name)

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ADD the EPS code associate to the name of the particle. Place it near to the center of the line.

Overrides: core.drawing.DiagramDrawer.associate_name