Package madgraph :: Package core :: Module helas_objects :: Class HelasMatrixElement
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Class HelasMatrixElement

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            object --+        
                  dict --+    
base_objects.PhysicsObject --+

HelasMatrixElement: list of processes with identical Helas calls, and the list of HelasDiagrams associated with the processes.

If initiated with an Amplitude, HelasMatrixElement calls generate_helas_diagrams, which goes through the diagrams of the Amplitude and generates the corresponding Helas calls, taking into account possible fermion flow clashes due to Majorana particles. The optional optimization argument determines whether optimization is used (optimization = 1, default), for maximum recycling of wavefunctions, or no optimization (optimization = 0) when each diagram is written independently of all previous diagrams (this is useful for running with restricted memory, e.g. on a GPU). For processes with many diagrams, the total number or wavefunctions after optimization is ~15% of the number of amplitudes (diagrams).

By default, it will also generate the color information (color basis and color matrix) corresponding to the Amplitude.

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: PhysicsObjectError

Instance Methods [hide private]
Default values for all properties
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filter(self, name, value)
Filter for valid diagram property values.
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Return particle property names as a nicely sorted list.
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D[k] if k in D, else d
get(self, name)
Get the value of the property name.
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new empty dictionary

__init__(self, amplitude=None, optimization=1, decay_ids=[], gen_color=True)
Constructor for the HelasMatrixElement.
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__eq__(self, other)
Comparison between different matrix elements, to allow check for identical processes.
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__ne__(self, other)
Overloading the nonequality operator, to make comparison easy
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generate_helas_diagrams(self, amplitude, optimization=1, decay_ids=[])
Starting from a list of Diagrams from the diagram generation, generate the corresponding HelasDiagrams, i.e., the wave functions and amplitudes.
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insert_decay_chains(self, decay_dict)
Iteratively insert decay chains decays into this matrix element.
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insert_decay(self, old_wfs, decay, numbers, got_majoranas)
Insert a decay chain matrix element into the matrix element.
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update_later_mothers(self, wf, new_wf, later_wfs, later_wf_arrays)
Update mothers for all later wavefunctions
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replace_wavefunctions(self, old_wf, new_wfs, diagrams, numbers)
Recursive function to replace old_wf with new_wfs, and multiply all wavefunctions or amplitudes that use old_wf
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replace_single_wavefunction(self, old_wf, new_wf)
Insert decay chain by simply modifying wavefunction.
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identical_decay_chain_factor(self, decay_chains)
Calculate the denominator factor from identical decay chains
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Generate the fermion factors for all diagrams in the matrix element
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Calculate the denominator factor for identical final state particles
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Generate a diagram_generation.Amplitude from a HelasMatrixElement.
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getmothers(self, legs, number_to_wavefunctions, external_wavefunctions, wavefunctions, diagram_wavefunctions)
Generate list of mothers from number_to_wavefunctions and external_wavefunctions
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Get number of diagrams, which is always more than number of configs
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Gives the total number of wavefunctions for this ME
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Gives a list of all wavefunctions for this ME
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Gives a list of all amplitudes for this ME
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Gives the external wavefunctions for this ME
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Gives the total number of amplitudes for this ME
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Gives (number or external particles, number of incoming particles)
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Gives the number of helicity combinations for external wavefunctions
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Gives the helicity matrix for external wavefunctions
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Calculate the denominator factor due to: Averaging initial state color and spin, and identical final state particles
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Return a list of (coefficient, amplitude number) lists, corresponding to the JAMPs for this matrix element.
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Return a list of (lorentz_name, conjugate, outgoing) with all lorentz structures used by this HelasMatrixElement.
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Return a list with all couplings used by this HelasMatrixElement.
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Return a list of processes with initial states interchanged if has mirror processes
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Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: __getitem__, __repr__, __str__, is_valid_prop, set

Inherited from dict: __cmp__, __contains__, __delitem__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __gt__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __new__, __setitem__, __sizeof__, clear, copy, fromkeys, has_key, items, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
check_equal_decay_processes(decay1, decay2)
Check if two single-sided decay processes (HelasMatrixElements) are equal.
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check_equal_wavefunctions(wf1, wf2)
Recursive function to check if two wavefunctions are equal.
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Gives a list of mother wavefunctions sorted according to
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Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from dict: __hash__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Default values for all properties

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.default_setup

filter(self, name, value)

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Filter for valid diagram property values.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.filter


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Return particle property names as a nicely sorted list.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.get_sorted_keys

get(self, name)

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Get the value of the property name.

Returns: D[k] if k in D, else d
Overrides: dict.get

__init__(self, amplitude=None, optimization=1, decay_ids=[], gen_color=True)

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Constructor for the HelasMatrixElement. In particular allows generating a HelasMatrixElement from an Amplitude, with automatic generation of the necessary wavefunctions

new empty dictionary

Overrides: object.__init__

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Comparison between different matrix elements, to allow check for identical processes.

Overrides: dict.__eq__

__ne__(self, other)

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Overloading the nonequality operator, to make comparison easy

Overrides: dict.__ne__

generate_helas_diagrams(self, amplitude, optimization=1, decay_ids=[])

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Starting from a list of Diagrams from the diagram generation, generate the corresponding HelasDiagrams, i.e., the wave functions and amplitudes. Choose between default optimization (= 1, maximum recycling of wavefunctions) or no optimization (= 0, no recycling of wavefunctions, useful for GPU calculations with very restricted memory).

Note that we need special treatment for decay chains, since the end product then is a wavefunction, not an amplitude.

insert_decay_chains(self, decay_dict)

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Iteratively insert decay chains decays into this matrix
* decay_dict: a dictionary from external leg number
  to decay matrix element.

insert_decay(self, old_wfs, decay, numbers, got_majoranas)

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Insert a decay chain matrix element into the matrix element.
* old_wfs: the wavefunctions to be replaced.
  They all correspond to the same external particle, but might
  have different fermion flow directions
* decay: the matrix element for the decay chain
* numbers: the present wavefunction and amplitude number,
  to allow for unique numbering
Note that:
1) All amplitudes and all wavefunctions using the decaying wf
   must be copied as many times as there are amplitudes in the
   decay matrix element
2) In the presence of Majorana particles, we must make sure
   to flip fermion flow for the decay process if needed.

The algorithm is the following:
1) Multiply the diagrams with the number of diagrams Ndiag in
   the decay element
2) For each diagram in the decay element, work on the diagrams
   which corresponds to it
3) Flip fermion flow for the decay wavefunctions if needed
4) Insert all auxiliary wavefunctions into the diagram (i.e., all 
   except the final wavefunctions, which directly replace the
   original final state wavefunctions)
4) Replace the wavefunctions recursively, so that we always replace
   each old wavefunctions with Namp new ones, where Namp is
   the number of amplitudes in this decay element
   diagram. Do recursion for wavefunctions which have this
   wavefunction as mother. Simultaneously replace any
   amplitudes which have this wavefunction as mother.

replace_wavefunctions(self, old_wf, new_wfs, diagrams, numbers)

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Recursive function to replace old_wf with new_wfs, and
multiply all wavefunctions or amplitudes that use old_wf

* old_wf: The wavefunction to be replaced
* new_wfs: The replacing wavefunction
* diagrams - the diagrams that are relevant for these new
* numbers: the present wavefunction and amplitude number,
  to allow for unique numbering

replace_single_wavefunction(self, old_wf, new_wf)

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Insert decay chain by simply modifying wavefunction. This is possible only if there is only one diagram in the decay.


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Generate a diagram_generation.Amplitude from a HelasMatrixElement. This is used to generate both color amplitudes and diagram drawing.


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Return a list of (coefficient, amplitude number) lists, corresponding to the JAMPs for this matrix element. The coefficients are given in the format (fermion factor, color coeff (frac), imaginary, Nc power).

check_equal_decay_processes(decay1, decay2)
Static Method

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Check if two single-sided decay processes (HelasMatrixElements) are equal.

Note that this has to be called before any combination of processes has occured.

Since a decay processes for a decay chain is always generated such that all final state legs are completely contracted before the initial state leg is included, all the diagrams will have identical wave function, independently of the order of final state particles.

Note that we assume that the process definitions have all external particles, corresponding to the external wavefunctions.

check_equal_wavefunctions(wf1, wf2)
Static Method

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Recursive function to check if two wavefunctions are equal. First check that mothers have identical pdg codes, then repeat for all mothers with identical pdg codes.

Static Method

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Gives a list of mother wavefunctions sorted according to

  1. The order of the particles in the interaction
  2. Cyclic reordering of particles in same spin group
  3. Fermions ordered IOIOIO... according to the pairs in the interaction.