Package madgraph :: Package core :: Module helas_objects :: Class HelasAmplitude
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Class HelasAmplitude

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            object --+        
                  dict --+    
base_objects.PhysicsObject --+

HelasAmplitude object, has the information necessary for writing a call to a HELAS amplitude routine:a list of mother wavefunctions, interaction id, amplitude number

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: PhysicsObjectError

Instance Methods [hide private]
Default values for all properties
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new empty dictionary

__init__(self, *arguments)
Allow generating a HelasAmplitude from a Vertex
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filter(self, name, value)
Filter for valid property values.
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practicle way to represent an HelasAmplitude
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D[k] if k in D, else d
get(self, name)
Get the value of the property name.
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set(self, *arguments)
When setting interaction_id, if model is given (in tuple), set all other interaction properties.
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Return particle property names as a nicely sorted list.
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check_and_fix_fermion_flow(self, wavefunctions, diagram_wavefunctions, external_wavefunctions, wf_number)
Check for clashing fermion flow (N(incoming) != N(outgoing)) in mothers.
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Returns true if any of the mothers have negative fermionflow
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Generate the (spin, state) tuples used as key for the helas call dictionaries in HelasModel
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Calculate the fermion factor for the diagram corresponding to this amplitude
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get_base_diagram(self, wf_dict, vx_list=[], optimization=1)
Return the base_objects.Diagram which corresponds to this amplitude, using a recursive method for the wavefunctions.
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get_base_vertex(self, wf_dict, vx_list=[], optimization=1)
Get a base_objects.Vertex corresponding to this amplitude.
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get_s_and_t_channels(self, ninitial, new_pdg)
Returns two lists of vertices corresponding to the s- and t-channels of this amplitude/diagram, ordered from the outermost s-channel and in/down towards the highest number initial state leg.
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Get the color indices corresponding to this amplitude and its mothers, using a recursive function.
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Return 0.
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Return the index of the particle that should be conjugated.
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Get a list of the number of legs in vertices in this diagram
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Check if there is a mismatch between order of fermions w.r.t.
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__eq__(self, other)
Comparison between different amplitudes, to allow check for identical processes.
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__ne__(self, other)
Overloading the nonequality operator, to make comparison easy
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Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: __getitem__, __repr__, is_valid_prop

Inherited from dict: __cmp__, __contains__, __delitem__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __gt__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __new__, __setitem__, __sizeof__, clear, copy, fromkeys, has_key, items, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]
Gives the sign corresponding to the number of flips needed to place the fermion numbers in order
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Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from dict: __hash__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Default values for all properties

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.default_setup

__init__(self, *arguments)

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Allow generating a HelasAmplitude from a Vertex

new empty dictionary

Overrides: object.__init__

filter(self, name, value)

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Filter for valid property values.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.filter

(Informal representation operator)

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practicle way to represent an HelasAmplitude

Overrides: object.__str__

get(self, name)

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Get the value of the property name.

Returns: D[k] if k in D, else d
Overrides: dict.get

set(self, *arguments)

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When setting interaction_id, if model is given (in tuple), set all other interaction properties. When setting pdg_code, if model is given, set all other particle properties.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.set


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Return particle property names as a nicely sorted list.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.get_sorted_keys

check_and_fix_fermion_flow(self, wavefunctions, diagram_wavefunctions, external_wavefunctions, wf_number)

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Check for clashing fermion flow (N(incoming) != N(outgoing)) in mothers. For documentation, check HelasWavefunction.check_and_fix_fermion_flow.


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Return 0. Needed to treat HelasAmplitudes and HelasWavefunctions on same footing.


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Check if there is a mismatch between order of fermions w.r.t. color

__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

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Comparison between different amplitudes, to allow check for identical processes.

Overrides: dict.__eq__

__ne__(self, other)

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Overloading the nonequality operator, to make comparison easy

Overrides: dict.__ne__