Package madgraph :: Package core :: Module drawing :: Class VertexPoint
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Class VertexPoint

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object --+

Extension of the class Vertex in order to store the information linked to the display of a FeynmanDiagram, as position

Nested Classes [hide private]
Exception raised if an error occurs in the definition or the execution of a VertexPoint.
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, vertex)
Update a vertex to a VertexPoint with additional information about positioning and link with other vertex/line of the diagram.
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def_position(self, x, y)
-Re-Define the position of the vertex in a square [0, 1]^2
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fuse_vertex(self, vertex, common_line='')
Import the line of the second vertex in the first one this means A) change the 'line' of this vertex B) change the start-end position of line to point on this vertex C) remove common_line (if defined).
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add_line(self, line)
Add the line in the list keeping line connected to this vertex : self.lines.
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remove_line(self, line_to_del)
Remove the line from the lineList.
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def_level(self, level)
Define the Vertex level at 'level'.
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Check if this vertex is external , i.e is related to a single (external) particles.
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has_the_same_line_content(self, other)
Check if the line associate to the two vertex are equivalent.
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Provide a unique id for the vertex
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__eq__(self, other)
Define equality with pointeur equality.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, vertex)

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Update a vertex to a VertexPoint with additional information about positioning and link with other vertex/line of the diagram.

Overrides: object.__init__

add_line(self, line)

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Add the line in the list keeping line connected to this vertex : self.lines. This routine avoid duplication of entry.

remove_line(self, line_to_del)

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Remove the line from the lineList. Didn't touch to vertex associate to begin/end point. This happens only if we fuse two vertex together. (Then the line will be completely drop out, such that we dont't care about those vertex point.

def_level(self, level)

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Define the Vertex level at 'level'. The level represents the distance between the initial vertex and the current vertex. This distance is define has the number of non T-channel particles needed to connect this particle to initial states starting point.

has_the_same_line_content(self, other)

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Check if the line associate to the two vertex are equivalent. This means that they have the same number of particles with the same pid and that the external particles have the same number.

This is a backup function, this is not use for the moment.