Package madgraph :: Package core :: Module diagram_generation :: Class Amplitude
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Class Amplitude

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            object --+        
                  dict --+    
base_objects.PhysicsObject --+
Known Subclasses:

Amplitude: process + list of diagrams (ordered) Initialize with a process, then call generate_diagrams() to generate the diagrams for the amplitude

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: PhysicsObjectError

Instance Methods [hide private]
Default values for all properties
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new empty dictionary

__init__(self, argument=None)
Allow initialization with Process
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filter(self, name, value)
Filter for valid amplitude property values.
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D[k] if k in D, else d
get(self, name)
Get the value of the property name.
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Return diagram property names as a nicely sorted list.
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Returns number of diagrams for this amplitude
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Return an AmplitudeList with just this amplitude.
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nice_string(self, indent=0)
Returns a nicely formatted string of the amplitude content.
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nice_string_processes(self, indent=0)
Returns a nicely formatted string of the amplitude process.
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Returns the number of initial state particles in the process.
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Generate diagrams.
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reduce_leglist(self, curr_leglist, max_multi_to1, ref_dict_to0, is_decay_proc=False, coupling_orders=None)
Recursive function to reduce N LegList to N-1 For algorithm, see doc for generate_diagrams.
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reduce_orders(self, coupling_orders, model, vertex_id_list)
Return False if the coupling orders for any coupling is < 0, otherwise return the new coupling orders with the vertex orders subtracted.
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combine_legs(self, list_legs, ref_dict_to1, max_multi_to1)
Recursive function.
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merge_comb_legs(self, comb_lists, ref_dict_to1)
Takes a list of allowed leg combinations as an input and returns a set of lists where combinations have been properly replaced (one list per element in the ref_dict, so that all possible intermediate particles are included).
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get_combined_legs(self, legs, leg_vert_ids, number, state)
Create a set of new legs from the info given.
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get_combined_vertices(self, legs, vert_ids)
Allow for selection of vertex ids.
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trim_diagrams(self, decay_ids=[])
Reduce the number of legs and vertices used in memory.
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Inherited from base_objects.PhysicsObject: __getitem__, __repr__, __str__, is_valid_prop, set

Inherited from dict: __cmp__, __contains__, __delitem__, __eq__, __ge__, __getattribute__, __gt__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __ne__, __new__, __setitem__, __sizeof__, clear, copy, fromkeys, has_key, items, iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues, keys, pop, popitem, setdefault, update, values

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]

Inherited from dict: __hash__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Default values for all properties

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.default_setup

__init__(self, argument=None)

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Allow initialization with Process

new empty dictionary

Overrides: object.__init__

filter(self, name, value)

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Filter for valid amplitude property values.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.filter

get(self, name)

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Get the value of the property name.

Returns: D[k] if k in D, else d
Overrides: dict.get


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Return diagram property names as a nicely sorted list.

Overrides: base_objects.PhysicsObject.get_sorted_keys


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Return an AmplitudeList with just this amplitude. Needed for DecayChainAmplitude.


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Generate diagrams. Algorithm:

1. Define interaction dictionaries:
  * 2->0 (identity), 3->0, 4->0, ... , maxlegs->0
  * 2 -> 1, 3 -> 1, ..., maxlegs-1 -> 1 

2. Set flag from_group=true for all external particles.
   Flip particle/anti particle for incoming particles.

3. If there is a dictionary n->0 with n=number of external
   particles, create if possible the combination [(1,2,3,4,...)] 
   with *at least two* from_group==true. This will give a
   finished (set of) diagram(s) (done by reduce_leglist)

4. Create all allowed groupings of particles with at least one
   from_group==true (according to dictionaries n->1):
   (done by combine_legs)

5. Replace each group with a (list of) new particle(s) with number 
   n = min(group numbers). Set from_group true for these
   particles and false for all other particles. Store vertex info.
   (done by merge_comb_legs)

6. Stop algorithm when at most 2 particles remain.
   Return all diagrams (lists of vertices).

7. Repeat from 3 (recursion done by reduce_leglist)

8. Replace final p=p vertex

Be aware that the resulting vertices have all particles outgoing,
so need to flip for incoming particles when used.

SPECIAL CASE: For A>BC... processes which are legs in decay
chains, we need to ensure that BC... combine first, giving A=A
as a final vertex. This case is defined by the Process
property is_decay_chain = True.

reduce_orders(self, coupling_orders, model, vertex_id_list)

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Return False if the coupling orders for any coupling is < 0, otherwise return the new coupling orders with the vertex orders subtracted. If coupling_orders is not given, return None (which counts as success). WEIGHTED is a special order, which corresponds to the sum of order hierarchys for the couplings.

combine_legs(self, list_legs, ref_dict_to1, max_multi_to1)

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Recursive function. Take a list of legs as an input, with
the reference dictionary n-1->1, and output a list of list of
tuples of Legs (allowed combinations) and Legs (rest). Algorithm:

1. Get all n-combinations from list [123456]: [12],..,[23],..,[123],..

2. For each combination, say [34]. Check if combination is valid.
   If so:

   a. Append [12[34]56] to result array

   b. Split [123456] at index(first element in combination+1),
      i.e. [12],[456] and subtract combination from second half,
      i.e.: [456]-[34]=[56]. Repeat from 1. with this array

3. Take result array from call to 1. (here, [[56]]) and append
   (first half in step b - combination) + combination + (result
   from 1.) = [12[34][56]] to result array

4. After appending results from all n-combinations, return
   resulting array. Example, if [13] and [45] are valid

merge_comb_legs(self, comb_lists, ref_dict_to1)

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Takes a list of allowed leg combinations as an input and returns a set of lists where combinations have been properly replaced (one list per element in the ref_dict, so that all possible intermediate particles are included). For each list, give the list of vertices corresponding to the executed merging, group the two as a tuple.

get_combined_legs(self, legs, leg_vert_ids, number, state)

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Create a set of new legs from the info given. This can be overloaded by daughter classes.

get_combined_vertices(self, legs, vert_ids)

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Allow for selection of vertex ids. This can be overloaded by daughter classes.