Source code for bamboo.treedecorators

Expressions are constructed by executing python code on decorated versions of
decorated trees. The :py:mod:`bamboo.treedecorators` module contains helper
methods to do so for commonly used formats, e.g. :py:func:`~.decorateNanoAOD`
for CMS NanoAOD.

import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from functools import partial
from itertools import chain

from . import treefunctions as tf
from . import treeoperations as top
from . import treeproxies as tpx

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def allLeafs(branch):
    # Recursively collect TTree leaves (TLeaf and TBranchElement)
    from .root import gbl
    for br in branch.GetListOfBranches():
        if isinstance(br, gbl.TBranchElement):
            yield br
            yield from br.GetListOfLeaves()

def normVarName(varName):
    # Normalize variation name: if ending in up or down, make sure this part has no capitals (for plotIt)
    if len(varName) >= 2 and varName[-2:].upper() == "UP":
        return f"{varName[:-2]}up"
    elif len(varName) >= 4 and varName[-4:].upper() == "DOWN":
        return f"{varName[:-4]}down"
        return varName

# Attribute classes (like property) to customize the proxy classes

class proxy:  # the default one
    def __init__(self, op):
        self.op = op

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return self.op.result

class funProxy:  # the generic one
    def __init__(self, fun): = fun

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):

class itemProxy:
    def __init__(self, op):
        self.op = op

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return self.op[inst._idx]

class itemRefProxy:
    def __init__(self, op, getTarget):
        self.op = op
        self.getTarget = getTarget

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return self.getTarget(inst)[self.op[inst._idx]]

class itemObjProxy:  # re-construct an object that was split in arrays
    def __init__(self, typeName, args):
        self.typeName = typeName
        self.args = args

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return top.Construct(self.typeName, tuple(arg[inst._idx] for arg in self.args)).result

class altProxy:  # grouped: instance has the branch map
    def __init__(self, name, op): = name
        self.op = op

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return inst.brMap.get(, self.op).result

class altItemProxy:  # collection carries branch map (instance comes from collection.__getitem__)
    def __init__(self, name, op): = name
        self.op = op

    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        return inst._parent.brMap.get(, self.op).result[inst._idx]

# internal, leaf/group/collection
def _makeAltClassAndMaps(name, dict_orig, vari, getCol=lambda op: op, attCls=None, altBases=None):
    # vari.getVarName should return the variable and variation name (nomName for the nominal one)
    # if this is a systematic variation branch - otherwise None
    dict_alt = dict(dict_orig)
    # collect ops of kinematic variables that change (nominal as well as varied)
    var_atts = defaultdict(dict)
    for nm, nmAtt in dict_orig.items():
        test = vari.getVarName(nm, collgrpname=name)
        if test is not None:
            attNm, varNm = test
            if normVarName(varNm) in var_atts[attNm]:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Variation {normVarName(varNm)} deduced for {nm} (group {name}), "
                    "but already present")
            var_atts[attNm][normVarName(varNm)] = nmAtt.op
            del dict_alt[nm]
    # redirect in altProxy
    for attNm in var_atts.keys():
        dict_alt[attNm] = attCls(attNm, dict_orig[attNm].op)
    cls_alt = type(f"Alt{name}Proxy", altBases, dict_alt)
    # construct the map of maps of redirections { variation: { varName: op } }
    brMapMap = {}
    for attNm, vAtts in var_atts.items():
        for var, vop in vAtts.items():
            if var not in brMapMap:
                brMapMap[var] = {}
            brMapMap[var][attNm] = getCol(vop)
    # nominal: with systematic variations (all are valid, but not all need to modify)
    nomName = vari.origName if vari.isCalc else vari.nomName(name)
    exclVars = list(normVarName(var) for var in vari.exclVars(name))
    allVars = list(k for k in brMapMap.keys() if k not in exclVars and k != nomName)
    for attNm, vAtts in var_atts.items():
        if nomName not in vAtts:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Nominal variation {nomName} not found for {attNm} (in {vAtts.keys()})")
    brMapMap["nomWithSyst"] = {
        attNm: top.SystAltOp(
            {var: getCol(vop) for var, vop in vAtts.items() if var not in exclVars and var != nomName},
            valid=tuple(var for var in allVars if var in vAtts),
        ) for attNm, vAtts in var_atts.items()}
    return cls_alt, brMapMap

# Helper classes
[docs] class NanoSystematicVarSpec: """ Interface for classes that specify how to incorporate systematics or on-the-fly corrections in the decorated tree See :py:class:`~.NanoAODDescription` and :py:func:`~.decorateNanoAOD` """ def __init__(self, nomName=None, origName=None, exclVars=None, isCalc=False): """ Base class constructor :param nomName: nominal variation name (for non-calculated variations; can be customised in subclasses by overriding the :py:meth:`~.nomName` method) :param origName: original variation name (for calculated variations) :param exclVars: variations that are found but should not be used in automatic systematics (can be customised through :py:meth:`~.nomName`) :param isCalc: boolean indicating whether variations are calculated or read from alternative branches """ self._nomName = nomName self.origName = origName self._exclVars = exclVars if exclVars is not None else tuple() self.isCalc = isCalc
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): """ Return true if this systematic variation requires action for this variable, group, or collection """ return False
[docs] def changesTo(self, name): """ Return the new name(s) for a collection or group (assuming appliesTo(name) is True) """ return (name,)
[docs] def getVarName(self, branchName, collgrpname=None): """ Get the variable name and variation corresponding to an (unprefixed, in case of groups or collections) branch name """ pass
[docs] def nomName(self, name): """ Nominal systematic variation name for a group/collection """ return self._nomName
[docs] def exclVars(self, name): """ Systematic variations to exclude for a group/collection """ return self._exclVars
[docs] class ReadVariableVarWithSuffix(NanoSystematicVarSpec): """ Read variations of a single branch from branches with the same name with a suffix """ def __init__(self, commonName, sep="_", nomName="nominal", exclVars=None): super().__init__(nomName=nomName, exclVars=exclVars, isCalc=False) self.prefix = commonName self.sep = sep
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): """ True if name starts with the prefix """ return name.startswith(self.prefix)
[docs] def getVarName(self, branchName, collgrpname=None): """ Split into prefix and variation (if present, else nominal) """ variNm = normVarName(branchName[len(self.prefix):].lstrip(self.sep)) return self.prefix, variNm if variNm else self.nomName(collgrpname)
nanoPUWeightVar = ReadVariableVarWithSuffix("puWeight")
[docs] class ReadJetMETVar(NanoSystematicVarSpec): """ Read jet and MET kinematic variations from different branches for automatic systematic uncertainties :param jetsName: jet collection prefix (e.g. ``"Jet"``) :param metName: MET prefix (e.g. ``"MET"``) :param jetsNomName: name of the nominal jet variation (``"nom"`` by default) :param jetsOrigName: name of the original jet variation (``"raw"`` by default) :param metNomName: name of the nominal jet variation (``"nom"`` by default) :param metOrigName: name of the original jet variation (``"raw"`` by default) :param jetsExclVars: jet variations that are present but should be ignored (if not specified, only ``jetsOrigName`` is taken, so if specified this should usually be added explicitly) :param metExclVars: MET variations that are present but should be ignored (if not specified, only ``metOrigName`` is taken, so if specified this should usually be added explicitly) :param bTaggers: list of b-tagging algorithms, for scale factors stored in a branch :param bTagWPs: list of b-tagging working points, for scale factors stored in a branch (``shape`` should be included here, if wanted) .. note:: The implementation of automatic systematic variations treats "xyzup" and "xyzdown" independently (since this is the most flexible). If a source of systematic uncertainty should be excluded, both the "up" and "down" variation should then be added to the list of variations to exclude (``jetsExclVars`` or ``metExclVars``). """ def __init__( self, jetsName, metName, jetsNomName="nom", jetsOrigName="raw", metNomName="", metOrigName="raw", jetsExclVars=None, metExclVars=None, bTaggers=None, bTagWPs=None): super().__init__( nomName=jetsNomName, origName=jetsOrigName, isCalc=False, exclVars=(jetsExclVars if jetsExclVars is not None else (jetsOrigName,))) self.jetsName = jetsName self.metName = metName self.metOrigname = metOrigName self.bTaggers = bTaggers if bTaggers is not None else [] self.bTagWPs = bTagWPs if bTagWPs is not None else [] self.metNomName = metNomName self.metExclVars = (metExclVars if metExclVars is not None else (metOrigName,))
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): return name in (self.jetsName, self.metName)
[docs] def nomName(self, name): if name == self.metName: return self.metNomName else: return self._nomName
[docs] def exclVars(self, name): if name == self.metName: return self.metExclVars else: return self._exclVars
[docs] def getVarName(self, nm, collgrpname=None): if nm.split("_")[0] in ("pt", "eta", "phi", "mass"): if len(nm.split("_")) >= 2: return (nm.split("_")[0], "_".join(nm.split("_")[1:])) # Drop no-suffix (stored) variations if configured to do so elif collgrpname == self.jetsName: if nm in ("eta", "phi") or self._nomName == "": return nm, self._nomName else: # skip return None elif collgrpname == self.metName: if self.metNomName == "": return nm, "" else: # skip return None else: raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot interpret {nm} as a variation of a jet or MET kinematic quantity") elif nm.startswith("btagSF"): for tagger in self.bTaggers: for wp in self.bTagWPs: sfName = f"btagSF_{tagger}_{wp}" if not nm.startswith(sfName): continue if nm == sfName: return nm, "nom" upOrDown = "up" if "up" in nm else "down" if wp != "shape": # b-tag SF systematics return sfName, f"{sfName}{upOrDown}" else: syst = nm.split(f"{sfName}_{upOrDown}_")[1] if "jes" not in syst: # b-tag shape systematics return sfName, f"{sfName}_{syst}{upOrDown}" else: # jes systematics if syst == "jes": syst = "jesTotal" return sfName, f"{syst}{upOrDown}"
nanoReadJetMETVar = ReadJetMETVar( "Jet", "MET", bTaggers=["csvv2", "deepcsv", "deepjet", "cmva"], bTagWPs=["L", "M", "T", "shape"]) nanoReadJetMETVar_METFixEE2017 = ReadJetMETVar( "Jet", "METFixEE2017", bTaggers=["csvv2", "deepcsv", "deepjet", "cmva"], bTagWPs=["L", "M", "T", "shape"])
[docs] class NanoReadRochesterVar(NanoSystematicVarSpec): """ Read precalculated Rochester correction variations :param systName: name of the systematic uncertainty, if variations should be enabled """ def __init__(self, systName=None): super().__init__(nomName="nom", origName="orig", exclVars=("orig",), isCalc=False) self.systName = systName
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): return name == "Muon"
[docs] def getVarName(self, nm, collgrpname=None): if nm.endswith("_pt") and nm.startswith("corrected"): var = nm.split("_")[0][len("corrected"):] if var == "": return "pt", self._nomName elif self.systName is not None: return "pt", "".join(self.systName, var.lower()) elif nm == "pt": return nm, "orig"
[docs] class NanoReadTauESVar(NanoSystematicVarSpec): """ Read precalculated Tau energy scale variations :param systname: name of the systematic uncertainty, if variations should be enabled """ def __init__(self, systName=None): super().__init_(nomName="nom", origName="orig", exclVars=("orig",), isCalc=False) self.systName = systName
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): return name == "Tau"
[docs] def getVarName(self, nm, collgrpname=None): if nm.endswith("_pt") and nm.startswith("corrected"): var = nm.split("_")[0][len("corrected"):] if var == "": return "pt", self._nomName elif self.systName is not None: return "pt", "".join(self.systName, var.lower()) elif nm == "pt": return nm, "orig" elif nm.endswith("_mass") and nm.startswith("corrected"): var = nm.split("_")[0][len("corrected"):] if var == "": return "mass", self._nomName elif self.systName is not None: return "mass", "".join(self.systName, var.lower()) elif nm == "mass": return nm, "orig"
[docs] class CalcCollectionsGroups(NanoSystematicVarSpec): """ :py:class:`~.NanoSystematicVarSpec` for on-the-fly corrections and systematic variation calculation """ def __init__(self, nomName="nominal", origName="raw", exclVars=None, changes=None, **colsAndAttrs): super().__init__( nomName=nomName, origName=origName, isCalc=True, exclVars=(exclVars if exclVars is not None else (origName,))) self.colsAndAttrs = dict() # e.g. "Jet" -> ("pt", "mass") for colgrp, attrs in colsAndAttrs.items(): if isinstance(attrs, str): attrs = (attrs,) self.colsAndAttrs[colgrp] = attrs self.changes = (changes if changes is not None else dict())
[docs] def appliesTo(self, name): return name in self.colsAndAttrs
[docs] def changesTo(self, name): if name in self.changes: return self.changes[name] else: return super().changesTo(name)
[docs] def getVarName(self, nm, collgrpname=None): if collgrpname in self.colsAndAttrs and nm in self.colsAndAttrs[collgrpname]: return nm, self.origName
nanoRochesterCalc = CalcCollectionsGroups(Muon="pt") nanoJetMETCalc = CalcCollectionsGroups(Jet=("pt", "mass"), MET=("pt", "phi")) nanoJetMETCalc_METFixEE2017 = CalcCollectionsGroups(Jet=("pt", "mass"), METFixEE2017=("pt", "phi")) nanoFatJetCalc = CalcCollectionsGroups(FatJet=("pt", "mass", "msoftdrop"))
[docs] class NanoAODDescription: """ Description of the expected NanoAOD structure, and configuration for systematics and corrections Essentially, a collection of three containers: - :py:attr:`~.collections` a list of collections (by the name of the length leaf) - :py:attr:`~.groups` a list of non-collection groups (by prefix, e.g. ``HLT_``) - :py:attr:`~.systVariations` a list of :py:class:`~.NanoSystematicVarSpec` instances, to configure reading systematics variations from branches, or calculating them on the fly The recommended way to obtain a configuration is from the factory method :py:meth:`~.get` """ ProductionVersions = dict() def __init__(self, groups=None, collections=None, systVariations=None): self.groups = list(groups) if groups is not None else [] self.collections = list(collections) if collections is not None else [] self.systVariations = list(systVariations) if systVariations is not None else [] def clone(self, addGroups=None, removeGroups=None, addCollections=None, removeCollections=None, systVariations=None): groups = self.groups if removeGroups: groups = [grp for grp in groups if grp not in removeGroups] if addGroups: groups = groups + [grp for grp in addGroups if grp not in groups] collections = self.collections if removeCollections: collections = [grp for grp in collections if grp not in removeCollections] if addCollections: collections = collections + [grp for grp in addCollections if grp not in collections] return self.__class__(groups=groups, collections=collections, systVariations=systVariations)
[docs] @staticmethod def get(tag, year="2016", isMC=False, addGroups=None, removeGroups=None, addCollections=None, removeCollections=None, systVariations=None): """ Create a suitable NanoAODDescription instance based on a production version A production version is defined by a tag, data-taking year, and a flag to distinguish data from simulation. Any number of groups or collections can be added or removed from this. The ``systVariations`` option :Example: >>> decorateNanoAOD(tree, NanoAODDescription.get( >>> "v5", year="2016", isMC=True, >>> systVariations=[nanoRochesterCalc, nanoJetMETCalc])) >>> decorateNanoAOD(tree, NanoAODDescription.get( >>> "v5", year="2017", isMC=True, >>> systVariations=[nanoPUWeightVar, nanoReadJetMETVar_METFixEE2017])) :param tag: production version (e.g. "v5") :param year: data-taking year :param isMC: simulation or not :param addGroups: (optional) list of groups of leaves to add (e.g. ``["L1_", "HLT_"]``, if not present) :param removeGroups: (optional) list of groups of leaves to remove (e.g. ``["L1_"]``, if skimmed) :param addCollections: (optional) list of containers to add (e.g. ``["nMyJets"]``) :param removeCollections: (optional) list of containers to remove (e.g. ``["nPhoton", "nTau"]``) :param systVariations: list of correction or systematic variation on-the-fly calculators or configurations to add (:py:class:`~.NanoSystematicVarSpec` instances) See also :py:func:`~.decorateNanoAOD` """ return NanoAODDescription.ProductionVersions[(tag, year, isMC)].clone( addGroups=addGroups, removeGroups=removeGroups, addCollections=addCollections, removeCollections=removeCollections, systVariations=systVariations)
_ndpv = NanoAODDescription.ProductionVersions _ndpv[("v5", "2016", False)] = NanoAODDescription( groups=["CaloMET_", "ChsMET_", "MET_", "PV_", "PuppiMET_", "RawMET_", "TkMET_", "Flag_", "HLT_", "L1_"], collections=["nElectron", "nFatJet", "nIsoTrack", "nJet", "nMuon", "nOtherPV", "nPhoton", "nSV", "nSoftActivityJet", "nSubJet", "nTau", "nTrigObj", "nCorrT1METJet"]) _ndpv[("v5", "2016", True)] = _ndpv[("v5", "2016", False)].clone( addGroups=["GenMET_", "Generator_", "LHE_", "HTXS_"], addCollections=["nGenDressedLepton", "nGenJet", "nGenJetAK8", "nGenPart", "nGenVisTau", "nSubGenJetAK8"]) _ndpv[("v5", "2017", False)] = _ndpv[("v5", "2016", False)].clone(addGroups=["METFixEE2017_"]) _ndpv[("v5", "2017", True)] = _ndpv[("v5", "2016", True)].clone(addGroups=["METFixEE2017_"]) _ndpv[("v5", "2018", False)] = _ndpv[("v5", "2016", False)] _ndpv[("v5", "2018", True)] = _ndpv[("v5", "2016", True)] # v6 and v7 have the same structure as v5 for nano_v in ("v6", "v7"): for year in ("2016", "2017", "2018"): for isMC in (True, False): _ndpv[(nano_v, year, isMC)] = _ndpv[("v5", year, isMC)] nanoGenDescription = NanoAODDescription( groups=["Generator_", "MET_", "GenMET_", "LHE_", "HTXS_", "GenVtx_"], collections=["nGenPart", "nGenJet", "nGenJetAK8", "nGenVisTau", "nGenDressedLepton", "nGenIsolatedPhoton", "nLHEPart"] )
[docs] def decorateNanoAOD(aTree, description=None): """ Decorate a CMS NanoAOD Events tree Variation branches following the NanoAODTools conventions (e.g. Jet_pt_nom) are automatically used (but calculators for the same collection take precendence, if requested). :param aTree: TTree to decorate :param description: description of the tree format, and configuration for reading or calculating systematic variations and corrections, a :py:class:`~.NanoAODDescription` instance (see also :py:meth:`.NanoAODDescription.get`) """ if description is None: raise ValueError( 'A description is needed to correctly decorate a NanoAOD ' '(but it may be as simple as ``description=NanoAODDescription.get("v5")``)') class GetItemRefCollection: def __init__(self, name): = name self._parent = None def __call__(self, me): return getattr(self._parent, class GetItemRefCollection_toVar: def __init__(self, name): = name self._parent = None def __call__(self, me): return getattr(self._parent, def addP4ToObj(prefix, lvNms): return funProxy(partial(( lambda getEta, getM, inst: top.Construct( "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<float> >", (, getEta(inst), inst.phi, getM(inst))).result), ((lambda inst: inst.eta) if f"{prefix}eta" in lvNms else (lambda inst: 0.)), ((lambda inst: inst.mass) if f"{prefix}mass" in lvNms else (lambda inst: 0.)))) allTreeLeafs = {lv.GetName(): lv for lv in allLeafs(aTree)} tree_dict = {"__doc__": f"{aTree.GetName()} tree proxy class"} from .root import gbl for lvNm, lv in allTreeLeafs.items(): lvOp = None if isinstance(lv, gbl.TBranchElement): # only RVec (from Snapshot), guess length from name if "_" in lvNm: guess = f'n{lvNm.split("_")[0]}' if guess in allTreeLeafs: tpNm = lv.GetTypeName() m = tpx.vecPat.match(tpNm) if m: # read as RVec tpNm = f"ROOT::VecOps::RVec<{'item')}>" lvOp = top.GetColumn(tpNm, lvNm) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not guess the size branch for {lvNm}") else: raise RuntimeError(f"Not supported") else: # all branches in original NanoAOD if not lv.GetLeafCount(): # not an array lvOp = top.GetColumn(lv.GetTypeName(), lvNm) else: # count leaf -> array cntName = lv.GetLeafCount().GetName() lvOp = top.GetArrayColumn( lv.GetTypeName(), lvNm, top.GetColumn(allTreeLeafs[cntName].GetTypeName(), cntName)) tree_dict[lvNm] = proxy(lvOp) tree_children = list() def setTreeAtt(name, proxy, setParent=True): tree_dict[name] = proxy if setParent: tree_children.append(proxy) # variables with variations for vari in description.systVariations: toRem = [] brMap = {} attNm = None for nm, nmAtt in tree_dict.items(): if vari.appliesTo(nm): # only for single-variable variations attNm, varNm = vari.getVarName(nm) if varNm in brMap: raise RuntimeError(f"Variation {varNm} deduced for {nm}, but already present") brMap[varNm] = nmAtt.op toRem.append(nm) if brMap and (len(brMap) > 1 or vari.isCalc): for nm in toRem: del tree_dict[nm] logger.debug( f"Detected systematic variations for variable {attNm} " f"(variations: {list(brMap.keys())!r}") brMap["nomWithSyst"] = top.SystAltOp( brMap[vari.nomName(attNm)], dict(brMap), valid=tuple(var for var in brMap.keys() if var != vari.nomName(attNm)) ) varsProxy = tpx.AltLeafVariations(None, brMap) setTreeAtt(f"_{attNm}", varsProxy) setTreeAtt(attNm, varsProxy["nomWithSyst"], False) # non-collection branches to group grp_found = [] for prefix in description.groups: if not any(lvNm.startswith(prefix) for lvNm in allTreeLeafs): logger.warning(f"No branch name starting with {prefix} in the tree - skipping group") else: grp_found.append(prefix) for prefix in grp_found: grpNm = prefix.rstrip("_") grp_dict = {"__doc__": f"{grpNm} leaf group proxy class"} grp_lvNms = {lvNm for lvNm in allTreeLeafs.keys() if lvNm.startswith(prefix)} grp_dict.update({ lvNm[len(prefix):]: proxy(top.GetColumn(allTreeLeafs[lvNm].GetTypeName(), lvNm)) for lvNm in grp_lvNms}) if f"{prefix}pt" in grp_lvNms and f"{prefix}phi" in grp_lvNms: grp_dict["p4"] = addP4ToObj(prefix, grp_lvNms) grpcls = type(f"{grpNm}LeafGroupProxy", (tpx.LeafGroupProxy,), grp_dict) for lvNm in grp_lvNms: del tree_dict[lvNm] # default group proxy, replaced below if needed grp_proxy = grpcls(grpNm, None) setTreeAtt(grpNm, grp_proxy) for vari in description.systVariations: if vari.appliesTo(grpNm): for newNm in vari.changesTo(grpNm): grpcls_alt, brMapMap = _makeAltClassAndMaps( grpNm, grp_dict, vari, attCls=altProxy, altBases=(tpx.AltLeafGroupProxy,)) withSyst = "nomWithSyst" if vari.isCalc: varsProxy = tpx.CalcLeafGroupVariations( None, grp_proxy, brMapMap, grpcls_alt, withSystName=withSyst) else: varsProxy = tpx.AltLeafGroupVariations(None, grp_proxy, brMapMap, grpcls_alt) allVars = list(set(chain.from_iterable(op.variations for op in varsProxy[withSyst].brMap.values()))) if allVars: logger.debug(f"{newNm} variations read from branches: {allVars}") setTreeAtt(f"_{newNm}", varsProxy) setTreeAtt(newNm, varsProxy[withSyst]) class NanoAODGenRanges: @property def parent(self): return self.genPartMother @property def ancestors(self): return tpx.SelectionProxy( self._parent, top.Construct( "rdfhelpers::gen::ancestors<-1,ROOT::VecOps::RVec<Int_t>>", (tf.static_cast("int", self.genPartMother._idx), self.genPartMother._idx.arg)), type(self)) # SOA, nanoAOD style (LeafCount, shared) cnt_found = [] for sizeNm in description.collections: if sizeNm not in allTreeLeafs: logger.warning(f"{sizeNm} is not a branch in the tree - skipping collection") else: cnt_found.append(sizeNm) for sizeNm in cnt_found: grpNm = sizeNm[1:] prefix = f"{grpNm}_" itm_dict = {"__doc__": f"{grpNm} proxy class"} itm_lvs = {lvNm for lvNm, lv in allTreeLeafs.items() if lvNm.startswith(prefix) and (isinstance(lv, gbl.TBranchElement) or lv.GetLeafCount().GetName() == sizeNm)} sizeOp = top.GetColumn(allTreeLeafs[sizeNm].GetTypeName(), sizeNm) for lvNm in itm_lvs: lvNm_short = lvNm[len(prefix):] if isinstance(allTreeLeafs[lvNm], gbl.TBranchElement): col = tree_dict[lvNm].op.result else: col = top.GetArrayColumn(allTreeLeafs[lvNm].GetTypeName(), lvNm, sizeOp).result if "Idx" not in lvNm: itm_dict[lvNm_short] = itemProxy(col) else: coll, i = lvNm_short.split("Idx") collPrefix = coll[0].capitalize() + coll[1:] collGetter = ( GetItemRefCollection_toVar(f"_{collPrefix}") if any(vari.appliesTo(collPrefix) for vari in description.systVariations) else GetItemRefCollection(collPrefix)) tree_children.append(collGetter) itm_dict["".join((coll, i))] = itemRefProxy(col, collGetter) # create p4 branches (naive, but will be reused for variation case) if f"{prefix}pt" in itm_lvs and f"{prefix}phi" in itm_lvs: itm_dict["p4"] = addP4ToObj(prefix, itm_lvs) itm_bases = [tpx.ContainerGroupItemProxy] if sizeNm == "nGenPart": itm_bases.append(NanoAODGenRanges) itmcls = type(f"{grpNm}GroupItemProxy", tuple(itm_bases), itm_dict) # default collection proxy, replaced below if needed coll_orig = tpx.ContainerGroupProxy(prefix, None, sizeOp, itmcls) setTreeAtt(grpNm, coll_orig) # insert variations using kinematic calculator, from branches, or not for vari in description.systVariations: if vari.appliesTo(grpNm): altItemType, brMapMap = _makeAltClassAndMaps( grpNm, itm_dict, vari, getCol=(lambda att: att.op), attCls=altItemProxy, altBases=(tpx.ContainerGroupItemProxy,)) withSyst = "nomWithSyst" for newNm in vari.changesTo(grpNm): if vari.isCalc: varsProxy = tpx.CalcCollectionVariations( None, coll_orig, brMapMap, altItemType=altItemType, withSystName=withSyst) else: varsProxy = tpx.AltCollectionVariations( None, coll_orig, brMapMap, altItemType=altItemType) allVars = list(set(chain.from_iterable( op.variations for op in varsProxy[withSyst].brMap.values()))) if allVars: logger.debug(f"{newNm} variations read from branches: {allVars}") setTreeAtt(f"_{newNm}", varsProxy) setTreeAtt(newNm, varsProxy[withSyst]) for lvNm in itm_lvs: del tree_dict[lvNm] del tree_dict[sizeNm] # go through tf.rng_len TreeProxy = type(f"{aTree.GetName()}Proxy", (tpx.TreeBaseProxy,), tree_dict) treeProxy = TreeProxy(aTree) for pc in tree_children: pc._parent = treeProxy return treeProxy
[docs] def decorateCMSPhase2SimTree(aTree, isMC=True): """ Decorate a flat tree as used for CMS Phase2 physics studies """ class Phase2GenRanges: @property def parent(self): return self._parent[self.m1] @property def ancestors(self): return tpx.SelectionProxy( self._parent, top.Construct( "rdfhelpers::gen::ancestors<-99>", (tf.static_cast("int", self.parent._idx), self.parent._idx.arg)), type(self)) @property def children(self): return self._parent[self.d1:tf.switch(self.d2 > 0, self.d2 + 1, self.d1)] @property def descendants(self): return tpx.SelectionProxy( self._parent, top.Construct( "rdfhelpers::gen::descendants_firstlast<-99,ROOT::VecOps::RVec<Int_t>>", (tf.static_cast("int", self._idx), self.d1._parent.arg, self.d2._parent.arg)), type(self)) allTreeLeafs = {lv.GetName(): lv for lv in allLeafs(aTree)} tree_dict = {"__doc__": f"{aTree.GetName()} tree proxy class"} # fill all, take some out later tree_dict.update({lvNm: proxy(top.GetColumn(lv.GetTypeName(), lvNm)) for lvNm, lv in allTreeLeafs.items()}) tree_children = [] cnt_lvs = {lv.GetLeafCount().GetName() for lv in allTreeLeafs.values() if lv.GetLeafCount()} for sizeNm in cnt_lvs: grpNm = sizeNm.split("_")[0] prefix = f"{grpNm}_" itm_dict = {"__doc__": f"{grpNm} proxy class"} itm_lvs = {lvNm for lvNm, lv in allTreeLeafs.items() if lvNm.startswith(prefix) and lvNm != sizeNm and lv.GetLeafCount().GetName() == sizeNm} sizeOp = top.GetColumn(allTreeLeafs[sizeNm].GetTypeName(), sizeNm) if allTreeLeafs[sizeNm].GetTypeName() != top.SizeType: sizeOp = top.adaptArg(tf.static_cast(top.SizeType, sizeOp)) for lvNm in itm_lvs: lvNm_short = lvNm[len(prefix):] col = top.GetArrayColumn(allTreeLeafs[lvNm].GetTypeName(), lvNm, sizeOp).result itm_dict[lvNm_short] = itemProxy(col) # create p4 branches p4AttNames = ("pt", "eta", "phi", "mass") if all(("".join((prefix, att)) in itm_lvs) for att in p4AttNames): itm_dict["p4"] = funProxy(lambda inst: top.Construct( "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<float> >", (, inst.eta, inst.phi, inst.mass)).result) # mother/daughter references itm_bases = [tpx.ContainerGroupItemProxy] if grpNm == "genpart": itm_bases.append(Phase2GenRanges) itmcls = type(f"{grpNm.capitalize()}GroupItemProxy", tuple(itm_bases), itm_dict) coll = tpx.ContainerGroupProxy(prefix, None, sizeOp, itmcls) tree_dict[grpNm] = coll tree_children.append(coll) for lvNm in itm_lvs: del tree_dict[lvNm] del tree_dict[sizeNm] # go through tf.rng_len TreeProxy = type(f"{aTree.GetName().capitalize()}Proxy", (tpx.TreeBaseProxy,), tree_dict) treeProxy = TreeProxy(aTree) for pc in tree_children: pc._parent = treeProxy return treeProxy