======== Starting job (Fri Apr 30 03:56:34 CEST 2021) ======== Job id: 25471995 List of nodes allocated to the job: mb-rom003 Batch node: mb-rom003 Startup working directory: /auto/home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430 Job working directory: /scratch/kjaffel/25471995 ==== Starting stagein of input sandbox (Fri Apr 30 03:56:34 CEST 2021) ==== Input sandbox file: /home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430/input_sandbox_20210430-035633283243_wpcz.tar.gz Input sanbox contents: gridpackTolheToNanoGen.sh Copying and unpacking input sandbox ... Input sandbox copied and unpacked. ==== Finished stagein of input sandbox (Fri Apr 30 03:56:35 CEST 2021) ==== ==== Starting read of input parameters for job's payload (Fri Apr 30 03:56:35 CEST 2021) ==== gridpack_path = /home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430/HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8_slc7_amd64_gcc700_CMSSW_10_6_19_tarball.tar.xz NanoGEN = HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8.root ==== Finished read of input parameters for job's payload (Fri Apr 30 03:56:35 CEST 2021) ==== ==== Starting execution of payload (Fri Apr 30 03:56:35 CEST 2021) ==== ------------------------- Begin payload output ------------------------ /scratch/kjaffel/25471995 /home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430/HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8_slc7_amd64_gcc700_CMSSW_10_6_19_tarball.tar.xz HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8.root 25471995_1 The path to the gridpack should be in the fragment: Configuration/NanoGenScripts/python/Hadronizer_TuneCP5_13TeV_aMCatNLO_2p_LHE_pythia8_cff.py or changed through customise commands as the case here !! /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W /scratch/kjaffel/25471995 ______________________________________ Running Generic Tarball/Gridpack ______________________________________ gridpack tarball path = /home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430/HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8_slc7_amd64_gcc700_CMSSW_10_6_19_tarball.tar.xz %MSG-MG5 number of events requested = 10000 %MSG-MG5 random seed used for the run = 234567 %MSG-MG5 thread count requested = 1 %MSG-MG5 residual/optional arguments = %MSG-MG5 number of events requested = 10000 %MSG-MG5 random seed used for the run = 234567 %MSG-MG5 number of cpus = 1 %MSG-MG5 SCRAM_ARCH version = slc7_amd64_gcc700 %MSG-MG5 CMSSW version = CMSSW_10_6_19 WARNING: In non-interactive mode release checks e.g. deprecated releases, production architectures are disabled. **** Following environment variables are going to be unset. G4INCLDATA MKFIT_BASE G4PARTICLEXSDATA RIVET_DATA_PATH G4REALSURFACEDATA No module named madgraph INFO: ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to M A D G R A P H 5 * * a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 20xx-xx-xx * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * http://amcatnlo.cern.ch * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * * ************************************************************ INFO: load configuration from /nfs/soft/madgraph/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/input/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt No valid eps viewer found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt No valid web browser found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt launch -ox -n cmsgrid stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device The following switches determine which programs are run: /===========================================================================\ 1. Type of perturbative computation  order = NLO 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation fixed_order = OFF 3. Shower the generated events  shower = OFF 4. Decay onshell particles  madspin = ON 5. Add weights to events for new hypp.  reweight = OFF 6. Run MadAnalysis5 on the events generated madanalysis = Not Avail. \===========================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'fixed_order=ON' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done.[60s to answer] >The following switches determine which programs are run: /===========================================================================\ 1. Type of perturbative computation  order = NLO 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation fixed_order = OFF 3. Shower the generated events  shower = OFF 4. Decay onshell particles  madspin = OFF 5. Add weights to events for new hypp.  reweight = OFF 6. Run MadAnalysis5 on the events generated madanalysis = Not Avail. \===========================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'fixed_order=ON' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done. The following switches determine which programs are run: /===========================================================================\ 1. Type of perturbative computation  order = NLO 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation fixed_order = OFF 3. Shower the generated events  shower = OFF 4. Decay onshell particles  madspin = OFF 5. Add weights to events for new hypp.  reweight = OFF 6. Run MadAnalysis5 on the events generated madanalysis = Not Avail. \===========================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'fixed_order=ON' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done. >The following switches determine which programs are run: /===========================================================================\ 1. Type of perturbative computation  order = NLO 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation fixed_order = OFF 3. Shower the generated events  shower = OFF 4. Decay onshell particles  madspin = OFF 5. Add weights to events for new hypp.  reweight = OFF 6. Run MadAnalysis5 on the events generated madanalysis = Not Avail. \===========================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'fixed_order=ON' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done. The following switches determine which programs are run: /===========================================================================\ 1. Type of perturbative computation  order = stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device [32mNLO 2. No MC@[N]LO matching / event generation fixed_order = OFF 3. Shower the generated events  shower = OFF 4. Decay onshell particles  madspin = OFF 5. Add weights to events for new hypp.  reweight = OFF 6. Run MadAnalysis5 on the events generated madanalysis = Not Avail. \===========================================================================/ Either type the switch number (1 to 6) to change its setting, Set any switch explicitly (e.g. type 'fixed_order=ON' at the prompt) Type 'help' for the list of all valid option Type '0', 'auto', 'done' or just press enter when you are done. >INFO: will run in mode: noshower WARNING: You have chosen not to run a parton shower. NLO events without showering are NOT physical. Please, shower the LesHouches events before using them for physics analyses. You have to choose NOW which parton-shower you WILL use and specify it in the run_card.  Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)? /------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1. param : param_card.dat | | 2. run : run_card.dat | \------------------------------------------------------------/ you can also - enter the path to a valid card or banner. - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly. The set option works only for param_card and run_card. Type 'help set' for more information on this command. - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...). Type 'help' for the list of available command [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, enter path][90s to answer] >INFO: modify parameter nevents of the run_card.dat to 10000  Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)? /------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1. param : param_card.dat | | 2. run : run_card.dat | \------------------------------------------------------------/ you can also - enter the path to a valid card or banner. - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly. The set option works only for param_card and run_card. Type 'help set' for more information on this command. - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...). Type 'help' for the list of available command [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, enter path] >INFO: modify parameter iseed of the run_card.dat to 234567  Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)? /------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1. param : param_card.dat | | 2. run : run_card.dat | \------------------------------------------------------------/ you can also - enter the path to a valid card or banner. - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly. The set option works only for param_card and run_card. Type 'help set' for more information on this command. - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...). Type 'help' for the list of available command [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, enter path] >INFO: modify parameter nevt_job of the run_card.dat to 10000  Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)? /------------------------------------------------------------\ | 1. param : param_card.dat | | 2. run : run_card.dat | \------------------------------------------------------------/ you can also - enter the path to a valid card or banner. - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly. The set option works only for param_card and run_card. Type 'help set' for more information on this command. - call an external program (ASperGE/MadWidth/...). Type 'help' for the list of available command [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, enter path] >INFO: Update the dependent parameter of the param_card.dat INFO: Starting run INFO: Compiling the code INFO: Starting run INFO: Using 1 cores INFO: Generating events without running the shower. INFO: Updating the number of unweighted events per channel Intermediate results: Random seed: 234567 Total cross section: 2.550e-02 +- 7.3e-04 pb Total abs(cross section): 1.297e-01 +- 7.3e-04 pb INFO: Generating events INFO: Idle: 7, Running: 1, Completed: 0 [ current time: 03h57 ] INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 1, Completed: 1 [ 4m 7s ] INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 1, Completed: 2 [ 8m 27s ] INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 1, Completed: 3 [ 8m 27s ] INFO: Idle: 3, Running: 1, Completed: 4 [ 8m 28s ] INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 1, Completed: 5 [ 8m 29s ] INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 1, Completed: 6 [ 8m 31s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 7 [ 8m 32s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 8 [ 8m 32s ] INFO: Doing reweight INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 1, Completed: 3 [ current time: 04h06 ] INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 1, Completed: 5 [ 2.7s ] INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 1, Completed: 6 [ 5.9s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 7 [ 6s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 8 [ 6s ] INFO: Collecting events INFO: -------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: Process p p > h2 > h3 Z b b~ [QCD] @0 Run at p-p collider (6500.0 + 6500.0 GeV) Number of events generated: 10000 Total cross section: 2.548e-02 +- 7.3e-04 pb -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: The /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Events/cmsgrid/events.lhe.gz file has been generated. INFO: Events generated reweight -from_cards decay_events -from_cards WARNING: You have chosen not to run a parton shower. NLO events without showering are NOT physical. Please, shower the Les Houches events before using them for physics analyses.  INFO: quit INFO: using input+file /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/madspinrun.dat ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to M A D S P I N * * * ************************************************************ import events.lhe INFO: process: p p > h2 > h3 Z b b~ INFO: options: define p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ INFO: reload from .py file INFO: load particles INFO: load vertices INFO: Restrict model sm with file ../mgbasedir/models/sm/restrict_default.dat . INFO: Run "set stdout_level DEBUG" before import for more information. INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ Defined multiparticle all = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a ve vm vt e- mu- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ t b t~ b~ z w+ h w- ta- ta+ Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ define j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ define l+ = e+ mu+ Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ define l- = e- mu- Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- define vl = ve vm vt Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt define vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ Set group_subprocesses to Auto Note that you need to regenerate all processes set loop optimized output to True set loop color flows to False Complex mass already desactivated. INFO: detected model: 2HDMtII_NLO. Loading... INFO: reload from .py file INFO: load particles INFO: load vertices INFO: Change particles name to pass to MG5 convention Kept definitions of multiparticles l- / j / vl / l+ / p / vl~ unchanged Defined multiparticle all = g ghg ghg~ u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ a gha gha~ ve vm vt e- mu- ta- ve~ vm~ vt~ e+ mu+ ta+ t b t~ b~ z w+ ghz ghwp ghwm h+ h1 h2 h3 w- ghz~ ghwp~ ghwm~ h- Set group_subprocesses to Auto Note that you need to regenerate all processes set loop optimized output to True set loop color flows to False Complex mass already desactivated. Defined multiparticle p = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle j = g u c d s u~ c~ d~ s~ Defined multiparticle l+ = e+ mu+ Defined multiparticle l- = e- mu- Defined multiparticle vl = ve vm vt Defined multiparticle vl~ = ve~ vm~ vt~ set seed 1234567 set ms_dir ./madspingrid set max_weight_ps_point 400 # number of PS to estimate the maximum for each event decay h3 > b b~ decay z > l+ l- launch Traceback (most recent call last): File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/MadSpin/madspin", line 137, in cmd_line.import_command_file(input_file) File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1660, in import_command_file self.exec_cmd(line, precmd=True) File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1543, in exec_cmd stop = Cmd.onecmd_orig(current_interface, line, **opt) File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/madgraph/interface/extended_cmd.py", line 1463, in onecmd_orig return func(arg, **opt) File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/madgraph/various/misc.py", line 100, in f_with_no_logger out = f(self, *args, **opt) File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/MadSpin/interface_madspin.py", line 581, in do_launch return self.run_from_pickle() File "/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/MadSpin/interface_madspin.py", line 708, in run_from_pickle % (self.options['ms_dir'], name, orig_block, block) Exception: The directory ./madspingrid is specific to a mass spectrum. Your event file is not compatible with this one. (Different param_card: mass different) orig block: ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR MASS ################################### BLOCK MASS # 5 4.920000e+00 # mb 6 1.725000e+02 # mt 23 9.118760e+01 # mz 25 1.250000e+02 # mh1 35 1.000000e+03 # mh2 36 5.000000e+02 # mh3 37 1.000000e+03 # mhc 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0 24 7.982466e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0 9000001 0.000000e+00 # gha : 0.0 9000003 7.982466e+01 # ghwp : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 9000004 7.982466e+01 # ghwm : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 82 0.000000e+00 # ghg : 0.0 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0 9000002 9.118760e+01 # ghz : mz new block: ################################### ## INFORMATION FOR MASS ################################### BLOCK MASS # 5 4.920000e+00 # mb 6 1.725000e+02 # mt 23 9.118760e+01 # mz 25 1.250000e+02 # mh1 35 1.000000e+03 # mh2 36 5.000000e+02 # mh3 37 1.000000e+03 # mhc 22 0.000000e+00 # a : 0.0 24 7.982466e+01 # w+ : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 21 0.000000e+00 # g : 0.0 9000001 0.000000e+00 # gha : 0.0 9000003 7.982466e+01 # ghwp : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 9000004 7.982466e+01 # ghwm : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 82 0.000000e+00 # ghg : 0.0 12 0.000000e+00 # ve : 0.0 14 0.000000e+00 # vm : 0.0 16 0.000000e+00 # vt : 0.0 11 0.000000e+00 # e- : 0.0 13 0.000000e+00 # mu- : 0.0 15 0.000000e+00 # ta- : 0.0 2 0.000000e+00 # u : 0.0 4 0.000000e+00 # c : 0.0 1 0.000000e+00 # d : 0.0 3 0.000000e+00 # s : 0.0 251 7.982466e+01 # g+ : cmath.sqrt(mz**2/2. + cmath.sqrt(mz**4/4. - (aew*cmath.pi*mz**2)/(gf*cmath.sqrt(2)))) 9000002 9.118760e+01 # ghz : mz 250 9.118760e+01 # g0 : mz gzip: events_decayed.lhe.gz: No such file or directory mv: cannot stat '/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/events_decayed.lhe': No such file or directory INFO: ************************************************************ * * * W E L C O M E to M A D G R A P H 5 * * a M C @ N L O * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VERSION 20xx-xx-xx * * * * The MadGraph5_aMC@NLO Development Team - Find us at * * http://amcatnlo.cern.ch * * * * Type 'help' for in-line help. * * * ************************************************************ INFO: load configuration from /nfs/soft/madgraph/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/mgbasedir/input/mg5_configuration.txt INFO: load configuration from /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Cards/amcatnlo_configuration.txt Using default text editor "vi". Set another one in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt No valid eps viewer found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt No valid web browser found. Please set in ./input/mg5_configuration.txt process>INFO: Running Systematics computation Command "systematics cmsgrid_decayed_1 --start_id=1001 --pdf=325500,320900,11082,13091@0,13191@0,13202@0,23100,23300,23490,23600,23790,25410,25510,25570,25605,25620,25710,25770,25805,25840,92000,306000,320500,260400,262400@0,263400@0,292000,292400@0 --mur=1,2,0.5 --muf=1,2,0.5 --together=muf,mur --dyn=-1" interrupted with error: InvalidCmd : Invalid run name. Please retry process>INFO: launch in debug mode cp: cannot stat '/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/process/Events/cmsgrid_decayed_1/events.lhe': No such file or directory sed: can't read cmsgrid_final.lhe: No such file or directory mv: cannot stat '/scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/cmsgrid_final.lhe': No such file or directory Run xml check Unable to open /scratch/kjaffel/25471995/tmp.nI4UtEDN4W/lheevent/test.lhe ----- Begin Fatal Exception 30-Apr-2021 04:06:26 CEST----------------------- An exception of category 'ExternalLHEProducer' occurred while [0] Processing global begin Run run: 1 [1] Calling method for module ExternalLHEProducer/'externalLHEProducer' Exception Message: Child failed with exit code 1. ----- End Fatal Exception ------------------------------------------------- Another exception was caught while trying to clean up runs after the primary fatal exception. ------------------------------------ GenXsecAnalyzer: ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Cross-section summary not available ------------------------------------ ============================================= MessageLogger Summary type category sev module subroutine count total ---- -------------------- -- ---------------- ---------------- ----- ----- 1 GenXSecAnalyzer -w GenXSecAnalyzer: 2 2 2 Additional Exception -s After EndProcess 1 1 3 Fatal Exception -s AfterModGlobalBe 1 1 type category Examples: run/evt run/evt run/evt ---- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- 1 GenXSecAnalyzer EndJob EndJob 2 Additional Exceptions post-events 3 Fatal Exception Run: 1 Severity # Occurrences Total Occurrences -------- ------------- ----------------- Warning 2 2 System 2 2 dropped waiting message count 0 /scratch/kjaffel/25471995 --------------------------- End payload output ------------------------ Payload exit code: 0 ==== Finished execution of payload (Fri Apr 30 04:06:27 CEST 2021) ==== ==== Starting stageout of user files (Fri Apr 30 04:06:27 CEST 2021) ==== Destination directory: /home/users/k/j/kjaffel/ZAPrivateProduction/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/src/Configuration/NanoGenScripts/prod_ver-0430 List of filename patterns to match against: '*.root'. Copying file HToZATo2L2B_1000p00_500p00_20p00_bbH4F_TuneCP5_13TeV-amcatnlo_pythia8.root ... File copied. ==== Finished stageout of user files (Fri Apr 30 04:06:27 CEST 2021) ==== ======== Finished job (Fri Apr 30 04:06:27 CEST 2021) ======== Batch script exit code: 0 Will stageout the logs before exiting.