Valentin Hirschi

Former member
Member from September 2008 to January 2009
Research directions:
Phenomenology of elementary particles

Non-active projects
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire

Number of publications as IRMP member: 7
Last 5 publications


IRMP-CP3-23-26: UFO 2.0 -- The Universal Feynman Output format
Darm\'e, Luc and others

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal]
Refereed paper. June 30.


CP3-16-60: The complete NLO corrections to dijet hadroproduction
Frederix, Rikkert and Frixione, Stefano and Hirschi, Valentin and Pagani, Davide and Shao, Hua-Sheng and Zaro, Marco

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. December 10.


CP3-15-10: Electroweak and QCD corrections to top-pair hadroproduction in association with heavy bosons
S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.-S. Shao, M. Zaro

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. April 13.


CP3-14-49: Weak corrections to Higgs hadroproduction in association with a top-quark pair
S. Frixione, V. Hirschi, D. Pagani, H.-S. Shao, M. Zaro

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal] [Dial]
Published in JHEP09(2014)065
Refereed paper. July 3.
CP3-14-18: The automated computation of tree-level and next-to-leading order differential cross sections, and their matching to parton shower simulations
Alwall, J. and Frederix, R. and Frixione, S. and Hirschi, V. and Maltoni, F. and others

[Abstract] [PDF] [Journal] [Dial]
to be submitted
Refereed paper. April 4.

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