Deepali Agarwal
Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
UCL member card
Research statement
Stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) is an anticipated signal of astrophysical and cosmological origin. A large population of faint, unresolvable, and independent sources of gravitational waves (GWs) since the beginning of stellar activity may form an astrophysical GWB. While GWs from the early universe events like Inflation and first-order phase transition are buried under an astrophysical background. Detection of GWB will provide a unique probe to study the large-scale structure of the universe, GW sources, and propagation. The energy flux of GWB is expected to have tiny fluctuations across the sky. Several reasons include inhomogeneities in matter distribution and our peculiar motion in the cosmic rest frame. My research interest lies in characterizing the anisotropy of GWB and inferring source properties. I aim to develop statistical methods to find the signature of anisotropy utilizing data from current and upcoming terrestrial detectors.
Publications in IRMP
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