Tommaso Armadillo
PhD student
Centre for Cosmology, Particle Physics and Phenomenology - CP3
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Université catholique de Louvain
2, Chemin du Cyclotron - Box L7.01.05
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
UCL member card
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 3
Number of publications as IRMP member: 3
IRMP-CP3-25-01: Mixed QCD-EW corrections to the neutral-current Drell-Yan process
Armadillo, Tommaso and Bonciani, Roberto and Buonocore, Luca and Devoto, Simone and Grazzini, Massimiliano and Kallweit, Stefan and Rana, Narayan and Vicini, Alessandro
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file]
Refereed paper. January 3.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file]
Refereed paper. January 3.
IRMP-CP3-24-13: Two-loop mixed QCD-EW corrections to charged current Drell-Yan
Tommaso Armadillo, Roberto Bonciani, Simone Devoto, Narayan Rana, Alessandro Vicini
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Submitted to Journal of High Energy Physics
Refereed paper. May 2.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Submitted to Journal of High Energy Physics
Refereed paper. May 2.
CP3-22-33: Evaluation of Feynman integrals with arbitrary complex masses via series expansions
Armadillo, Tommaso and Bonciani, Roberto and Devoto, Simone and Rana, Narayan and Vicini, Alessandro
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. May 9.
[Abstract] [PDF] [Local file] [Journal] [Dial]
Refereed paper. May 9.