Bram Verbeek
Former member
Member from October 2015 to August 2019
Member from October 2015 to August 2019
PhD student in theoretical physics, interested in the mathematical structure of scattering amplitudes.
Research directions:
Active projects
Active projects
Mathematical Structure of Feynman Integrals and Scattering Amplitudes
Analytic and algebraic properties of multi-loop integrals are analysed in the view of devising new mathematical tools for precision computations in QFT.
External collaborators: Samuel Abreu (Universität Freiburg) Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin) Einan Gardi (University of Edinburgh).
External collaborators: Samuel Abreu (Universität Freiburg) Ruth Britto (Trinity College Dublin) Einan Gardi (University of Edinburgh).
Multi-loop scattering amplitudes in N=4 Super Yang-Mills
Multi-loops scattering amplitudes in N=4 Super Yang-Mills are analysed in the light of the integrability of the theory in the planar limit.
External collaborators: Vittorio Del Duca (ETH Zurich & INFN Frascati) Lance Dixon (SLAC) James Drummond (University of Southampton) Falko Dulat (SLAC) Georgios Papathanasiou (SLAC).
External collaborators: Vittorio Del Duca (ETH Zurich & INFN Frascati) Lance Dixon (SLAC) James Drummond (University of Southampton) Falko Dulat (SLAC) Georgios Papathanasiou (SLAC).
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 7
Last 5 publications
More publications
Number of publications as IRMP member: 7
Last 5 publications
CP3-19-15: The Full-Color Two-Loop Four-Gluon N = 2 Super-QCD Amplitude
Claude Duhr, Henrik Johansson, Gregor Kälin, Gustav Mogull, Bram Verbeek
Refereed paper. April 8.
Refereed paper. April 8.
CP3-18-64: Amplitudes in the Multi-Regge Limit of N = 4 SYM
Vittorio Del Duca, Stefan Druc, James Drummond, Claude Duhr, Falko Dulat, Robin Marzucca, Georgios Papathanasiou and Bram Verbeek
Contribution to proceedings. November 22.
Contribution to proceedings. November 22.
CP3-18-63: The Multi-Regge Limit of the Eight-Particle Amplitude beyond Leading Logarithmic Accuracy
Robin Marzucca, Bram Verbeek
Refereed paper. November 20.
Refereed paper. November 20.
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