Olivier Bondu
Former member
Member from March 2015 to September 2018
Member from March 2015 to September 2018
Research directions:
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Non-active projects
Data analysis in HEP, astroparticle and GW experiments
Detector commissioning, operation and data processing
Phenomenology of elementary particles
Detector commissioning, operation and data processing
Phenomenology of elementary particles
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
CMS Tracker commissioning and performance assessment
Christophe Delaere
The CMS silicon strip tracker is the largest device of its type ever built. There are 24244 single-sided micro-strip sensors covering an active area of 198m2.
Physics performance of the detector are being constantly assessed and optimized as new data comes.
Members of UCL are playing a major role in the understanding of the silicon strip tracker and in the maintenance and development of the local reconstruction code.
External collaborators: CMS tracker collaboration.
The CMS silicon strip tracker is the largest device of its type ever built. There are 24244 single-sided micro-strip sensors covering an active area of 198m2.
Physics performance of the detector are being constantly assessed and optimized as new data comes.
Members of UCL are playing a major role in the understanding of the silicon strip tracker and in the maintenance and development of the local reconstruction code.
External collaborators: CMS tracker collaboration.
Search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production in the llbb+MET final state
Agni Bethani, Christophe Delaere, Vincent Lemaitre, Fabio Maltoni
The discovery of a Higgs boson (H) by the ATLAS and CMS experiments fixes the value of the self-coupling λ in the scalar potential whose form is determined by the symmetries of the Standard Model and the requirement of renormalisability. Higgs boson pair production is sensitive to the self-coupling and will play a major role in investigating the scalar potential structure.
This project consists in a search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b jets and missing transvere energy – gg → H(bb) H(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. The analysis is conducted in close collaboration with phenomenologists to ensure the approach is theoretically sound and future-proof.
The discovery of a Higgs boson (H) by the ATLAS and CMS experiments fixes the value of the self-coupling λ in the scalar potential whose form is determined by the symmetries of the Standard Model and the requirement of renormalisability. Higgs boson pair production is sensitive to the self-coupling and will play a major role in investigating the scalar potential structure.
This project consists in a search for nonresonant Higgs boson pair production via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b jets and missing transvere energy – gg → H(bb) H(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. The analysis is conducted in close collaboration with phenomenologists to ensure the approach is theoretically sound and future-proof.
Search for resonant Higgs pair production in the llbb+MET final state
Agni Bethani, Christophe Delaere, Vincent Lemaitre
The recent discovery of a scalar boson compatible with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson opened new windows to look for physics beyond the SM (BSM). An example of newly accessible phenomenology is the production of resonances decaying into two SM Higgs bosons (h) predicted by several theory families such as additional Higgs singlet/doublet or warped extra dimension.
This project consists in a search for spin-0 or spin-2 resonances produced via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b-jets and missing transverse energy – gg → X → h(bb) h(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. In particular, we are probing a mass range between 260 GeV and 900 GeV.
The recent discovery of a scalar boson compatible with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson opened new windows to look for physics beyond the SM (BSM). An example of newly accessible phenomenology is the production of resonances decaying into two SM Higgs bosons (h) predicted by several theory families such as additional Higgs singlet/doublet or warped extra dimension.
This project consists in a search for spin-0 or spin-2 resonances produced via gluon fusion in the final state with two leptons, two b-jets and missing transverse energy – gg → X → h(bb) h(WW) asking for the leptonic decay of the W's. In particular, we are probing a mass range between 260 GeV and 900 GeV.
Non-active projects
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 10
Last 5 publications
More publications
Number of publications as IRMP member: 10
Last 5 publications
CP3-20-33: Test beam demonstration of silicon microstrip modules with transverse momentum discrimination for the future CMS tracking detector
CMS Tracker Collaboration
[Journal] [Full text]
Published in: JINST 13 (2018) 03, P03003, Report number: FERMILAB-PUB-18-385-CMS, CERN-CMS-NOTE-2017-010
O. Bondu5, S. Brochet5, A. Caudron5, S. De Visscher5, B. Francois5, A. Jafari5, J. Cabrera Jamoulle5, M. Komm5, G. Krintiras5, A. Magitteri5, A. Mertens5, D. Michotte5, M. Musich5,, L. Quertenmont5, M. Vidal Marono5,
Refereed paper. July 2.
[Journal] [Full text]
Published in: JINST 13 (2018) 03, P03003, Report number: FERMILAB-PUB-18-385-CMS, CERN-CMS-NOTE-2017-010
O. Bondu5, S. Brochet5, A. Caudron5, S. De Visscher5, B. Francois5, A. Jafari5, J. Cabrera Jamoulle5, M. Komm5, G. Krintiras5, A. Magitteri5, A. Mertens5, D. Michotte5, M. Musich5,, L. Quertenmont5, M. Vidal Marono5,
Refereed paper. July 2.
CP3-19-29: Search for 2HDM neutral Higgs bosons through the H → ZA → llbb process
Alessia Saggio, Olivier Bondu, Miguel Vidal Marono, Christophe Delaere, Pieter David, Sebastien Wertz
[Full text]
Private experimental note. May 29.
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Private experimental note. May 29.
CP3-19-28: Search for 2HDM neutral Higgs bosons through the H→ZA→ℓ+ℓ−bb process in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV
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