Maxime Renaud
Former member
Member from September 2014 to September 2016
Member from September 2014 to September 2016
Research directions:
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
GasToF: ultra fast timing detector
GasToF (Gas Time-of-Flight) detector is a Cherenkov detector developed for very precise (with <10 ps resolution) flight time measurements of very forward protons at the LHC. Such an excellent time resolution allows, using z-by-timing technique, for precise measurements of the event vertex z-coordinate and the background reduction. Such a detector is essential for selecting exclusive and semi-exclusive processes at high luminosity, and can also be applied for the timing and particle ID at future experiments.
Investigate new techniques for ToF-PET.
External collaborators: CMS PPS project, M. Albrow (Fermilab), C. Royon (Kansas), J. Varela (Lisbon), and E. Schnys (Photonis) and J. Howorth (Photek Ltd).
Investigate new techniques for ToF-PET.
External collaborators: CMS PPS project, M. Albrow (Fermilab), C. Royon (Kansas), J. Varela (Lisbon), and E. Schnys (Photonis) and J. Howorth (Photek Ltd).
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire