Jesus Vizan Garcia
Former member
Member from March 2012 to February 2015
Member from March 2012 to February 2015
Research statement
I work in the CMS experiment, where my main contribution is the analysis of the CMS data to search for new physics in the final state characterized by two charged leptons and 2 b-jets in the final state. At this moment, the search for the standard model Higgs produced in association with a Z boson and decaying to a bb pair is the first priority of this activity. To optimize the sensitivity to the Higgs boson signal a sophisticated matrix element technique based on Madweight is being implemented. I also work in the optimization of a multivariate algorithm to identify b-jets, an activity that could potentially benefit a broad range of Phsyics analyses at CMS, in particular Higgs searches in the bb decay mode.
Research directions:
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Data analysis in HEP, astroparticle and GW experiments
Detector commissioning, operation and data processing
Detector commissioning, operation and data processing
Experiments and collaborations:
Active projects
Search for Higgs boson(s) in CMS at the LHC in the llbb topology
Agni Bethani, Jérôme de Favereau, Christophe Delaere, Vincent Lemaitre
Search for Higgs boson(s) within the Standard Model and beyond and also withing a minimal extension of the scalar sector (2HDM).
The final state under study is a Z decaying into a lepton pair associated with two b-jets. This topology is sensitive to a light SM Higgs via the associate ZH production, as well as a middle mass range SM Higgs boson via the inclusive Higgs production followed by its decay into ZZ with one Z decaying into a lepton pair and the other into bbar.
It is also very sensitive to the production of a non standard heavy Higgs boson decaying into Z plus A (pseudo scalar Higgs boson).
Similar selection (but outside of the Z window) is also sensitive to H->aa->llbb, with "a" a generic light scalar.
External collaborators: CMS collaboration.
Search for Higgs boson(s) within the Standard Model and beyond and also withing a minimal extension of the scalar sector (2HDM).
The final state under study is a Z decaying into a lepton pair associated with two b-jets. This topology is sensitive to a light SM Higgs via the associate ZH production, as well as a middle mass range SM Higgs boson via the inclusive Higgs production followed by its decay into ZZ with one Z decaying into a lepton pair and the other into bbar.
It is also very sensitive to the production of a non standard heavy Higgs boson decaying into Z plus A (pseudo scalar Higgs boson).
Similar selection (but outside of the Z window) is also sensitive to H->aa->llbb, with "a" a generic light scalar.
External collaborators: CMS collaboration.
Study and optimization of b-tagging performances in CMS
Agni Bethani, Christophe Delaere
We are involved in the activities of the btag POG (performance object group) of CMS, in release and data validation and purity measurement. We are also interested in btagging in special cases like for colinear b-jets. Furthermore, we are involved in the re-optimization and improvement of the Combined Secondary Vertex (CSV) tagger for the 2012 analyses.
External collaborators: Strasbourg CMS group, CMS collaboration.
We are involved in the activities of the btag POG (performance object group) of CMS, in release and data validation and purity measurement. We are also interested in btagging in special cases like for colinear b-jets. Furthermore, we are involved in the re-optimization and improvement of the Combined Secondary Vertex (CSV) tagger for the 2012 analyses.
External collaborators: Strasbourg CMS group, CMS collaboration.
Publications in IRMP
All my publications on Inspire
Number of publications as IRMP member: 13
Last 5 publications
More publications
Number of publications as IRMP member: 13
Last 5 publications
CP3-14-40: Evidence for the direct decay of the 125 GeV Higgs boson to fermions
CP3-13-43: Performance of b tagging at sqrt(s)=8 TeV in multijet, ttbar and boosted topology events
CP3-13-42: Matrix Element method applied for ttbar estimation in Z(ll)bb analysis.
A. Pin V. Lemaitre C. Beluffi J. Vizan
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Supporting document for SMP-13-004
Private experimental note. August 26.
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Supporting document for SMP-13-004
Private experimental note. August 26.
CP3-13-40: Measurement of the production cross sections of a Z boson in association with b jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
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