# setupvfs.tcl -- new tclkit-{cli,gui} generation bootstrap # # jcw, 2006-11-16 proc history {args} {} ;# since this runs so early, all debugging support helps if {[lindex $argv 0] ne "-init-"} { puts stderr "setupvfs.tcl has to be run by kit-cli with the '-init-' flag" exit 1 } set argv [lrange $argv 2 end] ;# strip off the leading "-init- setupvfs.tcl" set debugOpt 0 set encOpt 0 set msgsOpt 0 set threadOpt 0 set tzOpt 0 while {1} { switch -- [lindex $argv 0] { -d { incr debugOpt } -e { incr encOpt } -m { incr msgsOpt } -t { incr threadOpt } -z { incr tzOpt } default { break } } set argv [lrange $argv 1 end] } if {[llength $argv] != 2} { puts stderr "Usage: [file tail [info nameofexe]] -init- [info script]\ ?-d? ?-e? ?-m? ?-t? ?-z? destfile (cli|gui) -d output some debugging info from this setup script -e include all encodings i.s.o. 7 basic ones (encodings/) -m include all localized message files (tcl 8.5, msgs/) -t include the thread extension as shared lib in vfs -z include timezone data files (tcl 8.5, tzdata/)" exit 1 } set tcl_library ../tcl/library source ../tcl/library/init.tcl ;# for tcl::CopyDirectory package require platform set platform [lindex [split [platform::generic] -] 0] load {} zlib load {} vfs load {} sqlite3 load {} xotcl load {} tdom load {} g2lite load {} usb load {} swt load {} csr # map of proper version numbers to replace @ markers in paths given to vfscopy # this relies on having all necessary extensions already loaded at this point set versmap [list tcl8@ tcl$tcl_version tk8@ tk$tcl_version \ zlib1@ zlib[package require zlib] \ vfs1@ vfs[package require vfs] \ sqlite3@ sqlite[package require sqlite3] \ xotcl1@ xotcl[package require XOTcl] \ tdom0@ tdom[package require tdom] \ g2lite0@ g2lite[package require g2lite] \ usb0@ usb[package require usb] \ swt0@ swt[package require swt] \ csr0@ csr[package require csr]] if {[string equal $platform win32]} { load {} registry lappend versmap registry1@ registry[package require registry] } if {$debugOpt} { puts "Starting [info script]" puts " exe: [info nameofexe]" puts " argv: $argv" puts " tcltk: $tcl_version" puts " loaded: [info loaded]" puts " versmap: $versmap" puts "" } # Create package index files for the static extensions. set exts [list swt csr usb g2lite XOTcl zlib] if {[string equal $platform win32]} { lappend exts registry } foreach ext $exts { load {} $ext set dst [file join lib "[string tolower $ext][package provide $ext]" pkgIndex.tcl] puts $dst set index($dst) "package ifneeded $ext [package provide $ext] {load {} [string tolower $ext]}" } set index(lib/sqlite[package provide sqlite3]/pkgIndex.tcl) "package ifneeded sqlite3 [package provide sqlite3] {load {} sqlite3}"\ set clifiles { boot.tcl config.tcl lib/tcl8@/auto.tcl lib/tcl8@/history.tcl lib/tcl8@/init.tcl lib/tcl8@/opt0.4 lib/tcl8@/package.tcl lib/tcl8@/parray.tcl lib/tcl8@/safe.tcl lib/tcl8@/tclIndex lib/tcl8@/word.tcl lib/vfs1@/mk4vfs.tcl lib/vfs1@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/vfs1@/starkit.tcl lib/vfs1@/vfslib.tcl lib/vfs1@/vfsUtils.tcl lib/vfs1@/zipvfs.tcl lib/sqlite3@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/xotcl1@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/tdom0@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/tdom0@/tdom.tcl lib/g2lite0@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/usb0@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/swt0@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/csr0@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/zlib1@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/tcllib1.16/pkgIndex.tcl lib/tcllib1.16/asn lib/tcllib1.16/base64 lib/tcllib1.16/comm lib/tcllib1.16/cmdline lib/tcllib1.16/csv lib/tcllib1.16/fileutil lib/tcllib1.16/ldap lib/tcllib1.16/log lib/tcllib1.16/math lib/tcllib1.16/snit lib/tcllib1.16/struct lib/tcllib1.16/uri } if {[string equal $platform win32]} { lappend clifiles lib/registry1@/pkgIndex.tcl } set guifiles { tclkit.ico lib/tk8@/bgerror.tcl lib/tk8@/button.tcl lib/tk8@/choosedir.tcl lib/tk8@/clrpick.tcl lib/tk8@/comdlg.tcl lib/tk8@/console.tcl lib/tk8@/dialog.tcl lib/tk8@/entry.tcl lib/tk8@/focus.tcl lib/tk8@/listbox.tcl lib/tk8@/menu.tcl lib/tk8@/mkpsenc.tcl lib/tk8@/msgbox.tcl lib/tk8@/msgs lib/tk8@/obsolete.tcl lib/tk8@/optMenu.tcl lib/tk8@/palette.tcl lib/tk8@/panedwindow.tcl lib/tk8@/pkgIndex.tcl lib/tk8@/safetk.tcl lib/tk8@/scale.tcl lib/tk8@/scrlbar.tcl lib/tk8@/spinbox.tcl lib/tk8@/tclIndex lib/tk8@/tearoff.tcl lib/tk8@/text.tcl lib/tk8@/tk.tcl lib/tk8@/tkfbox.tcl lib/tk8@/unsupported.tcl lib/tk8@/xmfbox.tcl lib/BLT2.4/pkgIndex.tcl lib/BLT2.4/graph.tcl lib/BLT2.4/tabnotebook.tcl lib/BLT2.4/treeview.cur lib/BLT2.4/treeview.xbm lib/BLT2.4/treeview.tcl lib/BLT2.4/treeview_m.xbm lib/BLT2.4/bltCanvEps.pro lib/BLT2.4/bltGraph.pro lib/Tktable2.10/pkgIndex.tcl lib/Tktable2.10/tkTable.tcl } if {$encOpt} { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/encoding } else { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/encoding/ascii.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/cp1251.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/cp1252.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/iso8859-1.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/iso8859-2.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/iso8859-15.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/koi8-r.enc \ lib/tcl8@/encoding/macRoman.enc } if {$threadOpt} { lappend clifiles lib/[glob -tails -dir build/lib thread2*] } if {$tcl_version eq "8.4"} { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/http2.5 \ lib/tcl8@/ldAout.tcl \ lib/tcl8@/msgcat1.3 \ lib/tcl8@/tcltest2.2 } else { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8 \ lib/tcl8@/clock.tcl \ lib/tcl8@/tm.tcl lappend guifiles lib/tk8@/ttk if {$msgsOpt} { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/msgs } if {$tzOpt} { lappend clifiles lib/tcl8@/tzdata } } # look for a/b/c in three places: # 1) build/files/b-c # 2) build/files/a/b/c # 3) build/a/b/c proc timet_to_dos {time_t} { set s [clock format $time_t -format {%Y %m %e %k %M %S}] scan $s {%d %d %d %d %d %d} year month day hour min sec expr {(($year-1980) << 25) | ($month << 21) | ($day << 16) | ($hour << 11) | ($min << 5) | ($sec >> 1)} } proc walk {path} { set result {} set files [glob -nocomplain -types f -directory $path *] foreach file $files { set excluded 0 foreach glob $excludes { if {[string match $glob $file]} { set excluded 1 break } } if {!$excluded} {lappend result $file} } foreach dir [glob -nocomplain -types d -directory $path $match] { set subdir [walk $dir $excludes $match] if {[llength $subdir]>0} { set result [concat $result $dir $subdir] } } return $result } proc mkzipfile {zipchan dst {comment {}}} { global index set mtime [timet_to_dos [clock seconds]] set utfpath [encoding convertto utf-8 $dst] set utfcomment [encoding convertto utf-8 $comment] set flags [expr {(1<<10)}] ;# use utf-8 set method 0 ;# store 0, deflate 8 set attr 0 ;# text or binary (default binary) set extra "" set crc 0 set csize 0 set version 20 if {[info exists index($dst)]} { set data $index($dst) } else { set a [file split $dst] set src build/files/[lindex $a end-1]-[lindex $a end] if {[file exists $src]} { if {$::debugOpt} { puts " $src ==> $dst" } } else { set src build/files/$dst if {[file exists $src]} { if {$::debugOpt} { puts " $src ==> $dst" } } else { set src build/$dst } } if {[file isfile $src]} { set mtime [timet_to_dos [file mtime $src]] set fin [open $src r] fconfigure $fin -translation binary -encoding binary set data [read $fin] close $fin } else { error "cannot find $src" } } set attrex 0x81b60000 ;# 0o100666 (-rw-rw-rw-) if {[file extension $dst] eq ".tcl"} { set attr 1 ;# text } set size [string length $data] set crc [zlib crc32 $data] set cdata [zlib deflate $data] if {[string length $cdata] < $size} { set method 8 set data $cdata } set csize [string length $data] set local [binary format a4sssiiiiss PK\03\04 \ $version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \ [string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]] append local $utfpath $extra set offset [tell $zipchan] puts -nonewline $zipchan $local puts -nonewline $zipchan $data set hdr [binary format a4ssssiiiisssssii PK\01\02 0x0317 \ $version $flags $method $mtime $crc $csize $size \ [string length $utfpath] [string length $extra]\ [string length $utfcomment] 0 $attr $attrex $offset] append hdr $utfpath $extra $utfcomment return $hdr } # copy file to vfs proc vfscopy {zf argv} { global versmap count cd foreach f $argv { set dst [string map $versmap $f] if {[file isdirectory build/$dst]} { vfscopy $zf [glob -nocomplain -tails -directory build $dst/*] continue } append cd [mkzipfile $zf $dst] incr count } } set zf [open [lindex $argv 0] a] fconfigure $zf -translation binary -encoding binary set count 0 set cd "" switch [lindex $argv 1] { cli { vfscopy $zf $clifiles } gui { vfscopy $zf $clifiles vfscopy $zf $guifiles } default { puts stderr "Unknown type, must be cli or gui" exit 1 } } set cdoffset [tell $zf] set endrec [binary format a4ssssiis PK\05\06 0 0 \ $count $count [string length $cd] $cdoffset 0] puts -nonewline $zf $cd puts -nonewline $zf $endrec close $zf if {$debugOpt} { puts "\nDone with [info script]" }