Line | |
1 | # scroll_canvas.tcl --
2 | # Experiment with scrolling canvas items selectively
3 | #
4 |
5 | canvas .c -width 400 -height 200
6 | scrollbar .y -command scrollc
7 |
8 | grid .c .y -sticky news
9 |
10 | .c create text 200 10 -text "Title"
11 | .c lower [.c create rectangle 0 0 400 30 -fill white -outline {} ]
12 |
13 | .c lower [.c create text 10 50 -text "Item" -anchor w -tag Move]
14 | .c lower [.c create polygon 80 50 140 50 140 350 -fill green -tag Move]
15 |
16 | # Set the parameters for the scrollbar
17 | .y set 0.0 0.5
18 | set currentPos 0.0
19 |
20 | proc scrollc {operation number {unit ""}} {
21 | # Ignore scroll operation
22 | if { $operation == "moveto" } {
23 | set dely [expr {400*($::currentPos-$number)}]
24 | set ::currentPos $number
25 | .c move Move 0 $dely
26 | }
27 | }
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