package require BLT # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Starting with Tcl 8.x, the BLT commands are stored in their own # namespace called "blt". The idea is to prevent name clashes with # Tcl commands and variables from other packages, such as a "table" # command in two different packages. # # You can access the BLT commands in a couple of ways. You can prefix # all the BLT commands with the namespace qualifier "blt::" # # blt::graph .g # blt::table . .g -resize both # # or you can import all the command into the global namespace. # # namespace import blt::* # graph .g # table . .g -resize both # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace import blt::* # # Example of a pareto chart. # barchart .b \ -title "Defects Found During Inspection" \ -font {Helvetica 12} \ -plotpady { 12 4 } table . .b -fill both set data { "Spot Weld" 82 yellow "Lathe" 49 orange "Gear Cut" 38 green "Drill" 24 blue "Grind" 17 red "Lapping" 12 brown "Press" 8 purple "De-burr" 4 pink "Packaging" 3 cyan "Other" 12 magenta } # Create an X-Y graph line element to trace the accumulated defects. .b line create accum -label "" -symbol none -color red # Define a bitmap to be used to stipple the background of each bar. bitmap define pattern1 { {4 4} {01 02 04 08} } # For each process, create a bar element to display the magnitude. set count 0 set sum 0 set ydata 0 set xdata 0 foreach { label value color } $data { incr count .b element create $label -xdata $count -ydata $value \ -fg $color -relief solid -bd 1 -stipple pattern1 -bg lightblue set labels($count) $label # Keep a running total of defects set sum [expr $value + $sum] lappend ydata $sum lappend xdata $count } # Configure the coordinates of the accumulated defects, # now that we know what they are. .b line configure accum -xdata $xdata -ydata $ydata # Add text markers to label the percentage of total at each point. foreach x $xdata y $ydata { set percent [expr ($y * 100.0) / $sum] if { $x == 0 } { set text "0%" } else { set text [format %.1f $percent] } .b marker create text \ -coords "$x $y" \ -text $text \ -anchor c \ -yoffset -5 } # Display an auxillary y-axis for percentages. .b axis configure y2 \ -hide no \ -min 0.0 \ -max 100.0 \ -title "Percentage" # Title the y-axis .b axis configure y -title "Defects" # Configure the x-axis to display the process names, instead of numbers. .b axis configure x \ -title "Process" \ -command FormatLabels \ -rotate 90 \ -subdivisions 0 proc FormatLabels { widget value } { global labels set value [expr round($value)] if {[info exists labels($value)] } { return $labels($value) } return $value } # No legend needed. .b legend configure -hide yes # Configure the grid lines. .b grid configure -mapx x -color lightblue