Line | |
1 | package require BLT
2 | namespace import ::blt::*
3 |
4 | proc compute args {
5 | puts $::a
6 | puts $::b
7 | puts $::c
8 | puts $::d
9 | #puts [vector expr {($::a * (::x ^ 3)) + ($::b * (::x ^ 2)) + ($::c * ::x) + $::d}]
10 | puts [vector expr {::x}]
11 |
12 | }
13 |
14 | label .l -text "Function: ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d" ; table . .l 0,0
15 |
16 | graph .g -width 700 -height 600 -bd 2 -relief groove ; table . .g 1,0 -fill both
17 | Blt_ZoomStack .g
18 |
19 | vector ::x
20 | ::x seq -10 10 0.5
21 | vector ::y
22 |
23 | set items {label variable to from digits resolution tickinterval gridpos}
24 | set scale_cfg {
25 | a ::a -0.31 0.3 5 0.001 0.1 1,1
26 | b ::b -1.01 1.0 5 0.002 0.5 1,2
27 | c ::c -4.01 4.0 4 0.01 2.0 1,3
28 | d ::d -10.01 10.0 3 0.1 5.0 1,4
29 | }
30 |
31 | foreach $items $scale_cfg {
32 | set $variable 1.0
33 | trace variable $variable w compute
34 |
35 | set w .sc$label
36 | set label [ string totitle $label ]
37 | scale $w -label $label \
38 | -variable $variable -to $to -from $from \
39 | -digits $digits -resolution $resolution \
40 | -tickinterval $tickinterval \
41 | -bd 2 -relief groove
42 | table . $w $gridpos -fill y
43 | }
44 |
45 | # fill vector ::y
46 | compute
47 |
48 | .g element create Function -xdata ::x -ydata ::y -pixels 3
49 | .g axis configure y -min -20 -max 20
50 | .g grid configure -hide no -dashes { 2 2 }
51 |
52 | # ready
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