[159] | 1 | module shift
| 2 | #(
| 3 | parameter shift = 24, // right shift of the result
| 4 | parameter width = 27, // bit width of the input data
| 5 | parameter widthr = 12 // bit width of the output data
| 6 | )
| 7 | (
| 8 | input wire clock, frame, reset,
| 9 | input wire [5:0] amp_data,
| 10 | input wire [width-1:0] inp_data,
| 11 | output wire [widthr-1:0] out_data
| 12 | );
| 13 |
| 14 | localparam widthp = width + 6;
| 15 |
| 16 | reg [5:0] amp_data_reg;
| 17 | reg [width-1:0] inp_data_reg;
| 18 | reg [widthr-1:0] out_data_reg;
| 19 | wire [widthr-1:0] out_data_wire;
| 20 | wire [widthp-1:0] mul_data_wire;
| 21 |
| 22 | assign out_data_wire = mul_data_wire[shift+widthr-1:shift]
| 23 | + {{(widthr-1){mul_data_wire[widthp-1]}}, mul_data_wire[shift-1]};
| 24 |
| 25 | lpm_mult #(
| 26 | .lpm_hint("MAXIMIZE_SPEED=9"),
| 27 | .lpm_representation("UNSIGNED"),
| 28 | .lpm_type("LPM_MULT"),
| 29 | .lpm_pipeline(3),
| 30 | .lpm_widtha(width),
| 31 | .lpm_widthb(6),
| 32 | .lpm_widthp(widthp)) mult_unit (
| 33 | .clock(clock),
| 34 | .clken(1'b1),
| 35 | .dataa(inp_data_reg),
| 36 | .datab(amp_data_reg),
| 37 | .result(mul_data_wire));
| 38 |
| 39 | always @(posedge clock)
| 40 | begin
| 41 | if (reset)
| 42 | begin
| 43 | amp_data_reg <= 6'b0;
| 44 | inp_data_reg <= {(width){1'b0}};
| 45 | out_data_reg <= {(widthr){1'b0}};
| 46 | end
| 47 | else if (frame)
| 48 | begin
| 49 | amp_data_reg <= amp_data;
| 50 | inp_data_reg <= inp_data;
| 51 | out_data_reg <= out_data_wire;
| 52 | end
| 53 | end
| 54 |
| 55 |
| 56 | assign out_data = out_data_reg;
| 57 |
| 58 | endmodule