Last change
on this file since 47 was 47, checked in by demin, 15 years ago |
switch to direct instantiation of altsyncram
File size:
2.8 KB
Line | |
1 | module histogram
2 | (
3 | input wire clk, reset,
4 | input wire data_ready,
5 | input wire [11:0] data, address,
6 | output wire [23:0] q
7 | );
8 |
9 | // signal declaration
10 | reg [3:0] state_reg, state_next;
11 | reg wren_reg, wren_next;
12 | reg [11:0] addr_reg, addr_next;
13 | reg [23:0] data_reg, data_next;
14 |
15 | wire [23:0] q_a_wire, q_b_wire;
16 |
17 | altsyncram #(
18 | .address_reg_b("CLOCK0"),
19 | .clock_enable_input_a("BYPASS"),
20 | .clock_enable_input_b("BYPASS"),
21 | .clock_enable_output_a("BYPASS"),
22 | .clock_enable_output_b("BYPASS"),
23 | .indata_reg_b("CLOCK0"),
24 | .intended_device_family("Cyclone III"),
25 | .lpm_type("altsyncram"),
26 | .numwords_a(4096),
27 | .numwords_b(4096),
28 | .operation_mode("BIDIR_DUAL_PORT"),
29 | .outdata_aclr_a("NONE"),
30 | .outdata_aclr_b("NONE"),
31 | .outdata_reg_a("UNREGISTERED"),
32 | .outdata_reg_b("UNREGISTERED"),
33 | .power_up_uninitialized("FALSE"),
34 | .read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports("OLD_DATA"),
35 | .widthad_a(12),
36 | .widthad_b(12),
37 | .width_a(24),
38 | .width_b(24),
39 | .width_byteena_a(1),
40 | .width_byteena_b(1),
41 | .wrcontrol_wraddress_reg_b("CLOCK0")) hst_ram_unit (
42 | .wren_a (wren_reg),
43 | .clock0 (~clk),
44 | .wren_b (1'b0),
45 | .address_a (addr_reg),
46 | .address_b (address),
47 | .data_a (data_reg),
48 | .data_b (),
49 | .q_a (q_a_wire),
50 | .q_b (q_b_wire),
51 | .aclr0 (1'b0),
52 | .aclr1 (1'b0),
53 | .addressstall_a (1'b0),
54 | .addressstall_b (1'b0),
55 | .byteena_a (1'b1),
56 | .byteena_b (1'b1),
57 | .clock1 (1'b1),
58 | .clocken0 (1'b1),
59 | .clocken1 (1'b1),
60 | .clocken2 (1'b1),
61 | .clocken3 (1'b1),
62 | .eccstatus (),
63 | .rden_a (1'b1),
64 | .rden_b (1'b1));
65 |
66 | // body
67 | always @(posedge clk)
68 | begin
69 | if (reset)
70 | begin
71 | state_reg <= 4'b1;
72 | end
73 | else
74 | begin
75 | state_reg <= state_next;
76 | wren_reg <= wren_next;
77 | addr_reg <= addr_next;
78 | data_reg <= data_next;
79 | end
80 | end
81 |
82 | always @*
83 | begin
84 | state_next = state_reg;
85 | wren_next = wren_reg;
86 | addr_next = addr_reg;
87 | data_next = data_reg;
88 | case (state_reg)
89 | 0: ; // nothing to do
90 | 1:
91 | begin
92 | // start reset
93 | wren_next = 1'b1;
94 | addr_next = 0;
95 | data_next = 0;
96 | state_next = 4'd2;
97 | end
98 |
99 | 2:
100 | begin
101 | // write zeros
102 | if (&addr_reg)
103 | begin
104 | state_next = 4'd3;
105 | end
106 | else
107 | begin
108 | addr_next = addr_reg + 12'd1;
109 | end
110 | end
111 |
112 | 3:
113 | begin
114 | // read
115 | wren_next = 1'b0;
116 | if (&data_reg)
117 | begin
118 | state_next = 4'd0;
119 | end
120 | else if (data_ready)
121 | begin
122 | // set addr
123 | addr_next = data;
124 | state_next = 4'd4;
125 | end
126 | end
127 |
128 | 4:
129 | begin
130 | // increment and write
131 | wren_next = 1'b1;
132 | data_next = q_a_wire + 24'd1;
133 | state_next = 4'd3;
134 | end
135 |
136 | default:
137 | begin
138 | state_next = 4'd0;
139 | end
140 | endcase
141 | end
142 |
143 | // output logic
144 | assign q = q_b_wire;
145 | endmodule
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