package require XOTcl package require BLT package require swt package require usb wm minsize . 800 600 namespace eval ::mca { namespace import ::xotcl::* namespace import ::blt::vector namespace import ::blt::graph namespace import ::blt::tabnotebook proc validate {value} { if {![regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $value]} { return 0 } elseif {$value > 4095} { return 0 } elseif {[string length $value] > 4} { return 0 } else { return 1 } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class CfgDisplay -parameter { {master} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc init {} { my reset my setup next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc destroy {} { next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc reset {} { } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc start {} { my instvar config trace add variable [myvar dac1] write [myproc dac1_update] trace add variable [myvar dac2] write [myproc dac2_update] trace add variable [myvar polar] write [myproc polar_update] ${config(1)}.dac1 set 0 ${config(1)}.dac2 set 0 ${config(2)}.polar1 select ${config(2)}.polar2 select ${config(2)}.polar3 select } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc setup {} { my instvar number master my instvar config set config(1) [labelframe ${master}.cfg1 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -text {DAC}] set config(2) [labelframe ${master}.cfg2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken -text {polarity inversion}] frame ${config(1)}.limits label ${config(1)}.limits.min -text {0.0V} label ${config(1)}.limits.max -text {-3.3V} scale ${config(1)}.dac1 -orient vertical -from 0 -to 4095 -tickinterval 500 -variable [myvar dac1] scale ${config(1)}.dac2 -orient vertical -from 0 -to 4095 -tickinterval 0 -variable [myvar dac2] checkbutton ${config(2)}.polar1 -text {channel 1} -variable [myvar polar(1)] checkbutton ${config(2)}.polar2 -text {channel 2} -variable [myvar polar(2)] checkbutton ${config(2)}.polar3 -text {channel 3} -variable [myvar polar(3)] grid ${config(1)} -sticky ns grid ${config(2)} -sticky ew -pady 7 pack ${config(1)}.limits.min -anchor n -side top -pady 10 pack ${config(1)}.limits.max -anchor s -side bottom -pady 9 grid ${config(1)}.dac1 ${config(1)}.dac2 ${config(1)}.limits -sticky ns -pady 7 grid ${config(2)}.polar1 grid ${config(2)}.polar2 grid ${config(2)}.polar3 grid rowconfigure ${master} 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure ${config(1)} 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure ${config(2)} 0 -weight 1 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc dac1_update args { my instvar dac1 set value [format {%03x} $dac1] set command 0005012000050030000500[string range $value 0 1]000502[string index $value 2]0 my send_data [usb::convert $command] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc dac2_update args { my instvar dac2 set value [format {%03x} $dac2] set command 0005012400050030000500[string range $value 0 1]000502[string index $value 2]0 my send_data [usb::convert $command] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc polar_update args { my instvar polar set value [format {0%x%x%x} $polar(3) $polar(2) $polar(1)] my send_data [usb::convert 000A${value}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CfgDisplay instproc send_data {data} { global usb_handle if {[catch {$usb_handle writeRaw $data} result]} { puts {Error during write} puts $result } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class OscDisplay -parameter { {number} {master} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc init {} { my instvar data xvec yvec set xvec [vector #auto] set yvec [vector #auto] # fill one vector for the x axis with 1025 points $xvec seq 0 1024 my reset my setup next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc destroy {} { next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc reset {} { my instvar data xvec yvec set data {} $yvec set {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc start {} { my instvar config trig_mux disp_mux set trig_mux 2 set disp_mux 2 trace add variable [myvar auto] write [myproc auto_update] trace add variable [myvar thrs] write [myproc thrs_update] trace add variable [myvar thrs_val] write [myproc thrs_val_update] trace add variable [myvar disp_val] write [myproc disp_val_update] trace add variable [myvar trig_val] write [myproc trig_val_update] ${config}.auto_check select ${config}.thrs_check select ${config}.thrs_field set 60 ${config}.disp_uwt2 select ${config}.trig_uwt2 select } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc setup {} { my instvar number master my instvar data xvec yvec my instvar config auto thrs thrs_val disp_val trig_val my set restart_command [usb::convert 0001000${number}] my set acquire_command [usb::convert 0002000${number}] # create a graph widget and show a grid set graph [graph ${master}.graph -height 250 -leftmargin 80] $graph crosshairs configure -hide no -linewidth 2 -dashes { 1 1 } $graph grid configure -hide no $graph legend configure -hide yes $graph axis configure x -min 0 -max 1024 $graph axis configure y -min 0 -max 4100 set config [frame ${master}.config] checkbutton ${config}.auto_check -text {auto update} -variable [myvar auto] frame ${config}.spc1 -width 10 -height 10 checkbutton ${config}.thrs_check -text threshold -variable [myvar thrs] spinbox ${config}.thrs_field -from 1 -to 4095 \ -increment 5 -width 10 -textvariable [myvar thrs_val] \ -validate all -vcmd {::mca::validate %P} frame ${config}.spc2 -width 10 -height 10 label ${config}.disp -text {display input} radiobutton ${config}.disp_data -text {raw data} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value data radiobutton ${config}.disp_uwt1 -text {filter 1} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value uwt1 radiobutton ${config}.disp_uwt2 -text {filter 2} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value uwt2 radiobutton ${config}.disp_uwt3 -text {filter 3} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value uwt3 radiobutton ${config}.disp_base -text {baseline} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value base # radiobutton ${config}.disp_sum8 -text {sum of 8} -variable [myvar disp_val] -value sum8 frame ${config}.spc3 -width 10 -height 10 label ${config}.trig -text {trigger input} radiobutton ${config}.trig_data -text {raw data} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value data radiobutton ${config}.trig_uwt1 -text {filter 1} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value uwt1 radiobutton ${config}.trig_uwt2 -text {filter 2} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value uwt2 radiobutton ${config}.trig_uwt3 -text {filter 3} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value uwt3 radiobutton ${config}.trig_base -text {baseline} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value base # radiobutton ${config}.trig_sum8 -text {sum of 8} -variable [myvar trig_val] -value sum8 frame ${config}.spc4 -width 10 -height 10 button ${config}.acquire -text Acquire \ -bg green -activebackground green -command [myproc acquire] button ${config}.restart -text Restart \ -bg yellow -activebackground yellow -command [myproc restart] button ${config}.register -text Register \ -bg lightblue -activebackground lightblue -command [myproc register] grid ${config}.auto_check -sticky w grid ${config}.spc1 grid ${config}.thrs_check -sticky w grid ${config}.thrs_field -sticky ew -pady 1 -padx 5 grid ${config}.spc2 grid ${config}.disp -sticky w -pady 1 -padx 3 grid ${config}.disp_data -sticky w grid ${config}.disp_uwt1 -sticky w grid ${config}.disp_uwt2 -sticky w grid ${config}.disp_uwt3 -sticky w grid ${config}.disp_base -sticky w # grid ${config}.disp_sum8 -sticky w grid ${config}.spc3 grid ${config}.trig -sticky w -pady 1 -padx 3 grid ${config}.trig_data -sticky w grid ${config}.trig_uwt1 -sticky w grid ${config}.trig_uwt2 -sticky w grid ${config}.trig_uwt3 -sticky w grid ${config}.trig_base -sticky w # grid ${config}.disp_sum8 -sticky w grid ${config}.spc4 grid ${config}.acquire -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${config}.restart -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${config}.register -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${graph} -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news grid ${config} -row 0 -column 1 grid rowconfigure ${master} 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure ${master} 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure ${master} 1 -weight 0 -minsize 80 # enable zooming Blt_ZoomStack $graph #bind .graph {%W crosshairs configure -position @%x,%y} # create one element with data for the x and y axis, no dots $graph element create Spectrum1 -symbol none -xdata $xvec -ydata $yvec } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc auto_update args { my instvar config auto after_handle if {$auto} { ${config}.acquire configure -state disabled ${config}.restart configure -state disabled ${config}.register configure -state disabled my acquire_restart_loop } else { if {[my exists after_handle]} { after cancel $after_handle } ${config}.acquire configure -state active ${config}.restart configure -state active ${config}.register configure -state active } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc thrs_update args { my instvar config number thrs thrs_val set val_addr [format %04x [expr {17 + ${number}}]] if {$thrs} { ${config}.thrs_field configure -state normal my thrs_val_update } else { ${config}.thrs_field configure -state disabled my send_data [usb::convert ${val_addr}0000] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc thrs_val_update args { my instvar config number thrs_val set val_addr [format %04x [expr {17 + ${number}}]] set value [format %04x $thrs_val] my send_data [usb::convert ${val_addr}${value}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc mux {} { my instvar trig_mux disp_mux format {00%x%x} $trig_mux $disp_mux } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OscDisplay instproc disp_val_update args { my instvar number disp_val disp_mux set mux_addr [format %04x [expr {20 + ${number}}]] switch -- $disp_val { data { set disp_mux 0 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt1 { set disp_mux 1 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt2 { set disp_mux 2 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt3 { set disp_mux 3 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } base { set disp_mux 4 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ OscDisplay instproc trig_val_update args { my instvar number trig_val trig_mux set mux_addr [format %04x [expr {20 + ${number}}]] switch -- $trig_val { data { set trig_mux 0 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt1 { set trig_mux 1 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt2 { set trig_mux 2 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } uwt3 { set trig_mux 3 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } base { set trig_mux 4 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc save_data {data} { set file [tk_getSaveFile] if {[string equal $file {}]} { return } set x [catch {set fid [open $file w+]}] set y [catch {puts $fid $data}] set z [catch {close $fid}] if { $x || $y || $z || ![file exists $file] || ![file isfile $file] || ![file readable $file] } { tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "An error occurred while writing to \"$file\"" } else { tk_messageBox -icon info \ -message "File \"$file\" written successfully" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc register {} { my save_data [my set data] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc send_data {data} { global usb_handle if {[catch {$usb_handle writeRaw $data} result]} { puts {Error during write} puts $result } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc restart {} { my instvar restart_command my send_data $restart_command } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc acquire {} { global usb_handle my instvar xvec yvec data my instvar acquire_command my send_data $acquire_command set usb_data {} if {[catch {$usb_handle readHex 2 1024} usb_data]} { puts {Error during read} puts $usb_data set usb_data {} } set data $usb_data $yvec set $usb_data } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OscDisplay instproc acquire_restart_loop {} { my instvar after_handle my acquire my restart set after_handle [after 1000 [myproc acquire_restart_loop]] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class HstDisplay -parameter { {number} {master} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc init {} { my instvar data xvec yvec set xvec [vector #auto] set yvec [vector #auto] # fill one vector for the x axis with 4097 points $xvec seq 0 4096 my reset my setup next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc destroy {} { next } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc reset {} { my instvar data xvec yvec set data {} $yvec set {} } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc start {} { my instvar config base_mux peak_mux set base_mux 0 set peak_mux 1 trace add variable [myvar auto] write [myproc auto_update] trace add variable [myvar peak] write [myproc peak_update] trace add variable [myvar thrs] write [myproc thrs_update] trace add variable [myvar thrs_val] write [myproc thrs_val_update] trace add variable [myvar base] write [myproc base_update] trace add variable [myvar base_typ] write [myproc base_typ_update] trace add variable [myvar base_val] write [myproc base_val_update] ${config}.auto_check select ${config}.peak_check select ${config}.thrs_check select ${config}.thrs_field set 10 ${config}.base_check select ${config}.base_const select ${config}.base_field set 35 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc setup {} { my instvar number master my instvar data xvec yvec my instvar config auto thrs thrs_val base base_typ base_val my set restart_command [usb::convert 0001001${number}] my set acquire_command [usb::convert 0002001${number}] # create a graph widget and show a grid set graph [graph ${master}.graph -height 250 -leftmargin 80] $graph crosshairs configure -hide no -linewidth 2 -dashes { 1 1 } $graph grid configure -hide no $graph legend configure -hide yes $graph axis configure x -min 0 -max 4096 set config [frame ${master}.config] checkbutton ${config}.auto_check -text {auto update} -variable [myvar auto] frame ${config}.spc1 -width 10 -height 10 checkbutton ${config}.peak_check -text {peak detect} -variable [myvar peak] frame ${config}.spc2 -width 10 -height 10 checkbutton ${config}.thrs_check -text threshold -variable [myvar thrs] spinbox ${config}.thrs_field -from 1 -to 4095 \ -increment 5 -width 10 -textvariable [myvar thrs_val] \ -validate all -vcmd {::mca::validate %P} frame ${config}.spc3 -width 10 -height 10 checkbutton ${config}.base_check -text baseline -variable [myvar base] radiobutton ${config}.base_auto -text automatic -variable [myvar base_typ] -value auto radiobutton ${config}.base_const -text constant -variable [myvar base_typ] -value const spinbox ${config}.base_field -from 1 -to 4095 \ -increment 5 -width 10 -textvariable [myvar base_val] \ -validate all -vcmd {::mca::validate %P} frame ${config}.spc4 -width 10 -height 10 button ${config}.acquire -text Acquire \ -bg green -activebackground green -command [myproc acquire] button ${config}.restart -text Restart \ -bg yellow -activebackground yellow -command [myproc restart] button ${config}.register -text Register \ -bg lightblue -activebackground lightblue -command [myproc register] grid ${config}.auto_check -sticky w grid ${config}.spc1 grid ${config}.peak_check -sticky w grid ${config}.spc2 grid ${config}.thrs_check -sticky w grid ${config}.thrs_field -sticky ew -pady 1 -padx 5 grid ${config}.spc3 grid ${config}.base_check -sticky w grid ${config}.base_auto -sticky w grid ${config}.base_const -sticky w grid ${config}.base_field -sticky ew -pady 1 -padx 5 grid ${config}.spc4 grid ${config}.acquire -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${config}.restart -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${config}.register -sticky ew -pady 3 -padx 5 grid ${graph} -row 0 -column 0 -sticky news grid ${config} -row 0 -column 1 grid rowconfigure ${master} 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure ${master} 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure ${master} 1 -weight 0 -minsize 80 # enable zooming Blt_ZoomStack $graph #bind .graph {%W crosshairs configure -position @%x,%y} # create one element with data for the x and y axis, no dots $graph element create Spectrum1 -symbol none -smooth step -xdata $xvec -ydata $yvec } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc auto_update args { my instvar auto after_handle my instvar config if {$auto} { ${config}.acquire configure -state disabled ${config}.register configure -state disabled my acquire_loop } else { if {[my exists after_handle]} { after cancel $after_handle } ${config}.acquire configure -state active ${config}.register configure -state active } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc mux {} { my instvar base_mux peak_mux format {00%x%x} $base_mux $peak_mux } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc peak_update args { my instvar number peak peak_mux set mux_addr [format %04x [expr {23 + ${number}}]] if {$peak} { set peak_mux 1 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } else { set peak_mux 0 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc thrs_update args { my instvar config number thrs thrs_val set val_addr [format %04x [expr {14 + ${number}}]] set value [format %04x $thrs_val] if {$thrs} { ${config}.thrs_field configure -state normal my thrs_val_update } else { ${config}.thrs_field configure -state disabled my send_data [usb::convert ${val_addr}0000] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc thrs_val_update args { my instvar config number thrs_val set val_addr [format %04x [expr {14 + ${number}}]] set value [format %04x $thrs_val] my send_data [usb::convert ${val_addr}${value}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc base_update args { my instvar config number base base_val base_mux set mux_addr [format %04x [expr {23 + ${number}}]] set val_addr [format %04x [expr {11 + ${number}}]] if {$base} { ${config}.base_auto configure -state normal ${config}.base_const configure -state normal my base_typ_update } else { ${config}.base_auto configure -state disabled ${config}.base_const configure -state disabled ${config}.base_field configure -state disabled set base_mux 0 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]${val_addr}0000] } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc base_typ_update args { my instvar config number base_typ base_val base_mux set mux_addr [format %04x [expr {23 + ${number}}]] set val_addr [format %04x [expr {11 + ${number}}]] set value [format %04x $base_val] switch -- $base_typ { auto { ${config}.base_field configure -state disabled set base_mux 1 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]] } const { ${config}.base_field configure -state normal set base_mux 0 my send_data [usb::convert ${mux_addr}[my mux]${val_addr}${value}] } } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc base_val_update args { my instvar number base_val set val_addr [format %04x [expr {11 + ${number}}]] set value [format %04x $base_val] my send_data [usb::convert ${val_addr}${value}] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc save_data {data} { set file [tk_getSaveFile] if {[string equal $file {}]} { return } set x [catch {set fid [open $file w+]}] set y [catch {puts $fid $data}] set z [catch {close $fid}] if { $x || $y || $z || ![file exists $file] || ![file isfile $file] || ![file readable $file] } { tk_messageBox -icon error \ -message "An error occurred while writing to \"$file\"" } else { tk_messageBox -icon info \ -message "File \"$file\" written successfully" } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc register {} { my save_data [my set data] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc send_data {data} { global usb_handle if {[catch {$usb_handle writeRaw $data} result]} { puts {Error during write} puts $result } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc restart {} { my instvar restart_command my send_data $restart_command } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc acquire {} { global usb_handle my instvar xvec yvec data fltr_val my instvar acquire_command my send_data $acquire_command set usb_data {} if {[catch {$usb_handle readHex 4 4096} usb_data]} { puts {Error during read} puts $usb_data set usb_data {} } set data $usb_data $yvec set $usb_data } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HstDisplay instproc acquire_loop {} { my instvar after_handle my acquire set after_handle [after 1000 [myproc acquire_loop]] } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace export HstDisplay namespace export OscDisplay namespace export CfgDisplay } set config [frame .config] set notebook [::blt::tabnotebook .notebook -borderwidth 1 -selectforeground black -side bottom] grid ${config} -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ns -padx 3 grid ${notebook} -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news -pady 5 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 0 -minsize 50 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 foreach i {0 1 2} { set channel [expr $i + 1] set window [frame ${notebook}.hst_$i] $notebook insert end -text "Histogram $channel" -window $window -fill both ::mca::HstDisplay hst_$i -number $i -master $window set window [frame ${notebook}.osc_$i] $notebook insert end -text "Pulse shape $channel" -window $window -fill both ::mca::OscDisplay osc_$i -number $i -master $window } #set window [frame ${notebook}.cfg] #$notebook insert end -text "Configuration" -window $window -fill both ::mca::CfgDisplay cfg -master $config set usb_handle {} while {[catch {usb::connect 0x09FB 0x6001 1 1 0} usb_handle]} { set answer [tk_messageBox -icon error -type retrycancel \ -message {Cannot access USB device} -detail $usb_handle] if {[string equal $answer cancel]} exit } # cfg reset set reset_command [usb::convert 00000000] if {[catch {$usb_handle writeRaw $reset_command} result]} { puts {Error during write} puts $result } cfg start foreach i {0 1 2} { hst_$i start osc_$i start hst_$i restart osc_$i restart }