1 | //Listing 8.4
2 | module uart
3 | #( // Default setting:
4 | // 19,200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, 2^2 FIFO
5 | parameter DBIT = 8, // # data bits
6 | SB_TICK = 16, // # ticks for stop bits, 16/24/32
7 | // for 1/1.5/2 stop bits
8 | DVSR = 163, // baud rate divisor
9 | // DVSR = 50M/(16*baud rate)
10 | DVSR_BIT = 8, // # bits of DVSR
11 | FIFO_W = 2 // # addr bits of FIFO
12 | // # words in FIFO=2^FIFO_W
13 | )
14 | (
15 | input wire clk, reset,
16 | input wire rd_uart, wr_uart, rx,
17 | input wire [7:0] w_data,
18 | output wire tx_full, rx_empty, tx,
19 | output wire [7:0] r_data
20 | );
21 |
22 | // signal declaration
23 | wire tick, rx_done_tick, tx_done_tick;
24 | wire tx_empty, tx_fifo_not_empty;
25 | wire [7:0] tx_fifo_out, rx_data_out;
26 |
27 | // body
28 | // mod_m_counter #(.M(DVSR), .N(DVSR_BIT)) baud_gen_unit
29 | // (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .q(), .max_tick(tick));
30 | baud_gen #(.INC(1208), .DIV(2)) baud_gen_unit
31 | (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .max_tick(tick));
32 |
33 | uart_rx #(.DBIT(DBIT), .SB_TICK(SB_TICK)) uart_rx_unit
34 | (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .rx(rx), .s_tick(tick),
35 | .rx_done_tick(rx_done_tick), .dout(rx_data_out));
36 |
37 | fifo #(.B(DBIT), .W(FIFO_W)) fifo_rx_unit
38 | (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .rd(rd_uart),
39 | .wr(rx_done_tick), .w_data(rx_data_out),
40 | .empty(rx_empty), .full(), .r_data(r_data));
41 |
42 | fifo #(.B(DBIT), .W(FIFO_W)) fifo_tx_unit
43 | (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .rd(tx_done_tick),
44 | .wr(wr_uart), .w_data(w_data), .empty(tx_empty),
45 | .full(tx_full), .r_data(tx_fifo_out));
46 |
47 | uart_tx #(.DBIT(DBIT), .SB_TICK(SB_TICK)) uart_tx_unit
48 | (.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .tx_start(tx_fifo_not_empty),
49 | .s_tick(tick), .din(tx_fifo_out),
50 | .tx_done_tick(tx_done_tick), .tx(tx));
51 |
52 | assign tx_fifo_not_empty = ~tx_empty;
53 |
54 | endmodule