1 | module new_filter
2 | #(
3 | parameter size = 3, // number of channels
4 | parameter width = 12 // bit width of the input data (unsigned)
5 | )
6 | (
7 | input wire clock, frame, reset,
8 | input wire [size*width-1:0] inp_data,
9 | output wire [size*widthr-1:0] out_data
10 | );
11 |
12 | localparam widthr = width + 9;
13 | /*
14 | 4-bit LFSR with additional bits to keep track of previous values
15 | */
16 | reg [15:0] int_lfsr_reg, int_lfsr_next;
17 |
18 | reg int_wren_reg, int_wren_next;
19 | reg int_flag_reg, int_flag_next;
20 | reg [1:0] int_chan_reg, int_chan_next;
21 | reg [2:0] int_case_reg, int_case_next;
22 | reg [5:0] int_addr_reg, int_addr_next;
23 |
24 | wire [5:0] int_addr_wire;
25 |
26 | reg [size*widthr-1:0] acc_data_reg [1:0], acc_data_next [1:0];
27 | reg [size*widthr-1:0] int_data_reg [4:0], int_data_next [4:0];
28 |
29 | wire [size*widthr-1:0] acc_data_wire [1:0], del_data_wire;
30 |
31 | integer i;
32 | genvar j;
33 |
34 | generate
35 | for (j = 0; j < size; j = j + 1)
36 | begin : INT_DATA
37 | assign acc_data_wire[0][j*widthr+widthr-1:j*widthr] = {{(widthr-width){1'b0}}, inp_data[j*width+width-1:j*width]};
38 |
39 | assign acc_data_wire[1][j*widthr+widthr-1:j*widthr] =
40 | acc_data_reg[0][j*widthr+widthr-1:j*widthr]
41 | - del_data_wire[j*widthr+widthr-1:j*widthr]
42 | + acc_data_reg[1][j*widthr+widthr-1:j*widthr];
43 |
44 | end
45 | endgenerate
46 |
47 | altsyncram #(
48 | .address_aclr_b("NONE"),
49 | .address_reg_b("CLOCK0"),
50 | .clock_enable_input_a("BYPASS"),
51 | .clock_enable_input_b("BYPASS"),
52 | .clock_enable_output_b("BYPASS"),
53 | .intended_device_family("Cyclone III"),
54 | .lpm_type("altsyncram"),
55 | .numwords_a(64),
56 | .numwords_b(64),
57 | .operation_mode("DUAL_PORT"),
58 | .outdata_aclr_b("NONE"),
59 | .outdata_reg_b("CLOCK0"),
60 | .power_up_uninitialized("FALSE"),
61 | .read_during_write_mode_mixed_ports("DONT_CARE"),
62 | .widthad_a(6),
63 | .widthad_b(6),
64 | .width_a(size*widthr),
65 | .width_b(size*widthr),
66 | .width_byteena_a(1)) ram_unit_1 (
67 | .wren_a(int_wren_reg),
68 | .clock0(clock),
69 | .address_a(int_addr_reg),
70 | .address_b(int_addr_wire),
71 | .data_a(acc_data_reg[0]),
72 | .q_b(del_data_wire),
73 | .aclr0(1'b0),
74 | .aclr1(1'b0),
75 | .addressstall_a(1'b0),
76 | .addressstall_b(1'b0),
77 | .byteena_a(1'b1),
78 | .byteena_b(1'b1),
79 | .clock1(1'b1),
80 | .clocken0(1'b1),
81 | .clocken1(1'b1),
82 | .clocken2(1'b1),
83 | .clocken3(1'b1),
84 | .data_b({(size*widthr){1'b1}}),
85 | .eccstatus(),
86 | .q_a(),
87 | .rden_a(1'b1),
88 | .rden_b(1'b1),
89 | .wren_b(1'b0));
90 |
91 | lpm_mux #(
92 | .lpm_size(4),
93 | .lpm_type("LPM_MUX"),
94 | .lpm_width(6),
95 | .lpm_widths(2)) mux_unit_1 (
96 | .sel(int_chan_next),
97 | .data({
98 | 2'd3, int_lfsr_reg[5+3:5],
99 | 2'd2, int_lfsr_reg[4+3:4],
100 | 2'd1, int_lfsr_reg[4+3:4],
101 | 2'd0, int_lfsr_reg[3+3:3]}),
102 | .result(int_addr_wire));
103 |
104 | always @(posedge clock)
105 | begin
106 | if (reset)
107 | begin
108 | int_wren_reg <= 1'b1;
109 | int_flag_reg <= 1'b0;
110 | int_chan_reg <= 2'd0;
111 | int_case_reg <= 3'd0;
112 | int_addr_reg <= 6'd0;
113 | for(i = 0; i <= 1; i = i + 1)
114 | begin
115 | acc_data_reg[i] <= {(size*widthr){1'b0}};
116 | end
117 | for(i = 0; i <= 4; i = i + 1)
118 | begin
119 | int_data_reg[i] <= {(size*widthr){1'b0}};
120 | end
121 | int_lfsr_reg <= 16'd0;
122 | end
123 | else
124 | begin
125 | int_wren_reg <= int_wren_next;
126 | int_flag_reg <= int_flag_next;
127 | int_chan_reg <= int_chan_next;
128 | int_case_reg <= int_case_next;
129 | int_addr_reg <= int_addr_next;
130 | for(i = 0; i <= 1; i = i + 1)
131 | begin
132 | acc_data_reg[i] <= acc_data_next[i];
133 | end
134 | for(i = 0; i <= 4; i = i + 1)
135 | begin
136 | int_data_reg[i] <= int_data_next[i];
137 | end
138 | int_lfsr_reg <= int_lfsr_next;
139 | end
140 | end
141 |
142 | always @*
143 | begin
144 | int_wren_next = int_wren_reg;
145 | int_flag_next = int_flag_reg;
146 | int_chan_next = int_chan_reg;
147 | int_case_next = int_case_reg;
148 | int_addr_next = int_addr_reg;
149 | for(i = 0; i <= 1; i = i + 1)
150 | begin
151 | acc_data_next[i] = acc_data_reg[i];
152 | end
153 | for(i = 0; i <= 4; i = i + 1)
154 | begin
155 | int_data_next[i] = int_data_reg[i];
156 | end
157 | int_lfsr_next = int_lfsr_reg;
158 |
159 | case (int_case_reg)
160 | 0:
161 | begin
162 | // write zeros
163 | int_wren_next = 1'b1;
164 | int_addr_next = 6'd0;
165 | for(i = 0; i <= 1; i = i + 1)
166 | begin
167 | acc_data_next[i] = {(size*widthr){1'b0}};
168 | end
169 | for(i = 0; i <= 4; i = i + 1)
170 | begin
171 | int_data_next[i] = {(size*widthr){1'b0}};
172 | end
173 | int_case_next = 3'd1;
174 | end
175 | 1:
176 | begin
177 | // write zeros
178 | int_addr_next = int_addr_reg + 6'd1;
179 | if (&int_addr_reg)
180 | begin
181 | int_wren_next = 1'b0;
182 | int_flag_next = 1'b0;
183 | int_chan_next = 2'd0;
184 | int_lfsr_next = 16'h7650;
185 | int_case_next = 3'd2;
186 | end
187 | end
188 | 2: // frame
189 | begin
190 | int_flag_next = 1'b0;
191 | if (frame)
192 | begin
193 | int_wren_next = 1'b1;
194 |
195 | int_addr_next = {2'd0, int_lfsr_reg[3:0]};
196 |
197 | // set read addr for 2nd pipeline
198 | int_chan_next = 2'd1;
199 |
200 | // prepare registers for 1st sum
201 | acc_data_next[0] = acc_data_wire[0];
202 | acc_data_next[1] = int_data_reg[0];
203 |
204 | int_case_next = 3'd3;
205 | end
206 | if (int_flag_reg) // register 4th sum
207 | begin
208 | // register 4th sum
209 | int_data_next[3] = acc_data_wire[1];
210 | end
211 | end
212 | 3: // 1st sum
213 | begin
214 | int_addr_next = {2'd1, int_lfsr_reg[3:0]};
215 |
216 | // set read addr for 3rd pipeline
217 | int_chan_next = 2'd2;
218 |
219 | // prepare registers for 2nd sum
220 | acc_data_next[0] = int_data_reg[0];
221 | acc_data_next[1] = int_data_reg[1];
222 |
223 | // register 1st sum
224 | int_data_next[0] = acc_data_wire[1];
225 |
226 | int_case_next = 3'd4;
227 | end
228 | 4: // 2nd sum
229 | begin
230 | int_addr_next = {2'd2, int_lfsr_reg[3:0]};
231 |
232 | // set read addr for 4th pipeline
233 | int_chan_next = 2'd3;
234 |
235 | // prepare registers for 3rd sum
236 | acc_data_next[0] = int_data_reg[1];
237 | acc_data_next[1] = int_data_reg[2];
238 |
239 | // register 2nd sum
240 | int_data_next[1] = acc_data_wire[1];
241 |
242 | int_lfsr_next = {int_lfsr_reg[14:0], int_lfsr_reg[2] ~^ int_lfsr_reg[3]};
243 |
244 | int_case_next = 3'd5;
245 | end
246 | 5: // 3rd sum
247 | begin
248 | int_flag_next = 1'b1;
249 |
250 | int_addr_next = {2'd3, int_lfsr_reg[4:1]};
251 |
252 | // set read addr for 1st pipeline
253 | int_chan_next = 2'd0;
254 |
255 | // prepare registers for 4th sum
256 | acc_data_next[0] = int_data_reg[2];
257 | acc_data_next[1] = int_data_reg[3];
258 |
259 | // register 3rd sum
260 | int_data_next[2] = acc_data_wire[1];
261 |
262 | // register 4th output
263 | int_data_next[4] = int_data_reg[3];
264 |
265 | int_case_next = 3'd2;
266 | end
267 | default:
268 | begin
269 | int_case_next = 3'd0;
270 | end
271 | endcase
272 | end
273 |
274 | assign out_data = int_data_reg[4];
275 |
276 | endmodule