== Z and Z' phenomenology at the LHC == === People === Valentin Hirshi, Fabio Maltoni, Francesco Tramontano === Motivations === Many BSM models predict the existence of a parter of the Z with enhanced (suppressed) couplings to heavy (light) fermions. This might entail a strong suppression of the production rates, as for the Higgs. We explore the idea that, as for the Higgs, the gluon gluon channel might actually provide the leading production channel. === Working plan === Phase I * Verify (or not) Bij and Glover calculation ([attachment:NPBnigel.pdf paper]). This can be done by explicit comparison or by checking the decay results. * Study the heavy top limit of the calculation and build the corresponding EFT. * Implement the EFT in Feynrules. * Perform the calculation directly in the EFT and check the results. Phase II * Write a code (Mathematica or Fortran or C++) which calculates cross section at hadron colliders. * Study the NNNLO effects on the Z and Z' inclusive cross section (Fabio has a code for NNLO Z production). * Implement the effective field theory in MadGraph and the full calculation correction. Phase III * Get to know the models which predict a fermiophobic Z' in detail. * Construct a reasonable parameter space to be studied, including indirect constraints. * Propose discovery channels at the LHC. Phase IV * Write the report and paper Phase V * Book the flight to Stocholm === Status and reports === * Here information on the status of the project is collected.