Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of YellowSheet

Mar 20, 2012, 4:15:40 PM (12 years ago)



  • YellowSheet

    v1 v1  
     3== Yellowsheet ==
     5==== HELAS ====
     6   * %$\epsilon^{ijk} $% color qqq vertex (urgent)
     7   * spin 2 (full set of HELAS routines + Software.MadGraph ? )
     9==== MadGraph ====
     10   * Decay chains -- Force propagators onshell -- %Y% JA v. 4.2.0
     11   * Maximum number of particles
     12   * Graphs with many particles
     13   * 4-point in phase space
     14   * Allow two-digit numbers in the process number definitions (@n in the proc_card)
     16==== MadEvent ====
     17   * Calculate all couplings event-by-event (at least if one of fixed_couplings is F) -- %Y% JA v. 4.1.34
     18   * Software.MadEvent for the Grid
     19   * Phase space integration/grid optimization for SCET
     20   * Get right cross section and error for each subprocess in the <init> block of the event file
     22==== Interfaces ====
     23   * Interfaces : QNumbers (Pythia, done by Michel by fall) -- %Y% MH & JA v. 4.1.43 & py/pgs v. 2.0.19
     24   * Add HERWIG interface (1st oct)
     26==== Tools ====
     27   * Now that the !MadDecay is available it would be nice to have a script/tool to decay events by merging
     28      production / decay event files
     30==== Web ====
     31   * Tools: Special tool server? Possibility to give URL instead of downloading/uploading files?
     32   * Web: Allow Pythia+PGS running after complete run - preferably rewrite web run form as pearl script -- %Y% JA v. 4.1.42
     33   * Add text field editing of cards -- %Y% MH & JA
     34   * Plotting : replace ExRootAnalysis by Software.MadAnalysis for online Plotting, add text field to edit plotting cards online instead of full web form -- %Y% RF & JA
     35   * Wiki : Interesting questions/bug reports by mail should always be answered on FAQ and BugsReport pages, the documents page 
     36      and News page on clusters should be moved to Wiki
     38==== Towards the Grid ====
     40   * Pass the scripts to bash  -- %Y% JA v. 4.2.2.
     42   * Allow a set up  that avoids using the central disk mounted on each node.
     43     This is easy within CONDOR, but should be done independently of the batching scheme.
     44     [attachment:mrenna Here] is an e-mail by Steve Mrenna that explains what he did at Fermilab.
     46   * Implement !MadGrid (TS). In this case MG/ME runs two independent phases. %BR%
     47      *  make_madgrid [0/1] [nameproc] : prepares the !MadGrid code. The script runs a special
     48          version of survey and refine to get  to find the cross sections corresponding to each of the integration channels.             
     49          This can be run either on a single computer or on a cluster and will be available from the web too.
     50          The output of this first phase is
     51         * The information on the cross section
     52         *  A self contained package, !MadGrid_nameproc.tar.gz, which is similar to madevent.tar.gz
     53             but it is a frozen code.  (i.e. ALL input cards (except for grid_card.dat)  cannot be edited anymore). 
     54             Only very little information that can be passed to MadGrid via the grid_card.dat (the number of events
     55             to be returned, rnd seed, a file name).
     58==== Models ====
     59   * Clarify role of Calculators with the new FeynRules approach %Y%
     61-- Main.JohanAlwall - 07 Feb 2008