Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of WhatIs

Jul 26, 2010, 3:50:41 PM (14 years ago)
Johan Alwall



  • WhatIs

    v1 v2  
    11== What is !MadGraph 5? ==
    3 !MadGraph 5 is a complete rewrite of the automatized matrix element generator !MadGraph.
     3!MadGraph 5 is a complete rewrite of the automatized matrix element generator !MadGraph.
     4'''Please note''' that MG5 is still in beta version, and that any processes generated with it should be carefully checked.
    5 It is written in the Python programming language using modern programming techniques, including modular design and a complete test suite, modular design, making it easy to maintain and extend. All core functionality of the Fortran version of !MadGraph is retained, but using completely new algorithms and implementations, allowing !MadGraph 5 to produce faster matrix element code, often in a fraction of the time needed by !MadGraph 4.
     6It is written in the Python programming language using modern programming techniques, including modular design and a complete test suite, making it easy to maintain and extend. All core functionality of the Fortran version of !MadGraph is retained, but using completely new algorithms and implementations, allowing !MadGraph 5 to produce faster matrix element code, often in a fraction of the time needed by !MadGraph 4.
    7 Besides the functionality already available in MG4, also many new developments are foreseen in the near future. Examples are automatic generation of Pythia 8 processes, fast multijet process matrix elements, automatic NLO process generation, and automatic helicity amplitude and model file generation for any new physics model that can be described using a Lagrangean.
     8Besides the functionality already available in MG4, also many new developments are foreseen in the near future. Examples are automatic generation of processes for Pythia 8, fast multijet process matrix elements, automatic NLO process generation, and automatic helicity amplitude and model file generation for any new physics model that can be described using a Lagrangean.
    910Please see the [HelpSyntax syntax help page] for similarities and differences in process specification syntax compared to MG4.
     12!MadGraph 5 can be downloaded from or run directly from [ our web servers].