Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WMassMeasurmentExample

Mar 20, 2012, 4:16:22 PM (12 years ago)



  • WMassMeasurmentExample

    v1 v1  
     3=== Example of application/running of the code ===
     5==== Prepare the directory ====
     7   1. Duplication of Template directory $>cp -r Template First_test
     8   1. Change diretory: $> cd First_test
     9   1. Switch to MadWeight mode: $> ./bin/PassToMadWeight
     10   1. Parametrize the proc_card.dat. For this example the decay chain is the following one: pp>(W+>e+ve) and the transfer functions is dbl_gauss_pt_jet (the one foreseen for PGS in the CMS-like configuration). You can download this [attachment:proc_card.dat proc_card here].
     11   1. Generate the process: $> ./bin/newprocess
     12   1. Put the events sample in the ./Events directory under the name input.lhco. Our events sample is generated with MadGraph/Pythia/PGS: and is available [attachment:input.lhco here].
     14==== Prepare the run ====
     16   1. Configure the [attachment:MadWeight_card.dat MadWeight_card.dat]. In the given card, we will run in single machine for 20 events and 5 different mass hyppothesis. As they are no divergencies in the square matrix element, we don't want to put any cut in the evaluation of the integrals. So that we have desactivated the cut.
     17   1. Check the param_card.dat Check that you parameter not modified via the MadWeight_card are coherent. In this case we use default file.
     18   1. Check the run_card.dat Choose the name of the run (here we use "fermi") , the energy of the beam,... Note that the cuts defined here will not be used (as we have asked in the MadWeight_card.dat). Default files is used
     19   1. Define/Check transfer_card.dat. Only the jet part are often consider as process dependant, as far as we don't have jet, the defaulf parametrization (delta function for the electron) should be sufficient.
     21==== Launch MadWeight ====
     23In this example we will launch MW by step in order to explain in detail each step.
     25Note the log are done with version: 2.5.4
     27   1. $&gt;./bin/ -1 or $&gt;./bin/ param:<br /> Create the different param_card and files related to the different cards.<br /> output: {{{
     28no mapping card found
     29starting the creation of the param_card
     30define new mapping file
     31define new mapping file
     32we have created  5  param_card's
     33create file ./Source/
     34create file ./Source/MadWeight_File/Transfer_Fct/
     35       }}}
     36   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -2 or $&gt; ./bin/ analyzer:<br /> Analyzes the Feynman diagrams, the transfer function and creates the fortran code for the integration.<br /> output, indicates how MW analyzes your decay chains. and which change of variable it will apply on it. {{{
     37     treating MW_P1_uxd_e-vex directory
     38structure of the configuration 1:
     39particle: 3    pid :  11    level: 1    mother: -1    twin: 4
     40particle: 4    pid : -12    level: 1    mother: -1    twin: 3
     41particle: -1    pid : -24    level: 1    channel: S    des: 4 3            mass/width: 40.0/2.04759951
     421 ECS('s) 1 propagator(s) 1 missing particles(s)
     43detail :
     451 blob(s) associated
     46Blob details: main 3
     47blob generation: [0||3 :]
     49treating MW_P1_dux_e-vex directory
     50structure of the configuration 1:
     51particle: 3    pid :  11    level: 1    mother: -1    twin: 4
     52particle: 4    pid : -12    level: 1    mother: -1    twin: 3
     53particle: -1    pid : -24    level: 1    channel: S    des: 4 3            mass/width: 40.0/2.04759951
     541 ECS('s) 1 propagator(s) 1 missing particles(s)
     55detail :
     571 blob(s) associated
     58Blob details: main 3
     59blob generation: [0||3 :]
     60     }}}
     61   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -3 or $&gt; ./bin/ compilation: Compilation of the code. (Long and pointless output)
     62   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -4 or ./bin/ event: Check if the events in the input.lhco files are coherent for each subprocesses. {{{
     63      name : fermi
     64time  init Lhco_filter 0.0028760433197
     65time  begin verif event Lhco_filter 0.0147750377655
     66time  verif event Lhco_filter 2.26735496521
     674617 selected  events for  ./SubProcesses/MW_P1_uxd_e-vex  subprocess
     68time Lhco_filter 2.27038884163
     69time  init Lhco_filter 0.00105285644531
     70time  begin verif event Lhco_filter 0.0399279594421
     71time  verif event Lhco_filter 2.30534601212
     724617 selected  events for  ./SubProcesses/MW_P1_dux_e-vex  subprocess
     73time Lhco_filter 2.30747294426
     76       }}}
     77   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -5 or ./bin/ dir: Creates the directory for each parralel run. The name of the directory is for cross-section computation: ./SubProcesses/P1_uxd_e-vex/fermi/card_1/ for weight computation:./SubProcesses/MW_P1_uxd_e-vex/fermi/card_1/event_0/ {{{
     78      name : fermi
     79      schedullar
     80      creating all directories
     81      P1_uxd_e-vex : deleting old run directory
     82      /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_W
     83      create_dir: 100% ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|| Time: 00:00:00
     84      created 5 directories
     85      P1_dux_e-vex : deleting old run directory
     86      /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_W
     87      create_dir: 100% ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|| Time: 00:00:00
     88      created 5 directories
     89      MW_P1_dux_e-vex : deleting old run directory
     90      /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_W
     91      mkdir: cannot create directory `./SubProcesses/MW_P1_dux_e-vex/fermi/': File exists
     92      create_dir: 100% ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|| Time: 00:00:00
     93      created 100 directories
     94      MW_P1_uxd_e-vex : deleting old run directory
     95      /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_W
     96      mkdir: cannot create directory `./SubProcesses/MW_P1_uxd_e-vex/fermi/': File exists
     97      create_dir: 100% ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>|| Time: 00:00:00
     98      created 100 directories
     99      done
     100       }}}
     101   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -6 or ./bin/ launch: Launches the computation of the weights on the cluster. (here by default on a single machine. {{{
     102                mkdir: cannot create directory `./Events/fermi': File exists
     103                compiling
     104                done
     105                compiling
     106                done
     107                schedullar
     108                launch: create scheduling file
     109                donereation/Submission:   0% ||                                                        || ETA:  --:--:--
     110                make: `f77_madweight' is up to date.
     111                make: `f77_madweight' is up to date.
     112                make: `madevent' is up to date.
     113                make: `madevent' is up to date.
     114                launch ../../../f77_madweight
     115                ...(lot of launch ../../../comp_madweight)...
     116                launch ../../
     117       }}}
     118   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -7 or ./bin/ control: control the cluster status. This is cluster related, so ntohing happen in this case. {{{
     119        name : fermi
     120        schedullar
     121        done
     122       }}}
     123   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -8 or ./bin/ collect: collect all the different value {{{
     124       name : fermi
     125       schedullar
     126       done
     127       collecting data
     128       collecting cross section results
     129       collect suceeded in  5 / 5 directories
     130       collect suceeded in  5 / 5 directories
     131       collecting output  weight results
     132       collect in process  MW_P1_dux_e-vex suceeded in  100 / 100 directories
     133       collect in process  MW_P1_uxd_e-vex suceeded in  100 / 100 directories
     134       /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_MW2
     135       /data/0/O/omatt/MG_ME/TEST_MW2
     136       }}}
     137   1. $&gt; ./bin/ -9 or ./bin/ plot: compute the likelihood and try to make plot (here I don't have gnuplot on my cluster, so it fails) {{{
     138        charge file  ./Events/fermi/fermi_weights.out
     139        load cross section term ./Events/fermi/fermi_cross_weights.out
     140        no acceptance term loaded
     141       }}} At this stage all the output are in ./Events/fermi/ For example the computation of the likelihood (whitout the AcceptanceTerm) gives: {{{
     142        1.       40      228.955053585   0.000715345946119
     143        2.       60      188.48197688    0.000750658557815
     144        3.       80      152.390896814   0.000965491294664
     145        4.       100     159.014840519   0.00113245384668
     146        5.       120     168.413249969   0.00123941979677
     147       }}} The first column is the card_number, the second the W mass, the third the value of the likelihood, and the last one the error associate. In this simple example, we can claim that the correct mass is around 80 GeV. (In this case, the error is dominated by the binning)
     149-- Main.OlivierMattelaer - 14 Sep 2009
     151   * [attachment:MadWeight_card.dat MadWeight_card.dat]: MadWeight_card.dat