== Behaviour of $t\bar t$ and $t$ cross section with energy and with top mass == ==== 1. ==== Use any MC at tree level to calculate the cross sections for $t\bar t$ and single top (t-channel, s-channel and Wt channel, both top and antitop) at an "LHC" with CMS energies from 1 !TeV to 20 !TeV. ==== 2. ==== Use any MC at tree level to calculate the cross sections for $t\bar t$ and single top (t-channel, s-channel and Wt channel, both top and antitop) at the "LHC" for 10 !TeV and 14 !TeV as a function of the top mass. ==== 3. ==== Consider the case where the CKM matrix is not diagonal and the off-diagonal elements involving the $t'$ and light quarks are not small. How do the results for production change? How do the BR's change? -- Main.FabioMaltoni - 03 Dec 2008