4 | | 1. Generate %$e^+e^- \to t \bar t$% at threshold and force the tops to decay leptonically (to %$e$% or %$\mu$%). |
5 | | a. Compare the charged and neutral lepton %$p_T$% (or energy) distributions with those shown in the MC lectures. |
6 | | a. Explain why the neutrinos tend to have higher %$p_T$% than the charged leptons. |
7 | | a. How would things change if the decay went via %$t\to b H^+$% with %$m_{H^+}=m_W$%? Check by using |
| 4 | 1. Generate $e^+e^- \to t \bar t$ at threshold and force the tops to decay leptonically (to $e$ or $\mu$). |
| 5 | a. Compare the charged and neutral lepton $p_T$ (or energy) distributions with those shown in the MC lectures. |
| 6 | a. Explain why the neutrinos tend to have higher $p_T$ than the charged leptons. |
| 7 | a. How would things change if the decay went via $t\to b H^+$ with $m_{H^+}=m_W$? Check by using |