==== Next ==== 1. ttbar -> six fermion with no matching -> grid code generation...(All decay channels). ==== Grid: ==== I started to compare files produced by the "default" procedure and files produced by the "gridpack" procedure:[[br]] For tt~ 0jet, 20k evts, the results, for default procedure and for locally run gridpack procedure, are located in: [[br]] /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/gridpack_test[[br]] * [attachment:ttbar_0jet_gridpack_locally_Report.ps ttbar_0jet_gridpack_locally_Report.ps]: Comparison between "default" and "gridpack locally" for tt~ 0jet only ==== Matchchecker: ==== matching done, for tt~ 0-3jet, /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/Check/ttbar/matchchecker [[br]] Report in attachment: [attachment:Report.ps Report.ps]: Report of matchchecker, for tt~ njet, xqcut=20, qcut=40 [[br]] Plots available on /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/Check/ttbar/matchchecker/MatchingPlots/ ==== LHE files: ==== 5x20k evts, with xqcut=20: [[br]] * tt~ 0jet: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/MadGraphData/julien.caudron@fynu.ucl.ac.be/PROC1/ [[br]] * tt~ 1jet: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/MadGraphData/julien.caudron@fynu.ucl.ac.be/PROC0/ [[br]] * tt~ 2jet: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/MadGraphData/julien.caudron@fynu.ucl.ac.be/PROC2/ [[br]] * tt~ 3jet: http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/MadGraphData/julien.caudron@fynu.ucl.ac.be/PROC3/ [[br]] Results: /nfs/cms/mass11/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/ttbar_*jet/ ==== HEP files: ==== * first test *(obsolete)* done with the old pythia_card_qcut40_hadr_*.dat pythia cards (/nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/). [[br]] results in the /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/pythia_out_test/ directory [[br]] done for tt~ 0jet, tt~ 1jet, tt~ 2jet, tt~ 3jet, 20k evts [[br]] * final files done with pythia_card_qcut40_*.dat pythia cards (/nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/). [[br]] results in the /nfs/cms/mass11/p/projects/MGProdValidation/MG_ME/ttbar/Events/pythia_out/ directory [[br]] done for tt~ 0jet, tt~ 1jet, tt~ 2jet, tt~ 3jet, 5x20k evts [[br]] -- Main.MichelHerquet - 17 Jan 2008