Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of TestProgram

May 2, 2012, 9:42:00 AM (12 years ago)



  • TestProgram

    v5 v6  
    4949   1. all input Cards or files required to perform the test,
    5050   1. the file '''move_files_level1'''
    51        which specifies which input files should be copied at level 1 (i.e. before the execution of any script)
    52        and in which directory they must be copied in,
     51      which specifies which input files should be copied at level 1 (i.e. before the execution of any script)
     52      and in which directory they must be copied in,
    5353   1. the file '''routine_level1''' specifies which scripts should be executed first (usually ./bin/newprocess)
    5454   1. the file '''move_files_level2'''
    55        which specifies which input files should be copied at level 2 (i.e. after the execution of the scripts mentioned in the file routine_level1)
    56        and in which directory they must be copied in,
     55      which specifies which input files should be copied at level 2 (i.e. after the execution of the scripts mentioned in the file routine_level1)
     56      and in which directory they must be copied in,
    5757   1. the file '''routine_level2''' specifies which scripts should be executed at level 2 (such as ./bin/generate_events)
    5858   1. the file '''''' which specifies how to extract the results to be compared with the expected one
    8181   1. {{{$> cd fast_NAME }}}
    8282   1. Define the six files  '''move_files_level1''',  '''move_files_level2''', '''routine_level1''' ,  '''routine_level2''', 
    83  '''''', '''expected_results.txt''' and import a copy of  all input cards (or files) in this directory.
     83'''''', '''expected_results.txt''' and import a copy of  all input cards (or files) in this directory.
    103103==== How to write  "move_files_level1" and  "move_files_level2" ? ====
    105  This files contains two columns.
     105This files contains two columns.
    106106   1. The first one indicates the name of the files to copy (path starting from directory '''fast_????''' (or '''full_????''')
    107107   1. The second indicates where to copy the files (path starting from the main directory of the Template copy)