= Tutorial You can either follow 1. [https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/attachment/wiki/TOPMassMeasurmentExample/15_11_10_MadWeight_Tuto.pdf Presentation at conference] [https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/TOPMassMeasurmentExample#no1 samples to use for that tutorial] 2. Web tutorial (below) -- slightly outdated and less complete that the above tutorial-- == Preparation of the code == === Generation of the sample of events === 1. installation of pythia-pgs and Delphes(3) package: * run ./bin/mg5_amc which starts a shell * run the command (inside that shell) '''install pythia-pgs''' * run the command '''install Delphes''' 2. Generate the sample of events: * write a file with the following command: {{{ generate p p > t t~ , t > b l+ vl, t~ > b~ l- vl~ output TUTO_MW_MADEVENT launch delphes=ON }}} * Run MG5 on that file via the command: ./bin/mg5_amc PATH_TO_FILE * Your lhco events file should be place at: '''TUTO_MW_MADEVENT/Events/run_01/tag_1_delphes_events.lhco.gz''' '''NOTE:''' A sample of event obtained via the above method is available in attachment of this thread. It can be used as default. === Preparing MadWeight Run: 1. Create the MadWeight run directory. This step is the same as the one of the generation of the sample. But asking for a MW output: * write a file with the following command: {{{ generate p p > t t~ , t > b l+ vl, t~ > b~ l- vl~ output madweight TUTO_MW_MADWEIGHT }}} * Run MG5 on that file via the command: ./bin/mg5_amc PATH_TO_FILE === Configure the run Go to the directory TUTO_MW_MADWEIGHT: {{{ cd TUTO_MW_MADWEIGHT }}} and launch the code {{{ ./bin/madweight.py }}} The code will print the following: {{{ WARNING: No transfer function currently define. Please use the change_tf command to define one. Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)? 1 / param : param_card.dat 2 / run : run_card.dat 3 / madweight : madweight_card.dat 4 / transfer : transfer_card.dat 5 / lhco : input.lhco you can also - enter the path to a valid card or banner. - use the 'set' command to modify a parameter directly. The set option works only for param_card and run_card. Type 'help set' for more information on this command. - use the 'change_tf' command to set a transfer functions. [0, done, 1, param, 2, run, 3, madweight, 4, enter path, ... ][60s to answer] }}} 1. You need to define which type of '''transer_function''' you want to use (the analytical form). For this example, we will use one of the pre-defined one. GO to the page TRANSFERFUNCTIONS for details on how implement additional functions. so type {{{ change_tf }}} It returns: {{{ Please choose your transfer_function between 0 / all_delta 1 / dbl_gauss_pt_jet 2 / gauss_on_leptons 3 / single_gaussian 4 / uniform 5 / user [dbl_gauss_pt_jet, all_delta, gauss_on_leptons, single_gaussian, uniform, user, 0, 1, 2, ... ][60s to answer] }}} Type "1" to select the dbl_gauss_pt_jet transfer functions. This correspond to have the direction and the energy of the lepton in delta functions and the direction of the (b)-jets in delta as well. On the contrary, the pt of the jet is associated to a double gaussian where each of the 5 parameters depends of the eneregy like $a + b * \sqrt{E} + c * E$. The value of $a,b,c$ will be assigned in the transfer_card.dat in the next step of the code. 2. We are now back to the first question and are ready to enter the parameter of the transfer_functions. Type 4, will open a text editor (vi or emacs depending of your configuration) where you can edit the parameters. The current file is: {{{ #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| TRANSFER_CARD.DAT | #| | #| Author: Pierre Artoisenet (UCL-CP3) | #| Olivier Mattelaer (UCL-CP3) | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| This file is generated automaticly by MADWEIGHT | #| card generation version: 2.0.0 | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| | #| To change the transfer function run ./bin/change_tf.py | #| Current parametrization :dbl_gauss_pt_jet | #| | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ BLOCK TF_jet_E #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| Parameter for particles: u,d,s,c,b,g | #| Information: double gaussian with parameter depending of the energy| #| as A+B*sqrt(E)+C*E | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 1.5591d0 # biais first gaussian b1=#1+#2*sqrt(E)*#3*E 2 0.2933 # biais first gaussian 3 0.0100d0 # biais first gaussian 4 0.9518d0 # sigma first gaussian s1=#4+#5*sqrt(E)+#6*E 5 0.5222d0 # sigma first gaussian 6 0.0191d0 # sigma first gaussian 7 0.1997d0 # relative weigth r=#7+#8*sqrt(E)+#9*E 8 0d0 # relative weigth 9 0d0 # relative weigth 10 1.16352d1 # biais second gaussian b2=#10+#11*sqrt(E)*#12*E 11 -2.3937d0 # biais second gaussian 12 0.3156d0 # biais second gaussian 13 3.3218d0 # sigma second gaussian s1=#13+#14*sqrt(E)+#15*E 14 -0.0856d0 # sigma second gaussian 15 0.1375d0 # sigma second gaussian }}} In this example, we will study the sensitivity to the sigma parameter of the transfer function by comparing the difference in weights in three different value for the parameter of the transfer function (one being the above default, the two other being the same with the sigma increas/decrease by 20%). The card used is: {{{ #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| TRANSFER_CARD.DAT | #| | #| Author: Pierre Artoisenet (UCL-CP3) | #| Olivier Mattelaer (UCL-CP3) | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| This file is generated automaticly by MADWEIGHT | #| card generation version: 2.0.0 | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| | #| To change the transfer function run ./bin/change_tf.py | #| Current parametrization :dbl_gauss_pt_jet | #| | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ BLOCK TF_jet_E #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ #| Parameter for particles: u,d,s,c,b,g | #| Information: double gaussian with parameter depending of the energy| #| as A+B*sqrt(E)+C*E | #+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Parameter with sigma increased by 20% 1 1.5591d0 # biais first gaussian b1=#1+#2*sqrt(E)*#3*E 2 0.2933 # biais first gaussian 3 0.0100d0 # biais first gaussian 4 1.14216d0 # sigma first gaussian s1=#4+#5*sqrt(E)+#6*E 5 0.62664d0 # sigma first gaussian 6 0.02292d0 # sigma first gaussian 7 0.1997d0 # relative weigth r=#7+#8*sqrt(E)+#9*E 8 0d0 # relative weigth 9 0d0 # relative weigth 10 1.16352d1 # biais second gaussian b2=#10+#11*sqrt(E)*#12*E 11 -2.3937d0 # biais second gaussian 12 0.3156d0 # biais second gaussian 13 3.98616d0 # sigma second gaussian s1=#13+#14*sqrt(E)+#15*E 14 -0.10272d0 # sigma second gaussian 15 0.165d0 # sigma second gaussian # Parameter with default value 1 1.5591d0 # biais first gaussian b1=#1+#2*sqrt(E)*#3*E 2 0.2933 # biais first gaussian 3 0.0100d0 # biais first gaussian 4 0.9518d0 # sigma first gaussian s1=#4+#5*sqrt(E)+#6*E 5 0.5222d0 # sigma first gaussian 6 0.0191d0 # sigma first gaussian 7 0.1997d0 # relative weigth r=#7+#8*sqrt(E)+#9*E 8 0d0 # relative weigth 9 0d0 # relative weigth 10 1.16352d1 # biais second gaussian b2=#10+#11*sqrt(E)*#12*E 11 -2.3937d0 # biais second gaussian 12 0.3156d0 # biais second gaussian 13 3.3218d0 # sigma second gaussian s1=#13+#14*sqrt(E)+#15*E 14 -0.0856d0 # sigma second gaussian 15 0.1375d0 # sigma second gaussian # Parameter with sigma decreased by 20% 1 1.5591d0 # biais first gaussian b1=#1+#2*sqrt(E)*#3*E 2 0.2933 # biais first gaussian 3 0.0100d0 # biais first gaussian 4 0.9518d0 # sigma first gaussian s1=#4+#5*sqrt(E)+#6*E 5 0.41776d0 # sigma first gaussian 6 0.01528d0 # sigma first gaussian 7 0.1997d0 # relative weigth r=#7+#8*sqrt(E)+#9*E 8 0d0 # relative weigth 9 0d0 # relative weigth 10 1.16352d1 # biais second gaussian b2=#10+#11*sqrt(E)*#12*E 11 -2.3937d0 # biais second gaussian 12 0.3156d0 # biais second gaussian 13 2.65744d0 # sigma second gaussian s1=#13+#14*sqrt(E)+#15*E 14 -0.06848d0 # sigma second gaussian 15 0.110000d0 # sigma second gaussian }}} The weigths evaluated for those three transfer-function will be computed '''simultaneously''' on the same phase-space point. The integration will be optimised for the first one. This method is valid '''ONLY''' if the transfer function have the same domain. For precision point of view, it is therefore advised to set the broader transfer function as the first one in the file. 3. After exiting the text editor, we are once again back to the same question (Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?...): We will now details the content of the MadWeight_card. After typing "3", you open a text editor with the following: {{{ ########################################################################## ## ## ## MadWeigth ## ## ============= ## ## ## ## Run control ## ## ----------- ## ## ## ## ## ## Author: Mattelaer Olivier (UCL-CP3) ## ## Artoisenet Pierre (UCL-CP3) ## ## ## ## Version: 5.0.0 ## ## Last change: 01/10/14 ## ## ## ########################################################################## ## ## ## This Card defines all specific parameters of Madweight ## ## ## ########################################################################## #************************************************************************* ## select run options ## #************************************************************************* Block MW_Run # TAG VALUE UTILITY name fermi # name for the run nb_exp_events 4 # number of experimental events to consider MW_int_points 2000 # number of points (by permutation) in MadWeight integration for survey MW_int_refine 10000 # number of points (by permutation) in MadWeight integration for refine precision 0.005 # stops computation if precision is reached. nb_event_by_node 1 # one job submission compute the weight for N events log_level weight # from low level of log to extensive log: # weight, permutation, channel, full use_cut F # use the cut defined in run_card.dat bw_cut F # use the BW cut nwa 0.1 # width below narrow width approximation is used. isr 0 # isr=0 : ignore ISR effect (except if all FS particles are visible) # isr=1 : correct kinematic based on reconstructed Pt(isr) inputfile './Events/input.lhco' # path to the input file (in lhco format) #************************************************************************* ## define the different param_card's ## #************************************************************************* Block MW_parameter # TAG VALUE UTILITY mode 1 # type of input # 0 : inputs are read from the cards: param_card_1.dat, param_card_2.dat,... # 1 : redefines some values from param_card.dat according to the form below # 2 : same but the value for different parameters are modified simultaneously # # # first parameter # 11 mass # Block of the parameter to change 12 6 # id of the parameter to change 13 180 # here you can enter the different values: 13 190 # add a new line with tag 13 to introduce a new value # # # second parameter # # !DELETE ALL THE FOLLOWING TAG IF YOU WANT TO RUN WITH ONLY ONE PARAM! # 21 MGCKM # Block of the parameter to change # 22 1 # id of the paramter to change # 22 2 # id2 of the paramter to change # 23 1.5E-02 # here you can enter the different values: # 23 1.8E-02 # add a new line with tag 23 to introduce a new value # # use same syntax for parameters 3,4,... #************************************************************************* ## Permutations ## #************************************************************************* Block MW_perm # TAG VALUE UTILITY permutation T # make permutation bjet_is_jet T # consider permutation between b-jets and light jets montecarlo T # Monte-Carlo over permutation (Huge speed up if many permutation) preselect 'default' # How to pre-select the correct permutation set. # put 'None' if no pre-selection to perform. # You can set the path to a fortran file defining the require function # See file SubProcesses/permutation_weight_default.dat for # instructions. min_perm_cut 5e-4 # Cut for discarding permutation on the preselected method #************************************************************************* ## Phase-Space Integration mapping ## #************************************************************************* Block MW_gen force_nwa 2 # Only consider the change of variable alligning particles # with width smaller than this value. This speed up the code # but can lead to zero weight for background event where the # kinematic doesn't agree with the associated mass. # if "mw_run nwa" parameter is bigger than this value, that # value is used for this parameter automatically. }}} Here is a details for the non trivial parameters: || *Block* || *parameter* || *functionality* || || MW_RUN || name || is used for the output directory and to give a unique name to each run || || || MW_int_points || Number of points used to have a first idea of the contribution of each integral/permutation to evaluate || || || MW_int_refine || Same but only for the refine made on the relevant contribution selected at the previous step || || || nb_event_by_node || How many event are grouped inside a unique run submitted on the cluster || || || log_level || Indicates how much information as to be kept from the run. The two physical level are '''weights''' and '''permutations'''. '''full'' will return the log associated to each run' || || || nwa || The integral on the invariant mass of particles with width below this threshold will be done in Narrow-width approximation (i.e. the mass of that particles will be kept fixed during the computation and the integral on the invariant mass assumed to correspond to the Breit-Wigner Shape. The default correspond to use this approximation ONLY for the Higgs. || || || isr || ISR=0: no correction, except if all ME final-state particles are reconstructed in the final state: in that case, the pT of the reconstructed particles may not be balanced and one cannot ignore the effects from ISR. The phase-space integration is done under the assumption that, point-by-point in the phase-space, the parton-level final state has a pT balancing pT(ISR), with pT(ISR) set to minus the transverse momentum of the reconstructed objects in the LHCO file. ISR=1: point by point in the phase-space, the parton-level final state has a pT balancing pT(ISR), with pT(ISR) set to the experimental value read from the lhco file [as -pT(visible)-pT(missing)]. ISR=2: same as isr=1, except that the value of the weight is translated into a frame where the hard system has no pT. isr=3: only relevant if all final state ME particle are reconstructed. pT of ISR is assumed to be unconstrained (can be anything) -> the dimension of the phase-space integration is augmented by 2, since we also integrate over the pT of the parton-level final state. || || || inputfile || The path of the input_file in lhco (or lhco.gz) to use to get the events.|| || || || || || MW_parameter || mode || Decide how the scan on the param_card has to be done (See the details in the cards) || || MW_perm || permutation || Decide if we have to make the jet-parton assignment or not (should always be on in principle) || || || bjet_is_jet || Consider if a bjet should be seen as a jet or not. If set on False, then MW will require to have the correct number of tagged jet in the lhco file and the permutation will not be done between those two class of events. || || || montecarlo || Instead of performing one integral by permuation, doing a single one, where for each phase-space point we change the permutation under consideration and use VEGAS to select automatically the contributting one. This is extremelly usefull (=much faster) as soon as the number of permutation is larger than 4). If they are two permuation or less it's sometimes usefull to set this one on False. || || || preselect || It's possible to know in advance (up to a given extend) which permutation are the relevant one. The idea of this input is to allow you to make the selection before the numerical integration. If set on '''none''' then you will bypass this module and evaluate all permuation. Otherwise the idea is to assign to each permutation a number. Then the code removes the contribution which have a relative weight to the sum lower than a given threshold. If you set the value on '''default''' the weight is given by the product of breit-wigner of the propagator associated to fully visible particles. The width of the Breit-wigner is replaced by an effective width given by $\sqrt{\Gamma_M**2+\sum \Gamma_TF**2}$, where $\Gamma_M$ is the width associated to the particle of that given propagator, and $\Gamma_TF$ the width associated to the transfer function of one of the final state particle on which the particle decays. '''A path to an arbitrary file''' can be set in order to define this selection in a different way (like forcing at least one b to be b-tagged, using information even in presence of neutrino,...) || || min_perm_cut || The cut of below which one permutation is discarded.|| || MW_gen || force_nwa || MW will try to parametrize the phase-space in a way where the NWA approximation can be applied on particles which have a with below this value. This can increase the number of zero-result for background events (events which didn't have that particles) but those events will have negligeable weights anyway. The interest is that this options speed up the code in most of the case. || For this tutorial, we will perform a scan in the top mass. I've reduce the number of points in the first iteration, since this process the integration is relatively simple to perform and reduce the require precision to 1%. To obtain the same MadWeight_card as me (set in attachment), you can enter the following command to answer the question: {{{ set nb_exp_events 2 set nb_event_by_node 2 set MW_int_points 1000 set MW_parameter 13 165 170 175 180 185 set precision 0.01 set inputfile ../TUTO_MW_MADEVENT/Events/run_01/tag_1_delphes_events.lhco.gz }}} 3. After exiting the text editor, we are once again back to the same question (Do you want to edit a card (press enter to bypass editing)?...): The content of the latest two files: param_card and run_card are the same as those from a MadEvent run but note that * The cut are by default deactivated by a parameter of the MadWeight_card * The parameter can be changed via the MadWeight_card via the MW_parameter options. 4. You can also enter directly from this shell the input file (instead of writting it in the card) the interest stands in the auto_completion which can be usefull to find the correct file. 5. You can type enter and the computation will start. {{{ no mapping card found treatcards starting the creation of the param_card define new mapping file define new mapping file we have created 5 param_card's get_integration_channel treating P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxemvex directory structure of the configuration 1: particle: 3 pid : 5 level: 1 mother: -4 twin: -3 particle: 6 pid : -5 level: 1 mother: -2 twin: -1 particle: 4 pid : -11 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 5 particle: 5 pid : 12 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 4 particle: 7 pid : 11 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 8 particle: 8 pid : -12 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 7 particle: -1 pid : -24 level: 2 channel: S des: 8 7 mother: -2 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -2 pid : -6 level: 1 channel: S des: -1 6 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -3 pid : 24 level: 2 channel: S des: 5 4 mother: -4 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -4 pid : 6 level: 1 channel: S des: -3 3 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -5 pid : 21 level: 0 channel: T des: -2 -4 mass/width: 0.0/0.0 1 ECS('s) 5 propagator(s) 2 missing particles(s) detail : d(4) 4 blob(s) associated Blob details: main 3 blob generation: [0|3 :] Blob details: main 4 blob generation: [0|4 :] Blob details: main 6 blob generation: [0|6 :] Blob details: main 7 blob generation: [0|7 :] treating P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxmumvmx directory structure of the configuration 1: particle: 3 pid : 5 level: 1 mother: -4 twin: -3 particle: 6 pid : -5 level: 1 mother: -2 twin: -1 particle: 4 pid : -11 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 5 particle: 5 pid : 12 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 4 particle: 7 pid : 13 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 8 particle: 8 pid : -14 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 7 particle: -1 pid : -24 level: 2 channel: S des: 8 7 mother: -2 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -2 pid : -6 level: 1 channel: S des: -1 6 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -3 pid : 24 level: 2 channel: S des: 5 4 mother: -4 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -4 pid : 6 level: 1 channel: S des: -3 3 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -5 pid : 21 level: 0 channel: T des: -2 -4 mass/width: 0.0/0.0 1 ECS('s) 5 propagator(s) 2 missing particles(s) detail : d(4) 4 blob(s) associated Blob details: main 3 blob generation: [0|3 :] Blob details: main 4 blob generation: [0|4 :] Blob details: main 6 blob generation: [0|6 :] Blob details: main 7 blob generation: [0|7 :] treating P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxemvex directory structure of the configuration 1: particle: 3 pid : 5 level: 1 mother: -4 twin: -3 particle: 6 pid : -5 level: 1 mother: -2 twin: -1 particle: 4 pid : -13 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 5 particle: 5 pid : 14 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 4 particle: 7 pid : 11 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 8 particle: 8 pid : -12 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 7 particle: -1 pid : -24 level: 2 channel: S des: 8 7 mother: -2 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -2 pid : -6 level: 1 channel: S des: -1 6 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -3 pid : 24 level: 2 channel: S des: 5 4 mother: -4 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -4 pid : 6 level: 1 channel: S des: -3 3 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -5 pid : 21 level: 0 channel: T des: -2 -4 mass/width: 0.0/0.0 1 ECS('s) 5 propagator(s) 2 missing particles(s) detail : d(4) 4 blob(s) associated Blob details: main 3 blob generation: [0|3 :] Blob details: main 4 blob generation: [0|4 :] Blob details: main 6 blob generation: [0|6 :] Blob details: main 7 blob generation: [0|7 :] treating P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxmumvmx directory structure of the configuration 1: particle: 3 pid : 5 level: 1 mother: -4 twin: -3 particle: 6 pid : -5 level: 1 mother: -2 twin: -1 particle: 4 pid : -13 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 5 particle: 5 pid : 14 level: 2 mother: -3 twin: 4 particle: 7 pid : 13 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 8 particle: 8 pid : -14 level: 2 mother: -1 twin: 7 particle: -1 pid : -24 level: 2 channel: S des: 8 7 mother: -2 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -2 pid : -6 level: 1 channel: S des: -1 6 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -3 pid : 24 level: 2 channel: S des: 5 4 mother: -4 mass/width: 80.419002/2.0476 particle: -4 pid : 6 level: 1 channel: S des: -3 3 mother: -5 mass/width: 165.0/1.4915 particle: -5 pid : 21 level: 0 channel: T des: -2 -4 mass/width: 0.0/0.0 1 ECS('s) 5 propagator(s) 2 missing particles(s) detail : d(4) 4 blob(s) associated Blob details: main 3 blob generation: [0|3 :] Blob details: main 4 blob generation: [0|4 :] Blob details: main 6 blob generation: [0|6 :] Blob details: main 7 blob generation: [0|7 :] compile compile P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxemvex compile P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxmumvmx compile P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxemvex compile P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxmumvmx MadWeight code has been compiled. check_events time verif event Lhco_filter 0.0441360473633 2 selected events for ./SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxemvex subprocess time Lhco_filter 0.0454130172729 time verif event Lhco_filter 0.0328230857849 2 selected events for ./SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx_t_bepve_tx_bxmumvmx subprocess time Lhco_filter 0.0334248542786 time verif event Lhco_filter 0.0493149757385 2 selected events for ./SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxemvex subprocess time Lhco_filter 0.0499160289764 time verif event Lhco_filter 0.0263900756836 2 selected events for ./SubProcesses/P0_gg_ttx_t_bmupvm_tx_bxmumvmx subprocess time Lhco_filter 0.0269908905029 submit_jobs INFO: Idle: 12, Running: 8, Completed: 0 [ current time: 16h58 ] INFO: Idle: 11, Running: 8, Completed: 1 [ 8.8s ] INFO: Idle: 10, Running: 8, Completed: 2 [ 10.4s ] INFO: Idle: 9, Running: 8, Completed: 3 [ 11s ] INFO: Idle: 8, Running: 8, Completed: 4 [ 12.4s ] INFO: Idle: 7, Running: 8, Completed: 5 [ 13.7s ] INFO: Idle: 6, Running: 8, Completed: 6 [ 15.1s ] INFO: Idle: 5, Running: 8, Completed: 7 [ 20.4s ] INFO: Idle: 4, Running: 8, Completed: 8 [ 20.4s ] INFO: Idle: 3, Running: 8, Completed: 9 [ 23.4s ] INFO: Idle: 2, Running: 8, Completed: 10 [ 24.3s ] INFO: Idle: 1, Running: 8, Completed: 11 [ 25.6s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 8, Completed: 12 [ 26.7s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 7, Completed: 13 [ 27.9s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 6, Completed: 14 [ 31.3s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 5, Completed: 15 [ 32.2s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 4, Completed: 16 [ 32.9s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 3, Completed: 17 [ 33.5s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 2, Completed: 18 [ 37s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 1, Completed: 19 [ 37.3s ] INFO: Idle: 0, Running: 0, Completed: 20 [ 40.6s ] collect Write output file with weight information: /Users/omatt/Documents/eclipse/madweight/TUTO_MW_MADWEIGHT/Events/fermi/weights.out }}} 5. The beginning of the output file is: {{{ 21 1 1 1.67034745571e-27 1.88712282418e-29 21 1 2 5.01313265975e-28 2.00924122048e-29 21 1 3 6.40423688607e-29 2.02076553468e-29 21 2 1 1.39101532551e-27 1.58406349379e-29 21 2 2 4.12116704446e-28 1.73765684537e-29 21 2 3 5.18022329645e-29 1.75616795687e-29 21 3 1 3.10351972857e-28 2.58934359519e-30 21 3 2 8.44266819734e-29 2.90551251901e-30 21 3 3 9.80205747396e-30 2.93096140371e-30 21 4 1 4.93982689464e-28 5.87788490875e-30 21 4 2 1.47211327235e-28 6.52593427533e-30 21 4 3 1.91822859246e-29 6.60825546984e-30 21 5 1 9.45452606419e-28 1.0083326944e-29 21 5 2 2.93719655368e-28 1.12977034602e-29 21 5 3 3.94442924868e-29 1.14159825308e-29 22 1 1 0.0 0.0 22 1 2 0.0 0.0 22 1 3 0.0 0.0 22 2 1 0.0 0.0 22 2 2 0.0 0.0 22 2 3 0.0 0.0 22 3 1 0.0 0.0 22 3 2 0.0 0.0 22 3 3 0.0 0.0 22 4 1 0.0 0.0 22 4 2 0.0 0.0 22 4 3 0.0 0.0 22 5 1 0.0 0.0 22 5 2 0.0 0.0 22 5 3 0.0 0.0 }}} The first column being the event number, the second one being the theoretical hyppothesis number and the third one the TF number. The zero results typically shows case where one of the b-jet is missed in the beam and another jet is comming from some radiation. 6. You can check the precision of the run and refine the weights which are not precise enough. The command is the following: {{{./bin/mw_options}}} then type {{{refine 0.01}}} The code will then ask you if you want to edit the MW_card, it is advise to '''ONLY''' modify the following two parameters: MW_int_points and MW_int_refine. 7. NOTE: * If only one transfer function would have been used the computation would have been done in 38.3s instead of 40.6s * The number of events selected are for each flavor of lepton if more than one flavor is present. * MadWeight selects the events in the event file corresponding to the expected topology (correct number of jets/lepton/...) The other events are discarded.