== [http://lattice.ft.uam.es/TAE2008/ Taller Altas EnergĂas 2008 - Madrid] [[br]][[br]] Particle Physics Phenomenology and the LHC ==
=== Authors ===
* Fabio Maltoni (lecturer)
* Claude Duhr (tutor)
=== Lectures ===
Find the pdf of the 3 x 1.5 hours lecture:
* [attachment:TAE1.pdf Lecture 1] : QCD at hadron colliders
* [attachment:TAE2.pdf Lecture 2] : SM of EW interactions : SU(2)xU(1), EWSB, the Higgs mechanism
* [attachment:TAE3.pdf Lecture 3] : Higgs, top and BSM phenomenology at the LHC
A brief tutorial on Software.MadGraph / Software.MadEvent can be found [attachment:mad-tutorial.pdf here].
=== References ===
* Lecture 1 : [http://www.hep.phy.cam.ac.uk/theory/webber/QCDbook.html QCD and Collider Physics] by Keith Ellis, James Stirling, Bryan Webber (Cambridge Monographs, 1996).
* Lecture 2 : "Standard Model of electroweak interactions", by A. Pich, [http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-ph/0502010 [hep-ph/0502010]].
* Lecture 3 : [wiki:FurtherReading Perspectives on LHC physics, Ed. by G. Kane and A. Pierce].
Answers to some of the questions asked during lecture can be found [wiki:QandA here].
=== Tests and Exercises ===
The following tests help to understand the lectures better, and to prepare for the exercises related to the different lectures:
* [wiki:TestLecture1 Test for lecture 1].
* [wiki:TestLecture2 Test for lecture 2].
A pdf with the exercises related to the lectures can be found [attachment:Exercises.pdf here].
Some of the exercises proposed can be "solved" or checked with Software.MadGraph / Software.MadEvent.
====== Introduction to hadron collisions ======
* [wiki:SimpleKinematics Kinematics at the LHC]: single particle quantities.
* [wiki:2Jets Jets] : Di-jet kinematics and rates in pp collisions.
* [wiki:3Jets 3 Jets] : Energy distributions in 3-jet events.
* [https://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/projects/madgraph/wiki/WAsymm Drell-Yan] : Study the rapidity asymmetry at the Tevatron.
====== Higgs and top ======
* [wiki:HiggsPheno Higgs] : Higgs phenomenology at hadron colliders.
* [wiki:tt top production] : $t \bar t$ production, Tevatron vs LHC.
====== New Physics ======
* [wiki:tprime t' production] : $t'$ production at the LHC.
* [wiki:X New resonances]: Discover new resonances at the LHC.
=== Animations ===
* [http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu/Event/ Interactive Flash version] Note you may want to zoom in!
* [http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu/Event/fast_collisionx6.avi Fast movie (.avi) of collision]
* [http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu/Event/collision.mov Guided movie (.mov) of collision]
=== Familiarize with Software.MadGraph ===
* Logon to the Software.MadGraph web site and register: http://madgraph.hep.uiuc.edu.
* Familiarize with the code by generating a few processes in QED + QCD trying to guess which diagrams appear.
* Look at the new physics models and check the particle and interactions content.
* Generate events for a few selected processes and look at the plots:
* ttbar production with decays: pp>tt~>bb~mu+e-ve~vm
* VV production: pp>VV> leptons, with V=Z,W.
* Single top + Higgs: pp>tHj (QCD=0, QED=3, j=gudsc,p=gudscb). Show that there is a large negative interference between the diagrams.
=== Analysis Tools ===
* a Fortran-based package: Software.MadAnalysis ([http://madgraph.phys.ucl.ac.be/cgi-bin/NewProcess/download.cgi Download it here])
* a Mathematica-based package: [http://www.jthaler.net/olympics/software.html Chameleon].
=== MC101 ===
For those interested in Monte Carlo techniques, here are some exercises:
* Write the simplest integration function based on the definition of average and error
* Importance sampling via an analytic transformation
* Von Neumann's rejection method : plain and improved
* Phase space for 1 -> n particles
* Vegas
* Top decay : comparison among the various methods
* qq -> tt production
All exercises are presented and solved this Mathematica Notebook: [attachment:mc101.nb mc101.nb].
Reference: [http://www.slac.stanford.edu/spires/find/hep/www?eprint=hep-ph/0006269 Introduction to MC methods], by [http://wwwthep.physik.uni-mainz.de/~stefanw/ Stefan Weinzierl]
-- Main.FabioMaltoni - 29 Aug 2008