Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SysCalc

Nov 22, 2013, 2:56:34 PM (11 years ago)
Olivier Mattelaer



  • SysCalc

    v1 v1  
     2Description of variables stored for systematics studies
     4By: Johan Alwall, 28/3/2012
     7Turn on systematics info with the flag use_syst in the run_card.dat
     8Note that systematics only works with matching (ickkw set to 1)
     11Parameters that can be varied after-the-fact (without need to rerun
     12Pythia+detector simulation):
     14- Central renormalization scale
     15- Central factorization scale
     16- PDF choice
     17- Emission renormalization scale factor
     18- PDF reweighting scale factor (not available at present)
     19- QCUT scale
     22Variational parameters in reweight.f:
     26Central scale (ren scale):
     28line 702: scale (asref = alphas(scale))
     30Event weight given by:
     32alpha_s weight: alphas(scale)^N where
     33                N=#(QCD vertices) - #(emission alpha_s vertices below)
     36Emission alpha_s reweighting:
     38line 912: qnow = sqrt(q2now)
     40Event weight given by:
     45PDF reweighting:
     47line 873  (initial pdf): ipdgcl(idacl(n,i)), xnow(j), q2now (pdgini,xini, q2ini)
     48line 1070 (cont.   pdf): ipdgcl(idacl(n,i)), xnow(j), q2now (pdgint,xint, q2int)
     49                         etc. (for both sides (1,2))
     51Event weight given by:
     53initial pdf(pdgini,xini,q2ini)
     55... etc.
     56Note: Central fact scale variation corresponds to reweighting the last
     57      scale only on each side
     60Variation of QCUT in ME2pythia.f:
     63failing criteria in parentheses. line numbers approximate.
     66line 999: PTSORT(1) (in lhe file) (< QCUT)
     67line 1012 (non-highest mult): shower kt (> QCUT)
     68line 1025 (highest mult): shower kt (> PTSORT(1))
     70kT-MLM: YCUT=QCUT**2
     71line 1090: NJETS (< NLJETS)
     72           actually Y(NLJETS) (< YCUT)
     73line 1107 (non-highest mult): Y(NLJETS+1) (> YCUT)
     74if highest mult case: YCUT=PTSORT(1)
     75line 1133: Y(NN) (> YCUT)
     76line 1145: If not clustered, fail
     77line 1176: Y(2) (> YCUT)
     79So, just need three number for systematic variation of QCUT:
     80SMIN. Fail if < QCUT:
     81   For SHOWERKT: PTSORT(1)
     82   For kT-MLM: Y(NLJETS)
     83SCOMP. Comparison number:
     84   For highest mult: max(QCUT,PTSORT(1))
     85   Otherwise QCUT
     86   Perhaps use minimum safe QCUT or 0 instead of QCUT for systematics studies
     87   In any case, use max(QCUTcurr,comparison number) for arbitrary QCUTcurr.
     88SMAX. Fail if > comparison number:
     89   For SHOWERKT: shower kt
     90   For kt-MLM: max(Y(NLJETS+1),Y(NN),Y(2))
     92Note that some events will always fail - I suggest to simply ignore
     93those (as well as requiring minimum safe QCUT = xqcut for SHOWERKT and
     94max(xqcut+10,xqcut*1.3) for kT-MLM).
     96Event weight given by:
     981 if QCUT < SMIN and SMAX < max(QCUT, SCOMP)
     99otherwise 0
     103Each line in the syst.dat file has the entries:
     106<mgrwt event="event_num">
     107<rscale>n_qcd ren_scale</rscale>
     108<asrwt>n_alpsem alpsem_scale(1) ... alpsem_scale(n_alpsem)</asrwt>
     109<pdfrwt beam="1">n_pdfrw1 pdf_pdg_code1(1) ... pdf_pdg_code1(n_pdgrw1) \
     110 pdf_x1(1) ... pdf_x1(n_pdfrw1) pdf_q1(1) ... pdf_q1(n_pdfrw1)</pdfwgt>
     111<pdfrwt beam="2">n_pdfrw2 pdf_pdg_code2(1) ... pdf_pdg_code2(n_pdgrw2) \
     112 pdf_x2(1) ... pdf_x2(n_pdfrw2) pdf_q2(1) ... pdf_q2(n_pdfrw2)</pdfwgt>
     114<matchscale>SMIN SCOMP SMAX</matchscale>
     117Total event weight for event event_num given by:
     119alpha_s(scalefact*ren_scale)^(n_qcd) *  # central ren scale
     120alpha_s(alpsfact*alpsem_scale(1)) *              # emission ren scale
     121alpha_s(alpsfact*alpsem_scale(2)) *              # emission ren scale
     123pdf(pdf_pdg_code1(1),pdf_x1(1),pdf_q1(1))*       # initial state pdf
     125pdf(pdf_pdg_code1(2),pdf_x1(2),pdf_q1(2))*       # pdf reweighting
     127pdf(pdf_pdg_code1(3),pdf_x1(3),pdf_q1(2))*       # pdf reweighting
     128 ...
     131# Note the central scale reweighting by scalefact above
     132# (if n_pdfrw1 = 1, need to reweight the initial state pdf scale)
     133# Also note that no scale should be larger than the last one (including
     134# scalefact) for that beam.
     136# Now the same thing for all pdfs in beam 2 (n_pdfrw2)
     137pdf(pdf_pdg_code2(1),pdf_x2(1),pdf_q2(1))*       # initial state pdf
     138 ...
     141/ total_reweight_factor                          # corr. factor from MG run
     142* 0 if (QCUT > SMIN or SMAX > max(QCUT, SCOMP)), otherwise 1